Haines His Way

Archives => Archive 2 => Topic started by: bk on January 16, 2005, 11:58:52 PM

Post by: bk on January 16, 2005, 11:58:52 PM
Well, you've read the notes, you're now craving you-know-what just like me, and now it is time for you to post until the cows and their sticky buns come home.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 12:09:59 AM
A birthday wish has been added to the notes, so if you didn't see it, go back and read the last section.
Post by: Panni on January 17, 2005, 12:10:34 AM
I'm taking my buns to bed. G'night.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 12:11:10 AM
Post by: TCB on January 17, 2005, 12:12:32 AM
I can't find my STICKY BUNS!
Post by: Tomovoz on January 17, 2005, 12:14:56 AM
Am I am so tempted to ask TCB.....
Post by: Panni on January 17, 2005, 12:15:04 AM
Happy Birthday, DR Noel!

You share the birthday of DD Rachel who is 21 today.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 12:15:31 AM
Welcome six GUESTS.  We're talkin' about sticky buns and Mexican food, not necessarily in that order.

My favorite thing to have in Mexican restaurants is two cheese enchiladas covered in guacamole and sour cream, and one beef taco.  I could live on that combo platter.
Post by: Panni on January 17, 2005, 12:15:45 AM

I heard that!
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 12:15:50 AM
Can no one enlighten me about sticky buns.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 12:17:07 AM
And speaking of sticky buns, happy birthday to Rachel, even though she is not a denizen of this here site, and therefore cannot have an "official" partay here.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 12:21:02 AM
Do you know I can't remember what I did for my twenty-first birthday.  Three months prior to it I wed, that much I remember.  And I think I moved to New York with the little woman right after my twenty-first birthday.  I think that's right.  And then the little woman became pregnant with the little daughter, and then the little daughter was born when I was twenty-two.  But what I did to celebrate my twenty-first is lost to the ages.  And fourteen years after I became wed I became happily unwed on a gloriously glorious day.
Post by: Panni on January 17, 2005, 12:21:38 AM
Noah's New York Bagels
14622 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks  91403-3600 • 818-907-9570
Description:    SHERMAN OAKS. Noah’s is a true East Coast deli set on the West Coast. Transplanted New Yorkers swear by the authenticity of Noah’s bagels, spreads (try lox and chives) and coffee drinks. Bagels are available in every conceivable flavor, from cranberry orange to cracked peppercorn potato to chocolate chip. “Shmears” include maple raisin walnut, jalapeno salsa spread, and low- and fat-free varieties of cream cheese. Sweet rolls and sticky buns satisfy those with a sweeter tooth.
Hours:    Mon-Fri 6am-6pm, Sat-Sun 7am-5pm
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 12:22:51 AM
Good Morning!

As for Mexican food... Just open up to any page in the cookbooks by Diana Kennedy and Rick Bayless, and I'm sure you'll find something I like.  -I did notice the "collected" Diana Kennedy books on the shelf.  Her first three Mexican cookbooks in one volume.  Hmm...  I'll have to see if the The Good Cook Book Club has it.  Otherwise...

Tamales.  Really good tamales.  Red sauce.  Green sauce.  Pork.  Beef.  Lengua.  Chorizo. Con Queso - usually [/i]cotija[/i].  And I've also had some very good vegetarian ones - mushrooms in particular.  Oh, and maybe served with some crema on top.  -Oh, and the sweet ones with corn and/or pineapple.

-That's still one of my favorite culinary memories of LA last summer.  Going to the top of the subway stops at Vermont/Beverly and MacArthur Park, and buying the tamales from the abuelas who had set up small carts.  All different kinds, representing their home villages.  And usually just a $1.00/piece!  And then I'd usually wash those down with some arroz con leche or, better yet, some champurrado.  Although, I do like horchata too.  -And with a swirl of guava nectar when available!
Post by: Tomovoz on January 17, 2005, 12:24:21 AM
Happy birthday to the birthday celebrating people.
Post by: Panni on January 17, 2005, 12:24:36 AM
I don't know from this place - but I put in "sticky buns" and "Los Angeles" on Google and got - among other things - this hit.
Post by: Tomovoz on January 17, 2005, 12:26:45 AM
South of the Border food - I shall need to ask OzDerek who is from Tasmania and thus South of this border.  Perhaps they have Tasmanian Devilled kidneys.
Post by: Panni on January 17, 2005, 12:27:23 AM
I couldn't tell you what I did on my 21st b-day if you put a gun to my head. I know I wasn't married - that much I can tell you for sure. Married at 21! Yikes! And I wasn't in New York.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 12:34:05 AM
Perhaps I'll stop at Noah's for a sticky bun.
Post by: Charles Pogue on January 17, 2005, 12:34:08 AM
I'm easy with Mex food.  Lucy's El Adobe, beef or chicken enchildas and a nice big margarita.

My 21st birthday my father took me to the Playboy Club in Cincinnati. Just the two of us. I had my first mixed drink...a screwdriver.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 12:34:40 AM
Burt Bacharach is telling me They Long to Be Close to You.
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 12:35:53 AM
"And perhaps a sticky bun!... Or four..."

Is that the right Into the Woods quote?

In any case...

Sticky buns are basically cinnamon buns/rolls with extra gooey stuff.  Said gooey stuff is usually made up of butter and brown sugar.  Pecans are also usually added to the mixture.

When making a batch of sticky buns, one places the brown sugar and butter in the bottom of a pan.  The buns - not yet sticky at this point, although depending upon the dough you're using... - are then placed on top.  As the buns bake in the oven, the brown sugar and butter caramelize, becoming very sticky.  Once out of the oven, the pan is turned over onto a plates, and all the sticky goodness just goo-zes all over the buns, now sticky buns.

In a pinch, you can make your own by using refrigerated biscuit dough, but it's worth the time and effort to make a really buttery brioche dough for the bun part.  Soooo decadent.

Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 12:36:38 AM
I got a lovely e-mail last night from someone who grew up in my old neighborhood, who's reading Benjamin Kritzer.  I love those e-mails - the Kritzer books really seem to mean a lot to folks who lived in that area and grew up then.  
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 12:37:55 AM
Those sticky buns look yummilicious and vaguely familiar - I may have had those before, but I will definintely be having one tomorrow.  Perhaps I'll eat Mexican food tomorrow as well.
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 12:40:56 AM
As for my 21st Birthday.... Hmm... I can't remember either.  I think I was in tech for a show most likely.  Or was I?

However, I do remember my 30th and 35th.  I turned 30 the first summer I moved back to Richmond... wow, six years ago.  Great little party with some friends, old and new.  I turned 35 in Australia.  Jumped off a 10 meter diving platform, and had some wonderful food that night too.  Including an oversized vegemite sandwich.  And an oyster shooter made with sake.  Or two or three... or four... or five... Heck, I wasn't paying!  And then a shot of Patron Silver... or two... or three... Heck!  I wasn't paying!  Or driving!

Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 12:42:56 AM
Oh, I just noticed that those sticky buns have currants in them.  Some people like currants, some people don't.  I don't mind them, but I find that they usually get burned in sticky buns.  But I don't mind an overabundance of pecans.  And some places even make them with almonds.  YUM!

...Well, I thought my diet was starting (again) today.  ;)
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 12:43:44 AM
And here's the link to the recipe for the sticky buns that are pictured above:

Post by: Charles Pogue on January 17, 2005, 12:45:22 AM
My 21st birthday with my bunny Peggy.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 12:51:33 AM
And where oh where is Peggy today?  I would Bunny Hop with her any time.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 12:52:58 AM
Speaking of sticky buns, has Ann caught up?
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 12:53:43 AM
I wonder if this is a new trend here at haineshisway.com - yesterday it was Golden Globes, today it's Sticky Buns.  I tremble to think what tomorrow may bring.
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 12:55:08 AM
Happy Birthday DR Noel!!!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 12:56:26 AM
I wonder if this is a new trend here at haineshisway.com - yesterday it was Golden Globes, today it's Sticky Buns.  I tremble to think what tomorrow may bring.

Tremble?  Are you sure that's not a quiver?


Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 01:01:28 AM
OK... So eight hours from now will be Noon-ish... Sounds good to me.

Post by: Ann on January 17, 2005, 01:01:50 AM
I am now craving sticky buns...or Cinnabon cinnamon rolls...something like that.

Happy Birthday to all those who are celebrating such things.  

My 21st birthday was, if I remember right, spent with DR Jed.  We went out, had a few drinks...I believe my first was a gin and tonic, which is still a favorite of mine.

My headache has gotten worse...
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 01:06:52 AM
The best remedy for a headache is the Bunny Hop, especially with Pogue's bunny.
Post by: Ann on January 17, 2005, 01:08:33 AM
I think I'd look rather silly doing the Bunny Hop with her...not to mention looking like the ugly duckling next to the swan :)
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 01:13:43 AM
You would never look like the Ugly Duckling.  
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 01:14:58 AM
George is still reading yesterday's posts.  He hasn't even gotten past the Globes to the Buns.

I will go to bed at one-thirty.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 01:15:29 AM
I'm hungry for Mexican food.  I may require a trip to a fine Mexican jernt tomorrow.
Post by: George on January 17, 2005, 01:23:24 AM
I have finally caught up!  
Post by: Ann on January 17, 2005, 01:23:41 AM
Mexican sounds tempting...but sadly not on the diet
Post by: George on January 17, 2005, 01:27:18 AM
My niece and I went to see "The Phantom of the Opera" and while I was gone, my sister's boyfriend installed the new motherboard on my computer that I got for Christmas!  It seems to make my computer work much faster!  I haven't tried out all the things that might require a faster working computer than what I had before, but a couple of things absolutely work much faster:  the .wav editor and the DVD player/burner!  I can finally PLAY DVDs on this computer!  That alone makes me happy!  Now I can combine the two functions and make audio CDs of movie soundtracks.  The first that I want to do (and one that I've wanted to do for quite a long time) is "The Muppet Movie."  I have a copy of the CD but the orchestrations are different and I like to add (usually) more dialogue than what "official" soundtracks have.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 01:27:34 AM
It's not on MY diet either, but neither is the sticky bun, so tomorrow's diet will be the Mexican Food/Sticky Bun diet.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 01:27:54 AM
I am on my way to dreamland.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 01:28:41 AM
I hope I awaken to the aroma of tacos and sticky buns, with lots of mouth-watering descriptive prose about both.
Post by: George on January 17, 2005, 01:29:27 AM
Anyway, for the last couple of hours (aside from catching up) I was fixing my e-mail (nothing was lost!!) and re-installing a few programs that I had.  The only thing that I did lose was my most current Internet Explorer favorites.  I don't know what happened with that.  I would've sworn that I had saved those, but I can't find them anywhere.  I'll still keep looking, though.
Post by: George on January 17, 2005, 01:34:39 AM
The other good thing about getting the new motherboard for the computer was that even though I originally had an 80 gigabyte hard drive (with only about 15 gigs filled up), Larry (who upgraded the computer) got another hard drive (20 gigs) to configure the motherboard onto and then made my original hard drive the ADDITIONAL hard drive!  Now I have 100 gigabytes of storage (over two hard drives)!  That's a LOT of space!  (not to brag or anything ::) )
Post by: George on January 17, 2005, 01:51:11 AM
I'm very glad to hear that the Pogues are unhurt :)
Post by: S. Woody White on January 17, 2005, 02:01:56 AM
Noah's New York Bagels
14622 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks  91403-3600 • 818-907-9570
Description:    SHERMAN OAKS. Noah’s is a true East Coast deli set on the West Coast. Transplanted New Yorkers swear by the authenticity of Noah’s bagels, spreads (try lox and chives) and coffee drinks. Bagels are available in every conceivable flavor, from cranberry orange to cracked peppercorn potato to chocolate chip. “Shmears” include maple raisin walnut, jalapeno salsa spread, and low- and fat-free varieties of cream cheese. Sweet rolls and sticky buns satisfy those with a sweeter tooth.
Hours:    Mon-Fri 6am-6pm, Sat-Sun 7am-5pm

Thank-you, DR Panni, because while my name and research abilities were invoked in today's notes, I know nothing about bakeries or sticky buns in Studio City.  Even the name "Studo City" baffles me, since it evokes a city where everyone lives in studio apartments, and I know that can't be true.

And send my wishes of "Happy Birthday!" to your DD!
Post by: S. Woody White on January 17, 2005, 02:07:07 AM
As for Mexican food... Just open up to any page in the cookbooks by Diana Kennedy and Rick Bayless, and I'm sure you'll find something I like.  -I did notice the "collected" Diana Kennedy books on the shelf.  Her first three Mexican cookbooks in one volume.  Hmm...  I'll have to see if the The Good Cook Book Club has it.  Otherwise...
I've several of Bayless' books.  Strangely, I've never bought any of Kennedy's books, a lapse on my part.

Speaking of Bayless, he lost his Iron Chef America encounter with Bobby Flay last night...by one judging point!  And that was for PLATING!!!  In other words, Flay won by being cutesy.  Damn them, damn them all to the dishwashing station!  Hell is too good for them!
Post by: George on January 17, 2005, 02:33:42 AM
Happy Birthdays to DR Noel and Panni's Daughter!!
Post by: Jed on January 17, 2005, 02:42:27 AM
So much to catch up on after going E&T for the weekend...

DR Jane commented yesterday...
You might even find yourself hitting imaginary brakes when you are a passenger.

I find this true most any time I ride in DR Ann's car.  ;D
Post by: S. Woody White on January 17, 2005, 02:48:03 AM
I, too, cannot remember my 21st birthday.  But I've had plenty since then, so it doesn't bother me.

TOD Mexican Restaurants:  The pickings aren't that great here in Rehoboth Beach.  They're not terrible, but not that great.

The really terrible place, which drags everything way down, is called Dos Locos. (http://www.rehoboth.com/doslocos/)  It's run by a couple of gringos who head on down to Mexico every winter and get drunk.  They know nothing about Mexican food.  Der Brucer had to add hot sauce to the beans, just to give them some flavor.  The ground beef in the enchilada I had tasted as if someone had simply taken a handfull of chile powder and thrown it into the pot moments before scooping out the serving.  And they are so proud of their chocolate margaritas.  Bleh, I say.

Next up is fairly good, truth to tell.  It's a local chain called Las Toltecas (http://www.lastoltecas.com/), and their food comes closest to what I think of as "authentic."  Their salsa for the chips is served in a carafe, so you can pour out as much as you like (and there are bottles of hot sauce on the tables, if you want to boost the amount of capsaicin).  And good margaritas.  But the food is not like what we got in SoCal.

The best of the trio is Tiajuana Taxi, which doesn't have a website and isn't very authentic.  It's more "inspired by" than true south-of-the-border."  But the food sure tastes good, and there's lots of it.

I suppose I shouldn't complain.  Der Brucer still hasn't found a pizza place that he likes.   :-\
Post by: La Jolie Femme on January 17, 2005, 02:49:08 AM
For my 21st birthday, my Dad took me to the officer's club (Bluegrass Army Depot) and bought me my first legal drink. It was a manhattan as I remember it.  He also leaned over and lit my cigarette. (I smoked in those days.) It was very "Now Voyager" an d romantic in an "I always wanted to have a special date with Dad" kinda way. I dressed up, the man who taught me to dance by letting me perch on the tops of his shoes foxtrotted, jitterbugged, and two-stepped me around the floor and showed off his grown-up daughter. He died two Christmases ago, and I have always remembered that n ight as the sweetest time we ever had together...a real "coming of age" adventure.

I make the world's most faboo quacamole dip. My favorite Mexican food is Albondegas (is that the right spelling?). And sopapillas. And fresh grilled handmade masa tortillas.  You can get those just about anywhere.  When it comes to beans or rice or cheese or sourcream you've totally lost my interest. Carne y tortillas, ole!!

Post by: George on January 17, 2005, 02:49:13 AM
Yesterday, MattH wrote to me:
I loved the color pic of Mary Martin as Annie, DR George, that you used for your DVD cover shots. Was this pic inside that CD recording of ANNIE that she and Raitt made? (I never bought it on CD as I had the LP and didn't much like it.)

I'm also glad the DVD-R I made worked in your player. I'm always nervous that those homemade DVDs won't play for everyone

Thanks!  The picture on the right with the title was from the CD, of course.  I downloaded it from amazon.com.  The back picture (on the left) was downloaded from the Internet after googling.  I don't know if it was in the CD or not.
Post by: S. Woody White on January 17, 2005, 02:49:55 AM
Time to get going for a VERY long day of ladsitting.  This is getting old, fast.
Post by: Jrand74 on January 17, 2005, 02:51:38 AM
Happy Birthday DR MIA Noel!

DRCP what a great picture!  Ah yes those were the days.

Chicken tacos - steak tacos....mmmmmmmm....most of my Mexican food of course is of the Taco Bell variety....Indiana, you know.
Post by: S. Woody White on January 17, 2005, 02:54:43 AM
...And fresh grilled handmade masa tortillas.  You can get those just about anywhere....
Oh, how I wish this was true!  Finding corn tortillas here in Delaware is a disappointment.  Either everything the markets have is flour tortillas, or I find myself paying five dollars for a dozen!  I may have to start mixing the masa and lard and making my own!

Things could be worse: over on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Taco Bell is considered radical.  (Nothing personal, JRand.  An oops on my part, our posts crossed paths.)
Post by: S. Woody White on January 17, 2005, 02:57:49 AM
Dear La Jolie Femme: I think your story about your father shows what kind of special he was.  Much as I love my own father, I don't mind envying you one bit.

Post by: Jed on January 17, 2005, 03:18:39 AM
My 21st birthday was, if I remember right, spent with DR Jed.  We went out, had a few drinks...I believe my first was a gin and tonic, which is still a favorite of mine.

Your 21st birthday began with me, yes, making the midnight run.  I don't know where you ended up the night of your 21st (and perhaps that's for the best  ;)).

As for my own 21st, most of the evening was spent in rehearsal for the university jazz choir.  In all my years in the group, it was our only evening rehearsal.  I think we added it in because we had a performance the following week (down in MBarnum's burg, at South Salem HS, I believe).  After the rehearsal, all of us who were of age headed to The Tav, where my choir director bought my first beer.  It had to be a fairly short evening, however, as I had a counterpoint midterm at 8am the following morning, and my dear prof (DR Ann's very own father) would have had far too much fun at my expense had I over-indulged.  :D
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on January 17, 2005, 03:39:28 AM
Happiest of Birthdays to Noel
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on January 17, 2005, 04:47:09 AM
And a

[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]Happy Birthday[/move]

to Rachel, DDofDRPanni
Post by: Dan (the Man) on January 17, 2005, 05:41:17 AM
Good moring, y'all.  It's snowing here in the Phila of brotherly love, and yet the sun is out.  I wonder if there is a snowbow out there somewhere.
Post by: elmore3003 on January 17, 2005, 05:50:44 AM

:) ;) :D ;D >:( :( :) ;) :D ;D :o :o :o :oHAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR NOEL!!! :) ;) :D ;D :) ;) :D ;D :o :o :o :o
                                                                            :-* ::) 8) :o :-* ::) 8) :o HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DD!! :-* ::) 8) :o :-* ::) 8) :o

DRMBarnum, happy to know you are safely home!

Mexican food?  My favorite place at 85th and Amsterdam has gone downhill lately, even though the entire kitchen staff consists of Mexican family of the owner.  I've loved burritos forever, especially a vegetarian one stuffed with beans, rice, guacomole, sour cream, chopped tomato and other goodies.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on January 17, 2005, 05:51:35 AM
[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]! ! ! ! !  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DR NOEL  ! ! ! ! ![/move]

[move=RIGHT,scroll,6,transparent,100%]! ! ! ! !  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DD RACHEL! ! ! ! ![/move]

I believe DR Noel is not so much E & T as he is off fighting the good fight on ratm against the despised Stephen Newpoot.  I might join in, though I'm not sure what the point would be.  I posted a few times there on Friday, but it just wasn't as fun as it is here.  Like someone says in 70, Girls, 70, "When I work, I like to see faces."
Post by: Dan (the Man) on January 17, 2005, 05:56:59 AM
And a belated note of Oy, vey! to DRs Charles Pogue and La Jolie Femme!  Glad to hear that you both are relatively unscathed and I hope your aches and pains are minor, both physical and insurance-wise.  And I loved the bunny pic, DR CP!
Post by: Dan (the Man) on January 17, 2005, 06:28:52 AM

South of the Border dish--I can't remember the name of the dish (or the now defunct restaurant here in Philly where I used to order it), but it was something along the lines of pork that was cooked in grape leaves.  More tangy than spicy, it was incredibly delish.  Perfect with a bottle of Corona.

On my 21st birhtday, I was treated to a performance of Comin' Uptown, the Gregory Hines Scrooge musical.  Even though it was a pretty bad show, I enjoyed it anyway (probably due to the pre show reefer.)  Afterwards, we had a wonderful dinner at Barrymores and then spent the rest of the night talking about theatre, life, sex and all things important to a guy who just turned 21.
Post by: Danise on January 17, 2005, 07:31:07 AM
Good morning and Sticky Buns to all!

I, of course, am on my diet so no sticky buns for me.  

Are you noticing the time that I am posting this?  That’s because I am not at work!  We have the day off!  This is the last holiday until Memorial Day in May (Boo! Hiss!).

I thought about the Ghost And Mrs. Muir and what you said about not being able to do anything with it as a musical, BK.   But it made me wonder:  If they can’t do it as a musical, Can it be done as a play?  Just wondering.  I’m not to up on how copy writes work.

About what Jane said yesterday about slamming on imaginary brakes—I meant to tell you that when I first started riding the bus I was also “driving” it.  When we’d come to an intersection, I would look for the traffic and push the “gas” when I thought it was safe to go or hit the “brake” when I thought we should stop.

It took awhile for me to relax and leave the driving to the bus driver.  I guess I was so used to doing all of the driving for my mother and myself that it was hard to sit back.

Now, I cherish my time on the bus.  I listen to my music, talk to the other people on the bus, read a book and sometimes when I’m not feeling good or very tired, I even sleep.  I’ve done my best to try to talk some people into taking the bus but I get this “I want to go where I want to go” or “I’m to independent to ride the bus.” stuff.  

And they pay big time for that independence.  It costs at least five dollars a day to park, their gas and the wear and tear on the vehicle.   I pay $17.50 a month and get there just the same.

I’m not saying I would ride a bus to go get groceries or dog food-- I can just imagine trying to haul 2 twenty pounds bags of dry dog food and the 28 large cans of dog food, not to mention the treats on the bus!—but to go to work it is a very relaxing ride.

How did I get started on all of the above?





[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]To DR Noel and Panni’s DD!   [/move]

[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]May all of the birthdays in front of you be as happy and wonderful as those behind![/move]


Mexican Food.  I adore Chicken and Yellow rice with black beans as a soup or on the side or in with the C&Y rice.

To make it, I just buy a box of Goya Mexican Rice, Chicken Flavor.  Then I cut up 2 chicken breasts or thighs into chunks and fry them in a little bit of oil.  When they are done, I put the box rice and season pack into the pan and follow the direction on the box to let it cook.  I also add my black beans (also Goya) to the C&Y rice or I heat them in a separate pan.  As I said, I sometimes get the black bean soup and heat that on the side.  It’s just whatever I’m in the mood for but I think that it is yummy.  
I couldn’t get my Mom to eat the black beans at first—she thought they were “dirty”.  Now she likes them just fine.

I’m afraid that except for Tacos & Taco Salad (which my Mom calls Tecos—That’s our local electric company—she gets it confused) that’s about all the Mexican food I know how to make.  

I do like the Taco Salad at Taco Bell but I always have to buy extra sour cream.  They never put enough on it to suit me.

I don’t remember what I did on my 21st birthday.  I never was into drinking so it never really mattered to me that I was “legal”.

Post by: Jrand74 on January 17, 2005, 07:31:21 AM
I don't think I ever was 21.....

Happy Birthday DDRachel!
Post by: Cillaliz on January 17, 2005, 07:37:42 AM
I found the notes before I found the discussion, so sticky buns....there is a place in Spirit Lake, IA that makse the biggest sticky buns I've ever seen probably 4-6  inchs square and they are fresh every day. If you get there early they are still warm and very sticky...Too bad I'm not there today, that sounds good.

I love Mexican food.  A former client's mother in law occasionally brings me hot fresh homemade tamales that are fabulous. I also love machaca tacos, machaca burritos, anything machaca ...as long as the meat is chopped and have cilantro in them.
Post by: Cillaliz on January 17, 2005, 07:42:10 AM
My fingers don't seem to be spelling well today ...better go about my day and try again later.  I have the day off too maybe I'll take a drive and find some sticky buns.
Post by: Jrand74 on January 17, 2005, 07:44:41 AM
It is 2 degrees F here with wind chill at -11 degrees F!
Post by: Jrand74 on January 17, 2005, 07:45:18 AM
Welcome to new DR CILLALIZ!
Post by: Danise on January 17, 2005, 07:53:36 AM
Welcome New DR CILLALIZ!  Always nice to meet new people!

Thanks for noticing about my avitar, JRand.  I was meaning to put the old picture up for awhile and forgot.  I guess I was in a posting frenzy.  

I'm glad I'm not where you are!  To COLD!  It's 45 degrees F here in the land of Sunshine.  Cold enough for me.  
Post by: Ginny on January 17, 2005, 08:27:30 AM
What a special day this is!

Happy Birthday to DR Noel,

Happy DD's Birthday to DR Panni,

Welcome new DR cillaliz (another midwesterner)

Another celebration today is the 24th wedding anniversary of DH Richard and myself.  Last night we enjoyed Kristen Chenoweth's guest appearance with the Cincinnati Pops at Music Hall.  The program will be repeated Jan. 25 at Carnegie Hall - we highly recommend it to any NY area DR's.  Today, we're going to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, the Montgomery Inn, which specializes in ribs and serves Graeter's ice cream for dessert.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on January 17, 2005, 08:35:12 AM
Ah, I forgot--Welcome to brand spankin' new DR Cillaliz!  (I've always been partial to the name Priscilla.)

And DR Cillaliz pointed out last night exactly why I found the Golden Globes to be a total bore--there was none of the silliness that we normally see on this particular awards show.  The Golden Globes have been touted in the past as the night that Hollywood comes out to party, but last night seemed to be the night that Hollywood was told to watch their language and behavior because NBC didn't want to get hit with a steep fine by the FCC.
Post by: JMK on January 17, 2005, 09:12:12 AM
My 21st birthday with my bunny Peggy.

One can only guess what you're doing with your right hand.   ;)
Post by: JMK on January 17, 2005, 09:15:21 AM
I can not recommend Noah's Bagels (i.e., the bagels themselves).  They are dry and too dense.  There are a number of wonderful boutique bakeries here in Portland (Marsee's, for example) that make stupendous bagels.  Some of Noah's other items are pretty good, though.

BK, have you heard Percy Faith's splendiferous version of Clair?  It's on his album called, wait for it, Clair, which has one of his grooviest covers--a silhouetted hand reaching down for a French Horn on a rock by the ocean.  Groovy, man, groovy.
Post by: Jennifer on January 17, 2005, 09:15:44 AM
DR Jane, yesterday when you said that your son had peanut butter m&ms in his M&M man, did you mean peanut m&ms?  I thought the peanut butter ones were from this past year.

Btw, favorite dress at the Golden Globes for me was Teri Hatcher.  So happy she won.  I also really liked Nicole Kidman's peacock dress.
Post by: JMK on January 17, 2005, 09:17:34 AM
Welcome, Cillaliz.  I have a lot of family in Iowa.  My late Uncle was long-time Dean of the Teacher's College in Cedar Falls.  My Aunt and some of my cousins still live there.  (My cousin Bob is in a popular country rock band called Strange Traveller, if I'm remembering the band name correctly).  I also have another cousin in Des Moines.
Post by: Jennifer on January 17, 2005, 09:27:41 AM
Happy birthday to DR Noel, and to DR Panni's daughter Rachel.
Post by: vixmom on January 17, 2005, 09:27:44 AM
Hello all!! I have been E & T because as soon as we received word that the Vixter arrived safe & sound in Baltimore, DH & I were enjoying the freedoms of a "no child in the house " weekend

Amongst other things we went to see "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zizzou"

Its a quirky little film, it was very interesting how they made the animated sealife intentionally unrealistic and in a few scenes it was patently obvious they were filming in a set and not the boat, and it seemed intentional.  People suffered the most terrible injuries and just walked along chattering as if nothing were wrong.  It was very funny, not big belly laught, rolling on the floor funny, more "isn't that clever" or "isn't that an intersting take" funny

Now the Vixter is home and we have been wheedled into a trip to see "Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events"

Vixter is a big fan of the books, having read and reread all the entire series, the books are funny but I am not looking forward to watchimg Mr. Jim Carrey chewing the scenery..ah well the sacrifices we make for our children !!

On my 21st birthday my boyfriend and a married couple we were friends with took me to Hershey Park in PA..only time I've ever been there.

On my 20th I took my boyfriend (different from the one in the above paragraph) of two years to the airport so he could go off to MO for the next two years of college, then on the way home heard Elvis had died that morning, then went to the store where I worked to be greeted byt he owner with the words, "We're going out of business, effective now" then went home to find my brothers & dad had gone fishing without me, and none of my friends were around because the all assumed I would be out with the boyfriend , having gotten wrong the date he was leaving, so I had a tuna fish sandwich and went to bed..worse birthday of my life, hopefully it will continue to hold that place!! LOL

Well Lemony Snickert andf the Vixter & DH call so later!!
Post by: Jennifer on January 17, 2005, 09:30:44 AM
Happy anniversary to DR Ginny.

And welcome to new DR Cillaliz.
Post by: Jennifer on January 17, 2005, 09:33:20 AM
For anyone who wants to see the Golden Globe dresses.  Go to the link below and click on "Photo gallery red carpet 2005":


Post by: Jennifer on January 17, 2005, 09:34:34 AM
I will say this.  Last night i thought Mariska Hargitay's dress was a little too see-through for my tastes. :)
Post by: Charles Pogue on January 17, 2005, 09:39:13 AM
JMK, don't know about the right hand, but that sure is some self-satisfied smirk on my face.  Must be the view from my vantage point.
Post by: MBarnum on January 17, 2005, 09:41:58 AM
Chili relleno and menudo are my favorite Mexican foods.

I am pretty sure my 21st birthday involved copious amounts of hard liquor...but I don't recall for sure.
Post by: JMK on January 17, 2005, 09:48:24 AM
Chili relleno and menudo are my favorite Mexican foods.

OMG, you eat boy bands?  (TCB, take it away....).   ;D
Post by: MBarnum on January 17, 2005, 09:53:43 AM
I must now jump in the shower and then relax on the couch and view some tv items I taped and also finish up my second Bollywood movie of the weekend BALRAM SHREE KRISHNA (1968)...this one is of the religious/mythological/fantasy variety and my FAVORITE type of Bollywood movie! Fun and very colorful, with some very crude special effects, and actors wearing more make-up then the actresses!

Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 10:03:37 AM
Noah's New York Bagels
14622 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks  91403-3600 • 818-907-9570
Description:    SHERMAN OAKS. Noah’s is a true East Coast deli set on the West Coast. Transplanted New Yorkers swear by the authenticity of Noah’s bagels, spreads (try lox and chives) and coffee drinks. Bagels are available in every conceivable flavor, from cranberry orange to cracked peppercorn potato to chocolate chip. “Shmears” include maple raisin walnut, jalapeno salsa spread, and low- and fat-free varieties of cream cheese. Sweet rolls and sticky buns satisfy those with a sweeter tooth.
Hours:    Mon-Fri 6am-6pm, Sat-Sun 7am-5pm

Post by: Kerry on January 17, 2005, 10:05:21 AM
Do Ricky Martin and Gilbert Roland count as favorite dishes from South of the border?

Then there's Lupe Velez, of course.

The best sticky buns are from Anne Sather's in Chicago OR from El Chorro Lodge in Scottsdale.   They just keep bringing baskets of them -- to the point you really dion't want to order or eat any real food-  just the sticky buns.

Happy Birthday, Noel!!!!

My 21st birthday (if I recall correctly), was spent dining on the Queen Mary in Long Beach.  I was then whisked to the the Long Beach Center for Performing Arts (which had just opened) and saw Carol Channing in "Hello Dolly."  All I knew about the evening ahead of time was to not make any other plans and to be dressed and ready to go to the airport.

Later that year, I went to Las Vegas for the first and only time.  You had be 21 then to get into any of the shows--- this was before it became Disneyland.  While we there,  Elvis died, and as I have said before, Las Vegas took it VERY seriously.  I think they even dimmed all the slot machines for 60 seconds.
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 10:05:21 AM
Good Morning!  Good Afternoon!

Well, I got my eight hours of sleep... So, I can check that off my To Do List for today.  Now I just have to make sure to get the rest of my To Do List done today before show time.

It feels like a Sunday to me.  Of course, it's not since it's actually Monday.  But Monday is usually my day off, but we have a show tonight.  So, tomorrow, Tuesday, will be my day off.  So, will tomorrow feel like Monday to me?  -Oh, I think I get it now:  Since tomorrow, Tuesday, will be my day off this week, today feels like Sunday since normally Monday is my day off, consequently, today feels like Sunday, since tomorrow will be my Monday this week.

Makes sense to me!  -Skipper?  Gilligan?  Professor?  Ginger?  Care to chime in?
Post by: Panni on January 17, 2005, 10:07:43 AM
Thank you for the Birthday greetings for DD Rachel. She'll be coming back from San Fran today and we're going out for Japanese food tonight - her choice. Benihana, actually. There's a sentimental attachment. When she was little we always celebrated special events there and had a Polaroid taken by the waitress -- which they put into one of their little Benihana cardboard holders. (Coincidentally, it's also where she and her boyfriend had their first date. He did not know of the family Benihana tradition -- and picked the place on his own.) Somewhere among my junk there exists a gallery of Benihana pictures of Rachel growing up. And, of course, they’ll sing “Happy Birthday” in Japanese.
DD is especially looking forward to – for the first time - being able to order a NON-VIRGIN Pina Colada at Benihana!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 10:08:19 AM
In other news...

Alas, no pretty snowfall to wake up to this morning/afternoon.  We truly just got a dusting.  However, it's cold here too.  We may get up to 35 degrees today.  And to think it was 70 degrees last Wednesday!?!?!?
Post by: Kerry on January 17, 2005, 10:08:40 AM
Marianne isn't Marianne anymore; she's Ginger.  And Ginger isn't Ginger anymore; she's Marianne!

Or is it Mary Ann?

Yesterday was Monday to me and threw me off completely.  I just figure I'll be confused all week.
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 10:10:15 AM
Happy Birthday, DD Rachel!

*I say go for the sake!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 10:11:57 AM

I must be productive over the next few hours.  Laundry, cleaning, sorting, etc.  And I guess I should finally pack up my small artificial Christmas tree sitting in the window too.  I'll be back...

Post by: Dan (the Man) on January 17, 2005, 10:15:34 AM
Happy Birthday, DD Rachel!

*I say go for the sake!

Go for the sake of what?   ;D
Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 10:15:51 AM

I had to wait for Keith to catch up before celebrating my coming of drinking age.  Not too long after we went to Las Vegas where I kept getting stopped by security in the casino’s every few minutes to check my ID.  For the most part they were very friendly about it, except when we went to the newly opened MGM hotel.  I was stopped as usual, showed by ID and the man had the nerve to yell at me for looking so young and wasting his time

Jose those sticky buns look delicious.  The best, and I mean by far the best, sticky buns were in Montgomeryville, Pennsylvania.  

La Jolie Femme the story of your 21st birthday is very sweet.  I also learned to dance perched on top of my father’s feet.
Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 10:24:38 AM
I can not recommend Noah's Bagels (i.e., the bagels themselves).  They are dry and too dense.  There are a number of wonderful boutique bakeries here in Portland (Marsee's, for example) that make stupendous bagels.  Some of Noah's other items are pretty good, though.

And where besides Noah's can I get an egg bagel.  I went to countless stores and they all asked if I wanted an egg on my bagel.  :o
Post by: Panni on January 17, 2005, 10:28:16 AM
Wow! Listen to this... All this talk of 21st Birthdays got me thinking, trying to remember where I was. I finally decided that I must've been at college in Windsor, Ontario. So then I remembered that my college chums had given me funny cards... And then I remembered that I had put a bunch of cards away. Now all you children out there, who are saying, "So what?" -- we're talking a LONG time ago.
So I open a drawer into which I'd thrown all sorts of "I'll deal with this later in the century" junk; I reach in, and the first thing I pick up is an envelope on which is written "21st Birthday Cards"!

My favorite is from a certain Sister Emma - a fabulous nun who lived on my floor in the dorms. Emma, who became a nun in her teens and was in her (late?) thirties when I knew her, was an incredible person. And the thing she loved most in the world was theater - especially musical theater. She was very respectful of the fact that I was Jewish, so she wrote a quotation from Rabbi Loew on the top of her card:
"In some special way each person completes the universe."
IMO, that's a perfect thing to say to a person turning 21. Especially to the 21-year-old I was. I really had no idea of what my role in life was going to be. I just wanted to be on stage, to be somewhere I could pretend to be someone I wasn't. And she was saying to me, "YOU - the person you are - is of value."

There was a long hadwritten message in the card - and she ends by saying, "Do remember me!"
I certainly do - and always will.
Post by: elmore3003 on January 17, 2005, 10:29:13 AM
DRCillaliz, welcome to the zoo.

DRGinny, happy anniversary to you and Richard!

As to Ms Chenowith, I'm glad you enjoyed her performance, but she's singing for the Bush inauguration and she's no longer a friend of mine.  
I've just finished listening to the Encores recording of THE NEW MOON, which is quite wonderful, and perhaps the best thing Rob Fisher's ever done.  It's truly naughty operetta time, and Rodney Gilfry in "Wanting You" hits a note that is totally Dudley Doright.  Christiane Noll must hit 100 high Cs, and she's amazing, but her mother was an operetta star so the genes are all there.  The 1928 orchestrations of Emil Gerstenberger, Al Goodman and Hans Spialek sound wonderful.  I highly recommend it.

Now I'm waiting for my beloved goddaughter, who's coming over to watch the remake of OCEANS 11, so that we can see OCEANS 12 in the next week.
Post by: elmore3003 on January 17, 2005, 10:31:49 AM
My favorite is from a certain Sister Emma - a fabulous nun who lived on my floor in the dorms. Emma, who became a nun in her teens and was in her (late?) thirties when I knew her, was an incredible person. And the thing she loved most in the world was theater - especially musical theater. She was very respectful of the fact that I was Jewish, so she wrote a quotation from Rabbi Loew on the top of her card:
"In some special way each person completes the universe."
IMO, that's a perfect thing to say to a person turning 21. Especially to the 21-year-old I was. I really had no idea of what my role in life was going to be. I just wanted to be on stage, to be somewhere I could pretend to be someone I wasn't. And she was saying to me, "YOU - the person you are - is of value."

There was a long hadwritten message in the card - and she ends by saying, "Do remember me!"
I certainly do - and always will.

DRPanni, great story!  Like DRMBarnum, I have no memory of my 21st birthday.  30, yes, but 21, too much sex and drugs!  But that was eons ago.
Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 10:36:50 AM
Ginny have a wonderful 24th anniversary!!

Jennifer I meant peanut butter M & M’s which have been around for a number of years now.  
Post by: Panni on January 17, 2005, 10:39:00 AM
Okay, I must sign off and get a very late start on my day. Laters!
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 10:49:35 AM
Having the usual stupid trouble with AOL, which keeps freezing when I try to go to any website.  I'm here via Safari, which, I must say, always works just fine.  If the AOL problems continue (I'm sure it's on their end) then I'm going to seriously start thinking about ridding myself of it, even though alerting everyone to the e-mail change would be a big old pain in the butt cheeks.  It's why I haven't done it yet.  We shall see.

If Noel hasn't been here because he's fighting with the idiot at ratm, then I don't know what to say.  You can't win with the idiot - he's a full-blown psychopath who will just ignore when convenient, play the victim, and always have the last word.  These types are not peculiar to ratm - they are on every Usenet newsgroup - bullyboys who want to run the show.  
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 11:02:15 AM
Where'd everybody go all of a sudden?  I did the usual fix for AOL - restarted the computer.  Why that should fix their stupid problems, I have no idea but it always seems to.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 11:02:34 AM
I am dreaming of sticky buns.
Post by: Jay on January 17, 2005, 11:07:30 AM
One, two, three -

Post by: Jay on January 17, 2005, 11:08:39 AM
On the Topic o' the Day:

Carnitas.  Slow cooked and crispy at the edges.  Mmmmmmm.
Post by: Charles Pogue on January 17, 2005, 11:08:42 AM
I can only image what Henry's 21st b'day will be like.  What is it?  Fish?
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 11:13:41 AM
I should have put that photo on the cover of Benjamin Kritzer!
Post by: Jay on January 17, 2005, 11:18:49 AM
Noah's New York Bagels
14622 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks  91403-3600 • 818-907-9570
Description:    SHERMAN OAKS. Noah’s is a true East Coast deli set on the West Coast. Transplanted New Yorkers swear by the authenticity of Noah’s bagels, spreads (try lox and chives) and coffee drinks. Bagels are available in every conceivable flavor, from cranberry orange to cracked peppercorn potato to chocolate chip. “Shmears” include maple raisin walnut, jalapeno salsa spread, and low- and fat-free varieties of cream cheese. Sweet rolls and sticky buns satisfy those with a sweeter tooth.
Hours:    Mon-Fri 6am-6pm, Sat-Sun 7am-5pm

This transplanted New Yorker will attest under oath that those round things with a hole in the middle they sell at Noah's have nothing to do with authentic New York bagels.  The best bagels I've found here (and they would pass as New Yorkish in a blind taste test) come from Goldstein's, with locations in Pasadena, Arcadia and La Canada Flintridge, of all places.
Post by: Sandra on January 17, 2005, 11:24:58 AM
Happy birthday, DR Noel and DD Rachel! And happy anniversary, DR Ginny!


On my 21st birthday, I watched M*A*S*H and went to school. And then my mom, DR Kerry, and I got cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory. And I fenced that night. Wild and crazy, huh?

Riding the bus is always an adventure. The other day, I was riding around and I heard some lady say, "I can't see the ocean from here." I'm sure that's what she said, although I have no idea why.

And the bus driver looked like how my 349-pound psycho-therapist would if my psycho-therapist gained about a hundred pounds. I know this is a really mean thing to say, but the green shirt he was wearing made him look like the Giant Green Blob.

And here's something I learned last night. DC (Dear Cat), whose name has been Tumbly ever since he was three months old, answers to the name Lloyd. Can anyone explain that?
Post by: Sandra on January 17, 2005, 11:26:56 AM
And my favorite Mexican restaurant is Earl's in Sun City, where you have to be at least 65 to live there. Earl's serves Mexican-style food for elderly gringos. It's worth the 25-mile drive.
Post by: Sandra on January 17, 2005, 11:27:54 AM
And then there's el floopo. Floop with salsa.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 11:28:59 AM
Noah's is bad - which is why I'm reluctant to get a sticky bun from there.  I may journey out soon in search of a proper bakery.
Post by: Tomovoz on January 17, 2005, 11:46:05 AM
Welcome Cillaliz.

21st Birthday. Think I was on a ship being transported to the Penal colony in the furthest part of the Empire.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on January 17, 2005, 11:46:15 AM
Mel Brooks said he's not filming The Producers here because Toronto has lousy bagels. But he's wrong. There are at least half a dozen top-notch bagel bakeries, my favorite being Hamishe (as in homey) Bagels. On the other hand, we also have a chain called the Great Canadian Bagel Company. I had to walk through one to get into Home Depot (that should tell you something right there) - and they were featuring Peperoni Bagels.
Post by: Kerry on January 17, 2005, 11:46:39 AM
Now if the question were, "What is your favorite spicy dish?"   the answer would of course, have to be Jose Simbulan himself.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on January 17, 2005, 11:49:54 AM
On my 21st birthday the DP - we had known each other eight months and were both starving students - gave me a camel-colored sweater. I wore it the next day to class, and Vincent Botticelli, who sat next to me and knew all about such things (I didn't), blurted out midway through the lecture, "Cashmere!"
Post by: TCB on January 17, 2005, 11:50:25 AM
Chili relleno and menudo are my favorite Mexican foods.

I am pretty sure my 21st birthday involved copious amounts of hard liquor...but I don't recall for sure.

Isn't menudo that boy group?
Post by: Tomovoz on January 17, 2005, 11:54:37 AM
Have you planned where you will be spending your 21st TCB?
Post by: Charles Pogue on January 17, 2005, 11:57:39 AM
If you know the story, Lupe Velez was not such a spicy dish at the very end.
Post by: Jennifer on January 17, 2005, 11:58:35 AM
Can I ask one of the HHW cooking experts a question.

If you were baking really think looking pork chops, how long would you put them in the oven for?

I think I put regular ones in for an hour.

But these ones seem much, much thinner.

Post by: ozderek on January 17, 2005, 11:59:13 AM
good morning to you all ....

i'm sure your invitations to my 21st (something) will arrive shortly .. tomovoz has promised to jump out of a cake .... <<< now there's a visual! >>>

trust everybody has a great day.

cheers from downunder
Post by: TCB on January 17, 2005, 12:02:46 PM
Have you planned where you will be spending your 21st TCB?

I can't even qualify for the 21st birthday of my 21st birthday!

Sorry, JMK, you were too quick for me.
Post by: ozderek on January 17, 2005, 12:04:59 PM
Isn't menudo that boy group?

hey TCB - i thought menudo was what i used to call out in the night when i was running naked in my sleep .. <<< now there's and even worse visual >>> !!!!

Post by: Sandra on January 17, 2005, 12:07:43 PM
So a monk and a cowboy walked into a Denny's. I was there.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 12:10:55 PM
What did the Monk and the Cowboy say to each other?  There's a joke here somewhere.

Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 12:11:11 PM
Now if the question were, "What is your favorite spicy dish?"   the answer would of course, have to be Jose Simbulan himself.

Si, Si, Señor!

Café, té o mi?


Which airport do I fly into again?  ;)

-And when are my tickets being sent?

Post by: Tomovoz on January 17, 2005, 12:11:15 PM
Last time I jumped out of a cake Marie Antionette lost her head.
She should have asked for Brioche.
Post by: Sandra on January 17, 2005, 12:14:57 PM
What did the Monk and the Cowboy say to each other?  There's a joke here somewhere.

All I could hear of their conversation was the monk telling the cowboy about one of his former students who is now an insurance agent or something like that.

And this isn't a joke. There's nothing funny about insurance agents.  :P
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 12:15:02 PM

Laundry - check!
Brunch - check!  -Irish oatmeal with cherries (frozen, Trader Joe's - I need to stock up on blueberries again, but the cherries were good.
Kitchen - check!  -Emptied the dishwasher, washed me dishes, wiped down the counters
Dog - check! -Thankfully, since it's very cold outside, Iki hasn't been wandering about like he usually does when he needs to be let out.  He just does his dooty, and he comes right back in.

Now I just need to make my bed - I washed the sheets, and take down the Christmas tree.  Then... Hmmm...

Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 12:24:58 PM
I shall now head out in quest of a sticky bun.  I don't know if I'll get around to the Mexican food part or not.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 12:27:30 PM
And I've just been apprised of the reason for Noel's errant and truantness and I find the reason for it irksome and the absence a bit silly in lieu of the reason.  We need to all be careful that sometimes "tone" doesn't become offensive.  Disagreements are, of course, fine and welcome - that's what makes the world go around.  What separates us from others is "tone" and good-fellowship.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 12:30:14 PM
And my advice is if someone feels under attack or if "tone" is in question, call the person responsible on it.  Or drop me a note.  We have too too much fun here to let these little occasional weirdnesses detract from our special haineshisway.com experience.

I shall now experience a sticky bun.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on January 17, 2005, 12:34:44 PM
Yesterday I put some new toner into the printer, but today the printing was really messy, so I investigated. The black powder had pretty much all seeped out - everywhere (great for my sore throat). The more I tried cleaning up, the more I got coated in the stuff - a la Teri Hatcher in last night's Desperate Housewives.
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 12:51:03 PM
Christmas tree - check!  -A little sad, actually.  But since it was a little tree, it didn't take too long to put it away.  I basically just had to squish it back into it's box after taking the ornaments off.

Now to bundle up a little bit and head outside to replace the brake light that I noticed was out two days ago.

Exciting, huh?
Post by: JMK on January 17, 2005, 12:57:12 PM
Betsy and I once hosted two Tibetan monks at our home.   They were part of a travelling group of monks who could chant polyphonically with just one voice (no joke).  Put 20 of them together and it was quite the aural experience.  Well, anyway, there was an older monk and a younger, novice monk who I believe went by the name Grasshopper (OK, that's a joke).  We had two bedrooms for them, and the older monk immediately glommed onto the bigger one.  We thought that perhaps he wanted it for the space, but when we went back to check on him a little later, he and the younger monk were happily ensconced in front of the television watching baseball.  "There goes 20,000 years of Eastern culture down the drain," I commented to Betsy as we snuck back to our bedroom.
Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 01:02:12 PM
Vixmom sure glad your 21st was much better than your 20th birthday.  Hershey Park is a fun place.

Another great story from Panni.  I’m sure Rachel will appreciate your birthday story as well.  Have fun tonight.  

Jay I don’t believe I have ever had a Goldstein’s bagel.  Do they make good egg ones?

JMK-funny Monk story.

Post by: George on January 17, 2005, 01:16:27 PM
And here's something I learned last night. DC (Dear Cat), whose name has been Tumbly ever since he was three months old, answers to the name Lloyd. Can anyone explain that?

Sandra, that is just plain funny!! ;D

And speaking of bagels (which I wasn't, but others were), I have some non-New-York bagels from Costco.  They're pretty good...in my very limited bagel-experienced opinion.  I don't know if this is normal for bagels, but I had frozen them to preserve them (I bought too many) and to defrost them, I just stuck them in the fridge in a Ziploc bag.  After taking them out of the fridge, they were still quite good!  No frozen bread quality to them.  And they toast  quite well, too.  Very nice. ;D
Post by: George on January 17, 2005, 01:26:44 PM
My favorite Mexican restaurants are chain restaurants.  I don't think I've ever been to a truly authentic Mexican restaurant.  That said, I am partial to Taco Del Mar (double stamp Monday today!), El Sarape, Plasa Jalisco and the Mayan.  I usually get enchiladas or buritos (with ground beef...not shredded) with rice and beans.  Pretty standard, but I just really like them. ;D
Post by: George on January 17, 2005, 01:29:02 PM
It's been raining all day today!  And it's quite windy.  I have to go to Costco to get some croissants for a ham sandwich breakfast fundraiser at work tomorrow.  And since I have to take a shower first, I must leave HHW now.  Have a good day, all!
Post by: Ann on January 17, 2005, 01:34:42 PM
The rain is pouring down around these here parts.  Visibility on the roads was impossible.

Well, my search for a new job just became more urgent.  My employers informed me this afternoon that they are taking a two week vacation to Belize again this Februrary.  This means that even if I manage to only take one week off after surgery, I'll still be missing three weeks of work out of the next six.  This is NOT good financially.  I really REALLY need to find something new to go to after surgery...
Post by: Ann on January 17, 2005, 01:36:01 PM
So much to catch up on after going E&T for the weekend...

DR Jane commented yesterday...I find this true most any time I ride in DR Ann's car.  ;D

 :P :P :P :P
Post by: Tomovoz on January 17, 2005, 01:43:52 PM
More and more and more Productive job hunting vibes  for DRs Ann & Jed.

Once again - emigrate!
Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 01:57:31 PM
I will second those good job hunting vibes!!
Post by: TCB on January 17, 2005, 01:58:12 PM
More and more and more Productive job hunting vibes  for DRs Ann & Jed.

Once again - emigrate!

Get your own cyber children, Ozzie!
Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 02:00:23 PM
George the bagels Costco sells at our local store are from Noah’s.  Unfortunately they don’t have egg bagels.

When we go to L.A. we usually take Keith’s mother to El Cholo’s.  When Craig was there last he took her.  I like their blue corn tortilla enchilada’s, rice, and whole beans-not refried.  We always begin with guacamole dip & fresh chips.  They make wonderful margaritas.
Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 02:01:03 PM
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 02:06:23 PM
I'm back and have thus far not been successful in my quest for a stick bun.  First off, the only Noah's I knew isn't there anymore - I think Peet's has replaced it.  I had a turkey sandwich for lunch instead.
Post by: Jrand74 on January 17, 2005, 02:10:26 PM
TomovOZ what were you doing on your way to a Penal Colony?
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 02:20:02 PM
DR Jane - I can vouch for Goldstein's bagels since DR Jay always had a bag or two in the freezer ready for toasting.  Pre-sliced too!  Thank you, DR Jay.

-I'm not sure if they have Egg ones, though, but most likely they do.

And H&H out of New York will overnight "A Taste of New York" to you which includes two dozen bagels, cream cheese and smoked salmon if you like.


Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 02:21:39 PM
hmmm.. I just checked H&H's order site...

No Egg Bagels?!??!
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 02:24:04 PM
OK... Two and a half hours to show time...  And I still have a few more things to take care of before heading in.  I did replace my brake light - man, it's cold outside!  But I still need to put some gas in my tank so I can make the trip back to Richmond after tonight's show.

Back in a couple of hours...

Post by: elmore3003 on January 17, 2005, 02:40:44 PM
hmmm.. I just checked H&H's order site...

No Egg Bagels?!??!

I live 2 blocks from H&H and I never heard of an egg bagel until DRJane kicked up a fuss about them in her wonderful visit last September.  I vow that by the time she returns, we will find an egg bagel.

DRJose, is there any place in DC that sells an egg bagel?  
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 02:42:55 PM
I'm feeling a little logey from the turkey sandwich.  It's another gloriously glorious day in LA and another day where I could take a swim but can't.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on January 17, 2005, 02:46:25 PM
Is an egg bagel as chewy as or less chewy than the basic, old-fashioned variety?
Post by: Panni on January 17, 2005, 02:55:37 PM
I'm expecting a visit from a Boulder friend at any moment. She called me this morning and said she would be in The Valley today. I like the way people always say "in the Valley" in hushed tones. ("Don't tell anyone, but I'll be ..in the Valley today.")
I like being in the Valley. No giants here.
Tomorrow I must venture out of the Valley to the land over The Hill. I'll stock giant spray in my automobile.
Post by: Tomovoz on January 17, 2005, 03:06:18 PM
TomovOZ what were you doing on your way to a Penal Colony?
Dec 14 1805.

Not much else to do for us convicts from the old country.
Post by: ozderek on January 17, 2005, 03:09:11 PM
Dec 14 1805.

Not much else to do for us convicts from the old country.

now, now Tomovoz .. you know stripes do not become you!
Post by: ozderek on January 17, 2005, 03:11:42 PM
Dec 14 1805.

Not much else to do for us convicts from the old country.

you are definelty a polka dot person!
Post by: Jenny on January 17, 2005, 03:17:16 PM
Oh!  Will you look at that!

For months I have been unable to access this board, but after a brief (and surely relaxing) weekend in the shop, the ol' Windows 98 has allowed me back!  Huzzah!  I look forward to catching up on all the recent goings on and posting and what not.

Brief update on me: I just returned this morning from Atlanta, Georgia where I performed Into The Woods (playing Cinderella) at Music Theatre International's Junior Theatre Festival.  The performance went quite well, we received some splendid feedback, we got noticed by some splendid folks, and we won three splendid awards (Best Musical Performance, Best Acting Ensemble, and our Witch won Best Actress - apparently, this is the most honors ever awarded to one group at this festival).  Hip hooray!  Man Who Came To Dinner also went very very well and was quite a blast, and I just found out that I'm going to be starting rehearsals for Oklahoma and Godspell very soon.  I will also be doing Into The Woods again this Spring.  I was assistant directing Footloose but scheduling didn't work out so I'm no longer doing that (can't say that I mind) and I was in Ragtime, but that was cancelled (I certainly mind).  I shall most likely be directing First Lady Suite soon as well.  I'm keeping busy.

I hope that you're all well, and I look forward to catching up.  Hoo and ray for being back!
Post by: Panni on January 17, 2005, 03:37:57 PM
Welcome back, DR Jenny!
Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 03:38:30 PM
hmmm.. I just checked H&H's order site...

No Egg Bagels?!??!

 :'(  I was just about to check into ordering them.  ;D

Zingerman's doesn't think bagels ship well.  Their's don't.  I wonder how H7H ship them, not that it matters anymore.
Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 03:39:48 PM
I live 2 blocks from H&H and I never heard of an egg bagel until DRJane kicked up a fuss about them in her wonderful visit last September.  I vow that by the time she returns, we will find an egg bagel.

DRJose, is there any place in DC that sells an egg bagel?  

I purchased delicious egg bagels in Long Island but have no idea where I was.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 03:40:09 PM
Our Jenny is back and all is right with the world.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 03:43:35 PM
I just had a slightly nerve-wracking experience.  The Powerbook has no floppy drive, so I, for the first time, tried saving something to the little memory stick I bought.  The save was fine, but then you have to go through these steps to remove the thing and I got confused and removed it before I should have and it looked like it totally screwed up the document - but thankfully it screwed up nothing but what was on the memory stick.  When you load the stick (via USB port) it puts an icon on your desktop.  When you're through saving, you drag the icon to the trash.  That much I remembered.  Then I pulled the stick out.  But, before you do that, you have to go to "Finder" and click on "eject", then you pull the thing out.  How annoying is that?  I'll just use Ye Olde Zip disc from now on - I know how that works and there aren't any "steps".
Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 03:45:38 PM
I enjoy a good rye bagel but those too can be difficult to find.

DiT egg bagels should be about the same texture as a regular bagel and that depends on the bagel maker.

Jenny I’m so happy you are back.
Post by: elmore3003 on January 17, 2005, 04:05:41 PM
Welcome back, DRJenny!  What are you doing in OKLAHOMA!?
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 04:10:13 PM
I'll be on my way soon.  I like to get to the DGA an hour early to get my favorite seat.  But, because the traffic going over Laurel gets so bad, I'm going early, and I'll kill time at the Virgin store.
Post by: Jenny on January 17, 2005, 04:16:59 PM
Thank you for all the welcome backs!

I purchased delicious egg bagels in Long Island but have no idea where I was.
Do you know what town you were in?  What county?  We have marvelous bagels here on Long Island; it helps to have so many Jews in one place!  Hm...now I want an egg bagel...

What are you doing in OKLAHOMA!?

We haven't had auditions yet, but since it's the high school musical, I'm assuming I'll be in it.  I'm hopeing that I'll be cast as Ado Annie, but who knows?
Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 04:17:55 PM
I enjoy a good rye bagel but those too can be difficult to find.

DiT egg bagels should be about the same texture as a regular bagel and that depends on the bagel maker.

Jenny I’m so happy you are back.
Post by: ozderek on January 17, 2005, 04:20:19 PM
... and I was in Ragtime, but that was cancelled (I certainly mind)...

hello Jenny.

what an opportunity it would have been to do RAGTIME.  such a wonderful show, which fortunately i had the opportunity to see in LA some years ago.  just loved it!
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 04:20:47 PM
I only like onion bagels and only from certain establishments.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 04:21:26 PM
I'll eat a sesame bagel, too, if I must.  But I haven't had a plain or an egg bagel since I was a teenager.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 04:21:59 PM
And what about my sticky buns?  I must have a sticky bun.  Perhaps there will be a bakery near the DGA.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on January 17, 2005, 04:26:34 PM
I like a bagel with a bit of coarse salt on it. My friend Patty in New York is hooked on oat bran bagels. She gets hers at an excellent establishment on the east side of Broadway, at approx. 110th Street.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 04:29:19 PM
I don't know from oat bran bagels.  I don't know from chocolate chip bagels.  I know from water, egg, sesame and onion bagels.
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on January 17, 2005, 04:33:51 PM
And hello - and welcome - to Cillaliz.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 04:39:43 PM
Apparently, two ladies of the silver screen have passed on - both lived to ripe old ages, though.  Miss Ruth Warrick and Miss Virginia Mayo
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 04:40:22 PM
And now I'm on my way to the DGA.  Keep the home fries burning, won't you, you dear, dear people out there in the dark.
Post by: Cillaliz on January 17, 2005, 04:44:48 PM
Thanks for all the welcomes! It's good to be here. Just got back from a trip to my brother's house. He had a house fire a week ago -not pleasant and quite a mess but all are ok and most of their belongings are just smoke damaged. What a mess, though. After a day of helping with clean-up I smell like house fire - must go clean up - I can't stand it!!!

My favorite are Asiago Cheese Bagels from Panera
Post by: Cillaliz on January 17, 2005, 04:51:18 PM
As far as weather, it got up to 10 degrees today and seemed like a heat wave.
Post by: MBarnum on January 17, 2005, 04:55:54 PM
Welcome back DR Jenny! It is very nice to see your lovely avatar here again!

And I forgot to give welcome greetings to new DR Cillaliza! Welcome!! (I love the name Priscilla!)
Post by: MBarnum on January 17, 2005, 04:57:46 PM
I did not even realize that Ruth Warrick had still been alive...now she is someone who really kept a low profile over the years.

And Virginia Mayo I saw at the last Court's show that I attended...there was a HUGE line for her autograph, which I am sure pleased her very much...and of course I did wait in line. Although I was never a major fan of hers I couldn't pass up the opportunity to meet someone like her.
Post by: Cillaliz on January 17, 2005, 05:03:50 PM
And I forgot to give welcome greetings to new DR Cillaliz! Welcome!! (I love the name Priscilla!)

Thanks, it's a family name going back several generations
Post by: elmore3003 on January 17, 2005, 05:12:10 PM
Apparently, two ladies of the silver screen have passed on - both lived to ripe old ages, though.  Miss Ruth Warrick and Miss Virginia Mayo

I knew Miss Warrick briefly through my late friend Bill Tynes, who gave me my first orchestration work in the City.  She was a lovely lady, and she loved to sing.  She did some roles like Anna in THE KING AND I in stock,  She was still singing in the mid-1980s when I knew her.  My mother was thrilled because my mother was a huge fan of ALL MY CHILDREN, and Miss Warrick was Phoebe Tyler on the show.  Will they write off the character?  For all I know, they already have!
Post by: Jenny on January 17, 2005, 05:25:25 PM
what an opportunity it would have been to do RAGTIME.  such a wonderful show, which fortunately i had the opportunity to see in LA some years ago.  just loved it!

Yes, I've loved the show ever since I saw it on Broadway and it would have been very exciting to perform it.  The week before it was to open at my wonderfully ethnically diverse school, the principal decided that for various reasons he wouldn't allow us to perform it.  I got myself (probably temporarily) kicked out of my school's performing arts program trying to fight that decision.  I can't possibly describe how angry I am about its cancellation.
Post by: Jay on January 17, 2005, 05:32:09 PM
I like a bagel with a bit of coarse salt on it. My friend Patty in New York is hooked on oat bran bagels. She gets hers at an excellent establishment on the east side of Broadway, at approx. 110th Street.

Egg bagels I accept and rye bagels I will tolerate, but bran "bagels" belong in the same category as peperoni "bagels," namely silly concoctions masquerading as a bagel.
Post by: Jay on January 17, 2005, 05:34:13 PM
My favorite are Asiago Cheese Bagels from Panera

With all due respect to our newbie, you know into which category I would place a "bagel" such as this.

Call me a purist.
Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 05:38:46 PM
Do you know what town you were in?  What county?  We have marvelous bagels here on Long Island; it helps to have so many Jews in one place!  Hm...now I want an egg bagel...We haven't had auditions yet, but since it's the high school musical, I'm assuming I'll be in it.  I'm hopeing that I'll be cast as Ado Annie, but who knows?

Jenny we lived in Connecticut at the time.  My neighbor was from Long Island and took me shopping a few times.  I have no idea where we were, just that it was great fun and I found some knock out clothes at incredibly low prices.  She knew the best stores.  The first time I was disappointed in the bagels so the next time she took me to a place that had, as she said “the best bagels”.  All I remember is I was finally happy.

Good Ado Annie vibes
Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 05:42:20 PM
And I forgot to give welcome greetings to new DR Cillaliz! Welcome!! (I love the name Priscilla!)

Thanks, it's a family name going back several generations

I like the name Elizabeth, which should have been my middle name.  My father, darn it, talked my mother out of it at the last minute.

If you click on quote in the top right corner of the post a box will appear and you can respond to the quote without having to type it.  I hope that made sense to you.  :D
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on January 17, 2005, 05:45:39 PM
Call me a purist too - I will not go near a blueberry bagel. But I did sample an oat bran bagel, and would not call it silly. IMHO it does not cross the line.

Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 05:50:13 PM
Jay what bagels do you get at Goldstein’s?
Post by: Danise on January 17, 2005, 05:51:35 PM
Welcome back, Jenny!

I like a cinnamon/raisin bagel myself.

Speaking of eggs, I have to make my hard boiled ones for work tomorrow.  Do you put yours in the water and then boil them or do you boil the water and then put them in?
Post by: MBarnum on January 17, 2005, 05:55:43 PM
I knew Miss Warrick briefly through my late friend Bill Tynes, who gave me my first orchestration work in the City.  She was a lovely lady, and she loved to sing.  She did some roles like Anna in THE KING AND I in stock,  She was still singing in the mid-1980s when I knew her.  My mother was thrilled because my mother was a huge fan of ALL MY CHILDREN, and Miss Warrick was Phoebe Tyler on the show.  Will they write off the character?  For all I know, they already have!

Oh, I guess she didn't keep such a low profile! LOL! Where have I been!
Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 05:56:41 PM
Hard boiled eggs go in the water, then boiled.  I add salt to keep the goop from spilling out if the eggs break.  Isn't that charming.

Soft eggs go into the boiled water.  
Post by: MBarnum on January 17, 2005, 05:57:48 PM
DR Jose, I watched NIGHTLINE finally...and enjoyed it...thanks for letting me know it was going to be on!
Post by: Dan-in-Toronto on January 17, 2005, 05:59:07 PM
DR Danise,

Here's my foolproof method for cooking hard-boiled eggs. Place eggs in a pot, in cold water to cover. When the water comes to a rolling boil, put a lid on the pot. Turn off the heat. Allow pot to sit for 12 minutes, then run the eggs under cold water to stop the cooking process. (The yolks should turn out a nice bright yellow.)
Post by: Michael on January 17, 2005, 06:10:09 PM
A Rabbi, Priest and a Monk walk into a bar. The bartender said, "What is this, a joke?"
Post by: elmore3003 on January 17, 2005, 06:16:52 PM
Oh, I guess she didn't keep such a low profile! LOL! Where have I been!

I couldn't begin to tell you.
Post by: Michael on January 17, 2005, 06:20:37 PM
Okay, I have booked off the weekend to come to NYC to see Jewish Thighs. Is someone arranging for the tickets or we just buy our own seats?
Post by: Joey on January 17, 2005, 06:24:04 PM
I'm feeling a little logey from the turkey sandwich.  It's another gloriously glorious day in LA and another day where I could take a swim but can't.

It was an extremely cold day in Indiana and yet I was able to go swimming. :-) We went to this small little place for a retreat that had a pool though my favorite part about the place is it's player piano with quite a selection of rolls to choose from! I really got a chance to relax and I think I laughed more than I have in a long time. I am truly lucky to be living with such wonderful people! ;D

Happy Birthday to Noel and Panni's DD. I won't hit the 21 mark for another year and a quarter yet.
Post by: Cillaliz on January 17, 2005, 06:29:12 PM
With all due respect to our newbie, you know into which category I would place a "bagel" such as this.

Call me a purist.

LOL, I know they aren't "REAL" bagels, but I still like them
Post by: Jay on January 17, 2005, 06:31:20 PM
Jay what bagels do you get at Goldstein’s?

I buy plain, poppy, sesame, onion and something they call "The Works," which includes all of the above, plus coarse salt and garlic.

They do sell some of those masquerading flavors, but I ignore them.
Post by: S. Woody White on January 17, 2005, 06:34:09 PM
Oh!  Will you look at that!

For months I have been unable to access this board, but after a brief (and surely relaxing) weekend in the shop, the ol' Windows 98 has allowed me back!  Huzzah!  I look forward to catching up on all the recent goings on and posting and what not....
Welcome back, Jenny!  (Of course, der Brucer has been keeping me up to date on your activities, but I like hearing about them first-hand!)
Post by: Cillaliz on January 17, 2005, 06:34:16 PM
Ok, I have a silly question. What does the DR stand for that you put in front of people's screen names?
Post by: Danise on January 17, 2005, 06:34:38 PM
DR Danise,

Here's my foolproof method for cooking hard-boiled eggs. Place eggs in a pot, in cold water to cover. When the water comes to a rolling boil, put a lid on the pot. Turn off the heat. Allow pot to sit for 12 minutes, then run the eggs under cold water to stop the cooking process. (The yolks should turn out a nice bright yellow.)

OK, I'm trying a combo of salt (like DR Jane suggested) and they have just started a rolling boil so I put a cover on and turned the heat off.  Thanks for help!  I don't know why but I burned the last to batches I made.

Post by: S. Woody White on January 17, 2005, 06:36:22 PM
DR stands for Dear Reader.  Either that, or we're all a lot more knowledgeable than we seem!   ;D
Post by: Jay on January 17, 2005, 06:37:20 PM
Now that we've covered bagels, shall we now discuss the ridiculous concoctions that pass as a "martini" nowadays?  (Oh.  A Kander & Ebb reference.)

Post by: Cillaliz on January 17, 2005, 06:39:13 PM
DR stands for Dear Reader.  Either that, or we're all a lot more knowledgeable than we seem!   ;D

AHHH, that makes sense, I have been trying to figure it out but finally gave up and decided to ask
Post by: Cillaliz on January 17, 2005, 06:40:22 PM
Now that we've covered bagels, shall we now discuss the ridiculous concoctions that pass as a "martini" nowadays?  (Oh.  A Kander & Ebb reference.)

Now with martinis, I am a purist, well except I do like a cosmo now and then
Post by: S. Woody White on January 17, 2005, 06:46:53 PM
I cannot stomach gin, so any martini I have has to be made with vodka.

I much prefer Manhattans.  Same type of glass.
Post by: Danise on January 17, 2005, 06:46:58 PM
I know what you mean--at first I thought everyone on this board was Doctor until I was called a DR!  LOL!

Night folks!  I owe, owe so I have to go to work on the morrow!

Post by: S. Woody White on January 17, 2005, 06:53:00 PM
We had a small touch of snow come down while travelling to ladsit today.  It all melted immediately, but I still find the stuff fascinating.

The older grandlad, aged seven, was fun to be with.  I tried to explain to him the concept of different countries in the world, using a globe that didn't have any countries' borders printed on it.  This came up when I used the word "British" in our conversation, and he asked "What's British?"  Later we discussed the idea of what a "tenth" of something was, with der B using ten pennies as a visual aid.

We won't be heading back up until next week, and I'm glad for it.  Der B has been coming down with a cold, and all this driving has been wearing him down.
Post by: S. Woody White on January 17, 2005, 06:58:15 PM
And, getting back to the TOD, der Brucer and I stopped by Las Toltecas for dinner tonight.  I had a very good plate of carnitas, crunchy on the outside and very tender and juicy on the inside.  Der B enjoyed a taco and chile relleno.  And margaritas!
Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 06:58:33 PM
I cannot stomach gin, so any martini I have has to be made with vodka.

I much prefer Manhattans.  Same type of glass.

I can't stomach gin or vodka. ;D
Post by: Jenny on January 17, 2005, 06:59:21 PM
Egg/onion combo bagels are beautiful things that I love very much, though I'd much rather have a toasted plain bagel than any strange bagel concoction.  I can't really comment on my martini preferences...

Woody, it sounds like the grandlads are certainly receiving a quality education from the two of you!  They're quite lucky.

Happy birthday, Noel!
Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 07:02:23 PM
My email refuses to be sent-very annoying.
Post by: Ginny on January 17, 2005, 07:03:44 PM
Welcome back, Jenny!

Here's a photo of DH Richard and me, taken today at Cincinnati's Apple Store, right before I purchased an iPod, which I'm going to use at work to drown out the cubicle chit-chat when I need to concentrate on some real work.
Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 07:05:54 PM
Nice picture Ginny.  
Post by: JMK on January 17, 2005, 07:08:42 PM
Ok, I have a silly question. What does the DR stand for that you put in front of people's screen names?

Duck Rogers (of the 21st century)!!!

Post by: elmore3003 on January 17, 2005, 07:17:05 PM
Okay, I have booked off the weekend to come to NYC to see Jewish Thighs. Is someone arranging for the tickets or we just buy our own seats?

DRMichael Shayne, good question, but I have no answer.  I suppose we get a tally and give the number we need to DRPennyO.  She needs to be consulted about this.
Post by: elmore3003 on January 17, 2005, 07:19:14 PM
Welcome back, Jenny!

Here's a photo of DH Richard and me, taken today at Cincinnati's Apple Store, right before I purchased an iPod, which I'm going to use at work to drown out the cubicle chit-chat when I need to concentrate on some real work.

Didn't I see this photo hanging in a post office last week?
Post by: Ginny on January 17, 2005, 07:19:27 PM
Amazingly, the critic from the Cincinnati Enquirer liked last night's concert, too:

http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050117/ENT03/501170332/1025/Life (http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050117/ENT03/501170332/1025/Life)
Post by: elmore3003 on January 17, 2005, 07:35:10 PM
I've almost finished A FOGGY DAY for Ron Raines; about 12 bars to go, and I just got the song for Klea Blackhurst for next Monday's recording session.  It's a Jule Styne-Frank Loesser opus from 1941, "That Ain't Hay," originally sung by Judy Canova.

MEDIUM is interesting tonight.  Whenever Patricia Arquette goes to bed, I know we're getting a shock of some sort.

Speaking of bed, I think it's time to crash.  Good night, all!
Post by: DearReaderLaura on January 17, 2005, 07:36:19 PM
Welcome, new DR (Dear Reader) Cillaliz!

Happy Birthday to DRs Noel and Rachel!
Post by: Jane on January 17, 2005, 07:41:29 PM
I restarted my computer which allowed my email to go, but then I couldn’t connect to HHW.  All is well now, just in time for me to say goodnight.   :)
Post by: Ginny on January 17, 2005, 07:43:38 PM
Didn't I see this photo hanging in a post office last week?

LOL - Yeah, elmore, we're a real Bonnie-and-Clyde pair!
Post by: Dan (the Man) on January 17, 2005, 08:01:58 PM
Just so y'all know, my favorite bagel is poppyseed.
Post by: Dan (the Man) on January 17, 2005, 08:05:03 PM
Post by: Matt H. on January 17, 2005, 08:18:34 PM
I have been partially E&T today. I logged on this morning and read the remainder of yesterday's psots. Then, I tried to load today's notes, and they were taking so long to load that I had to close down and get ready to go out. I've been gone from home until just a little while ago. Am just now catching up with all that has gone on today.
Post by: Matt H. on January 17, 2005, 08:25:25 PM
Sorry to those who were bored, but I enjoyed the GOlden Globes last night. Yep, a lot of commercials, but you get that with every show (not just award shows), and regular TV watchers don't like them but are used to them.

I liked many of the TV choices. I would probably not have picked nip/tuck as Best Drama (obviously LOST or '24' would have been my choice, and I think THE SHIELD which wasn't nominated was worthy of winning; it won two years ago).

But the Globes had no host this year, and I LOVED THAT. (Not even Dick Clark kibbitzing from the wings as in previous years.) One award after another made getting through the awards list a pretty quick proposition (and doing TV and movies means a LOT of awards have to be doled out).

Best of all, that dull new PHANTOM song didn't win. The excerpts were too brief to get a handle on the songs I wasn't familiar with, but I thought the song from THE POLAR EXPRESS sounded very interesting and would have liked to have heard the entire song.
Post by: Matt H. on January 17, 2005, 08:26:12 PM
I have no idea what I was doing when I turned 21. No idea at all. I don't believe it was anything memorable.
Post by: Sandra on January 17, 2005, 08:27:34 PM
Welcome, new Dear Reader Cillaliz. Do you like Cherry Coke?

I like seseme seed bagels because they cost the same as plain bagels, so the seeds are free. I like to feel like I'm getting my money's worth. Also, at the risk of persecution, I like chocolate chip bagels for breakfast because it's CHOCOLATE for BREAKFAST.
Post by: Sandra on January 17, 2005, 08:31:33 PM
Betsy and I once hosted two Tibetan monks at our home.   They were part of a travelling group of monks who could chant polyphonically with just one voice (no joke).  Put 20 of them together and it was quite the aural experience.  Well, anyway, there was an older monk and a younger, novice monk who I believe went by the name Grasshopper (OK, that's a joke).  We had two bedrooms for them, and the older monk immediately glommed onto the bigger one.  We thought that perhaps he wanted it for the space, but when we went back to check on him a little later, he and the younger monk were happily ensconced in front of the television watching baseball.  "There goes 20,000 years of Eastern culture down the drain," I commented to Betsy as we snuck back to our bedroom.

My cousin is a Tibetan Buddhist monk. He is building a hut that he will live in for two or three years and not even leave to get food.

This monk at Denny's, though, appeared to be of the Catholic variety.
Post by: TCB on January 17, 2005, 08:37:29 PM
I'll be on my way soon.  I like to get to the DGA an hour early to get my favorite seat.  But, because the traffic going over Laurel gets so bad, I'm going early, and I'll kill time at the Virgin store.

They sell them in stores in L.A.?
Post by: Sandra on January 17, 2005, 08:43:24 PM
And welcome back DR Jenny!

And all sorts of vibes (in various sizes and colors) for DR Ann!

This is my last day of freedom before school starts tomorrow. I am eating my last meal: leftover pizza and berry-flavored Sprite. No Cherry Coke because you can't have caffeine on a school night.  :'(
Post by: Cillaliz on January 17, 2005, 08:44:03 PM
Welcome, new Dear Reader Cillaliz. Do you like Cherry Coke?

Cherry coke is ok, I prefer Dr. Pepper
Post by: Sandra on January 17, 2005, 08:46:03 PM
Cherry coke is ok, I prefer Dr. Pepper

Give Cillaliz a prize! I have asked every new Dear Reader that question and she is the first one to answer it.

Dr Pepper is OK, but I prefer Cherry Coke.  :P
Post by: TCB on January 17, 2005, 09:05:20 PM
Welcome back, DR Jenny!
Post by: MBarnum on January 17, 2005, 09:27:37 PM
DR Ginny, it is nice to see a face with the name! And it looks like BK...er, I, Pod, convinced you to splurge! Actually he has convinced me to splurge on one also...but I may wait awhile to make sure that I really, really need one!
Post by: George on January 17, 2005, 09:31:57 PM
A bit late, but:

Hello, Jenny!  Well hello, Jenny!
We're so glad to have you back where you belong!
(almost a Hello, Dolly! reference!)

And if I hadn't said it before:  Welcome, Cillaliz!

About bagels:  There is a company here (I don't know if it's local or a chain) called Bagel Brothers.  They make the best bagels.  My favorite is their garlic bagel.  I love toasting it and when all the garlic bits on the outside are toasted and crunchy, that's the best!
Post by: George on January 17, 2005, 09:32:18 PM
I like the name Elizabeth, which should have been my middle name.  My father, darn it, talked my mother out of it at the last minute.

My sister seriously considered naming her daughter Elsbeth...or maybe it was Elspeth.  Either way, she (my sister Diane) loves the name but decided at some point that it could be one of those names that everyone makes fun of.  So she named her Hilary (with one "l"...not Hillary).

And my dad said that he wanted to name me Stanislaus! :o Imagine that!
Post by: George on January 17, 2005, 09:41:50 PM
And for the final topic:  what was I doing for my 21st birthday?  It was my first year at Western Washington University (I transfered in as a junior) and my suitemates and I had a kegger!  I (of course) had to buy the keg, but they all paid for it.  We made up invitations saying that we were going to have a Disco Birthday party for me.  I still have a lot of Donna Summer albums.  Anyway, we wrote on the invitations that gifts were not required but that key chains were preferred.  I still collect key chains.  I got a whole bunch of home-made key chains and they're great!  (a Tony the Tiger reference.)

So, they poured me a big giant plastic cup of beer and I sipped that thing all night.  I don't drink and don't like the feel of alcohol...although I have nothing against it otherwise.  And I just don't like beer.  But I did drink the whole thing.  I drank it so slowly that I didn't even get a buzz.  Friends and total strangers got totally sh*t-faced, but not me.  And even though the party was a bit loud, no one not at the party complained and no one at the party got out of control.  We all had a great time!
Post by: George on January 17, 2005, 09:42:50 PM
Now I'm going to say good night.  "Medium" is going to come on in about 15 minutes and my housemate wants to check his e-mail.  Good night!
Post by: Charles Pogue on January 17, 2005, 09:42:52 PM
Dear Reader?  I thought my stood for Dour Reprobate.  Back to the topic of the day (Mexican Food, was the topic of the day, wasn't it?)  After a late afternoon of going up and down Brand Boulevard looking at cars, The Lovely Wife and I stopped for Mexican at an Acapulco's.  Unfortunately, I keep forgetting it just not very good Mexican food.  Now I'm unpleasantly stuffed.
Post by: Charles Pogue on January 17, 2005, 09:44:30 PM
TCB, they do sell them in stores in LA, but, of course, they're very expensive...because they so rare out here.
Post by: TCB on January 17, 2005, 09:48:53 PM
TCB, they do sell them in stores in LA, but, of course, they're very expensive...because they so rare out here.

That’s okay; in Tacoma they have become extinct.
Post by: TCB on January 17, 2005, 09:51:03 PM
Now I must really go.  Something is cooking in the kitchen.  I believe it must be wussburgers.
Post by: ozderek on January 17, 2005, 10:27:42 PM
hello.  yoo hoo.  knock knock.  anybody home?

'twas the night before wednesday
and on haines his way
not a creature was stirring
they'd all called it a day!

sleep well all.  it's only 5.30pm tuesday here .... i'm going to play with tomofoz.

Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 10:28:07 PM
Good Evening!

Back in Richmond, and I'm posting from my quite nice and warm bedroom.  It's actually surprising how warm it is in here considering how cold it is outside right now - in the teens - and that the thermostat is set only to 65.  -The kitchen and hallways do feel "chilly", but it's nice to know the furnace seems to be working properly.  *Of course, I had the gas and water bill "waiting" for me when I stepped into my bedroom...  Ah, well...

The show tonight was kind of fun.  And it was kind of nice having a "fun" show again...  The whole audience was comprised of 514 middle school and high school students.  They were actually surprisingly very well-behaved.  Yes, they were a bit rowdy during the pre-show and intermission, but they got most of the show and responded appropriately... and quite vocally at times.  -It's always amazing just the reaction that two people kissing on stage gets from adolescents.  Some of the more political and sophisticated jokes went over their heads, but they also laughed at some other lines that usually don't get laughs.  They were actually a very "honest" audience.  They only reacted to things that got their attention and kept their attention.  If a slow spot happened to come up they just sat there... quiet.  -And I think that kept the actors on their toes, and, hopefully, it told them were things were starting to drag.  -As I mentioned the other day, the show is running seven minutes longer than when we first started.  Pick up the pace people!  Stop "acting"!

-OK - semi-rant over...

But I was in my car by 10:16, and I pulled into my parking space behind my apartment just at Midnight.  :)
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 10:42:18 PM
RE:  Egg bagels - Yes, there a few places here in DC that make egg bagels.  I actually like the bagels at Einstein Brothers.  Is there a location near you, DR Jane?

There's a local chain, Chesapeake Bay Bagel Bakery, that makes very good bagels.  Unfortunately, they keep closing down locations, so...  However, my favorite non-traditional bagel they make is a cheddar cheese one.  Sooo good.  It's not covered in cheese, rather cheese is mixed into the dough.  It's basically cheese-flavored bread.

You may want to give H&H a call.  I know I've seen more varieties in their shops than the ones listed on their website. So...

As for shipping... They ship everything in an insulated, styrofoam cooler with some cold packs in it.  Overnight.  Yes, the FedEx charge is a bit pricey, but it's worth it especially if you order a couple of dozen for freezing now and enjoying later.
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 10:45:38 PM
DR Jenny - Welcome back!  And Congratulations on all of your accomplishments the past couple of months!

-FIRST LADY SUITE - Really?!?!?  Who's going to be your Music Director?  That's some hard stuff!  But a great piece.  I wish I had caught the production that the Lark presented year in NYC.  My friend, Jack, directed it, and I knew many of the ladies in the cast too.
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 10:55:25 PM
BK - I keep meaning to mention that besides Gerry McIntyre who you know from Forbidden Hollywood among other shows, Laurie Gamache is also in Hallelujah, Baby!.  Now, I'm not sure if you've ever met Laurie, but she was Twiggy's stand-by during If Love Were All.  -Six degrees...
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 10:55:56 PM
I'm back, and to prove it, I'm here.  Have read through all the excellent postings and now I must write the notes whilst the film is still fresh in my mind.  I'll be back shortly.
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 10:57:34 PM
But first a photograph of our very own Tammy Minoff, wearing her Cat on a Hot Tin Roof outfit.
Post by: Panni on January 17, 2005, 11:04:46 PM
Back from celebrating DD's (that's Dear Daughter's for DR Cillaliz) 21st. Here is a photo of DM, DD and DBF... (and behind us the Dear Chef)
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 11:09:26 PM
DR Jose, I watched NIGHTLINE finally...and enjoyed it...thanks for letting me know it was going to be on!

You're welcome.

Did you think the one Indian-American filmmaker they interviewed was a bit, well, obnoxious?  I can understand someone knowing their market and wanting to make it big, but I found the one segment where he put on that very heavy Indian accent a little off-putting.

The one thing I did wish they had done in the piece was to put the titles of the movies they were talking about on the screen.  -Well, all the movies they were talking about.  I'd actually like to see the one they were focusing on - Dov Dash (?) - but I have no idea how it's spelled, so I have no idea what to look for on the shelves.  -Do you know how it is spelled?
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 11:11:56 PM
But first a photograph of our very own Tammy Minoff, wearing her Cat on a Hot Tin Roof outfit.

Does that mean Eddie was wearing a cast?  If so, do you have a pic of Eddie too? ;)
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 11:20:55 PM
Oh... I guess I should mention that Eddie is Tammy's boyfriend.  Very good looking boyfriend.  ;)
Post by: JoseSPiano on January 17, 2005, 11:23:00 PM
Well, as much as I would like to do some late-night denizening tonight, I really must get to bed.  I'm hoping to get up early-ish tomorrow/today and get a bunch of stuff done.  -I was actually "planning" on going to bed by 1:00AM tonight... Ah, well...

Post by: Panni on January 17, 2005, 11:23:12 PM
Here's a sweet pic of my darling DD at 21. Seems like only yesterday she was a DB (dear baby)...
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 11:33:04 PM
Eddie?  I was playing Brick, baby.  
Post by: bk on January 17, 2005, 11:35:02 PM
I'm ready for ACTION, baby.  I'm ready to Meringue.
Post by: S. Woody White on January 17, 2005, 11:36:05 PM
Here's a photo of DH Richard and me, taken today at Cincinnati's Apple Store, right before I purchased an iPod, which I'm going to use at work to drown out the cubicle chit-chat when I need to concentrate on some real work.
This is definate proof that the theory that mates start looking like each other after living together for a number of years is just plain silly.  Handsome as your DH Richard is, his moustache would look absolutely silly perched beneath your nose!


Good photo!
Post by: Panni on January 17, 2005, 11:42:25 PM
Eddie?  I was playing Brick, baby.  

So Eddie broke your leg?