M., Sandra - floop fame (P 14)
MacCrae, Sheila - actress (P 2)
MacFarland, Spanky - (P 2)
MacFarlane, Seth - animator (P 4)
Macht, Stephen - actor (P 6)
MacLachlan, Sarah - singer (P 3)
MacLaine, Shirley - (P 1)
Madison, Sam - cornerback (P 5)
Maglie, Sal "the Barber" - pitcher (P 4)
Magnificent, Suleiman (the) - (P 8)
Magona, Sindiwe - author (P 7)
Maher, Sean - actor (P 8)
Maid, Swiss - song character (P 2)
Malas, Spiro - actor (P 9)
Malone, Sam - character (P 2)
Malone, Sonny - Xanadu dude (P 9)
Mandalay, Sticks - character-Dick Van Dyke (P 14)
Mangano, Sylviano - Italian actress (P 4)
Mann, Sally - photographer (P 10)
Mann, Stanley - screenwriter (P 8)
Manne, Shelley - drummer (P 4)
Manning, Sam - musician (P 2)
Manning, Sheila - casting director (P 11)
Mansfield, Sally - actress (P 8)
Marceau, Sophie - actress (P 13)
Marchiano, Sal - sportscaster (P 4)
Marchmain, Sebastian - revisited Brideshead (P 3)
Marcum, Shaun - pitcher (P 5)
Marcus, Sparky - juvenile actor (P 12)
Marcus, Steve - jazz sax player (P 10)
Margaretta, Sister - character Sound fo Music (P 7)
Margolin, Stuart - actor (P 2)
Margoshes, Steve - arranger (P 6)
Marino, Steve - golfer (P 3)
Mariott, Steve - Singer (P 3)
Markey, Shauna - actress (P 7)
Markham, Shelley - pianist (P 6)
Markham, Sonny - "art" film actor (P 11)
Marks, Sadie - actress (P 6)
Marks, Susan - author (P 4)
Marlowe, Scott - actor (P 8)
Marner, Silas - character (P 3)
Marr, Sally - Lenny's Mom (P 2)
Marsh, Steve - jazz musician (P 8)
Marsh , Stanley - South Park (P 5)
Marshall, Sarah - character (P 6)
Marshall, Scott - actor/director (P 2)
Marshall, Shary - actress (P 7)
Martin, Steve - comic (P 1)
Martin, Steve - character - Godzilla (P 1)
Martin, Steve - charactor - Jolson Story (P 2)
Martin, Steve - documentarin (P 2)
Martin, Strother - actor (P 6)
Martini, Steve - author (P 1)
Marx, Samuel - movie producer (P 9)
Marx, Samuel - Da Poppa (P 8)
Marzullo, Steve - musician (P 2)
Masback, III,, Skip - reverend and esquire (P 9)
Massell, Sam - atlanta politico (P 2)
Massey, Sujata - author (P 7)
Masterson, Sky - (P 2)
Mathers, Sean - character (P 8)
Mathis, Samantha - actress (P 7)
Mathis, Sherry - actress (P 5)
Mathis, Stanley Wayne - actor (P 9)
Matlovsky, Samuel - conductor (P 6)
Maudlin, Sammy - character (P 7)
Maugham, Somerset - (P 2)
Maughan, Susan - UK singer (P 1)
May, Steve - Arizona politician (P 3)
Mayes, Sally - (P 1)
McCarthy, Siobhan - singer (P 2)
McCartney, Stella - (P 2)
McCatty, Steve - pitcher (P 9)
McClellan, Scott - press secretary (P 4)
McClory, Sean - actor (P 3)
McCorkindale, Simon - actor (P 11)
McCorkle, Susannah - singer (P 4)
McCort, Sean - actor (P 10)
McCrumb, Sharyn - novelist (P 4)
McDermott, Sean - (P 1)
McDonald, Shandra - film producer (P 10)
McDuck, Scrooge - world's richest duck (P 10)
McGovern, Susan - George's daughter (P 6)
McGowan, Shane - singer (P 3)
McGuinness, Sid - sax player (P 5)
McHattie, Stephen - (P 6)
McKay, Scott - actor (P 2)
McKee, Sadie - character (P 12)
McKenna, Siobhan - actress (P 2)
McKenzie, Scott - singer/songwriter (P 1)
McLachlan, Sarah - singer (P 1)
McLaughlin, Sean - meteorologist (P 10)
McMahon, Sonia - OZ-ette (P 2)
McMillan, Sally - the wife (P 13)
McNair, Sylvia - soprano (P 3)
McNally, Stephen - actor (P 6)
McNight, Sharon - (P 1)
McPherson, Scott - playwright (P 5)
McQueen, Steve - (P 3)
Meier, Sid - computer game developer (P 5)
Meiselman, Shulamit - author's sister (P 7)
Meisner, Sanford - acting guru (P 1)
Melton, Sid - actor (P 1)
Menacker, Sam - wrestling show host (P 4)
Mendes, Sam - director (P 9)
Mendes, Sergio - (P 1)
Mengers, Sue - agent (P 1)
Merkel, Stephen H. - reform cantor (P 9)
Merkerson, S. Epatha - actress (P 12)
Merritt, Stephen - singer (P 2)
Meyer, Stephenie - author (P 5)
Michaels, Stan - NYC politico (P 7)
Michaels, Sydney - playwright/screenwriter (P 4)
Mikita, Stan - hockey player (P 5)
Miles, Sarah - actress (P 5)
Miles, Sylvia - actress (P 2)
Millar, Stuart - producer (P 6)
Miller, Seton - screenwriter (P 8)
Miller, Shannon - gymnast (P 4)
Miller, Sheldon - Adventure character (P 4)
Miller, Sidney - actor (P 1)
Miller, Sienna - actress (P 6)
Miller, Socrates - character (P 6)
Miller, Steve - singer/bandleader (P 1)
Miller, Stu - pitcher (P 4)
Miller, Sue - author (P 7)
Miller, Susan - Miss September (P 4)
Miller, Susan - (P 6)
Millhauser, Steven - author (P 1)
Mills, Stephanie - singer/actress (P 1)
Mills, Steve - burlesque comic (P 4)
Mills, Steve - CBS exec (P 4)
Milnes, Sherrill - opera singer (P 1)
Milos, Sofia - actreaa (P 14)
Mineo, Sal - actor (P 1)
Miner, Steve - director (P 13)
Mintz, Schlomo - violinist (P 10)
Mistretta, Sal - B'Way (P 6)
Mitchell, Sharon - porn star (P 7)
Mitchell, Shirley - actress (P 2)
Mitchlll, Scoey - (P 2)
Moffat, Steven - writer, exec. Producer (P 3)
Moffett, Sharyn - actress (P 7)
Monge, Sid - pitcher (P 7)
Moody, Simon - tattoo artist (P 2)
Moore, Sara Jane - would-be assassin (P 8)
Moore, Shemar - actor (P 4)
Moore, Stevie - musician (P 3)
Morely, Sheridan - (P 2)
Morey, Sean - football (P 8)
Morgan, Staney - wide reciever (P 4)
Morgenstern, S. - character author (P 8)
Morner, Stanley - aka Dennis Morgan (P 4)
Morris, Scott - martial artist (P 9)
Morris, Scott - classical guitarist (P 9)
Morris, Steven Leigh - theater critic (P 11)
Morrison, "Sunshine" Sammy - Dead End Kid (P 4)
Morrison, Shelley - actress (P 1)
Morrow, Scotty - actor (P 8)
Morrow, Susan - actress (P 8)
Morse, Samuel F. B. - code guy (P 9)
Morse, Steve - jazz musician (P 3)
Morton, Samantha - actress (P 6)
Moss, Stewart - actor (P 9)
Moss, Stirling - racer (P 6)
Moulton, Sarah - TV chef (P 3)
Moyer, Steve - publicist (P 6)
Muchnik, Sam - wrestling (P 6)
Muldowney, Shirley - racer (P 7)
Mulligan, Spike - Goon show (P 8)
Mullins, Shawn - singer (P 10)
Muni, Scott - deejay (P 4)
Muntner, Simon - sitcom writer (P 4)
Murphy, Sally - actress (P 6)
Murphy, Shawn - recording engineer (P 6)
Murray, Sean - actor (P 6)
Murray, Steve - movie critic (P 10)
Musial, Stan - (P 2)
Myer, Sid - cabaret impresario (P 5)
Myer, Sidney - Melbourne's Music Bowl (P 12)
Myers, Seth - (P 2)
Myers, Stanley - film composer (P 1)
Myles, Sophia - actress (P 3)
Myung Moon, (The Rev,) Sun - (P 7)
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