Watched the DaVinci Code last night. I enjoyed the book. I've always thought the history interesting..., not the whole thing of did Christ marry and have heirs, but basically that the Christian religion is a makeshift religion where the varying factions of the religion held a convention where they decided what gospels would go in and what gospels wouldn't, the cherry-picking various pagan rituals and festivals and turning them into Christian holidays, the plucking of various religious myths and deities and ascribing them to Christ, the subverting of the Goddess into Mary, mother of Jesus.
For all that, the movie should have been more interesting, but it just sort of lays there...too much story to tell in too short of time. It almost all exposition. The extras...the few I watched...were deadly dull and utterly superfulous...mostly the film-makers patting themselves on the back, which is what so many of the DVDs extras are these days.