Haines His Way
Haines His Way => Daily Discussions => Topic started by: bk on October 21, 2012, 11:57:07 PM
Well, you've read the notes, the notes had mutant crickets accompaniment, and now it is time for you to post until the mutant cows come home.
And the word of the day is: RECUSANT!
Morning all.
That is all.
Oatmeal, raisins, walnuts and cinnamon and coffee.
It's supposed to be another nice day in Manhattan getting up into the high 60s
Off to finish breakfast and get ready for work.
It's been a wet weekend and it's still dull and wet. I may have to go into hibernation.
Bacon and beans for breakfast and as it's Monday I'm off to the job.
Good morning to all from Montreal
A dog (rescued)
and the second one is a dog who I also rescued.
It's a nice day today. Catching up a bit, slowly but surely.
Good morning, all! The neighbor above me is becoming as irritating as the last one. I liked him better when he was on his late night bartending schedule. My sleeping schedule is screwed up because he has a knack of arriving home between 10 and 10:30pm that interrupts my falling asleep. When he used to arrive home between 2:30 and 4:30am, I'd already been asleep for some time. I'm tempted to leave him a note telling him to go back to his old schedule.
I will shortly head down to Toyland and proof another number. As soon as I hear from the Library of Congress, I can book my train ticket or change my hotel reservation.
More coffee!
And the word of the day is: RECUSANT!
This is what I do to dumb people who didn't hear me the first time.
I don't think we have EVER been without a dog.....I shall have to check the pictures later today....we probably have a photo. For someone reason when I was about two years old, I like to throw kittens into the washing machine, so I had to be watched closely.....
I think I was The Bad Seed.
I am back on my banking and shopping schedule. I shall return.....
DR TCB it wasn't too boring yesterday.....but there was a lot of rehash served....
Happy Birthday, Cason!
The story of my first pet is too sad to begin a Monday morning with. If you've read my memoir, you'll know the tale.
Rain was short, summer is back.
Weekend was short, work week is back.
Glad all my bills for the month are paid, ;D
Good happy Monday everyone. :)
Not much happened this weekend. Football on tv, breakfast with the gang, salmon/baked potatoes/salad/fresh bread with the boyfriend. 4 episodes of Jesse Stone. (oops it was 5 ?)
Off to work.
Have a good Monday everybody.
What a life. ;D
Last debate tonight, then water plants, then sleep. ;D
Maybe some music in there sometime, and of course 3 hours of NPR radio during the drive to and from work. ;D
Monday morning greetings! Today I have to grocery shop and line up some home cooked dinners for the week. Also must get to the Y...
Bacon and beans for breakfast and as it's Monday I'm off to the job.
I have never heard of bacon and beans for breakfast!
Good morning, all.
Now I want bacon and beans. Thanks, DR Doug R. Fond memories of big breakfasts over there.
TOD: My first pet was a dog named Rocky, because he was colored like Rocky Road ice cream. He was a shetland shepherd mutt, and we got him when I was about five. We had him for more than 12 years, until after I had gone off to college. He was a beautiful dog.
Greetings from Toyland! The population is more than usually irritating, from the huge fat slob who stood in the subway doorway so no one can get past him to the clumsy woman who bumped into me in the deli and caused me to drop my bag.
So, life at Toyland is quiet and Ihope it remains that way while I am here. I heard from the LoC and Thursday-Friday is good, so whewn I get home I will book my Amtrak ticket.
I have no more news for now.
It's Monday again!
Good morning, all.
Off to Dolby to see/hear some stuff, then a short visit with some people at Univeral.
Back tonight to ketchup! Monday morning vibes to all!
First pet was a shaggy, black Spaniel type dog name of Pepper. I don't know how long he was with us or when he first arrived, but he may have been there before I was.
He passed away one day while crossing paths with the garbage truck. When it happened, my brother Jeff took me for an ice cream while the mess was cleaned up. I wasn't told of the event until we returned. I think I was around 5 or 6 years old.
Around that time, I also got a little white kitten which I named Salty. His life was short, ending under the tires of my sister's Volkswagon Bug. I think I had him for only a few weeks, at most.
I was a bad boy today and had McDonald's for breakfast. Man they have the best coffee!!!
I'm awake and it's raining in the bay area. Hope it lets up for the baseball game tonight. It's nice having my house back.
Now to figure out what to do with the dogs all day as two usually stay outside. It looks like it will be a long day in the garage for them.
Or I can put muzzles on the two that don't get along and see what happens. At least no one would get hurt. I'm not sure I, the human, am up for that, though.
TOD: My first dog was an eskimo spitz. His name was Dinky. I was only 2 or 3 at the time, I made a game of playing with Dinky, during which I'd call out "Dinky....BOO!
His name became "Dinky-Boo". We lived on Young Street in Johnston SC at the time. In a previous post in this forum, many years back, we were sharing our "stripper" (or "drag", I forget which) names...combining the name of our first pet with the first street we lived on (or knew we lived on).
Hence, "Dinky-Boo Young".
My first pet was a hamster named Trixie. I saved up my allowance to buy her a cage, water bottle, shavings, and sunflower seeds, in addition to buying Trixie herself. On the way home from Woolco, we ran out of gas (the only time that has ever happened to me). I carried Trixie in her little cardboard box. Mom must have carried everything else home. I think I was in third grade.
My second pet was a gerbil named Alvan. Mom built him a cage out of an old end table and chicken wire. She had felt so sorry for Trixie in that little round cage with barely enough room to move around.
So, Ron Pulliam, my stripper name is Trixie.
So, Ron Pulliam, my stripper name is Trixie.
And that last name? :)
First pet was a shaggy, black Spaniel type dog name of Pepper. I don't know how long he was with us or when he first arrived, but he may have been there before I was.
He passed away one day while crossing paths with the garbage truck. When it happened, my brother Jeff took me for an ice cream while the mess was cleaned up. I wasn't told of the event until we returned. I think I was around 5 or 6 years old.
Around that time, I also got a little white kitten which I named Salty. His life was short, ending under the tires of my sister's Volkswagon Bug. I think I had him for only a few weeks, at most.
Gosh, Mike! Gosh!
Larry Moore better hope you never have to take him in (adopt him, that is)!
We always had a dog and a parakeet. The earliest dog I can recall was a collie/sheapard mix named Casey.
Since we lived on Jackson Street, my stripper/porn name would be Casey Jackson.
Good to see you, Dan (the Man).
I like Salty for a stripper name.
Mine would have been Rocky Fairmeade. Not sure what to make of that. Both too butch and too British.
Likewise, DR John G.
Off to Kroger - bye for now!
Ricky St. Clair checking in here - see you on RuPaul's Drag Race this season.
First pet was a shaggy, black Spaniel type dog name of Pepper. I don't know how long he was with us or when he first arrived, but he may have been there before I was.
He passed away one day while crossing paths with the garbage truck. When it happened, my brother Jeff took me for an ice cream while the mess was cleaned up. I wasn't told of the event until we returned. I think I was around 5 or 6 years old.
Around that time, I also got a little white kitten which I named Salty. His life was short, ending under the tires of my sister's Volkswagon Bug. I think I had him for only a few weeks, at most.
Gosh, Mike! Gosh!
Larry Moore better hope you never have to take him in (adopt him, that is)!
Barnum is the Typhoid Mary of pet owners.
Trixie Oak
My drag friend, though, didn't use this approach to making up a name.
Matthew, glad you survived the home invasion.
My drag friend, though, didn't use this approach to making up a name.
Do tell more.
I'm up, I'm up. Was up at nine and have not been off the phone until now. And now I must get ready for Dr. Chew.
Amtrak is booked. I'm ready for DC.
A Very Happy Birthday to (former) DR Cason!!
I was a bad boy today and had McDonald's for breakfast. Man they have the best coffee!!!
What a coinkydink! I had McDonald's for breakfast today, also! I didn't have coffee...I prefer my caffeine cold and carbonated. :D
The first dog which we had when I was aged about seven was a medium sized scruffy black mongrel named Peter. I remember us visiting his mother and selecting him. We all loved him even though he was uncontrollable and ruled the house. He was useful for disposing of left-over food because he ate every scrap going and he seemed to go around with a permanent grin on his face. In winter he selected the warmest spot closest to the open coal fire and would growl at any of us if we tried to move him. He would snap at strangers (and us sometimes) and the postman and milkman soon learned to keep clear of him. We had a black cat at the time as well, who preceded and outlived him to the age of 21 - they had a mutual but respectful dislike of each other. We took Peter for plenty of walks but sometimes he would wander off by himself for hours and several times we had to visit the local police station to collect him. He was a great character and enjoyed life and passed on at the age of 12.
TOD: I have a vague memory of fish and turtles and I was told about a duck, named Pecky, who died valiantly defending his family against a marauding racoon. But the first pet I remember the family having was Pat-pat, a black cocker spaniel.
The first pet I had on my own, as an adult, was Hotspur, my Yorkshire terrier, who used to tour with me in dinner theatre and was beloved by all. Hotspur lived to be close to sixteen and is the dog all subsequent dogs we've had have had to live up to.
The library got the new Gentlemen Prefer Blondes recording, and the Hugh Martin vocal arrangements are the real star, which I think Elmore may have pointed out some time back.
It's funny, but the arrangements draw up a very unfavorable comparison with some of the vocal arrangements that torpedoed some of Ben Bagley's albums. Nothing like comparing the best with third or fourth rate material to make you appreciate genius.
Will soon be off to Salem to work on Act One of THE CRUCIBLE!!
Happy 70th Birthday to Annette Funicello, who was mentioned recently around these here parts.
Happy 70th Birthday to Annette Funicello, who was mentioned recently around these here parts.
According to IBDB (http://www.ibdb.com/birthday.php), today is also the birthday of these people whose names I recognize:
Jesse Tyler Ferguson, 1975
Judy Blazer, 1956
Jeff Goldblum, 1952
Tony Roberts, 1939
Derek Jacobi, 1938
Christopher Lloyd, 1938
Joan Fontaine, 1917
Constance Bennett, 1904
Curly Howard, 1903
When Richard was carrying in my reusable grocery bags he asked if the shelves of our local Kroger are now empty. Not quite, but this was the biggest shopping I've done in about a month.
Will soon be off to Salem to work on Act One of THE CRUCIBLE!!
You keep coming to Salem, but you never visit.
These people from IMDB (not already mentioned) are having birthdays today, too:
Sofia Vassilieva, 1992
Jonathan Lipnicki, 1990
Bob Odenkirk, 1962
Bill Condon, 1955
Catherine Deneuve, 1943
Slow afternoon.
Oh, man. Had the teeth cleaned. Then went and had two scoops of chicken salad and less than two tablespoons of ranch dressing, then picked up a package then came home to an emergency call from the pressing plant. It seems that although they've had the label film for Rains of Ranchipur for close to three weeks, and though I could have had it pressed last Monday were it not for the helper leaving town for an entire week, they just looked at the files for the label film today to find that my brilliant designer neglected to put in the link for CD 1's label film. Naturally, he's teaching today and not at his computer. If he gets them the film within the hour it can still get done today - if not, it will get done in the morning but not delivered to us until afternoon - what that does to our shipping is anyone's guess, although the helper will not be happy if she's actually tried to do both my work and her other job, because I made it clear that tomorrow and Wednesday are strictly for our stuff given she's been gone for a week.
Thank you DR John G. I will soon have more photos. Keith has been trying to reduce the pixulating problem before I post them.
DR Matthew now that your guest from hell is gone I hope you & your DP can work things out.
I just finished Season 4 of "Weeds", it just keeps getting more and more messed up.
DR MBarnum,
From Bruce:
The problem with occasionally looking up people you used to know is that sometimes you find out they have passed away.
Sad but true. I'm sorry the news wasn't good.
Good morning, all! The neighbor above me is becoming as irritating as the last one. I liked him better when he was on his late night bartending schedule. My sleeping schedule is screwed up because he has a knack of arriving home between 10 and 10:30pm that interrupts my falling asleep. When he used to arrive home between 2:30 and 4:30am, I'd already been asleep for some time. I'm tempted to leave him a note telling him to go back to his old schedule.
I will shortly head down to Toyland and proof another number. As soon as I hear from the Library of Congress, I can book my train ticket or change my hotel reservation.
More coffee!
One of the first things Craig did when he moved into his apartment was get area rugs to mute the sounds of his pets. I thought how much you would appreciate this if he were your upstairs neighbor.
I don't think we have EVER been without a dog.....I shall have to check the pictures later today....we probably have a photo. For someone reason when I was about two years old, I like to throw kittens into the washing machine, so I had to be watched closely.....
I think I was The Bad Seed.
This made me laugh, probably since it included being watched closely. :)
Emergency kind of averted. File was just sent and they'll be able to press in the early morning and have it to us by twelve-thirty. Since the helper hadn't actually printed out any postage labels for Ranchipur or Geisha, that will take her all that time to do so and then when the product arrives she'll be able to get everything shipped out.
My drag friend, though, didn't use this approach to making up a name.
Do tell more.
Amtrak is booked. I'm ready for DC.
The first dog which we had when I was aged about seven was a medium sized scruffy black mongrel named Peter. I remember us visiting his mother and selecting him. We all loved him even though he was uncontrollable and ruled the house. He was useful for disposing of left-over food because he ate every scrap going and he seemed to go around with a permanent grin on his face. In winter he selected the warmest spot closest to the open coal fire and would growl at any of us if we tried to move him. He would snap at strangers (and us sometimes) and the postman and milkman soon learned to keep clear of him. We had a black cat at the time as well, who preceded and outlived him to the age of 21 - they had a mutual but respectful dislike of each other. We took Peter for plenty of walks but sometimes he would wander off by himself for hours and several times we had to visit the local police station to collect him. He was a great character and enjoyed life and passed on at the age of 12.
Peter, such a great English name for a dog. :)
That is good news BK about the cds!
I am looking forward to DANCING WITH THE STARS tonight.
Really enjoying this season of excellent competition.
That is good news BK about the cds!
Our landscape project should have been completed by now so you can imagine we are somewhat frustrated. He now says he will be done by Nov 9th which is the date I said he absolutely must be done by. I'm having my book group here on the 13th and, aside from wanting everything to look nice, I can't have the women tripping over the walkway. One woman is recovery from a stroke.
Keith took a few photos of the areas that are basically completed.
The pathway from the side of house to our pond.
Before I post more photos please let me know I didn't put us into widescreen. I'm fine.
Good day one and all...
Battling the pseudo cold and general malaise. I have not felt very good the last week. I did have a flu show and wonder if that had anything to do with ti.
I did to go to a broadcast of Whad Ya know that was in Fargo. It is on public radio and I rather enjoy it. I am hoping I feel a bit better tomorrow for a part-time interview.
And the word of the day is: RECUSANT!
And The Song Of The Day Is- JUST YOU WAIT
From Bruce:
The problem with occasionally looking up people you used to know is that sometimes you find out they have passed away.
Sad but true. I'm sorry the news wasn't good.
Very true and very sobering...
Beautiful job Jane and KEith
Thank you. Do you normally have a reaction to the flu shot?
First pet... I had a Daschund-mix named Susie. She was quite the character and had brown, black and grey in her fur. I also had a brown tabby cat named Mitzy. My grandparents had two German Shepherds and a rat terrier I liked to play with named Spud, Duke and Skipper. Skipper was the Rat Terrier and he was a character but a lover. Sweet dog.
Over the years I have had a Poodle-Schnauzer cross named Buff, Yellow Lab named Sam (he was also my dad's hunting dog) and numerous cats over the years including three Siamese named Chang, Snoopy and Smokey and a rescue Norwegian Forest cat named Ace. Ace's only bad habit was attacking people wearing white socks. You were fine if you were wearing slippers or shoes but if you were not wear shoes, he would attack people.
Snoopy and my sister's cat Bailey liked to take off with socks and hide them...
Page 4 Pounce with cat-like stealth!
NO, I do not have a reaction to flu shots normally
The pond & plantings. We are still waiting for the Weeping Birch Tree to be trimmed so we can see more of the white bark.
The pond & plantings. We are still waiting for the Weeping Birch Tree to be trimmed so we can see more of the white bark.
What a perfect place to sit and ponder over a cup of tea...
NO, I do not have a reaction to flu shots normally
Makes it harder to know if it isn't just a coincidence.
The pond & plantings. We are still waiting for the Weeping Birch Tree to be trimmed so we can see more of the white bark.
What a perfect place to sit and ponder over a cup of tea...
Sounds like a good idea.
Skipper, my grandparent's rat terrier, used to pound his paw on your foot until you gave him a treat.
WE also always had parakeets and cockatiels
Mikey the cockatiel liked to tease the dogs. Oddly the dogs never retaliated against Mikey... They just would glare at him and move on to tormenting the Siamese cats.
AT one point we had two dogs, two cats, three parakeets, a cockatiel and my sisters had hamsters also... It was a regular menagerie
Mikey liked to mimic the dogs drinking water and the microwave...
Great photo, Jane. (The first one. For some reason, the second didn't load for me.)
Reuben Casserole is in the oven. Smells great.
I think my first pet was our first silver Toy Miniature Poodle named Pepi. I had a nice time at my cousin's birthday party only to return home to my mother & sister hysterical. It was awhile before anyone told me when the front door was opened to leave to pick me up Pepi escaped and was hit by the neighbor's car while running across the street.
The neighbor was teaching his girlfriend how to drive. My parent's felt terrible for her and were very nice about it. It wasn't her fault. I have no idea if my mother kept her control until after the neighbor's left. Know her I expect though. My sister on the other hand .
When we got our second silver Toy Miniature Poodle, Scampi, we took the cute little black pup over to meet the neighbor along when his girlfriend was there.
Great photo, Jane. (The first one. For some reason, the second didn't load for me.)
Even when DR Dakota repeated it?
That is good news BK about the cds!
Ditto, too!!
Great photo, Jane. (The first one. For some reason, the second didn't load for me.)
Even when DR Dakota repeated it?
It's there now. Both times.
Great photo, Jane. (The first one. For some reason, the second didn't load for me.)
Even when DR Dakota repeated it?
It's there now. Both times.
Good :)
Great photo, Jane. (The first one. For some reason, the second didn't load for me.)
Even when DR Dakota repeated it?
At first, it didn't show for me, either. The first one, yes, but not the second one. To be able to see it, I quoted your message and took out your resizing code and then it worked for me. But now, it does show.
I thought I copied them both the same way. LOL I wouldn't know that was the resizing code without being told.
Just came from a board meeting at which I felt like several of the others were p****d at me for various reasons. I'm about to tell them to do their own website and Facebook page...
I thought I copied them both the same way. LOL I wouldn't know that was the resizing code without being told.
Interesting. I remember Cillaliz posted some pictures where she used the code to resize, but I don't remember anyone posting exactly how to do it. I just copied what she did and it worked.
So you can quote these to see what I did:
...or ...
It's amazing what you can do. :D
Lovely pet stories and nice photographs.
Just had a long telephonic conversation with Robert A Harris - we spoke of many things.
Ginny, I wish I could offer you some Reuben casserole to make you forget those women.
Here it is in all its messy glory.
Tonight, I've got the VAI TV version of "Kiss Me, Kate" with Alfred Drake and Patricia Morison. It's only 75 minutes or so, but it's really fun. Julie Wilson, Jack Klugman and Bill Hayes in the supporting cast.
The thing about animals... they know how to steal your heartstrings..
I hope to have a dog someday again. I live in an apartment building that does not allow pets.
Growing up, we always had cats. We only had dogs twice. The first time was before I was born, so that doesn't count. The second time, I was in high school and for some reason, my parents got me a puppy...some kind of black lab mix (I think). I named him Muppet. He was a cute puppy, but we had no idea what to do with dogs or how to train them. He would chew on anything...my parents' grandfather clock and their marble coffee table (both from Germany) got the worst of it. We only had him a few months before they made the wise decision to give him away to someone they knew who could take care of him. They had some friends who were able to take him. I've never had a dog since.
Found a neat clip of Linda Purl on The Waltons
WE just flew to PAGE 5!!
Well, it's nearly time for the debate. I'm sure I will end up watching the CNN commentary after and end up going to bed late.
I just tracked down Marc Fields, who is a descendant of Lew Fields of the Weber-Fields comedy troupe and co-author with his father Armond of a book about the Fields family, FROM THE BOWERY TO BROADWAY. If anyone's going to know about a collection of papers for Herb Fields, he should. I'm on a search for CHEE-CHEE and DEAREST ENEMY drafts.
Tonight, I've got the VAI TV version of "Kiss Me, Kate" with Alfred Drake and Patricia Morison. It's only 75 minutes or so, but it's really fun. Julie Wilson, Jack Klugman and Bill Hayes in the supporting cast.
I saw the original Hllmark Hall of Fame broadcast. I loved it. The orchestrations are the original Broadway ones.
At one point when we lived in Germany (when my dad was in the army), we had a turtle named Herman. I don't remember when/where we got him, but when we moved back to the states when I was seven, we had to leave him there. I don't know if someone took him...hopefully we actually gave him to someone. The only real strong memories that I have are of me feeding him dandelion leaves. :-\
Well, I need to be leaving. I'm not going home, I'm going to Vancouver, Washington! I will be taking "Supervisor Boot Camp" training since I'm a fairly new supervisor and haven't had much training or experience. It'll be two days, starting tomorrow at 8:00...and we all know how much of a morning person I am. :P
And speaking of pets, my friend Margo will be feeding/watching my cat, Ebonie. I've fed/watched her cats so often that she offered without any hesitation.
Anyway, I'm bringing my net-pad thing (the hotel is supposed to have free high-speed Internet access!) and shouldn't have any trouble logging on to HHW tonight...hopefully. I'll find out soon.
So, be back later! ;D
An organization in Fargo is striving for better screening for Breast Cancer in the area. I do have to say nothing better than draping Bras on a building...
Here it is in all its messy glory.
That looks delicious!
DR Jane, your landscaping is beautiful!
The bra draping for beast cancer research is done on the Hotel Donaldson in FArgo. It is locally known as the HoDo...
Just came from a board meeting at which I felt like several of the others were p****d at me for various reasons. I'm about to tell them to do their own website and Facebook page...
Do so then, you have more than enough to do.
Ginny, I wish I could offer you some Reuben casserole to make you forget those women.
How ever did you guess that they're women, DR John G?
...or ...
It's amazing what you can do. :D
Just came from a board meeting at which I felt like several of the others were p****d at me for various reasons. I'm about to tell them to do their own website and Facebook page...
Do so then, you have more than enough to do.
Trouble is, I like doing those things. Tonight's discussion got a little heated when I told them, NO, I would not participate in the pursuit of nonprofit status for our group. It's way more complicated than any of them realize and I want no part of it.
I gotta tell you. Listening to one new master and then I have to listen to the master for the Xmas album.
And speaking of pets, my friend Margo will be feeding/watching my cat, Ebonie. I've fed/watched her cats so often that she offered without any hesitation.
Enjoy "boot camp". It seems they might have sent you awhile back. ;)
DR Jane, your landscaping is beautiful!
Thank you.
Just came from a board meeting at which I felt like several of the others were p****d at me for various reasons. I'm about to tell them to do their own website and Facebook page...
Do so then, you have more than enough to do.
I agree with Jane!
And speaking of pets, my friend Margo will be feeding/watching my cat, Ebonie. I've fed/watched her cats so often that she offered without any hesitation.
Enjoy "boot camp". It seems they might have sent you awhile back. ;)
Enjoy "boot camp" George!
Just came from a board meeting at which I felt like several of the others were p****d at me for various reasons. I'm about to tell them to do their own website and Facebook page...
Do so then, you have more than enough to do.
Trouble is, I like doing those things. Tonight's discussion got a little heated when I told them, NO, I would not participate in the pursuit of nonprofit status for our group. It's way more complicated than any of them realize and I want no part of it.
If you enjoy the work I hope they calm down. Good for you for saying no!
Just came from a board meeting at which I felt like several of the others were p****d at me for various reasons. I'm about to tell them to do their own website and Facebook page...
Do so then, you have more than enough to do.
Trouble is, I like doing those things. Tonight's discussion got a little heated when I told them, NO, I would not participate in the pursuit of nonprofit status for our group. It's way more complicated than any of them realize and I want no part of it.
It is very challenging to get and then maintain a 501c3 status. I completely understand where you are coming from.
Here it is in all its messy glory.
That looks delicious!
I agree, that does look good!
Tonight, I've got the VAI TV version of "Kiss Me, Kate" with Alfred Drake and Patricia Morison. It's only 75 minutes or so, but it's really fun. Julie Wilson, Jack Klugman and Bill Hayes in the supporting cast.
I saw the original Hllmark Hall of Fame broadcast. I loved it. The orchestrations are the original Broadway ones.
Alfred Drake is so much better than Howard Keel, more sex, more ham, more vocal range. The whole thing is wonderful.
Just came from a board meeting at which I felt like several of the others were p****d at me for various reasons. I'm about to tell them to do their own website and Facebook page...
Do so then, you have more than enough to do.
Trouble is, I like doing those things. Tonight's discussion got a little heated when I told them, NO, I would not participate in the pursuit of nonprofit status for our group. It's way more complicated than any of them realize and I want no part of it.
Oy, if they only knew. The one time I worked to get nonprofit status for a group I volunteered with (in the early 90s) was one of the most stressful and complicated times of my life. It was hell!
Ginny, I wish I could offer you some Reuben casserole to make you forget those women.
How ever did you guess that they're women, DR John G?
Perhaps because women do that to other women. If it were men, I think you'd probably just ignore their stupidity or simply quit.
Good day one and all...
Battling the pseudo cold and general malaise. I have not felt very good the last week. I did have a flu show and wonder if that had anything to do with ti.
I did to go to a broadcast of Whad Ya know that was in Fargo. It is on public radio and I rather enjoy it. I am hoping I feel a bit better tomorrow for a part-time interview.
I was Listening to that episode of Whadda ya Know on Saturday and was wondering if you were there!
The pathway from the side of house to our pond.
WOW! Beautiful!
Bootsie Albany, my stripper name
Bootsie the cat is the first pet in my memory
He was a beautiful longhaired grey hat with markings like a tuxedo cat
Every Saturday my Mom would give him a shampoo in the kitchen sink then he would sit on a towel on the kitchen table while Mom blew his fur out with the hair dryer
He also let me dress him in my dolls clothes and put him in the doll carriage or crib where he would snooze whiel I rocked him or wheeled him around
I had him for about 4 years but when I was about 8 years old, he went out one evening a met his end under the wheels of a car
Watching the debate
Thinking about Canada
My inlaws have already had snow twice this month
We had 75 degree weather this weekend
maybe we could deport all the polititians
I like the Candaians though --- maybe we could send them all to North Korea
I like the idea of sending them to North Korea
Bootsie the cat is the first pet in my memory
He was a beautiful longhaired grey hat with markings like a tuxedo cat
Every Saturday my Mom would give him a shampoo in the kitchen sink then he would sit on a towel on the kitchen table while Mom blew his fur out with the hair dryer
Bootsie was a good cat to tolerate the hair dryer, but then he might have preferred that to the bath. I was an expert, as an adult, at quickly bathing the cats.
He also let me dress him in my dolls clothes and put him in the doll carriage or crib where he would snooze whiel I rocked him or wheeled him around
A very special cat indeed. :)
My Gaia would have tolerated a child doing that to her.
I had him for about 4 years but when I was about 8 years old, he went out one evening a met his end under the wheels of a car
My inlaws have already had snow twice this month
We already have it on the mountains above us.
The pathway from the side of house to our pond.
WOW! Beautiful!
Thank you.
I don't think we have EVER been without a dog.....I shall have to check the pictures later today....we probably have a photo. For someone reason when I was about two years old, I like to throw kittens into the washing machine, so I had to be watched closely.....
I think I was The Bad Seed.
What do you mean, was?
Buff, a dog I had many years ago had a fetish for blowdryers. He was annoyed if you were drying you hair and he did not get blasted by it. He loved it...
definitely do not want to see snow before December.
definitely do not want to see snow before December.
I definitely do not want to see snow.
Amtrak is booked. I'm ready for DC.
But is DC ready for you?
Watched the debate and now I'm going to bed - 'night!
Second feature of the evening is "The Adventures of Don Juan" with Errol Flynn. Not a very good movie, but the oddities in it have kept my interest. The sight of Raymond Burr in Spanish garb and mustache was truly silly.
And speaking of pets, my friend Margo will be feeding/watching my cat, Ebonie. I've fed/watched her cats so often that she offered without any hesitation.
Enjoy "boot camp". It seems they might have sent you awhile back. ;)
If it is like state training sessions, it is only offered certain times and with limited spaces available.
Tonight, I've got the VAI TV version of "Kiss Me, Kate" with Alfred Drake and Patricia Morison. It's only 75 minutes or so, but it's really fun. Julie Wilson, Jack Klugman and Bill Hayes in the supporting cast.
I saw the original Hllmark Hall of Fame broadcast. I loved it. The orchestrations are the original Broadway ones.
Alfred Drake is so much better than Howard Keel, more sex, more ham, more vocal range. The whole thing is wonderful.
But he is no Brent Barrett
Blackie Proctor!
I can see Raymond Burr with a beard and a German accent but a Spanish costume just does not seem right..
Hmmm.... wonder how close we are to page 7?
Thinking about Canada
Are you thinking of Canada because of the snow, or because of the debate?
Thinking about Canada
Are you thinking of Canada because of the snow, or because of the debate?
I have relatives in Saskatchewan and Manitoba
Page 7!
In the better late than never department - just did the two-mile jog. No time this morning. Listening to the Xmas album - it's really quite good.
Tonight, I've got the VAI TV version of "Kiss Me, Kate" with Alfred Drake and Patricia Morison. It's only 75 minutes or so, but it's really fun. Julie Wilson, Jack Klugman and Bill Hayes in the supporting cast.
I saw the original Hllmark Hall of Fame broadcast. I loved it. The orchestrations are the original Broadway ones.
Alfred Drake is so much better than Howard Keel, more sex, more ham, more vocal range. The whole thing is wonderful.
But he is no Brent Barrett
I would have to see that version again.
Anyway, I'm bringing my net-pad thing (the hotel is supposed to have free high-speed Internet access!) and shouldn't have any trouble logging on to HHW tonight...hopefully. I'll find out soon.
So, be back later! ;D
Well, I'm in Vancouver but the "high-speed Internet access" is not that high-speed, at all...but it works!
Tonight, I've got the VAI TV version of "Kiss Me, Kate" with Alfred Drake and Patricia Morison. It's only 75 minutes or so, but it's really fun. Julie Wilson, Jack Klugman and Bill Hayes in the supporting cast.
I saw the original Hllmark Hall of Fame broadcast. I loved it. The orchestrations are the original Broadway ones.
Alfred Drake is so much better than Howard Keel, more sex, more ham, more vocal range. The whole thing is wonderful.
But he is no Brent Barrett
I would have to see that version again.
Don't bother, it is purely a personal gay opinion.
night, all.
And speaking of pets, my friend Margo will be feeding/watching my cat, Ebonie. I've fed/watched her cats so often that she offered without any hesitation.
Enjoy "boot camp". It seems they might have sent you awhile back. ;)
Enjoy "boot camp" George!
Thanks Jane and DakotaCelt!
Tonight, I've got the VAI TV version of "Kiss Me, Kate" with Alfred Drake and Patricia Morison. It's only 75 minutes or so, but it's really fun. Julie Wilson, Jack Klugman and Bill Hayes in the supporting cast.
I saw the original Hllmark Hall of Fame broadcast. I loved it. The orchestrations are the original Broadway ones.
Alfred Drake is so much better than Howard Keel, more sex, more ham, more vocal range. The whole thing is wonderful.
But he is no Brent Barrett
I would have to see that version again.
Don't bother, it is purely a personal gay opinion.
I only have to watch this clip...
...and I swoon!
And speaking of pets, my friend Margo will be feeding/watching my cat, Ebonie. I've fed/watched her cats so often that she offered without any hesitation.
Enjoy "boot camp". It seems they might have sent you awhile back. ;)
Enjoy "boot camp" George!
Thanks Jane and DakotaCelt!
Yes, George, have fun. You may learn to like coffee tomorrow morning at 8 a.m.
Well, my work here is done.
And speaking of pets, my friend Margo will be feeding/watching my cat, Ebonie. I've fed/watched her cats so often that she offered without any hesitation.
Enjoy "boot camp". It seems they might have sent you awhile back. ;)
If it is like state training sessions, it is only offered certain times and with limited spaces available.
What Tom said...this particular training is offered several times a year but this was the least inconvenient time for me. :)
Oh. My. Goodness. The wi-fi here is INCREDIBLY slow!! :(
Well, I need to go. Since the boot camp starts early, I'll need to get up early. I'm going to read for a bit then go to sleep.
Good night, all!
Good evening.
Everyone's been here and gone.
And now I must call it a night already. Oy!
Will try to do better tomorrow.
Well, I think we'd all like to know how the HTF stuff is!
I, on the other hand, have been listening to upcoming Kritzerland projects, doing editing road maps and I have not stopped. Some relaxing evening I've had. I've approved the Xmas master with three tiny volume adjustments and I went through another project of two scores on one CD - it's too damn long right now at eighty-three plus minutes so I had to go in and do some fancy-shmancy editing and I think I got six minutes out and I have another two I can lose if need be - I won't release anything longer than seventy-eight minutes. But there's a lot of repetition in the second score so it was fairly easy to remove stuff without damaging anything.