Well, you've read the notes, the notes had a straw, and now it is time for you to post until the cows come home - they're currently having some of their own milk with flavor straws.
And the word of the day is: INSPISSATE!
And a very happy haineshisway.com birthday to former dear reader Hisaka.
So BK, when do you plan on announcing the soundtrack that you talked about in today's notes??
Good Morning!
I'm up, I'm up... And about an hour ago, I ended up playing "The Ladies Who Lunch" for Adinah Alexander at Brandy's. :)
Thanks for all the condolences about Marianne Challis. -Is that the proper verbiage? In any case...
I really do hope that her death was not the result of any foul play. There are a bunch of other voice teachers who are in the "complex" and that "vibe" is certainly something none of us needs.
DR Jennifer - I haven't gotten so far. However, usually the thing I forget to do is to hydrate properly and regularly. I've gotten much better about that now too - even if it means paying for an overpriced Gatorade from a street cart.
DR Jennifer - As for where I store my bike during all of those stops, well... I splurged on a Brompton a couple of months ago. It's a folding bike. When it's folded up completely, it's smaller than most baby strollers...
There's no kickstand, however, if you "flip" in the rear wheel assembly...
And here's the bike fully unfolded with some of the bells and whistles...
...In other words, I can usually carry the bike into anywhere I go. There's a cover "bag" for it when I take it on the DC Metro - it's required.
And, yes, it rides like a normal bike. And I got the 6-speed model.
Brompton Folding Bike (http://www.brompton.co.uk)
Went to Shake Shack with my friend, Brendan, for dinner. Then we went to Brandy's for some drinks and showtunes - and to hear Matt Nakoa play again.
And that was my evening. :)
As for the Friday Media Check...
Speaking of Matt Nakoa...
CD: Matt Nakoa, "Light in the Dark" (http://www.mattnakoa.com)
Morning all.
That is all.
In 6 hours we will be on the train to Long Island.
Can't wait.
After almost two years of intermittent internet (on Long Island) Anthony's parents finally broke down and had the cable company in to install a real internet connection. There is a moderately strong signal coming from somewhere in the neighborhood and if you are sitting in the exact right place for a few minutes you might be able to connect but it's not a stable or secure signal. Nevertheless, they preferred trying to get on line using that signal (which, when you were outside was stronger and fully functioning, it was just when you tried to use it inside that you had problems) over having a fast, reliable and secure signal. Well, now they have one and Anthony's mother is very happy. When we get out there I will have to set up HBO Go for her. That's one of the reasons she got the service. She couldn't connect without the cable company internet service and she watches many television shows on line.
We will also have lobster for dinner on Sunday. Relatives are coming over for a bbq and they are bringing the beasts. I don't know if they will be grilled or boiled but we will have them.
I have begun to exercise again. It's been so hot and we're so busy at work that I come home and drop instead of doing something but Monday I began to ride the exercise bike again and plan on doing it for at least an hour a day every day for the foreseeable future. When we're on Long Island I will use the treadmill.
If I'm going to eat lobster and a weekend of Rose's cooking I NEED to exercise.
And that, my friends, is that.
Bye for now.
With all those clues, I'm sure I know what the next Kritzerland release is... and I can't wait for it :)
Blu - LE HAVRE - Aki Kaurismäki is one of my favorite directors but I didn't think this film was one of his best.
'Morning all! No much to report on my end.
Vibes for all!
Have a wonder filled day!
I like your bike, DR Jose.
Job vibes for DR John G! I hope you get a wonderful boss as well.
Good morning, all! I've been trying to get onto the internet for an hour: Time Warner service is screwed up in my neighborhood. Nothng worked.
So, last night I slept pathetically, and I hope today's AC repairman shows up ear;y because I know by 3pm I will be ready for a nap.
I am in the mdst of laundry, which will keep me busy until around 9am. I have to pay a call on the furniture store about that table I ordered, and then I wait for a repairman,
Good morning, all.
DYING to know what the Kritzerland release is going to be.
Another library book sale today. I'll go over at ten a.m. when they open the doors to the public. I used to get up at dawn's crack and pay to get into these when they open to the early birds (i.e., dealers; the same crowd you see at every damn sale all summer), but now I rarely do that. I'm not being as ridiculously acquisitive as I used to be, and there hasn't been enough stuff I really want to entice me to go to that trouble.
Good Morning!
I'm up, I'm up... And about an hour ago, I ended up playing "The Ladies Who Lunch" for Adinah Alexander at Brandy's. :)
We love Adinah Alexander! She played Miriam Rogan (the young hero's mom, who has the really pivotal inspirational ballad) in our The Last Starfighter at Theater at St Clements (at NYMF),
She's done so many terrific shows. We got to see her as Mme Morrible in WICKED on broadway - wonderful! And I believe she is now (or is about to be) in Harvey Fierstein and Cyndi Lauper's KINKY BOOTS!
Oh, good, it's not too late - happy birthday, Hisaka!
Clever tweet went out during the convention coveragefrom the twitter of
Dave Itzkoff, who's with the arts desk at the Times: Clint Eastwood's speech is going every which way but lucid.
Friday....and I do NOT have to go to work!!
Friday....and I do NOT have to go to work!!
Good for you! Enjoy your freedom.
!! 2 !! !!2!!
Friday morning greetings! Today I must grocery shop for the weekend, because the remnants of Hurricane Isaac are heading for us and we're expecting 3-4 days of rain. Bet the stores will be busy...
And the laundry is finished. I will head up to the furniture store and stop at the market.
Good morning, all.
And vibes for one and all.
Job vibes for DR John G! I hope you get a wonderful boss as well.
Thank you. I would be working for the same people that I am currently working for. And I think they are pretty wonderful.
DVD: Night Gallery, The Deep Blue Sea
MP3: The Nervous Set, They're Playing Our Song
Car CD: The World Is Flat 2.0
My friend Carol is due in tomorrow and a friend from Switzerland, Manuela, is due in tonight. We're going to be spending the next week at a place on Canyon Lake called Silverleaf Resort. That is, if the drought has left water in Canyon Lake.
Is it overcast, though, and that could mean a little rain ... if only.
Happy Friday! The office will be fairly empty today, so maybe I'll get to leave early.
I am so bummed that I missed DR edisaurus' good friend Clint Eastwood's attempts to be coherent last night. The whole innernet is abuzz with his antics.
Planning on watching several Indian horror films.
Some Israeli pop music
Last night's Big Brother
A very happy birthday to the wonderful former DR Hisaka!
I may need to head down to one of the three Walmarts in town this weekend. Evidently they now stock some fun double feature dvds in their $5 bins....including these two nifty films.
I may need to head down to one of the three Walmarts in town this weekend. Evidently they now stock some fun double feature dvds in their $5 bins....including these two nifty films.
That does look like fun.
With all those clues, I'm sure I know what the next Kritzerland release is... and I can't wait for it :)
Any Hints?
And the word of the day is: INSPISSATE!
And The Song Of The Day Is: SUNSHINE CAKE
TOD: On hulu.com I will probably watch Rachael Ray cook something in thirty minutes.
That Rachael Ray is a nice woman. And she throws great parties during South by Southwest.
Crazy day. Just been informed that my registration is due for fall semester today. That I'm supposed to have a ton of paperwork filled out for it. That the form to register online isn't working and that I'm supposed to wait for it all and the cosmos will fit into its properly alignment soon.
That and the woman who hasn't returned my phone calls for the last three weeks, as I try to get the house refinanced is now calling back with tons of information and is ready to go ahead with it.
So, advice, please: FHA loan or conventional loan? There's a $3 difference in the monthly payment. My current loan is FHA.
Can't help you there, John. I know nothing about house loans. We assumed a loan in 1980 when we bought this house.
I am glad to know that Rachael Ray is a nice lady. She seems like it.
I am glad to know that Rachael Ray is a nice lady. She seems like it.
She posed with every single person who wanted his or her picture taken with her, autographed anything they handed her. She partied and danced while her husband's band played and she just seemed to be having fun with everyone. Class.
Good Morning!
I'm up, I'm up... And I'm drinking coffee. Well, a latte.
Good Morning!
I'm up, I'm up... And about an hour ago, I ended up playing "The Ladies Who Lunch" for Adinah Alexander at Brandy's. :)
We love Adinah Alexander! She played Miriam Rogan (the young hero's mom, who has the really pivotal inspirational ballad) in our The Last Starfighter at Theater at St Clements (at NYMF),
She's done so many terrific shows. We got to see her as Mme Morrible in WICKED on broadway - wonderful! And I believe she is now (or is about to be) in Harvey Fierstein and Cyndi Lauper's KINKY BOOTS!
Yes, she is and was! -Was in your production of The Last Starfighter. -Is in the upcoming Kinky Boots. -And, hopefully, while I'm in Chicago, I'll be able to catch one of their gypsy run-thru. :)
And she was a total sweetheart to me last night. -And Matt very generously let me spell him for a bit so that I could play for her.
With all those clues, I'm sure I know what the next Kritzerland release is... and I can't wait for it :)
Any Hints?
Never Mind. The Title Just Came To Me. By The Skin Of Our Teeth !
That Rachael Ray is a nice woman. And she throws great parties during South by Southwest.
Rachael Ray really is a really nice woman. And her husband is nice to look at too. ::)
I just discovered that Lin-Manuel Miranda is headling the People en Espanol concert in town this weekend. Sorry I'm going to have to miss it. And there are free tickets to be had.
I was afraid you foodies would make fun of me for watching Rachael Ray.
But I guess not enough that I didn't post about it.
Ah, the joy of being old enough not to care any more what people think.
Ugh... Another shooting. This time in a Pathmark in New Jersey. -And one of the shooter's two victims had traded shifts with another co-worker. She was only 18.
In happier news...
I was afraid you foodies would make fun of me for watching Rachael Ray.
But I guess not enough that I didn't post about it.
Ah, the joy of being old enough not to care any more what people think.
DR Laura - Now... If you said you watched Sandra Lee... Well... All bets would be off. ::)
That Rachael Ray is a nice woman. And she throws great parties during South by Southwest.
Rachael Ray really is a really nice woman. And her husband is nice to look at too. ::)
The happy couple, as they were watching Jimmy Cliff. (Plus some woman drinking.)
I was afraid you foodies would make fun of me for watching Rachael Ray.
But I guess not enough that I didn't post about it.
Ah, the joy of being old enough not to care any more what people think.
I like anybody who gets people into a kitchen to cook for themselves.
That Rachael Ray is a nice woman. And she throws great parties during South by Southwest.
Rachael Ray really is a really nice woman. And her husband is nice to look at too. ::)
The happy couple, as they were watching Jimmy Cliff. (Plus some woman drinking.)
I think that's a man.
Happy College Colors Day!
And here he is singing. His name is John Cusimano.
DR Ginny - GO BLUE!!!
Thanks, DR Jose!
And now...
Clever tweet went out during the convention coveragefrom the twitter of
Dave Itzkoff, who's with the arts desk at the Times: Clint Eastwood's speech is going every which way but lucid.
That's fabulous!
Laura, time to get your tickets:
I'm up, and have been so since ten. While I did get up several times during the night, I mostly slept straight through and probably got nine hours of blessed sleep. Best of all, no sprinklers.
George, a week from Monday will be the announcement, but maybe here a few days early.
I was afraid you foodies would make fun of me for watching Rachael Ray.
But I guess not enough that I didn't post about it.
Ah, the joy of being old enough not to care any more what people think.
I like anybody who gets people into a kitchen to cook for themselves.
I like anyone who gets people into the kitchen to cook for me.
Yellow and blue seems to be your color, DR Ginny!
Back from library sale with just a few little odds and ends. My goodness, it's hot today. But I'm going out again so I shan't start the a/c till I'm back for the evening.
CD (car player): BEYOND THE FRINGE (got it today for a buck, haven't heard it in years)
Blu-ray: TALES THAT WITNESS MADNESS (one of the very few, or perhaps the last of the horror anthologies I haven't seen, so I'm especially looking forward to it)
This is a 7-minute "Sweet Spot" video on the New York Times site by two of their critics, David Carr and A.O. Scott - about nudity in the arts - but it's pretty funny - especially audacious given that it's in the New York Times.
Maybe go back to it when you have 7 minutes to spare, i think it's worth it, but I was surprised by how graphic they got verbally (like the dance critic) about the "revealing" nature of some of the performances they've seen
And to review:
I could go on and on about the sing through for Legally Blonde last night. But I'll just say it happened and that's it. We didn't finish, which is ok, I guess. The art of the "Sing-Through with Orchestra" seems to be lost on our younger folks. There was a lot of selfishness on that stage last night. I think I would rather stumble through a run-through for the first time with the orchestra than try and do these sing-through's anymore. It's discouraging.
And that's all I'll say about that.
And I'm trying to move on by listening to the OBC of Merrily We Roll Along
Yes, Matthew, yesterday is done.
That Rachael Ray is a nice woman. And she throws great parties during South by Southwest.
Rachael Ray really is a really nice woman. And her husband is nice to look at too. ::)
The happy couple, as they were watching Jimmy Cliff. (Plus some woman drinking.)
She needs a shave.
Laura, time to get your tickets:
Even better, John G.! I have GOOD seats for them in Phoenix!
Yes, Matthew, yesterday is done.
Ah, yes...
I have been to Kroger, which wasn't as busy as I expected. The Isaac clouds have moved in and it's very humid :P
I was afraid you foodies would make fun of me for watching Rachael Ray.
But I guess not enough that I didn't post about it.
Ah, the joy of being old enough not to care any more what people think.
I like anybody who gets people into a kitchen to cook for themselves.
I enjoy cooking for myself. It's the family that won't eat what I cook.
The AC man just called; he's on his way! I suspect he will remove the air conditioner and take it with him. Time will tell.
Hurray, Elmore! I hope he brings a new one.
...In other words, I can usually carry the bike into anywhere I go. There's a cover "bag" for it when I take it on the DC Metro - it's required.
I have been to Kroger, which wasn't as busy as I expected. The Isaac clouds have moved in and it's very humid :P
Isn't that a song: I've been to Kroger. but I've never been to me.
That Rachael Ray is a nice woman. And she throws great parties during South by Southwest.
Rachael Ray really is a really nice woman. And her husband is nice to look at too. ::)
The happy couple, as they were watching Jimmy Cliff. (Plus some woman drinking.)
I think that's a man.
LOL! I knew someone would say this before I had a chance to comment.
I was afraid you foodies would make fun of me for watching Rachael Ray.
But I guess not enough that I didn't post about it.
Ah, the joy of being old enough not to care any more what people think.
I like anybody who gets people into a kitchen to cook for themselves.
I like anyone who gets people into the kitchen to cook for me.
Waiting to hear if DR elmore has AC. VIBES HE DOES!!!
The AC man arrived, looked at my air conditioner, took its measurements, and said "I'm bringing you a new one next week" and left!
So, I've survived several weeks of hot weather and I will survive another!
Why is it I find Regis Philbin's commercials for TD Bank so repellent. His attempts to be funny and coy are the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard.
The AC man arrived, looked at my air conditioner, took its measurements, and said "I'm bringing you a new one next week" and left!
Hopefully, EARLY next week!
BK, I think I would rather hear the John Williams Movie Concert at the Hollywood Bowl tonight or tomorrow night; than hear the Paramount Concert on Sunday. But, of course, you have probably heard plenty of John Williams concerts before.
The AC man arrived, looked at my air conditioner, took its measurements, and said "I'm bringing you a new one next week" and left!
Can't help you there, John. I know nothing about house loans. We assumed a loan in 1980 when we bought this house.
I never assume anything.
Good Morning!
I'm up, I'm up... And about an hour ago, I ended up playing "The Ladies Who Lunch" for Adinah Alexander at Brandy's. :)
We love Adinah Alexander! She played Miriam Rogan (the young hero's mom, who has the really pivotal inspirational ballad) in our The Last Starfighter at Theater at St Clements (at NYMF),
She's done so many terrific shows. We got to see her as Mme Morrible in WICKED on broadway - wonderful! And I believe she is now (or is about to be) in Harvey Fierstein and Cyndi Lauper's KINKY BOOTS!
Yes, she is and was! -Was in your production of The Last Starfighter. -Is in the upcoming Kinky Boots. -And, hopefully, while I'm in Chicago, I'll be able to catch one of their gypsy run-thru. :)
And she was a total sweetheart to me last night. -And Matt very generously let me spell him for a bit so that I could play for her.
You had to spell Matt? It doesn't sound too difficult.
Good grief! The Philippines have certainly had their share of problems lately. There were those terrible floods just a week or two ago; and now a 7.6 earthquake.
DR former poster Hisaka,
Ginny, regarding your mother's hunt for clothes that fit; you might ask around at either Richard's church or some place locally to see if anyone might know of a good seamstress. It might really make your mother feel better about everything if she could have a pair of pants that would be fitted just for her.
DR SwishySarah,
Laura, time to get your tickets:
Even better, John G.! I have GOOD seats for them in Phoenix!
Gee, their tickets cost less than Barbra Striesand's tickets.
...In other words, I can usually carry the bike into anywhere I go. There's a cover "bag" for it when I take it on the DC Metro - it's required.
And, yes, it rides like a normal bike. And I got the 6-speed model.
Brompton Folding Bike (http://www.brompton.co.uk)
How much does your bike weigh?
Can anyone tell me where FB is hiding the "friends" invites?
Happy Birthday, Hisaka and Swishy Sarah!
A Very Happy Birthday to (former?) DR SwishySarah!! ;D
Can anyone tell me where FB is hiding the "friends" invites?
FB? Francis Bacon?
George, are you planning on going up to Seattle to see Jose next month?
George, are you planning on going up to Seattle to see Jose next month?
I haven't heard any details, but I'd love to!
George, are you planning on going up to Seattle to see Jose next month?
I haven't heard any details, but I'd love to!
Well, I don't think we have any details yet, but he will only be in town for 4 days, so I don't suppose we have many choices.
And today's AMERICAN RECORD GUIDE has a negative review for the Herbert songs from operetta maven Richard Traubner, whose knowledge of the subject is immense but whose knowledge of music is not; Henry Fogel in FANFARE praises the lieder and Rchard dismisses them. He kicks most of the songs about because, I suspect, we didn't record the hits or use an orchestra. Another reviewer who can neither appreciate the composer's development nor many of the good tunes here because he's not a very good music critic. His comment on the unpublished songs, many of which are qute beautiful: "probably should have stayed unpublished." I'll leave it at that.
I have been to Kroger, which wasn't as busy as I expected. The Isaac clouds have moved in and it's very humid :P
Isn't that a song: I've been to Kroger. but I've never been to me.
No. That's an earworm.
I'm loving those songs, Elmore, the more and more I listen to them. And there is plenty of history of American music to be gleaned from them. No, they weren't Jerry Herman-style ear-grabbers from first hearing, but doesn't that make them greater in that you discover beauties every time you're drawn back to them?
Another shooting today at a Pathmark in New Jersey. Two store employees working the night shift, an 18 year-old girl and a 24 year-old man, were killed. The shooter was another employee who then shot himself.
George, are you planning on going up to Seattle to see Jose next month?
I haven't heard any details, but I'd love to!
Well, I don't think we have any details yet, but he will only be in town for 4 days, so I don't suppose we have many choices.
Do you want a ride? I'm sure that we can make it all work. :D
George, are you planning on going up to Seattle to see Jose next month?
I haven't heard any details, but I'd love to!
Well, I don't think we have any details yet, but he will only be in town for 4 days, so I don't suppose we have many choices.
Do you want a ride? I'm sure that we can make it all work. :D
I would love it. I will pay for gas.
Topic of the Day, just arrived from Amazon:
Betty Buckley's Ah, Men! The Boys of Broadway (http://www.amazon.com/Ah-Men-The-Boys-Broadway/dp/B008BBSG8S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1346447447&sr=8-1&keywords=buckley+ah+men) and The Music of SMASH (http://www.amazon.com/Music-SMASH-Cast/dp/B007P6VM04/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1346447481&sr=1-1&keywords=smash).
George, are you planning on going up to Seattle to see Jose next month?
I haven't heard any details, but I'd love to!
Well, I don't think we have any details yet, but he will only be in town for 4 days, so I don't suppose we have many choices.
Do you want a ride? I'm sure that we can make it all work. :D
I would love it. I will pay for gas.
We'll just have to coordinate with Jose!
I'm loving those songs, Elmore, the more and more I listen to them. And there is plenty of history of American music to be gleaned from them. No, they weren't Jerry Herman-style ear-grabbers from first hearing, but doesn't that make them greater in that you discover beauties every time you're drawn back to them?
I'm prejudiced but I think many of the songs are glorious. There are some dogs, but I think there are few of those. Some of the lieder are as good as songs by Brahms, Schumann, and others, and some of the songs, like "Heart O'Mine" andthe unpublished "O My Love's Like A Red Red Rose," are so moving they make me weep. Some of the ZIEGFELD FOLLIES numbers are weak, but I love "Romping Redheads," "Humpty Dumpty," and other sngs from THE CENTURY GIRL. Steve Suskin writes like a Broadway jerk who can only appreciate a song if it's in English and has a kick line and Traubner's as bad a critic (none of the Irish songs, he thinks, are as good as those from EILEEN). Well, listen again, ass.
He likes Ron Raines and Rebecca Luker, the only names he mentions. How can you not like Margaret Jane Wray or Marnie Breckenridge's beautiful "Im Mondeslicht"? I know thesinging varies and I'm happy that some singers in poor voice do less than others. I could deal with a review that was rational and critical of the good and the bad vocally, but this review is hogwash and dismissive because he's too musically uninformed to discuss it intelligently, just as he has oanned other composers in the past. I suspected he would be the reviewer and I blame the idiot who assigned it to him, because he's the Naughty Operetta expert. This set deserved a review from someone with more knowledge of song composition.
Ginny, regarding your mother's hunt for clothes that fit; you might ask around at either Richard's church or some place locally to see if anyone might know of a good seamstress. It might really make your mother feel better about everything if she could have a pair of pants that would be fitted just for her.
Thanks, DR TCB. There's someone right at her retirement community who does alterations, but Mom is just not in the frame of mind right now to pursue something so complicated.
I've vented. Now I have errands to run.
DR Jose I knew you had a folding bike. But I did not realize that you folded it up at every stop. Do any of these places have bike racks?
George, are you planning on going up to Seattle to see Jose next month?
I haven't heard any details, but I'd love to!
Well, I don't think we have any details yet, but he will only be in town for 4 days, so I don't suppose we have many choices.
Do you want a ride? I'm sure that we can make it all work. :D
I would love it. I will pay for gas.
We'll just have to coordinate with Jose!
I will also check with Jed and Ann when they get back from their cruise.
Good Evening!
Lunch with former DR Jason - Check!
Dessert with former DR Jason - Check!
I introduced him to the glories of the Wafels & Dinges (http://www.wafelsanddinges.com) carts. He got a Belgian waffle topped with speculoos, bananas, whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate sauce. I had one topped with speculoos ice cream, chocolate sauce and whipped cream.
Needless to say, I took a nice bike ride back through Central Park after lunch and dessert.
And Jason is doing well. Getting back into the audition circuit. In fact, I'll be playing for him next week.
I would like to report that I have finished my laundry.
And I would like to report that the grass is cut.
George, are you planning on going up to Seattle to see Jose next month?
I haven't heard any details, but I'd love to!
Well, I don't think we have any details yet, but he will only be in town for 4 days, so I don't suppose we have many choices.
Do you want a ride? I'm sure that we can make it all work. :D
I would love it. I will pay for gas.
We'll just have to coordinate with Jose!
I will also check with Jed and Ann when they get back from their cruise.
DRs TCB, George, Jed and Ann - I'm going to start planning my city stops next week. I would love to meet up with all of you. I'll be staying downtown at a hotel on 5th Avenue. I won't be renting a car while I'm in town, but I will have my bike, and there's always public transportation and Uber (https://www.uber.com/cities/seattle#cities) if I need to get anywhere "out of the way". I'll be getting in late on Monday, and then taking the train down to Portland on Friday afternoon. -Sorry I'm not there on a weekend.
Topic of the Day, just arrived from Amazon:
Betty Buckley's Ah, Men! The Boys of Broadway (http://www.amazon.com/Ah-Men-The-Boys-Broadway/dp/B008BBSG8S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1346447447&sr=8-1&keywords=buckley+ah+men) and The Music of SMASH (http://www.amazon.com/Music-SMASH-Cast/dp/B007P6VM04/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1346447481&sr=1-1&keywords=smash).
DR George, please let us know how the new Betty Buckley CD is. Not sure I want to purchase it, but would with a glowing review from you! I did hear a bit of a Hymn to Her on iTunes, but if wasn't quite enough to get me to buy the CD. Although, it was good :)
DR Jose I knew you had a folding bike. But I did not realize that you folded it up at every stop. Do any of these places have bike racks?
DR Jennifer - It literally takes no more than 20 seconds to fold the bike up, and it only weighs about 22 pounds. Plus, I got the "E-Z" wheels so that it's easier to roll around when folded up.
I would only leave the bike chained to a bike rack if there was no other option. Or I just take it to places where I know it would have to be out of my line of sight for an extended period of time. It was quite the investment, a worthwhile one. Since it is smaller than most baby strollers, I take it in wherever I go. I can check it at Coat Check if there's not enough room by my table (if I'm in a restaurant).
And I would like to report that the grass is cut.
I would like to report that I have finished my laundry.
DR Jose I knew you had a folding bike. But I did not realize that you folded it up at every stop. Do any of these places have bike racks?
DR Jennifer - It literally takes no more than 20 seconds to fold the bike up, and it only weighs about 22 pounds. Plus, I got the "E-Z" wheels so that it's easier to roll around when folded up.
I would only leave the bike chained to a bike rack if there was no other option. Or I just take it to places where I know it would have to be out of my line of sight for an extended period of time. It was quite the investment, a worthwhile one. Since it is smaller than most baby strollers, I take it in wherever I go. I can check it at Coat Check if there's not enough room by my table (if I'm in a restaurant).
I LOVE that bike. I'm wondering if it would support a person of my .... uh.... framework?
Can anyone tell me where FB is hiding the "friends" invites?
DR Jane - Do you want to Invite someone? Or are you looking for an Invite someone extended you? -If so, just click on that People icon in the top left corner next to "facebook".
If you are looking to find out the status an Facebook Friend invite that you initiated, well, apparently, you can't track the status of such things in a certain place. You just have to go to that person's page and see if it says "Friend Invite Sent" or "Invite"- which could mean the previous Invitation expired or was "Ignored".
DR Jose I knew you had a folding bike. But I did not realize that you folded it up at every stop. Do any of these places have bike racks?
DR Jennifer - It literally takes no more than 20 seconds to fold the bike up, and it only weighs about 22 pounds. Plus, I got the "E-Z" wheels so that it's easier to roll around when folded up.
I would only leave the bike chained to a bike rack if there was no other option. Or I just take it to places where I know it would have to be out of my line of sight for an extended period of time. It was quite the investment, a worthwhile one. Since it is smaller than most baby strollers, I take it in wherever I go. I can check it at Coat Check if there's not enough room by my table (if I'm in a restaurant).
I LOVE that bike. I'm wondering if it would support a person of my .... uh.... framework?
DR Matthew - You can find the answer here: Brompton Bicycle: FAQs (http://www.brompton.co.uk/page.asp?p=3067)
DR elmore - Was the AC guy at least cute? Or, at the very least, "DR MBarnum Cute"? ::)
DR Jose I knew you had a folding bike. But I did not realize that you folded it up at every stop. Do any of these places have bike racks?
DR Jennifer - It literally takes no more than 20 seconds to fold the bike up, and it only weighs about 22 pounds. Plus, I got the "E-Z" wheels so that it's easier to roll around when folded up.
I would only leave the bike chained to a bike rack if there was no other option. Or I just take it to places where I know it would have to be out of my line of sight for an extended period of time. It was quite the investment, a worthwhile one. Since it is smaller than most baby strollers, I take it in wherever I go. I can check it at Coat Check if there's not enough room by my table (if I'm in a restaurant).
I LOVE that bike. I'm wondering if it would support a person of my .... uh.... framework?
DR Matthew - Here is a list of Brompton Dealers in the Bay Area (http://www.brompton.co.uk/dealers/find/more/?lat=37.7749295&long=%20-122.41941550000001&searchLoc=San%20Francisco,%20CA,%20USA). *There's one in Town & Country.
There are some other manufacturers of "folders". If a Bromtpon doesn't seem like a good fit, check out Dahon, Giant, Shimano, Stowaway, etc.
DR elmore - Was the AC guy at least cute? Or, at the very least, "DR MBarnum Cute"? ::)
No, DR Jose, DR MBarnum would not be willing to wait 30-40 years for this service man.
And Jason is doing well. Getting back into the audition circuit. In fact, I'll be playing for him next week.
DR Jose I knew you had a folding bike. But I did not realize that you folded it up at every stop. Do any of these places have bike racks?
I can check it at Coat Check if there's not enough room by my table (if I'm in a restaurant).
DR Jose I knew you had a folding bike. But I did not realize that you folded it up at every stop. Do any of these places have bike racks?
DR Jennifer - It literally takes no more than 20 seconds to fold the bike up, and it only weighs about 22 pounds. Plus, I got the "E-Z" wheels so that it's easier to roll around when folded up.
I would only leave the bike chained to a bike rack if there was no other option. Or I just take it to places where I know it would have to be out of my line of sight for an extended period of time. It was quite the investment, a worthwhile one. Since it is smaller than most baby strollers, I take it in wherever I go. I can check it at Coat Check if there's not enough room by my table (if I'm in a restaurant).
I LOVE that bike. I'm wondering if it would support a person of my .... uh.... framework?
DR Matthew - Here is a list of Brompton Dealers in the Bay Area (http://www.brompton.co.uk/dealers/find/more/?lat=37.7749295&long=%20-122.41941550000001&searchLoc=San%20Francisco,%20CA,%20USA). *There's one in Town & Country.
There are some other manufacturers of "folders". If a Bromtpon doesn't seem like a good fit, check out Dahon, Giant, Shimano, Stowaway, etc.
Thank you!!!! :)
Can anyone tell me where FB is hiding the "friends" invites?
DR Jane - Do you want to Invite someone? Or are you looking for an Invite someone extended you? -If so, just click on that People icon in the top left corner next to "facebook".
Thank you for responding.
I saw an "invite" on the right side of the page under birthdays. I opened it without doing anything & then clicked on the back arrow. When I returned I couldn't see the invite. There was a time, prior to Timeline, when I received emails telling me I had invites.
As for the people icon.....Even after you said it was there I couldn't see it at first. They might have made it a contrasting color instead of a darker blue.
Thanks for solving the mystery.
Now if only I could see when all of these invites were received.
Off for a walk to the mail box.
I went and had bacon and eggs and picked up the important envelope, did some banking and am just here relaxing. We're doing an upcoming release where I wanted to use the original liner notes for a previous CD release - but the author didn't have them on his computer anymore so I spent two hours of retyping them. That was tedious but it's done. And our next release will also have notes by someone else - and thankfully he had them on his computer and is just cutting them down be a couple of pages.
DR Jane - You're welcome.
DR Matthew - You're welcome.
I went and had bacon and eggs and picked up the important envelope, did some banking and am just here relaxing. We're doing an upcoming release where I wanted to use the original liner notes for a previous CD release - but the author didn't have them on his computer anymore so I spent two hours of retyping them. That was tedious but it's done. And our next release will also have notes by someone else - and thankfully he had them on his computer and is just cutting them down be a couple of pages.
bk - Could you have scanned the liner notes and OCR'd them?
I went and had bacon and eggs and picked up the important envelope, did some banking and am just here relaxing. We're doing an upcoming release where I wanted to use the original liner notes for a previous CD release - but the author didn't have them on his computer anymore so I spent two hours of retyping them. That was tedious but it's done. And our next release will also have notes by someone else - and thankfully he had them on his computer and is just cutting them down be a couple of pages.
bk - Could you have scanned the liner notes and OCR'd them?
My last scanner had that option, but it really didn't work very well. It's been several years since then, so maybe it would work better with my current scanner...I don't doubt that the technology has improved.
Topic of the Day, just arrived from Amazon:
Betty Buckley's Ah, Men! The Boys of Broadway (http://www.amazon.com/Ah-Men-The-Boys-Broadway/dp/B008BBSG8S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1346447447&sr=8-1&keywords=buckley+ah+men) and The Music of SMASH (http://www.amazon.com/Music-SMASH-Cast/dp/B007P6VM04/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1346447481&sr=1-1&keywords=smash).
DR George, please let us know how the new Betty Buckley CD is. Not sure I want to purchase it, but would with a glowing review from you! I did hear a bit of a Hymn to Her on iTunes, but if wasn't quite enough to get me to buy the CD. Although, it was good :)
If you like Betty...I do and I know that some people don't like Betty...but if you do, I certainly can recommend it. I haven't finished listening to it, but I'm very much enjoying it.
My scanner isn't working at the moment for reasons I cannot fathom.
Listening to music. At six I'll being the trek to the Cicada Club. I promised I'd dress nicely so as not to embarrass the helper.
Topic of the Day, just arrived from Amazon:
Betty Buckley's Ah, Men! The Boys of Broadway (http://www.amazon.com/Ah-Men-The-Boys-Broadway/dp/B008BBSG8S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1346447447&sr=8-1&keywords=buckley+ah+men) and The Music of SMASH (http://www.amazon.com/Music-SMASH-Cast/dp/B007P6VM04/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1346447481&sr=1-1&keywords=smash).
DR George, please let us know how the new Betty Buckley CD is. Not sure I want to purchase it, but would with a glowing review from you! I did hear a bit of a Hymn to Her on iTunes, but if wasn't quite enough to get me to buy the CD. Although, it was good :)
If you like Betty...I do and I know that some people don't like Betty...but if you do, I certainly can recommend it. I haven't finished listening to it, but I'm very much enjoying it.
She's a crazy bitch!
Topic of the Day, just arrived from Amazon:
Betty Buckley's Ah, Men! The Boys of Broadway (http://www.amazon.com/Ah-Men-The-Boys-Broadway/dp/B008BBSG8S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1346447447&sr=8-1&keywords=buckley+ah+men) and The Music of SMASH (http://www.amazon.com/Music-SMASH-Cast/dp/B007P6VM04/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1346447481&sr=1-1&keywords=smash).
DR George, please let us know how the new Betty Buckley CD is. Not sure I want to purchase it, but would with a glowing review from you! I did hear a bit of a Hymn to Her on iTunes, but if wasn't quite enough to get me to buy the CD. Although, it was good :)
If you like Betty...I do and I know that some people don't like Betty...but if you do, I certainly can recommend it. I haven't finished listening to it, but I'm very much enjoying it.
She's a crazy bitch!
Yeah, I've met her. Very strange lady. But if you put that at the back of your mind, she's sometimes pleasant to listen to
Topic of the Day, just arrived from Amazon:
Betty Buckley's Ah, Men! The Boys of Broadway (http://www.amazon.com/Ah-Men-The-Boys-Broadway/dp/B008BBSG8S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1346447447&sr=8-1&keywords=buckley+ah+men) and The Music of SMASH (http://www.amazon.com/Music-SMASH-Cast/dp/B007P6VM04/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1346447481&sr=1-1&keywords=smash).
DR George, please let us know how the new Betty Buckley CD is. Not sure I want to purchase it, but would with a glowing review from you! I did hear a bit of a Hymn to Her on iTunes, but if wasn't quite enough to get me to buy the CD. Although, it was good :)
If you like Betty...I do and I know that some people don't like Betty...but if you do, I certainly can recommend it. I haven't finished listening to it, but I'm very much enjoying it.
She's a crazy bitch!
Yeah, I've met her. Very strange lady. But if you put that at the back of your mind, she's sometimes pleasant to listen to
If you like a voice that can peel paint off walls. And she's a horrible woman.
I am awaiting an email that has still not arrived....my personal trainer wants to get together with me this evening....I am starving to death and hoping my buddy Jim will consent to go out for Chinese food...and the Punjabi movie I wanted to watch doesn't have English subtitles.
That is my afternoon so far.
Topic of the Day, just arrived from Amazon:
Betty Buckley's Ah, Men! The Boys of Broadway (http://www.amazon.com/Ah-Men-The-Boys-Broadway/dp/B008BBSG8S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1346447447&sr=8-1&keywords=buckley+ah+men) and The Music of SMASH (http://www.amazon.com/Music-SMASH-Cast/dp/B007P6VM04/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1346447481&sr=1-1&keywords=smash).
DR George, please let us know how the new Betty Buckley CD is. Not sure I want to purchase it, but would with a glowing review from you! I did hear a bit of a Hymn to Her on iTunes, but if wasn't quite enough to get me to buy the CD. Although, it was good :)
If you like Betty...I do and I know that some people don't like Betty...but if you do, I certainly can recommend it. I haven't finished listening to it, but I'm very much enjoying it.
She's a crazy bitch!
That's a separate issue. ::)
I am awaiting an email that has still not arrived....my personal trainer wants to get together with me this evening....I am starving to death and hoping my buddy Jim will consent to go out for Chinese food...and the Punjabi movie I wanted to watch doesn't have English subtitles.
That is my afternoon so far.
Can you work out after eating or do you go to the gym first?
Will you still watch the movie even if you don't know exactly what they are saying?
So, as Richard and I were finishing dinner we had a call from Rob. He and Mary Linda want to come spend the holiday weekend with us. Tomorrow we'll watch Miami/Ohio State at noon and Michigan/Alabama in the evening. Rob has to work on Monday (holiday pay!), so I suspect Mary Linda and I will go to the outlet mall or something.
Or, at the very least, "DR MBarnum Cute"? ::)
Well, in that case, he wouldn't still be working.
Happy day to Swishy Sarah, too!
DR elmore - Was the AC guy at least cute? Or, at the very least, "DR MBarnum Cute"? ::)
It sounded like the guy didn't have much personality which, to me, would really ruin the cute factor.
Back from a long hot day of errands and whatnot. The errands were annoying but had to be done. The whatnot wasn't so bad.
DR Jose I knew you had a folding bike. But I did not realize that you folded it up at every stop. Do any of these places have bike racks?
DR Jennifer - It literally takes no more than 20 seconds to fold the bike up, and it only weighs about 22 pounds. Plus, I got the "E-Z" wheels so that it's easier to roll around when folded up.
I would only leave the bike chained to a bike rack if there was no other option. Or I just take it to places where I know it would have to be out of my line of sight for an extended period of time. It was quite the investment, a worthwhile one. Since it is smaller than most baby strollers, I take it in wherever I go. I can check it at Coat Check if there's not enough room by my table (if I'm in a restaurant).
It sounds very cool. And definitely seems to serve your purposes very well. Especially since you travel a lot.
Here there are a lot of places with bike racks. So i just lock my bike to it.
I thought that since a lot of people biked in NYC (especially around Central Park) that there might be various places with bike racks.
We have a very tall pine tree that was so thick you couldn't see anything beyond the tree. As of today we can see the view through the tree. I just wish I had taken the photos earlier in the day when the guy was much higher up.
I'm sorry I don't know how to rotate them. I had the same problem on FB & hoped I would do better here. I rotated them on my camera & they are still upright on my computer.
Someone explained how to flip the photos on FB.
I think the images are sharper using photobucket vs transferring them from FB.
It's not fair! Keith sees all the cool wildlife out there. This afternoon, after I had come back into the house, he saw this heron at the pond.
Well, Michigan State has their hands full with Boise State! Now that it's halftime, Rob and Mary Linda should be on their way to our house.
I have to admit this set of posts marking the return of V.J. (the third - and for a long time quiet - All that Chat owner, from Vegas) did almost feel like something from a musical.
"V.J.!!!! You are back after all this time. I lurk a lot and I used to enjoy your posts. So glad they will continue"
"I never left. I've been here every day for 16 years as a forum monitor. I don't post that much as when I created All That Chat...there came a time when I realized it wasn't about me, it was about you and the world...ao I slid into silence, but I still love B'way and I'm here every day."
I just had a pleasant surprise on Facebook from a friend request. i'm still in a bit of shock, but very very happy.
The AC an was very nice. He simply wasn't MBarnum fantasy material.
Crazy day. Just been informed that my registration is due for fall semester today. That I'm supposed to have a ton of paperwork filled out for it. That the form to register online isn't working and that I'm supposed to wait for it all and the cosmos will fit into its properly alignment soon.
That and the woman who hasn't returned my phone calls for the last three weeks, as I try to get the house refinanced is now calling back with tons of information and is ready to go ahead with it.
So, advice, please: FHA loan or conventional loan? There's a $3 difference in the monthly payment. My current loan is FHA.
FINALLY something I know about!!
usually with a conventional loan you do not have to pay mortgage insurance FHA loans always include mortgage insurance - on the other hand sometimes closing costs are cheaper for FHA loans -- you should ask for for GFE (good Faith Estimates) for each loan and compare - if you want to discuss it IM me
That Rachael Ray is a nice woman. And she throws great parties during South by Southwest.
Rachael Ray really is a really nice woman. And her husband is nice to look at too. ::)
The happy couple, as they were watching Jimmy Cliff. (Plus some woman drinking.)
that'sa woman?
That Rachael Ray is a nice woman. And she throws great parties during South by Southwest.
Rachael Ray really is a really nice woman. And her husband is nice to look at too. ::)
The happy couple, as they were watching Jimmy Cliff. (Plus some woman drinking.)
that'sa woman?
The one on the right? Well...she does have boobs.
And now, I'm off. I was planning on going to my sister's to visit for a bit, but it might be too late.
Anyway, until later!
Look what we just saw!
The above photo is a female. Keith saw a male earlier. I wonder if we have a pair out there.
I just had a pleasant surprise on Facebook from a friend request. i'm still in a bit of shock, but very very happy.
The AC an was very nice. He simply wasn't MBarnum fantasy material.
:) and ;D
Thanks, Vixmom. I decided to go with the conventional loan. I'm cutting my interest from 6% to 3.75% and will be paying a bit less each month, which is good news for me.
Great photo. I showed it to J.B., who did his routine of checking out the eye. Then he lost interest.
Night, all.
Look what we just saw!
Thanks, Vixmom. I decided to go with the conventional loan. I'm cutting my interest from 6% to 3.75% and will be paying a bit less each month, which is good news for me.
very good!!
I am here if you need me!
Congratulations on your book sales! You have sold exactly 700 more books than I have!
Rob and Mary Linda have arrived for their "stay-cation" at the Poinciana Bed 'n' Breakfast (and lunch and dinner and do-it-yourself laundry...)
We are pleasantly surprised to have them here!
DR Jennifer - There are lots of bike racks around NYC. Alas, there are lots of thieves out there with industrial lock snips and hacksaws. Or when they can't break the lock, they break the bike. There are lots of wheel-less bike frames chained to various posts throughout the city. If you look up the price of my bike, you'll understand my "caution".
Thanks, Vixmom. I decided to go with the conventional loan. I'm cutting my interest from 6% to 3.75% and will be paying a bit less each month, which is good news for me.
very good!!
I am here if you need me!
DR vixmom - Stop working! ;)
Thanks, Vixmom. I decided to go with the conventional loan. I'm cutting my interest from 6% to 3.75% and will be paying a bit less each month, which is good news for me.
very good!!
I am here if you need me!
DR vixmom - Stop working! ;)
And now, I'm off. I was planning on going to my sister's to visit for a bit, but it might be too late.
Anyway, until later!
I'm home. I went to my sister's and we watched "Wall-E" on Blu-ray...she had never seen it and she loved it. :)
Thanks, Vixmom. I decided to go with the conventional loan. I'm cutting my interest from 6% to 3.75% and will be paying a bit less each month, which is good news for me.
Very good news, John! Congrats! When I bought my condo, I had a 30-year loan at 6.875%. I refinanced about a year and a half later at 5.0% for 15 years. My monthly payments actually went up, but overall I'll save a ton of money...and it'll be paid off about 10 years before I retire instead of 5 years after.
Back from a way too long show at the Cicada Club - more in the notes.