Well, you've read the notes, the notes had dandruff, and now it is time for you to post until the cows come home - they're having some problem with dandruff right now.
And the word of the day is: DASYPYGAL!
I await pithy comments on THAT word.
And the word of the day is: DASYPYGAL!
He spotted the Day Spy Gal working on the wharf!
Cheese.... one of my favorite food groups!
I love American, cheddar, brie (great on toasted french bread), muenster (or as my nephew used to call it - monster cheeser), cheddar, provolone, Swiss. Fresh parmesan is wonderful on spaghetti and noodles in general.
I am not a huge fan of bleu cheese.
I also like cheddar and I find it a versatile thing to have around the kitchen for you can add it to many dishes. I also like nibbling on cheese and summer sausage with wheat crackers.
a student worker tonight brought in an interesting item I have never tried before. Matzo balls.
Cute picture Edi of Walt and the stuffed cows. I particularly like the cow in the Spamalot t-shirt. I would love to see that someday.
I haven't had many different kinds of cheeses...mostly the standards: cheddar, mozzarella (especially fresh mozzarella), parmesan, monterey jack (love this on pizza), , cream, ricotta. That's all I can think of right now. :)
Cute picture Edi of Walt and the stuffed cows. I particularly like the cow in the Spamalot t-shirt. I would love to see that someday.
The kitty in the picture is Elmo, my cow cat, who is wishing Walt well.
The TV he's sitting on died and now we have a flat screen TV, so he can't perch up there anymore!
BK, we're getting in Wed PM, although I am toying with the idea of paying an extra 100 bucks to cheange my ticket to Thursday afternoon. There's too much going on and I still have had very little sleep. I will only have 1 hour to do everything I need to do after I get home from the hospital tomorrow night if we leave as planned. I haven't even rented a car!
I would suggest BK come to the Friday night screening, because Peter will be at that one to do a short Q&A. We probably wouldn't be available to go out until after the second show, which might be too late for some people. (The times haven't been announced yet.)
But we would also be available other times, too!
I will try to catch some more zzzzzzz's....
Good morning, all! This morning I fly back to Ohio, so I can use all the travel vibes you can send this way. I'm hoping the week will be peaceful and busy, with no major sturm und drang and that I will see a few good friends and have a pleasant sojourn.
So, I'll be back this afternoon when I arrive at my destination.
DR Tomovoz, spiffy new avatar! Very dashing.
A very good morning to all!
Safe travel vibes to DR Elmore!
Well, the good news is I didn't break my toe. The bad new is that it still hurt like heck. I couldn't think of anything but getting home to the recliner.
It's finely on the mend.
I hope everyone is doing well!
Hi DR Ben! How is the weather in NYC?
Gotta scoot--Have a wonderful day everyone!
I missed Danise! I was catching up on last night's posts.
The weather in NYC is strange. It's early April but we are still in March mode weather. It's in the 40s and should be for most of the week, even Easter Sunday. Oh, well. At least it's not rain or snow.
Vibes for Edi's Dad
Vibes for Larry's travel
Mornin' Woody.
I'm off to wash my oatmeal bowl and then I have to finish work on my Power Point presentation.
P.S. Jose, Ant said it was very good to see you. He said he didn't come in for the Gypsy call because it's Patti and Arthur Laurents and he figures it's almost completely pre-cast.
And the word of the day is: DASYPYGAL!
A GYPSY LAD, Raoul by name,
I claim as my most furry pal.
He's rightly proud of his hairy chest,
But he's also quite DASYPYGAL!
Scrub that oatmeal bowl, Ben! Scrub it good!
I do love Parmesan when it's freshly grated. Throw those little green canisters out - nasty stuff in comparison.
And yes, brie is wonderful, soft and runny.
Blue cheeses are also at the top of my list. Magic Mommy cannot stand them, of course, because she cannot stand food that smells. Der Brucer brought some to her house once, to serve on a cheese tray as an appetizer, and she freaked and insisted that it be removed to the kitchen. It went to the kitchen... and so did we! Yummers!
And a really good Swiss cheese can be considered the hole-y grail!
And it's already time to get ready for work!
I've got a full, eight-hour shift today. After, I think I'll roast a leg of lamb.
That's because we've got leg of lamb on sale.
$1.99 a pound.
That's a savings of $2.00 per pound, at least.
With garlic and rosemary, of course.
And Brussels sprouts and taters.
And one for mutton!
I'd have a page two lamb dance, but one of it's legs is missing.
I'd have a page two lamb dance, but one of it's legs is missing.
Well you don't kill an animal as sweet as that all at once! :P
Vibes for DR EDI's dad.
Travel vibes for DR ELMORE and DR EDI!!
Wow what a happening place!!!
Great new avatar DR TOMovOZ!
DR MBARNUM - on its way to you:
Two movies and one television star all in the same box!
I don't know from the word of the day....but I think it is a dance that was introduced by Vernon and Irene Castle.
No wait....maybe that was the Dipsy Doodle.
Last night for dinner we had meat loaf. I make it with green beans inside. I blanche the beans for about 5 minutes and then after the ground beef is all ready (an egg, 1/4 cup of bread crumbs, off the shelf Eye talian seasoning, half of a 6 ounce can of tomato paste, salt, pepper and sliced mushrooms) I put half on the bottom of the cassarole dish, place the partially cooked green beans on the meat and then cover it with the rest of the ground beef. I cook it for 45 minutes at 350 degrees. I also steam the remaining green beans and make some kind of side dish. The beans inside the meat loaf cook away and are nicely done when the meat is finished. We now have leftovers for dinner later in the week. In fact, Anthony may have some for dinner tonight because my theatre buddies and I are seeing Frost/Nixon (the new play with Frank Langella and Michael Sheen who played Tony Blair in The Queen) and we're having dinner at the relatively new Junior's restaurant on 45th and Broadway.
I love the way Cary Grant says "Dan-druff" in NORTH BY NORTHWEST.
Thanks DR JOSE - we are using dial up for his computer....but it will be left for my niece who is indeed an APPLE gal.
LA Vibes for DR EDISAURUS and her movie.
If anyone wants a copy of the Noah play, DR EDISAURUS....I have one for you.
Great movie wall, DR MUSICGUY. And it will look even more fantastic in June when ATTACK OF THE 50 FOOT WOMAN and QUEEN OF OUTER SPACE are released on DVD!!
And the word of the day is: DASYPYGAL!
Are you sure that isn't the name of our newest poster???
Or perhaps, singdaw's................. friend?
Dasypygal (http://www.answers.com/topic/dasypygal)
Dasypygal woncha come out tonight
Come out tonight
Come out tonight
Dasypygal woncha come out tonight
And dance by the light of the moon.
Dasypygal (http://www.answers.com/topic/dasypygal)
Oh my - that makes my song even funnier! ;D
Off to work.
As weathergirl DR CILLA LIZ has reported....warm weather with severe thunderstorms are predicted.
Are you sure that isn't the name of our newest poster??? Or perhaps, singdaw's................. friend?
Oh, wouldn't you like to know!!??!! :o ;D
I'm off to wash my oatmeal bowl
I mean, even cream of wheat has lumps!
(a Merrily reference)
Has anyone seen this news story?
April 3 2007: 8:22 AM EDT
NEW YORK -- The latest search at Google has nothing to do with the Internet or lucrative ads. It has to do with a three-foot python that's loose in its New York offices.
Published reports say the snake, named Kaiser, got loose Sunday in the company's office in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York.
"What you have heard is in fact true and not an April Fools' Day joke," a Google spokesman wrote in an e-mail to technology news site CNET News.com.
"We are confident that we have the appropriate resources in place to resolve this issue as quickly as possible in the best interests of both the Googlers in our NYC office and Kaiser the snake."
I wonder if Kaiser is dasypygal?
DR JoseSPiano, did you ever get the Into the Woods remaster? Was wondering about those bonus tracks...
[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]***HEALTH VIBES***[/move]
to DR SwishySarah
[move=right,scroll,6,transparent,100%]***TRAVEL VIBES***[/move]
to DR elmore3003
[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]***DIGESTIVE VIBES***[/move]
to DC "Tubs" Walty
DR Tomovoz -
Spiffy new avatar/caption combo!!! :)
Yesterday, DR JoseSPiano wrote:
OK, folks... A gentle "hint" - When composing "banners" - moving or otherwise - please keep track of their "length" - especially if you increase the font size.
Ha. He used length and size in the same post! ;)
Yesterday, DR elmore3003 wrote:
I've got a little list.
I've got a little lithp?
I said THespian, DR TCB!!! :)
Yesterday, DR FJL wrote:
Odd experience on the NJ Transit bus coming back from the seder in Cranford NJ tonight. The bus driver announced that he had taken a wrong exit or something like that, and asked if anyone knew how to get back on the route to NYC. With all that, we only got in 15 minutes later than scheduled, but it was unusual.
It was the morror. The morror, I tell you.
Or the charoses.
DR Edisaurus, very funny story about your father. And I can't wait to try your "recipe"!!
***CONTINUED VIBES***[/color] for your father's recovery.
Yesterday, DR JoseSPiano wrote:
Can we arrange for a hand off the popsicle molds?
In the shape of - - - -???
We need details, man!!! ;)
Well, the usual suspects.
Plus if you've never had real provolone, you simply MUST try it. I'm not talking about the bland sliced stuff you get in a sandwich, but a hunk of the real thing. Man, that is tasty stuff!
Good Morning, Dear Sing!
TOD: Fresh peccorino in Sacco's hometown of Puglia after a long and hungry day of shooting.
And one for Muenster.
Back at ya, DR Edisaurus!
Sounds like another long day ahead for you.
We'll have to get DR JoseSPiano to make a little cookie delivery!
What a cheesey way to start off page 3!
That's something I don't quite get:
The little caption for THIS emoticon: :D reads: cheesy
Gotta scoot--Have a wonderful day everyone!
Way to hit and run Danise! ;D
Re: something bk said yesterday about placeholders.
If candle holders hold candles, and pot holders hold pots, and place holders hold places, all well and good.
BUT....what do you hold your holders in? Hmmmmmmmmm?
Well you don't kill an animal as sweet as that all at once! :P
My favorite joke! ;D ;D ;D ;D
LA Vibes for DR EDISAURUS and her movie.
If anyone wants a copy of the Noah play, DR EDISAURUS....I have one for you.
I absolutely would LOVE a copy!
I'm still kvelling from the oatmeal cookie!
Wait 'til TCB gets his hands on the word "peccorino."
Here's (http://www.realcaliforniacheese.com/happyCows/default.cfm?sub=happyCows&page=2&start=1) a link to clips of all of those Real California Cheese / Happy Cow commercials.
singdaw - Well, there were a good number of people on the bus talking about having been coming back from Passover seders, so maybe the bus driver decided to enact the children of Israel losing their way from Egypt to the Holy Land.
Wait 'til TCB gets his hands on the word "peccorino."
That's between him and DR Cason's mohel. ;)
Did you realize that Moses led the children of Israel around for so many years because the Lord didn't want the Israelites who were in Egypt to actually enter Israel themselves, as punsihment for the Golden calf.
And where else on the internet are they giving out such info this morning?
DR Dan (the Man) - I too did not realize about your recent health situation. Glad to hear that things are much better now! :)
Oh, I guess they're talking Hagaddah stuff in a lot of places this A.M. Never mind.
as punsihment for the Golden calf.
I'll bet DR MBarnum knows a few golden calves that need to be punished! ;)
In fact, Anthony may have some for dinner tonight because my theatre buddies and I are seeing Frost/Nixon (the new play with Frank Langella and Michael Sheen who played Tony Blair in The Queen) and we're having dinner at the relatively new Junior's restaurant on 45th and Broadway.
Love the cheesecake at Juniors!
LA Vibes for DR EDISAURUS and her movie.
If anyone wants a copy of the Noah play, DR EDISAURUS....I have one for you.
I'd love to have a copy!
[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]* * * * * MORE HEALTH VIBES FOR DR EDI'S DAD * * * * *[/move]
Tuesday morning greetings! Based on the forecast from DR Cillaliz (the Weather Gal) and the follow-up from DR JRand, I disconnected my home computer before leaving for work this morning. Don't want it to get fried in an electrical storm.
[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TRAVEL VIBES FOR DR ELMORE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~[/move]
Good morning, all! This morning I fly back to Ohio, so I can use all the travel vibes you can send this way. I'm hoping the week will be peaceful and busy, with no major sturm und drang and that I will see a few good friends and have a pleasant sojourn.
Hope I'm one of those friends!
Travel vibes for DR Elmore!
DR Dan (the Man) - I too did not realize about your recent health situation. Glad to hear that things are much better now! :)
Thanky, sir! Yes, I am living the life of Captain Carrot nowadays.
What a friend we have in cheeses!
As weathergirl DR CILLA LIZ has reported....warm weather with severe thunderstorms are predicted.
I really have been interested in this weather stuff for a long time. I don't know if it's because my mother is paranoid about the weather or because I was in a tornado (well very very near where one hit) when I was 6 years old or what, but it's interesting to me.
I am a trained weather spotter and have been for, gees, over 10 years. My nephew and I used to go to spotter training. We went in one town and when a different instructor showed the same slide show in another town we were the only ones in the room who didn't misidentify the smoke slide and call it a tornado, lol. They thought we were brilliant and we didn't correct them ;D
I should probably go to another class. When you drive through the middle of nowhere during tornado season, it's nice to be able to read the clouds.
Last night we had thunderstorms. Today it's cloudy, windy, wet and cold. Good day to get some work done
Did you realize that Moses led the children of Israel around for so many years because the Lord didn't want the Israelites who were in Egypt to actually enter Israel themselves, as punsihment for the Golden calf.
And where else on the internet are they giving out such info this morning?
I thought it was because he was a man and wouldn't stop to ask directions ;)
Yesterday DR Jennifer said "I bet if you polled the people watching every single person would say that they think the judges votes count for 50% of the votes."
Last night during the show they said the judges score counts for 50 percent of the total the phone calls are the rest.
TRAVEL VIBES TO DR ELMORE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
What a friend we have in cheeses!
Stand up, stand up for cheeses!
Bong Hits for Cheeses~
Referring, of course, to the kid who had the banner and not anything I would do
Ok, time to get some work done. It's been fun chatting with all of you.,
Oh cheeses I have promised...
It has been said that feta goes well with Spensa salad... :)
OH TOD: I'm back on a fresh mozzerella and fresh tomatoes with fresh basil and a drizzle of olive oil jag
Yummers. [to quote another DR]
I love to sing-a
About the feta
In my Spensa
That I munch-a
During my lunch-a!
It's a feta complit
(that's a repeat pun, isn't it?)
(that's a repeat pun, isn't it?)
Yes, but it's so good it bears repeating. AND it's TOD-related.
DR FJL, you seem to have a cactus protruding from your ear.
Perhaps it's the one those kids were planting the other day here at HHW??
I'm sorry, I can't hear you. I have a cactus in my ear.
ps - just joshing, DR FJL. I know it's the passport stamp.
DR FJL, you seem to have a cactus protruding from your ear.
I thought those were tail ends on one of Sally Rand's fans.
I love the way Cary Grant says "Dan-druff" in NORTH BY NORTHWEST.
Cary Grant can say anything and sound great, IMHO.
Are you sure that isn't the name of our newest poster???
Wouldn't THAT be funny!
Dasypygal (http://www.answers.com/topic/dasypygal)
"We are confident that we have the appropriate resources in place to resolve this issue as quickly as possible in the best interests of both the Googlers in our NYC office and Kaiser the snake."
I wonder if Kaiser is dasypygal?
Dasypygal or not, ARRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!
Ah, Singdaw. I'm still laughing.
Good morning!
Beautiful day outside today. It's going to get to the low 80s again, but as I have loads to do inside, I probably won't notice the temperatures.
See's has a website. It's -- surprise!-- sees.com.
Personally, I like the Bordeau and the molasses chips. the chocolate creams aren't bad, either.
I meant to mention DR TOm's new avatar last night, and I think I forgot it. If so, please know I liked it very much.
Hope your flight goes safely by, DR ELmore, and that the stuff you have to do this week will also run smoothly.
I have nothing from last night's TV schedule on the DVR to watch, so I'll be DVDing it today.
I'll probably put in Errol Flynn's THE ADVENTURES OF DON JUAN since I've read several reviews about the beauty of the color of this transfer, and I want to see for myself. I haven't seen the film in decades so that will be like a new experience, too.
I'll probably watch another WILD WILD WEST episode, too, since there is one more on disc two in the set to watch, and then I can put that disc away.
Lots and lots to do. Must scoot.
Oh, and BK, if you're sampling cheeses, gorgonzola makes a very nice salad dressing.
Ah, Singdaw. I'm still laughing.
Yes, DR Jeanne, one of the many advantages in being able to work from home. You always know where your snakes are! :)
Tonight, we have the next round of the finals on AMERICAN IDOL, a new HOUSE, and new episodes of both LAW & ORDER shows and BOSTON LEGAL.
Tonight is also the premiere of Season Six of THE SHIELD on FX which I'll definitely be watching.
As a kid, I was not a fan of cheese at all and really didn't eat it much. Now, I enjoy most all that I eat, but I have no favorites. I do prefer it cooked as opposed to chunks on crackers, etc.
Yes, DR Jeanne, one of the many advantages in being able to work from home. You always know where your snakes are! :)
Do you? What about those toilet snake stories I've heard? Talk about cringing!!!
DR MBARNUM - on its way to you:
Two movies and one television star all in the same box!
Woohoo! Thanks JRand56..I am most curious!
I saw that Jonestown documentary, on the very same screen that Edi's held-over (congrats!) movie is playing. The Jonestown one is quite good because of the quality of footage, but like anything I've ever read or watched about Jonestown, one ends up with more questions than answers.
Would love to stay and play, but have to get some things done.
Have a great day, everyone!
I could go on and on about cheese.... and on... and on...
West Coast HHW VIBES to everyone that needs them today.
I thought those were tail ends on one of Sally Rand's fans.
Oh to be a fan of Sally Rand!
Off to a lunch meeting with Dayton area grantmakers at the Dayton Racquet Club. It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it ;)
TOD: Swiss.
"I miss my Swiss, my Swiss Miss misses me." Lyrics to an old British song I have on a record somewhere.
TOD: Swiss.
"I miss my Swiss, my Swiss Miss misses me." Lyrics to an old British song I have on a record somewhere.
It's also used briefly in Doris Day's LOVE ME OR LEAVE ME.
I'll be interested in hearing your thoughts regards ROYAL FLASH, BK... It's a movie I rather enjoy...
Yesterday DR Jennifer said "I bet if you polled the people watching every single person would say that they think the judges votes count for 50% of the votes."
Last night during the show they said the judges score counts for 50 percent of the total the phone calls are the rest.
That's been the ticket since the show's inception. But why let a fact interfere with the joys of speculation.
I would assume that regular vs. cider vinegar is just personal taste...and probably won't make much (if any) difference in this kind of recipe. Otherwise, I'm sure that the cocoa should be 1/4 cup.
George, but should I use sweetened or unsweetened cocoa. :)
From TCB There is always elmore's fire escape!
I am no expert on cheese, but I do particularly like swiss cheese melted on my hamburgers.
Least favorite is pepperjack.
Heading down now to start fixing lunch and then settling in with the DON JUAN DVD.
DRSwishy Sarah, strep throat is painful. Feel better soon.
DREdi-May your father continue to improve, and may you continue to understand him without getting scared first ;D. Your final Four story is very funny, good to have something to laugh at after such a scare.
DtM-Glad to hear you are feeling better.
Another day in the cracker factory!
I spent yesterday, and a couple of minutes this morning, putting out other folks' fires. Why I had to do it is because the fires were all blazing on purchase orders I requested.
One fire had to do with an unpaid (since late February) bill. We received a notice of non-payment and a demand for same. Lots of folks flying around "j'accuse"-ing....and I pulled out my folder and produced a copy of the PAID invoice. I entered the County accounting database, found the subject invoice, with the date of the check, the number on the check and the date the check was deposited by the vendor.
Another issue dealt with a Purchase Order that had been changed to include some extra work. The PO was closed by me...but another $6,000 was yet to be billed against it.
My first order of business was to create a new Purchase Order to pay the outstanding debt. This was done by close of business yesterday. I was certain, however, that I closed an account with ZERO funds in it. I was told I was wrong. I printed out the Purchase Order that had been labelled "Change Order" with the date of the change. Only thing was...no extra funds had been added. It was the exact amount of the original -- the exact amount I had already paid -- and I close accounts once funds are expended.
And one more thing: No one had ever included me in the "change order" aspect of the work. Had they done so, I'd have made an annotation in my own records and these problems would never have happened.
I think I can look back and safely say:
”I was right (That’s right)
I was perfectly right (Right)
My instincts were valid and strong. Right? (That’s right.)
When you’re right, you’re right. (Right)
I know when I’m right,
can you honestly say I was wrong? (Right....Wrong!!!)
I was right (Right!) That’s right.
I was perfectly right. (Right)
I was and I’ve been all along. Right? - (That’s right!)
When you’re right, you’re right
I know when I’m right
it’s remarkably rare that I’m wrong. (Right? That’s right.)
Ah, the joys of mixing life with Broadway!
I was also a happy Kritzerland customer yesterday...got The Bacharach and Twiggy CDs in the mail yesterday!
! ! ! ! ! SPOILERS ! ! ! ! !
All together this week was probably the most exciting episode thus far, but again I have to complain about all of the air travel. I don't recall flying ever playing as much of a role as in this race. And it was just so incredibly screwy that two teams could wind up 12 to 14 hours behind through no fault of their own.
DR Jen, I also did not like the Intersection being coupled with the Fast Forward, but I think these things (along with the non-elimination legs) are randomly selected before the race begins and the two just happened to occur at the same time. It did stink that it royally screwed up the Beauty Queens (my favorite team.)
I felt indefferently about Joe and Bill going, but it was inevitable. Likewise Eric and Danielle--totally useless in this race as a team. I get a big kick out of Mirna and Schmirna--they are as funny as hell. I'm really surprised that they've gone so far and so well thus well, but they haven't hit up against any really tough physical challenges yet, and I'm sure there's some coming up.
At this point, I'm betting that the final three will be Danny and Oswald, Uchenna and Joyce and the Beauty Queens. As for the winner, I can't guess (but I am pulling for the Barbies!)
See's has a website. It's -- surprise!-- sees.com.
Personally, I like the Bordeau and the molasses chips. the chocolate creams aren't bad, either.
Which I keep bookmarked....http://www.sees.com/home.cfm
Good morning dear Esteemed, written, rested, eaten, inspired, and Guapo BK --
I'm glad Passover is underway, and that you hopefully won't have to wander around lost in the desert!
Sindaw the cheese photo is a riot.
I, too, was a thrilled recipient of several CDs yesterday from Kritzerland.
The "Peter Pan" looks amazing. I'm thrilled with it, and the Bacharach, the jazzy "Follies" and the Shakespeare CDs.
Some days, it's just easier to sing a song!
I was also a happy Kritzerland customer yesterday...got The Bacharach and Twiggy CDs in the mail yesterday!
Mail from California usually takes at least one extra day to arrive here.
Just before starting off on errands and some work stuff,......
Many of the cheeses mentioned so far are yummy. Another favorite of mine is a nice creamy Jarlsberg. It is a wonderful companion to luscious juicy slices of a type of pear called "Comice" (also sold by Harry and David as "Royal Riviera"). The 2 flavors, for me, are just fabulous together!
It's also used briefly in Doris Day's LOVE ME OR LEAVE ME.
Veddy interesting!
Only when no one is looking. ;)
Some days, it's just easier to sing a song!
Are you referring to the Alan Chapman song?
I've been looking to the music to that for ages! Mr. Chapman doesn't respond to emails submitted through his website. :(
Colby cheese.
Am I the only one DISTURBED by ABC's "Dancing With the Stars" in regards to the "men" and the moves they're being taught to make?
I think it's inherently wrong for any man to do shoulder shimmies.
And whatever those moves were that Ian Ziering was perpetrating upon the audience (the camera MERCIFULLY spared the TV viewing audience a full frontal shot of THAT bacchanalian tribute to Elvis), I'm quite certain only less than 5% of the male population is equipped to do any justice to it without calling into question their masculinity.
(I shouldn't do this, but I'll point to last season's final appearance by Joey Lawrence...dressed in a really tight sailor suit and doing light tripping moves around the dance floor. That was the end of "his" time on the show!"
Are you referring to the Alan Chapman song?
I've been looking to the music to that for ages! Mr. Chapman doesn't respond to emails submitted through his website. :(
I'm referring to the Kander/Ebb song I quote in my preceding post...from "Woman of the Year."
Mail from California usually takes at least one extra day to arrive here.
Mail from California often takes at least one extra day to arrive "in" California...and sometimes doesn't arrive at all.
Cheeses I love:
Mozzarella (especially Italian -- made from the milk of the Italian "bufala"...not really a buffalo, but of the same family).
Bleu -- salad HEAVEN
Feta -- Greek salad HEAVEN
various Bries....all of which tast "wunderbar" served in a spicy tomato soup.
I'm not really into snacking cheeses, but I can be had with some specialties...
I can be had with some specialties...
Biting. My. Tongue. ;)
I'm referring to the Kander/Ebb song I quote in my preceding post...from "Woman of the Year."
Duh! I get it now. I'm a little slow today. :P
Swiss cheese is good when on a warm sandwich with mushrooms!
Travel vibes to DR Elmoore!
Safe travel vibes for Edi and Peter later in the week.
Also great vibes for the LA showing of her film!
Duh! I get it now. I'm a little slow today. :P
Well get with the program, dude! You're gonna get a "D" in Deportment if you don't.
Biting. My. Tongue. ;)
Swiss cheese is good when on a warm sandwich with mushrooms!
You and the mushrooms...sitting on a warm sandwich...eating swiss cheese.
I can JUST picture it!
My TV Viewing entertainment last night was Mr. Stanley Donen's "Charade".
I've long had the Criterion "Charade" with the superb Donen/Peter Stone commentary. But it was not the anamorphic Criterion (that came out later).
Rather than re-buy the anamorphic version on Criterion, I opted for a used "The Truth About Charlie" (the "Charade" remake with Mark Wahlberg and Thandie Newton) which included the anamorphic original with Grant/Hepburn.
I'm curious, of course, as to whether the Criterion anamorphic looks better...there was some graininess but nothing too disconcerting in the version I have from Universal.
LOVE the movie, though....stylish, suspenseful (even WHEN you know exactly what's going to happen next). "Charade" was popular back in 1963, but nothing to throw major awards nominations at. Were it made today, I'm betting it would be a hot contender for MAJOR awards.
Oh, yes...and the DIALOGUE:
Grant: (after Hepburn moves into his arms) "When you come on, you really come on!"
Hepburn: (moving in for the kill) "Well come ON!"
Hot, hot, hot!
Recovery vibes for Edi's father....
RE: Dancing with the STARS voting.
The judges votes do not count for 50% of the vote, at least not in the true sense of things.
In season 1 the judges votes did count for 50% of the score. The judges ranked each team 1-10. And the public's votes were ranked 1-10. If you finished first with the judges you could never really be voted off that week. And i think that was fair.
This season (and last) there is a really nutty voting system in place which gives the public all the power and the judges almost none. Check the website it explains it.
But basically it takes the judges score (let's say 21/30) and you see how many points that gave a team out of the total points awarded (let's say 10 teams so 300 points). That gives 21/300 or 7% of the total judges votes. The thing is if the judges highest vote is 24/30, then basically that is 24/300 or 8% of the judges' vote. So really that would only be a 1% difference, meaning the judges vote does not count at all.
They add that with the audience vote. Now the more popular celebs will get A LOT MORE VOTES than the less popular ones. So it's not balanced equally.
That is why emmitt won last year. He had a lot more fans.
So to me it is extremely misleading to say the judges vote counts for 50%. To me that implies that half of the score is from the judges. BUt really it's not.
Look, DR AnimalMagnetism has returned for more fun & frolic. I guess we didn't scare you away entirely? :)
Thanks for the site Jeanne, I have bookmarked it for future reference
Waiting to hear what delectables DR JoseSPiano has snagged for lunch today.
FOOD...I'm talking about food.
Almost forgot. When in Paris [or anywhere in France], wonderful brie on an authentic baguette is a meal in itself and to die for.
Health vibes for SwishySarah!
Almost forgot. When in Paris [or anywhere in France], wonderful brie on an authentic baguette is a meal in itself and to die for.
When I was visiting some friends in Boston a few years back, we had taht for breakfast. The french bread was wonderful and you gently smear that on the bread. Delicious!
I just noted something....
If the bk is CA and the board is based in CA why is it only an hour behind me and I am in ND, which is in the central zone?
The board time is 10:55 and I have 1145 here.
I also like to put shredded cheese in chili and tomato soup.
Hello Danise, it was nice to see you again. I hope the pain goes away soon. You have been missed.
page 7 dance
Dandruff and cheese do not belong together!
I just noted something....
If the bk is CA and the board is based in CA why is it only an hour behind me and I am in ND, which is in the central zone?
The board time is 10:55 and I have 1145 here.
It has something to do with Daylight Savings Time. [Damn them! Damn them all to hell!]
bk is trying to get Mark Bakalor to fix this.
But the bottom line is that somewhere, we've lost an hour's worth of posting time, and I think there needs to be an investigation. It's throwing all the board's statistics off.
DR Matthew, cheese is probably not much permitted on your new regimen, is it? Or is this one of those new-fangled programs where you can eat as much fat and protein as you like?
We were in DST a week ago when I pointed out that the forum was about 17 minutes ahead of real time. Now it's an hour ahead?
Something is definitely amiss.
Hello to the future! What can you tell us about the world one hour and 17 minutes ahead of us? What are people like there? Are there flying cars yet?
so we are going to have to post like demons possessed to make up for lost time....
so we are going to have to post like demons possessed to make up for lost time....
Demons possessed....an apt phrase for it.....
Hello to the future! What can you tell us about the world one hour and 17 minutes ahead of us? What are people like there? Are there flying cars yet?
No....but we are getting hissy fits of outrage from President Bush who is threatening to take his ball and go home if Congress doesn't play the game by his rules. (Just goes to show you that some things stay the same).
BK has written three more pages, consumed two orders of DuPars pancakes and encountered multiple incompetent sales people in all his shopping forays.
DR Elmore has painted the fire escape to appease DR MBarnum's desire to stay in a more nicely appointed place on his next trip to NYC.
Of course, he doesn't know it yet, because in his time it hasn't happened. But he should start looking at color samples NOW because the color MBarnum wanted won't be available if Elmore tarries.
I'm up, I'm up - trying not to have a sore throat (I WON'T!) and have done all my early morning stuff and will start writing shortly.
gorgonzola makes a very nice salad dressing.
Does he now? What kind of cheese does he use?
der Brucer
Love the cheesecake at Juniors!
We walked across the Brooklyn Bridge in the snow for some of that cheesecake!
Yes, DR Jeanne, one of the many advantages in being able to work from home. You always know where your snakes are! :)
Obviously you have never lived with snakes. The elusive things are forever getting "misplaced". (I know whereof I speak, my eldest used to delight in keeping the beasts for pets!) Once one of the young snakes crawled into my daughter's mouse cage for a snack - of course, after ingesting, he was too fat to slither back out. My daughter was NOT pleased with her brother!.
der Brucer
I'm at my brother's, I have a lovely rental car, and I am quite tired.
Thank you all for the vibes. I will be selfish and beg for them again a week from now.
More to follow. I'm still getting my bearings.
Off to a lunch meeting with Dayton area grantmakers at the Dayton Racquet Club. It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it ;)
Ginny, is your library open to innovative advertising ideas?:
April 3: Body-painted models in Seoul, South Korea, advertise a new cosmetic that promises buyers it will help them lose weight.
der Brucer
Note to Cilla - make make a good way to promote a new law office!
Wait 'til TCB gets his hands on the word "peccorino."
Sounds like a euphemism to me!
DR Elmore - Welcome to Ohio! I'm glad you're here ahead of the thunderstorms that DR Cillaliz predicted and that DR JRand is probably experiencing right now.
...but I can be had with some specialties...
You and Sweet Charity ;D
der Brucer
Does anyone remember Veruschka?
While we are in LA the temps in Atlanta are going to get down to 26 degrees. We're leaving at a good time, but I hope our housesitter doesn't freeze (or the kitties...they like to be WARM!)
TOD: Cheese glorious cheese -- just like my chocolate, I love it all -- cheap or expensive:
Colby, Cheddar, brie, Swiss, Muenster, Provolone, Pepper Jack, etc., etc., etc.
Speaking of peppers and cheese, I love cream cheese with jalapeno pepper jelly spread over the top -- then when that is put on top of a Wheat Thin or cracker of choice, most tasty...
Sounds like a euphemism to me!
We walked across the Brooklyn Bridge in the snow for some of that cheesecake!
I have this image of Eliza on the ice...
der Brucer
I love cream cheese with jalapeno pepper jelly spread over the top -- then when that is put on top of a Wheat Thin or cracker of choice, most tasty...
Or on a toasted English muffin for breakfast!
der Brucer
And speaking of Sally Rand fans, I gotta scram -- a meeting and then to costumes for Chicago -- the director has a fever and wants more feathers on the Rand fans in the scene with Billy...wonder if Ostrich.com has got more feathers...
I love cream cheese with jalapeno pepper jelly
Bake some Brie and serve with the same jelly and crackers!
der Brucer
Or on a toasted English muffin for breakfast!
der Brucer
yuumm...that would do it, too...
Mail from California often takes at least one extra day to arrive "in" California...and sometimes doesn't arrive at all.
;D :-\
I have this image of Eliza on the ice...
der Brucer
When you walk across the Purple People Bridge (http://www.enquirer.com/editions/2003/04/20/loc_purplebridge20.html) from Newport, KY, to Cincinnati, OH, you are pretty close to retracing Eliza's journey.
Bake some Brie and serve with the same jelly and crackers!
der Brucer
yuumm...that would also do the trick!
To the the Rand Fans! Tally-Ho!
Off to the office, and therefore unable to post for many many hours. :(
The Sally Rand Fan Dance for Page 8!
Eliza Edi, run!
ASSOCIATED PRESS (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,263690,00.html)
Shots Fired Inside CNN Building in Atlanta
Tuesday , April 03, 2007
Gunfire was heard inside the building complex that houses CNN's headquarters, and police confirmed that at least one person was shot.
FOX affiliate WAGA reported that the Atlanta police said two people were shot — one victim and the suspect. Police are not sure who shot the suspect, but he is now in custody.
A man was seen being carried out on a stretcher with blood covering his face.
CNN reported that the offices of its Internet operations, CNN.com, were evacuated and that a suspect was in custody. Video footage showed police pointing guns at a man lying on the ground inside a building.
der Brucer
April 3: In this photo jointly released on by the French railway company SNCF, Alstom Transport and the Reseau Ferre de France (RFF), or French Railway Infrastructure, the high-speed French train, breaks the world speed record near Grigny, eastern France.
Just think -New York to Chicago in under three hours!
(And few weather delays!)
der Brucer
When you walk across the Purple People Bridge (http://www.enquirer.com/editions/2003/04/20/loc_purplebridge20.html) from Newport, KY, to Cincinnati, OH, you are pretty close to retracing Eliza's journey.
What a great concept. If I'm ever in the area I will have to cross the bridge.
Good morning, all! This morning I fly back to Ohio, so I can use all the travel vibes you can send this way. I'm hoping the week will be peaceful and busy, with no major sturm und drang and that I will see a few good friends and have a pleasant sojourn.
~~~Safe Travel and Pleasant Trip Vibes for DR Elmore!!~~~
(If it's not too late. :))
A very good morning to all!
Safe travel vibes to DR Elmore!
Well, the good news is I didn't break my toe. The bad new is that it still hurt like heck. I couldn't think of anything but getting home to the recliner.
It's finely on the mend.
I hope everyone is doing well!
~~~Healing Toe (even if it's not broken) Vibes for DR Danise!!~~~
Dasypygal (http://www.answers.com/topic/dasypygal)
Oh my - that makes my song even funnier! ;D
That is hysterical!! ;D
When you walk across the Purple People Bridge (http://www.enquirer.com/editions/2003/04/20/loc_purplebridge20.html) from Newport, KY, to Cincinnati, OH, you are pretty close to retracing Eliza's journey.
Too bad they built the bridge too late.
der Brucer
PS Did the idea catch on?
... I will have to cross the bridge.
Yes, Dear Jane:
Cross over the bridge, cross over the bridge,
Leave your reckless ways of livin';
Cross over the bridge
Leave your fickle past behind you
and true romance will find you
Sister, cross over the bridge
der Brucer
George, but should I use sweetened or unsweetened cocoa. :)
Oh. I wasn't thinking about that. I'll check the recipes (again) when I get home. If you want, I can e-mail you the Word document that has the three or four recipes.
Sure George, thanks. No rush because I won't be making these until I return from my reunion. I have 3 pounds to loose so I have something to wear, and one more pound for back-up. I already have lunch & dinner planned with family both days before the reunion begins.
Swiss cheese is good when on a warm sandwich with mushrooms!
Mushrooms = :P
ASSOCIATED PRESS (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,263660,00.html)
Four Million Children's Bracelets Recalled Over Lead Paint
Tuesday , April 03, 2007
A&A Global Industries has recalled about 4 million Groovy Grabber children's bracelets because the paint on the metallic part of the bands contains high levels of lead, which is toxic for children and can cause adverse health effects if ingested.
The flexible bracelets are made from metal bands wrapped in plastic covers that are decorated with a variety of colors and designs. The designs include smiley faces, Chinese symbols, dogs, cats, aliens, checker boards and flames.
They were sold at vending machines in department, grocery and discount stores, as well as shopping malls around the country between November 2005 and March 2007.
der Brucer
And speaking of Sally Rand fans, I gotta scram -- a meeting and then to costumes for Chicago -- the director has a fever and wants more feathers on the Rand fans in the scene with Billy...wonder if Ostrich.com has got more feathers...
Depending what kind of feathers you are looking for... Some craft stores will have feathers also
I wasn't aware lead is still used in paint. :o
Alternate Score for "300" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pi2t58CRmbU)
der Brucer
(http://www.foxnews.com/photoessay/photoessay_1601_images/0403071211_M_040307_train1.jpg)Just think -New York to Chicago in under three hours!
(And few weather delays!)
der Brucer
Gee... at taht speed you would be on the French Riviera in about an hour tops.
Good point on the US aspect -- weather delays...
Mushrooms = :P
Love mushrooms.... the non-poisonous varities of course!
I'm craving Cotswold cheese, plain or with crackers.
i wasnt aware either that it still was. I know some older houses in the area still have lead paint but I thought it had to be removed.
Tell my what it is stuff made for children anyways. Wonder if the bracelets were made in China or india? Lead is still used in some products there.
case in point--- contaminated wheat gluten in pet food came from China
I'm craving Cotswold cheese, plain or with crackers.
I am not familiar with Cotswold cheese at all. What is it like?
Dakota I agree. Most likely the cheap trinkets are made elsewhere. One expects our regulations still hold on imported goods. Obviously I'm being a bit naïve.
From the This is How Rumors Get Started Department:
Yesterday, bk wrote: when does edisaurus get in and when is the screening, so I can write it in my book
Psst! Pass it on!! DR Edisaurus is going to be in bk's new book!
I am going to have to try meatlof a la DR Ben...
Cotswold is a creamy English, cheddar (sweeter than ours) like cheese.
I will have to look for it. It sounds good.
Have only written a page so far. I'm just at that point where I'm trying to get to the final three chapters - and keep everything interesting until I do. I've got about five or six pages to do before getting to the beginning of everything falling into place for the protagonist. Once that happens, it should hopefully be fairly easy sailing to the end, which I'm now about forty-five pages from.
Does he now? What kind of cheese does he use?
der Brucer
You know someone named Gorgonzola? :)
I know a Piazzola (well, not personally).
Here is an article from Playbill On-Line about the possible closure of Paper Mill Playhouse in NJ.
Playbill (http://www.playbill.com/news/article/107023.html)
Here is the link to Paper Mill
Paper Mill Playhouse (http://www.papermill.org/papermill.html)
From the This is How Rumors Get Started Department:
Yesterday, bk wrote: Psst! Pass it on!! DR Edisaurus is going to be in bk's new book!
A word of caution, DR SINGDAW: One Never Knows.
Right on schedule. My mail from California arrived today. :D
I wasn't aware lead is still used in paint. :o
It seems it is in China!
Consumer Safety Alert (http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml07/07144.html)
Name of product: Children’s “Groovy Grabber” Bracelets
Units: About 4 million
Manufacturer: A&A Global Industries, of Cockeysville, Md.
Hazard: The paint on the metallic band beneath the decorative cover contains high levels of lead. Lead is toxic if ingested by young children and can cause adverse health effects.
Incidents/Injuries: None reported.
Description: The recalled bracelets are made of flexible metal bands wrapped in decorative plastic covers. The bracelets come in various colors and designs, including smiley faces, Chinese symbols, dogs, cats, aliens, checker boards, and flames.
Sold in: Vending machines located in malls, discount, department and grocery stores nationwide from November 2005 through March 2007 for 25 cents.
Manufactured in: China
Remedy: Consumers should immediately take the recalled bracelets away from children and discard them.
der Brucer
Considering that lead toxicity is cumulative, this is not an idle warning! That said, how many consumers who drop quarters into mall vending machines to get the kiddie a trinket read about these recall alerts!
I wasn't aware lead is still used in paint. :o
Not in the U.S.
Obviously I'm being a bit naïve.
That's a first....NOT ;D
der Brucer
Have only written a page so far.
Oh, no! A potential rupture in the space/time continuum. You're two pages behind!!!!
Here's a Miss Karen dance just for the hell of it.
And now for DakotaCelt, can't leave her out!
You know someone named Gorgonzola? :)
No, I thought he was your friend.
der Brucer
Let's just dance, dance, dance until we can dance no more.
And then let's dance again.
RLP please check your in box :)
i wasnt aware either that it still was. I know some older houses in the area still have lead paint but I thought it had to be removed.
Fed law requires notification of hazzard to potential buyers/renters - not removal!
der Brucer
I used to be afraid of cheese, but I have been discovering some that I can handle without regurgitation lately. Swiss cheese or provolone is most edible if melted on a sandwich- especially if there is bbq sauce in the equation. String cheese is always acceptable.
RLP please check your in box :)
Please check yours.
I used to be afraid of cheese, but I have been discovering some that I can handle without regurgitation lately. Swiss cheese or provolone is most edible if melted on a sandwich- especially if there is bbq sauce in the equation. String cheese is always acceptable.
What are some of the cheeses that you cannot handle...the ones that cause regurgitation?
It's a nice day here in Oakland.
Not in the U.S.
Not in residential buildings. There are still industrial uses and any artist can order it on-line:
(Which means artisan arts and crafts might still contain lead-based paints!)
Do you remember Red Lead from your Navy days?
der Brucer
I wonder what DR Cilla "The Weather Gal" Liz sees in the way of changes to our weather in the coming few days!
That's a first....NOT ;D
der Brucer
And I'm sure it won't be the last. ;D
A word of caution, DR SINGDAW: One Never Knows.
Do one! (Fats Waller)
der Brucer
And I'm sure it won't be the last. ;D
Keith should write a book:
"Bringing up Jane - the never-ending story"
der Brucer
Not in residential buildings. There are still industrial uses and any artist can order it on-line:
(Which means artisan arts and crafts might still contain lead-based paints!)
Do you remember Red Lead from your Navy days?
der Brucer
Re: red lead -- As a primer, yes.
I was thinking primarily of housepaint in my comment above. I thought, however, that lead-based paint was regulated as to its uses...it certainly isn't supposed to be used in china, or serving ware, or anything like toys. Jewelry ought to be a no-no, since it's intended to contact the skin.
Perhaps it's not considered as dangerous as asbestos.
Hmmmm. . . . for the first time since I've had DSL, I had a momentary problem getting on-line. I don't know what the problem was. I restarted the computer and things were back to normal, but it was weird there for a minute.
FOX411 (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,263540,00.html)
Meanwhile, some other names being bandied out for Broadway in the next year, sources say, include Pacino himself and the new James Bond, Daniel Craig. The word is that Craig and Nicole Kidman are shopping for something they can do together.
Private Lives?
der Brucer
Anway, I had a nice afternoon of viewing.
I began with the last episode of THE WILD WILD WEST on disc 2: "The Night of the Bottomless Pit." It was an OK adventure with a very fey villain this time. Among the guest stars were Tom Drake, Steven Franken, and Mabel Albertson, the latter wasted in only two brief scenes.
Next came THE ADVENTURES OF DON JUAN, and everything I had read about the magnificent Technicolor in this new DVD transfer was true. It is stunningly beautiful, and the transferis also very sharp and completely cleaned up. Looks like it could have been filmed last week.
Of course with such clarity, Errol Flynn's aging looks become all too obvious with lines in his face and a roundness to his facial features.
Nice to see Una O'Connor, Raymond Burr, and Alan Hale among the supporting cast and Vivica Lindfors with about a 16 inch waist as the Queen of Spain.
Page Ten Uncle Vernon and family Dance!!!
Jewelry ought to be a no-no, since it's intended to contact the skin.
Actually, in the case at hand, the lead paint is covered by a decorative plastic coating (which of course any toddler could/would chew through).
Lead, asbestos, and mercury all have one insidious quality in common - their toxic effects are cumulative!
der Brucer
Note: this lead deal and the Pet food scare really point up the difficult problems ahead when we import so much of our consumer goods. Paasing laws to fix blame/liability is easy; implementing procurement and import inspection routines is a lot tougher.
After enjoying the magnificence of a beautiful three strip Technicolor transfer of DON JUAN, I wanted to watch another, so I went to the to-watch shelf and pull THE YEARLING out. Another movie I haven't watched all the way through in a long time. It's over two hours, and I only got a few minutes of it watched so far, but I'm looking forward to seeing those lovely Florida locations in the scenes to come.
My job is driving me insane today.
Of course with such clarity, Errol Flynn's aging looks become all too obvious with lines in his face and a roundness to his facial features.
Too bad he didn't know about your "5 inches of gauze" trick 8)
der Brucer
My job is driving me insane today.
Well, with this boss looking over your shoulder, no wonder!
der Brucer
Mornin' Woody.
I have no comment.
This lead paragraph from an article I just read in VARIETY about upcoming cancellations:
"It was a Bloody Monday in TV land as the nets delivered bad news to the casts and crews of several skeins, including "The Wedding Bells," "Six Degrees," "7th Heaven" and "The Black Donnellys."
The article went on to say that WEDDING BELLS will air once more, BLACK DONNELLYS twice more, but that SIX DEGREES is canceled immediately. 7th HEAVEN will finsh out the season but is not being renewed.
Here in Tacoma (as I'm sure it is true in North Dakota), our supermarkets have entire aisles of gourmet cheeses. Shelf after shelf, as far as the eye can see, stacked with nothing but Velveeta!
That frog is creepy. ;D
Keith should write a book:
"Bringing up Jane - the never-ending story"
der Brucer
LOL-I won't mention the book idea to him. I think he would have way too much fun, at my expense.
MattH, if you're getting online via AOL, there is sometimes a loss of synch that occurs, and the only way around it is to restart.
I've now done five pages - I'll probably do a couple more in a while. For now, I think I'll take me a little break.
It's about time for me to head for home. If I'm not online tonight, it'll be due to the severe thunderstorms that are predicted. They're saying we may have some snow :o
That frog is creepy. ;D
So's my client.
(Not really...just wish I could distract him enough to pay attention to our spots instead of his golf game or fantasy football league or whatever the hell else keeps him from giving me the right information and costing me time I do not have. Argh.)
Did you realize that Moses led the children of Israel around for so many years because the Lord didn't want the Israelites who were in Egypt to actually enter Israel themselves, as punsihment for the Golden calf.
And where else on the internet are they giving out such info this morning?
Back in the 70's, my Jewish roommate and I went to Las Vegas for a few days (my one and only visit so far). The first morning, the desert air was so hot, that we decided to take a swim to cool off. When we got to the pool; it was surrounded by chaises lounges and on top of them were an entire sea of Jewish noses.
My roommate noticed by shocked expression and said, "Why do you think it took us 40 years to get to the Promised Land!"
Yesterday DR Jennifer said "I bet if you polled the people watching every single person would say that they think the judges votes count for 50% of the votes."
Last night during the show they said the judges score counts for 50 percent of the total the phone calls are the rest.
They said that the first week, also.
Oh, and BK, if you're sampling cheeses, gorgonzola makes a very nice salad dressing.
There is a new Italian restaurant in town (not so new, we took DR Tomovoz and DP Colin to eat there) that serves an incredible gorgonzola salad dressing. And the food is pretty good, too. You can ask Colin or Ann about the desserts.
I was also a happy Kritzerland customer yesterday...got The Bacharach and Twiggy CDs in the mail yesterday!
I didn't realize Kritzerland distributed the above mentioned CD's. Did I miss something??
MattH, if you're getting online via AOL, there is sometimes a loss of synch that occurs, and the only way around it is to restart.
That makes sense though I wasn't getting on via AOL this afternoon. (I did this morning when I logged off and put the computer in standby mode.)
I just found a photo of Carnegie-Mellon. It looks like a pretty campus.
I’m trying to find a doggie day care program in the area. It’s not easy long distance & not knowing where anything is located. So far only one place I have called actually had a person answer the phone. I’m not leaving messages, yet.
When I return from L.A. we’ll decide if Keith can handle my leaving again to meet Craig in NY. I wish I felt comfortable putting the dog on the flight between NY & Pittsburgh.
Ginny-Good weather vibes.
A few days ago, some DR had asked about the critical reception on Curtains. According to Variety, it got 5 "pro" reviews, 7 "mixed" reviews, and 4 "con" reviews, amongst the reviews that Variety monitors.
I didn't realize Kritzerland distributed the above mentioned CD's. Did I miss something??
Matthew I ordered mine on March 29th. Sometime around then Bruce posted a long list for sale. If you can’t find it I’m sure he can email it to you.
Right on schedule. My mail from California arrived today. :D
Mine, too!! Yippee!
This lead paragraph from an article I just read in VARIETY about upcoming cancellations:
"It was a Bloody Monday in TV land as the nets delivered bad news to the casts and crews of several skeins, including "The Wedding Bells," "Six Degrees," "7th Heaven" and "The Black Donnellys."
The article went on to say that WEDDING BELLS will air once more, BLACK DONNELLYS twice more, but that SIX DEGREES is canceled immediately. 7th HEAVEN will finsh out the season but is not being renewed.
Too bad....I really love "The Wedding Bells."
With "7th Heaven" biting the big one (and the writers did NOTHING to live up to the faith the network placed in the show), one wishes "Everwood" had gotten a third season.
A few days ago, some DR had asked about the critical reception on Curtains. According to Variety, it got 5 "pro" reviews, 7 "mixed" reviews, and 4 "con" reviews, amongst the reviews that Variety monitors.
When the "Apache Dance" segment was in full swing, my DH looked over at me and whispered that he thought it was inspired by AVENTURERA. LOL!
The only thing that did bug me about the show was that there was a part where a lot of puns were made and the writers felt the need to explain each of them to the audience. (boughs+bows, etc.) That I could have done without.
I didn't realize Kritzerland distributed the above mentioned CD's. Did I miss something??
These CDS -- and all the others -- were BK's extras of product he produced at another label.
He is not selling them on the Kritzerland label...hence his private offering to us here. He's merely asked us to pay via Kritzerland.
Thank you for the avatar "Welcomes" DRs. The pic was taken yesterday. The cap is from Toronto (Australia).
Here in Tacoma (as I'm sure it is true in North Dakota), our supermarkets have entire aisles of gourmet cheeses. Shelf after shelf, as far as the eye can see, stacked with nothing but Velveeta!
Aha. So THAT's where Velveeta goes to die.
[shadow=color,glow width,#characters wide][size=8] Lucky 11 [/size][/shadow]
BK---what do you think of Robert McKee's writing course? A producer I work with loved it, and another friend of mine just took it, too. Based on their raves, I have thought about it, but then again, I am reticent. Oh yes, I am reticent.
I thought EVERWOOD ran four seasons and wasn't picked up for a fifth. Oh, well, since I didn't watch the show, I guess it was around less than I thought.
BK---what do you think of Robert McKee's writing course? A producer I work with loved it, and another friend of mine just took it, too. Based on their raves, I have thought about it, but then again, I am reticent. Oh yes, I am reticent.
Are you afraid of brazen overtures, with a gilt-edged guarantee?
I'm heading down now. I have the living room to clean, and hopefully the mail has come since I've been upstairs. It hadn't come earlier.
Either way, after the cleaning chore, I'll settle in for tonight's TV.
BTW, Tony Bennett is this week's mentor on IDOL and they're singing standards, so that should be a more enjoyable show for me than last week's was.
I thought EVERWOOD ran four seasons and wasn't picked up for a fifth. Oh, well, since I didn't watch the show, I guess it was around less than I thought.
You got my curiosity up (especially since you've proven you don't have to be a watcher of a show to know its history)....and apparently it DID run four seasons.
Where the hell was I? I only recall it being two. It premiered in September 2002, and its last show aired in June 2006.
I recall being frustrated with an increase in the size of its teen angst story -- which rather took some steam out of the "adult" storyline, which was often quite dynamic -- so I may have tuned it out a couple of seasons. I was an avid fan the last year it ran, though...as well as it's first season.
Man! Talk about a short-term memory loss.
These CDS -- and all the others -- were BK's extras of product he produced at another label.
He is not selling them on the Kritzerland label...hence his private offering to us here. He's merely asked us to pay via Kritzerland.
Thanks Ron, I've found the list!!
Some days it doesn't pay to get out of bed.
While this isn't one of those days, it HAS been a close call a couple of times.
When I came home from work, guess who I found leaning against my front door????
No, not Jed and Ann..................
Eddie Hodges
...looking and sounding just as cute as always! I think Tomovoz gave him my address.
When I came home from work, guess who I found leaning against my front door????
No, not Jed and Ann..................
Eddie Hodges
...looking and sounding just as cute as always! I think Tomovoz gave him my address.
How is that possible...Eddie Hodges is older than the both of us.
Aha. So THAT's where Velveeta goes to die.
along with Twinkies....
Mornin' Woody.
I have no comment.
Since when?? :-X
And I'm surprised that SOMEBODY on THIS site hasn't mentioned cheese balls.... (unless someone did and I just scan-read passed it)... there's one with mild cheddar and port wine that's good with crackers...
How is that possible...Eddie Hodges is older than the both of us.
He must have had work done. He looks about sixteen.
along with Twinkies....
Who are you calling a twinkie, Miss Boo Key's mama???
Here's a Miss Karen dance just for the hell of it.
Well, isn't that the sweetest...a gratuitous post in my honor?! What a moving tribute...you're gonna make me cry...tissue, please!
...of course, it would have been even sweeter with "for the JOY of it" but, hey, an honor is an honor, so thanks, MR P ! I "heart" you, too.....
I came home from work early today. I was getting a tension headache. This morning I went in for my second eye appointment in about a week; and the doctor ran a whole series of tests. The result is that I have glaucoma in both eyes. The first eye drop package is $85.00!
Apparently my numbers (?) are extremely high, one eye only slightly less than the other. After the tests were over the doctor came in, read the results, and said, "Oh, Shit!" He of course, immediately apologized to his nurse and to me; but he said that he had hoped that the results would have turned out differently.
At this rate Mega Millions vibes would be appreciated.
Who are you calling a twinkie, Miss Boo Key's mama???
YOU! ..and most affectionately, I might add ...
(isn't that what the T stands for in TCB -- Twinkies?)
Vibes to DR TCB's eyes! I'm glad they caught it and it can be treated.
I have had a weather headache all day. If only we would have some weather out here.
YOU! ..and most affectionately, I might add ...
(isn't that what the T stands for in TCB -- Twinkies?)
Yes, actually the initials stand for Twinkies Cause Bloating!
Thank you RLP!!
That frog is creepy. ;D
I agree!
Many, many eye vibes to you!!
When DP Colin and I stayed at a French Mountain resort hotel three years ago our salad was topped with a most delicious cheese. I asked the non English speaking waitress - using my very basic French - if she knew the name of the cheese in English. She understood the question and then decided the best way to explain it was "Madame Mouton... BAAA BAAAA BAAA" The other diners enjoyed the explantion too!! We ordered the same dish the next night (Same restuarant and same waitress) using her explanation!
Healthy eye vibes to TCB!
...a type of pear called "Comice" (also sold by Harry and David as "Royal Riviera")....
PLU code 4414
Eddie was 60 last month. He is certainly younger than some of us. I'm pleased that he had the energy to get to your door TCB - even if he did not get to knock and ring and tap.
Thank you Dear Reader Laura, MBarnum, and DakotaCelt.
Eddie was 60 last month. He is certainly younger than some of us. I'm pleased that he had the energy to get to your door TCB - even if he did not get to knock and ring and tap.
Well, I told him, "Don't dance on Momma's rug."
Break time is over - now perhaps I'll try to write another page or two.
At this rate Mega Millions vibes would be appreciated.
...Mega Millions vibes to help with the treatment....
...Mega Millions vibes to help with the treatment....
I just want to be able to afford all my new medications and still manage to make it back to New York again before I die.
Best of soothing eye vibes Mr TCB DF. Glaucoma sounds like something that should be sprinkled on your cereal for extra energy.
How lovely for your supermarket to have such a tribute to Patti LuPone on display permanently. Is Velveeta an Argentinian cheese?
I just want to be able to afford all my new medications and still manage to make it back to New York again before I die.
...then here are the double-whammy, triple-extra vibes for the Mega Millions win!
Best of soothing eye vibes Mr TCB DF. Glaucoma sounds like something that should be sprinkled on your cereal for extra energy.
How lovely for your supermarket to have such a tribute to Patti LuPone on display permanently. Is Velveeta an Argentinian cheese?
Thanks for the vibes Miss Karen and Tomovoz.
Tom, I wish I had known that you were that interested in Argentinian cheeses. I have a great Velveeta and Spam recipe I could have served when you were here.
Well, I told him, "Don't dance on Momma's rug."
He's almost old enough to dance on DR Michael Barnum's (rug).
When's that interview with Mr Hodges?
LOL TCB. Don't cry for me.
I came home from work early today. I was getting a tension headache. This morning I went in for my second eye appointment in about a week; and the doctor ran a whole series of tests. The result is that I have glaucoma in both eyes. The first eye drop package is $85.00!
Apparently my numbers (?) are extremely high, one eye only slightly less than the other. After the tests were over the doctor came in, read the results, and said, "Oh, Shit!" He of course, immediately apologized to his nurse and to me; but he said that he had hoped that the results would have turned out differently.
At this rate Mega Millions vibes would be appreciated.
:o :o ~~~Super Eye and Mega Millions Vibes for TCB!!~~~ :o :o
Thanks Ron, I've found the list!!
Yes it was a BK GARAGE SALE....not a Kritzerland Sale. ;D
Wrote another page, and will definitely finish one or two more.
Tote that barge - write that page.
Happy 83rd Birthday to Miss Doris Day:
DR MBARNUM you will just have to remain in suspenders until said box arrives. :)
I am having fish and fries for din din.
And yes there was Much Thunder and Much Lightning with wind rain and hail here today!
Just thought I'd stop by and give my greetings and salutations before I head in for work this evening. It is only a concert night, so hopefully we'll be done and out of there before the clock strikes 12.
Speaking of 12, I am certainly not going to make too much of a dent in this page before I need to skedaddle out of here.
P.S. Jose, Ant said it was very good to see you. He said he didn't come in for the Gypsy call because it's Patti and Arthur Laurents and he figures it's almost completely pre-cast.
Well, actually, only Patti and possibly someone else are pre-cast. Otherwise, all the roles are up for grabs.
Today was another surprisingly slow day. We saw more non-Equity folks today - including Jason! If he happens to be free tomorrow, he should head on in. They need the adult character actors. Or sign-up for the Chorus Call on Thursday - there were only about 90 men signed when I checked today. (*There were almost 300 women already signed up.)
DR JoseSPiano, did you ever get the Into the Woods remaster? Was wondering about those bonus tracks...
Nope. I keep checking in at Virgin to see if they're on sale, but they're not. I may just check iTunes, and get those tracks separately if possible.
Yesterday, DR JoseSPiano wrote:Ha. He used length and size in the same post! ;)
I wonder just how much girth that python has?
Patti as Mazeppa I guess. (after all that experience blowing her horn in Assassins).
Speaking of itunes DR Jose! Did you ever get to a mail box? I know you are very busy.
Quote from: DERBRUCER on Today at 11:47:26am
Does he now? What kind of cheese does he use?
der Brucer
You know someone named Gorgonzola? :)
I know a Piazzola (well, not personally).
Gorgon Zola? Hmmm....
I know he's dealt with a number of gorgons...
DR EDISAURUS - email a snail mail to me.
This is the November 1963 issue of THEATER ARTS that has the full script plus some very nice photos from the Broadway production.
...This morning I went in for my second eye appointment in about a week; and the doctor ran a whole series of tests. The result is that I have glaucoma in both eyes.
Eye vibes for DR TCB
[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii[/move]
(Sorry, I couldn't resist, TCB. My father has lived with glaucoma for years, and the formula for the eye drops has improved considerably since he started the medication. Best of hopes for you.)
My leg of lamb is roasting. I've got beets roasting in the oven with them (no Brussels sprouts at the market :(). I'm going to pan-roast the taters, I think.
My leg of lamb is roasting. I've got beets roasting in the oven with them (no Brussels sprouts at the market :(). I'm going to pan-roast the taters, I think.
What time should we be there? ;D
I, too, was a thrilled recipient of several CDs yesterday from Kritzerland.
The "Peter Pan" looks amazing. I'm thrilled with it, and the Bacharach, the jazzy "Follies" and the Shakespeare CDs.
No package for me yesterday or today :(
Good Evening!
Well, I was running a little late this morning, so I wasn't able to post then.
But I'm posting now.
In honor of Gypsy, everybody STRIP!
...Or not.
I must have been buying BK produced CDs for so so so long! I found it surprising that people did not have the "Sale" items". I guess I'd been buying such music way before I ever looked at "The Real A" .
...And I really can't/shouldn't go into the exact details, but I have to say that I "experienced" one of the most "entertaining" auditions I've ever played for today. I will never listen to "Everlasting Love" the same way again. -And I totally busted out laughing when a Match.com commercial came on earlier.
No pitch. No rhythm. No timing. No clue.
I wonder what DR Cilla "The Weather Gal" Liz sees in the way of changes to our weather in the coming few days!
You'll find it here
DR Jane - As for "cocoa", I'd have to say go with "unsweetened cocoa powder". I don't think I've ever come across a recipe that called for "sweetened cocoa powder" - or hot cocoa mix. -As long as you see sugar in the recipe, then "cocoa" or "cocoa powder" means "unsweetened".
Thnnk you for the option DR Jose. Me stripping would frighten way too many people. Me not stripped is frightening enough.
DR Tomovoz - I have a couple of things ready for the post office for various DRs. Alas, with my schedule lately, I just haven't been able to make it to the post office to get them weighed and mailed. However, since I do not have an early morning this Thursday - nor Friday...
During the live shows, judges will give a score based on several factors, including technical execution. But the judges' scores alone do not decide a couple's fate.
Phone lines and online polls will open at the top of each Monday night performance show so that viewers can vote for their favorites. Phone lines will stay open for approximately 30 minutes after the end of the show. Online voting will remain open until noon (Eastern Time) on the day of the results show.*
The following night, in the Dancing with the Stars Results Show (premiering Tuesday, March 26 at 9/8c), the couple with the lowest combined score from the judges and the viewers will be eliminated from the competition.
The scoring is divided evenly between the judges and the viewers at home, ensuring unpredictable outcomes at the end of every show. When the final two couples remain, the ultimate dance-off will determine who wins the trophy.
It is very cold here today. I hope my daffodils don't freeze...
DR edisaurus - I'm glad you loved your cookie too! *And I'm amazed you had the willpower to not eat it until you got back to Atlanta! Whenever I buy cookies for myself at Levain, they usually don't make it past Central Park West.
TCB-Mega Millions vibes!!!!!
If Walty is having digestive problems, you may want to try Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance cat food. Boo wasn't keeping any food down, so the vet recommended it. I found it at Petco. They love it and we have had no digestive problems since they started eating it.
The windchill is 14 degrees right now...wouldn't you know this was the day I picked my bicycle up from the shop, lol/
Dakota - did you get snow?
DR vixmom - I shall call you in the morning. My lunch break is from 1:00-2:00. -I just don't want you lugging a bag of kitchenwares down to The Village.
Watching "American Idol"...
Eh. :-\
In honor of Gypsy, everybody STRIP!
Weather stripping NOW???
That's the sort of thing that usually gets done in the fall, not right when spring is starting.
DR edisaurus - I'm glad you loved your cookie too! *And I'm amazed you had the willpower to not eat it until you got back to Atlanta! Whenever I buy cookies for myself at Levain, they usually don't make it past Central Park West.
Don't you mean they usually don't make it out the door?
Not watching American Yodel.
I join other DRs in wishing
[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]***HEALTHY EYE VIBES***[/size][/move]
... but I have to say that I "experienced" one of the most "entertaining" auditions I've ever played for today. .....
No pitch. No rhythm. No timing. No clue.
Non-Equity day?
No pressure Jose. We all enjoy the vicarious Broadway life we live through your posts.
My fellas are removing the ugly mirror from the living room wall so that the plumber can access the kitchen sink on the other side. It is very noisy.
And that is the most exciting thing that has happened in my little world today.
I can see clearly now
The rain is gone...
Wait a sec... does it ever really stop raining in Tacoma?
I hope that was not Jason who did the bad rendition of "Everlasting Love."
JoAnn and I just finished watching AI. Sanjaya is the next Liberace. That is all.
My Lexis-Nexis rep finally got a hold of me today. The poor guy has been calling for at least 5 weeks. Anyway, he made me a great deal for computerized reseach for my office. I am most pleased. He also said he googled me and after reading an article I wrote for The Champion Magazine for the 40th anniversary of Gideon v Wainright (the case that gave people a right to appointed counsel) he really felt he knew me and really wanted to work with me. He didn't need to sell me, I already planned to buy his product.
Anyway, here's a link to the article http://www.nacdl.org/public.nsf/ChampionArticles/0301p63?opendocument
Time to get dinner on the table. Laters.
Hello DR Elmore. Have you been listening to June trills in April? Is it April in Ohio? Hope all goes well for your journey and tasks.
Thnnk you for the option DR Jose. Me stripping would frighten way too many people. Me not stripped is frightening enough.
DR Tom ~ I've got a Sally Rand fan you could borrow (in mauve if that's in your color palate) (acutally six, if any other HHWers are too modest to do The Full Monty..)...
My Lexis-Nexis rep finally got a hold of me today. The poor guy has been calling for at least 5 weeks. Anyway, he made me a great deal for computerized reseach for my office. I am most pleased. He also said he googled me and after reading an article I wrote for The Champion Magazine for the 40th anniversary of Gideon v Wainright (the case that gave people a right to appointed counsel) he really felt he knew me and really wanted to work with me. He didn't need to sell me, I already planned to buy his product.
Anyway, here's a link to the article http://www.nacdl.org/public.nsf/ChampionArticles/0301p63?opendocument (http://www.nacdl.org/public.nsf/ChampionArticles/0301p63?opendocument)
That's a great article, Cilla! :)
Thanks George.
Thank you DR Miss Karen.
I'll go and learn some "moves" from Flower Drum's Fan Tan Fannie.
(Mr Guy Haines had had experience dancing on stage with and behind feathery fans) (Not a Big Bird reference)
DR Cillaliz, re: DANCING WITH THE STARS voting. You needed to read further.
From abc.com
Each week every couple receives points from the judges and votes from the public. For every couple we work out the share they got of the points given by the judges on the night, and the share they got of the publics' votes on the night and we add these two shares together. The couple with the lowest combined total is eliminated from the show.
For example if couple A, B and C receive 38, 26 and 14 points from the judges, we calculate what share these points represent of the total awarded by the judges on the night. In this case the judges gave 78 points in total, and each couples' share of 78 points breaks down as follows: 38= 48.72% of 78, 26= 33.33% of 78, 14= 17.95% of 78. Let's suppose that when the public votes are tallied, each couple has the following shares: A= 20%, B=40%, C=40%. To determine who's eliminated we combine these two shares for the total:
Couple A: 20+48.72%= 68.72%
Couple B: 40+33.33%= 73.33%
Couple C: 40+17.95%= 57.95%
In this case, the bottom two couples would be A and C, and C would be eliminated.
That's a great article, Cilla! :)
I agree, and very moving.
The bad storms we've heard about from DRs Cillaliz and JRand arrived in Ohio right on time. The thunder and lightening have subsided for now and the temperature is dropping fast. I'm hoping the cold snap will clear some of the pollen out of the air and relieve my itchy, watery eyes.
Speaking of eyes:
All the best eye treatment vibes to DR TCB !!!
That's a very nice article, Cillaliz. I was hoping for this kind of outcome for the chinchy bassa I encountered recently. But with the case dismissed, he probably will not see the need to get help to turn his life around.
Thank you DR Miss Karen.
I'll go and learn some "moves" from Flower Drum's Fan Tan Fannie.
(Mr Guy Haines had had experience dancing on stage with and behind feathery fans) (Not a Big Bird reference)
You must post photos! ;) AND post a video on your myspace page so we can all see "your moves" :)
While many of you folks had bad weather, it was beautiful and warm in Arizona today. The clouds gave me a headache, though. (Listen to me whining about my nice weather.)
FOX411 (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,263540,00.html)Private Lives?
der Brucer
Is Nicole my competition?
DR Cillaliz - I enjoyed reading your article, especially since the "before Judy" reminded me of a lot of the women who hang out at my library.
FYI, Lexis-Nexis corporate headquarters is between my home and work. DS Rob job-shadowed a programmer there when he was in high school.
Thanks DR Ginny but TomovTacoma would prefer them. I'll send them on if that's OK
I went back and changed my post - thanks for catching my mistake, DR Tomovoz.
Thanks for the compliments on the article. I was a co-chair for NACDL's Gideon Anniversary committee and when we decided to add a column to the magazine for a more personal story regarding a court appointed case called "A Gideon Moment" I sat down and wrote that in about 10 minutes. There are a couple typos in the internet version...words left out actually, but it's the gist of the article. It's a true story, but her name wasn't Judy.
Well, the wall wasn't damaged by the mirror removal. Just some spots where the glue was. We should have done this decades ago.
I went back and deleted mine DR Ginny. This could be never-ending! As long as the vibes work.
Well, the wall wasn't damaged by the mirror removal. Just some spots where the glue was. We should have done this decades ago.
When I bought this house there was a wall in one of the bedrooms that was covered with mirror tiles. It was one of the first things I got rid of. It was fun, a good set of gloves and a putty knife. Ok, I broke a few, but not very many and the wall is much nicer as a wall. I had a few spots to fix too, but it was worth it
I am having fish and fries for din din.
That was my lunch. Hope yours was as good as mine.
DR Jennifer, you would be great as a game show cop! I mean that as a compliment, you are great at deciphering the voting procedures and pointing out what is wrong with them from a fairness point of view. I guess I'm one of the viewers who just wants to be entertained and is cynical enough to believe they are all rigged in one way or another.
We have had full-length bookcases covering most of the wall, but we always disliked the mirrors anyway. We were kinda glad that the plumber said they'd have to go in through that side of the wall because now we HAD to get rid of it. We tend to be procrastinators. We are replacing the original 45-year-old galvanized plumbing that should have been replaced 20 years ago.
In honor of Gypsy, everybody STRIP!
OK. Now what???
No spoiler, but I'm not surprised about the couple who was eliminated.
You'll find it here
Giving away all your secrets, huh?
OK. Now what???
I wondered the same thing...I'm getting very cold sittiing here like this
We have had full-length bookcases covering most of the wall, but we always disliked the mirrors anyway. We were kinda glad that the plumber said they'd have to go in through that side of the wall because now we HAD to get rid of it. We tend to be procrastinators. We are replacing the original 45-year-old galvanized plumbing that should have been replaced 20 years ago.
Are you replacing it with copper or the plastic...oh I can't think of the name, but I have it and it's pretty cool stuff
Jose-I appreciate the cocoa tip. I was surprised my recipe didn’t state one way or the other. I don’t think I have ever baked with cocoa, this will be a new experience if I ever get around to it.
I wondered the same thing...I'm getting very cold sittiing here like this
We don't want the Weather Girl to be cold!! That would be most unseemly.
Thanks for the "forecast", CillaLiz.
If it is wrong, do I let you know about it?
Thanks for the "forecast", CillaLiz.
If it is wrong, do I let you know about it?
Don't shoot me, I'm just the piano player messenger
I wondered the same thing...I'm getting very cold sittiing here like this
Yea! And I'm still at work! :o
I was expecting to get the letter about the weather thing today, but since they are taking away our postmark and routing all our mail through Sioux Falls, SD, it's taking a lot longer to get mail
Losing your postmark feels sort of like the scene in Branded when they rip all the buttons off his uniform
I think that is also a scene in DR Elmore's cheap video "Nights in Tacoma".
I was expecting to get the letter about the weather thing today, but since they are taking away our postmark and routing all our mail through Sioux Falls, SD, it's taking a lot longer to get mail
I was expecting to get the letter about the weather thing today, but since they are taking away our postmark and routing all our mail through Sioux Falls, SD, it's taking a lot longer to get mail
I don't know about the postmark thing, but the Olympia post office has closed, except as a drop-off site and for those with PO boxes. Now, it's all being routed through Tacoma. I'm getting things a day or two later, also. :P
It's time for me to leave work. Laters, gaters! :D
There is only one post office in your city? Amazing.
I came home from work early today. I was getting a tension headache. This morning I went in for my second eye appointment in about a week; and the doctor ran a whole series of tests. The result is that I have glaucoma in both eyes. The first eye drop package is $85.00!
~~~~~~~~~Mega Millions vibes to TCB!~~~~~~~~~~
At least it has now been diagnosed and you can begin treating it. Better that than the alternative!
OK... You can all "un-strip" now.
I must admit to finding the US postal service odd to an outsider - and the queues!! I found the people behind the counter to be friendly and not inefficient. It's just that there were too many choices for the customers to make and so many of them seemed to little knowledge before hand. A problem of over choice in services available leading to inefficiency in delivery.
Thank you Jose. Autumn is a little cool for just hiding behind very large fans!
Non-Equity day?
Yes, but they really sort of sad and shocking part is that is one of the young ladies who came in for Young June, Young Louise or one of the Hollywood Blondes.
There is only one post office in your city? Amazing.
We have many post offices, but the post mark comes through the sorting facility. The government in it's "wisdom" has decided that it's more cost effective to take all the mail from our post offices and send it to Sioux Falls for sorting or whatever. It's ridiculous. They've been fighting it for years, but I get the feeling that it's happened because the mail has been really slow lately.
Don't you mean they usually don't make it out the door?
I'm fast, but not that fast. So to speak. ;)
Many, many eye vibes to you!!
How many eyes does he need?
I understand now, Cillaliz.
The Lexis guy offered me my choice of a number of free books, trouble is, they don't publish very many books that I'm interested in....how sad.
I just want to be able to afford all my new medications and still manage to make it back to New York again before I die.
While my stepmother was at the hospital, someone stole all the prescription drugs that she had just refilled from her hotel room. So she had to spend the day replacing everything. There went hundreds of dollars!
Dad had a bad day and was picking out the suit for his funeral, but then he got an appointment with a very young doctor that they liked, and he really looks like he is going to try and get to the source of the problem. The emotional ups and downs!
He was in good spirits when I left, and it looks like they will keep him there for a few more days, which is a good thing.
Jose-I appreciate the cocoa tip. I was surprised my recipe didn’t state one way or the other. I don’t think I have ever baked with cocoa, this will be a new experience if I ever get around to it.
Baking with cocoa is easy. Just don't sneeze while measuring out the stuff. Or have a fan blowing either.
Cocoa (powder) does lump up naturally, so you may have to sift it, but most recipes will state whether or not you have to do that. And for certain recipes, you may have to use Dutch process or regular cocoa - the alkali levels are different, so it affects the leavening. Most of the time you can use either, but if a recipe specifically states to use one or the other, there's usually a good reason. *Both Hershey's and Nestle's produce both "regular" and "Dutch process" cocoa powders. I've grown particularly fond of Hershey's Special Dark Cocoa Powder (it's "Dutched"). A lot of the gourmet cocoas out there are also dutched. In any case...
Really good brownies get most if not all of their chocolate flavor from cocoa powder - not melted chocolate.
Well, I'm starting to fade, so...
DR EDISAURUS - email a snail mail to me.
This is the November 1963 issue of THEATER ARTS that has the full script plus some very nice photos from the Broadway production.
Wonderful! I sent it to you via email. If you write back, don't worry about my spam filter, I will get your email anyway.
I've got to go too, night
While my stepmother was at the hospital, someone stole all the prescription drugs that she had just refilled from her hotel room. So she had to spend the day replacing everything. There went hundreds of dollars!
Dad had a bad day and was picking out the suit for his funeral, but then he got an appointment with a very young doctor that they liked, and he really looks like he is going to try and get to the source of the problem. The emotional ups and downs!
He was in good spirits when I left, and it looks like they will keep him there for a few more days, which is a good thing.
Sounds like a difficult day. I hope your stepmother filed a police report. I'm glad your dad is feeling better. I hope it lasts.
[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]* * * * * HEALTHY VIBES FOR THE EYES OF DR TCB * * * * *[/move]
Good night, Jose and Cillaliz.
BIG good wishes to DR TCB about his eyes!
Are you sure you don't mean this weather underground?
DR edisaurus - I'm glad you loved your cookie too! *And I'm amazed you had the willpower to not eat it until you got back to Atlanta! Whenever I buy cookies for myself at Levain, they usually don't make it past Central Park West.
Oh no! The 3 of us shared one during the Friday screening! And we had some every day. They're just so big that they can last!
Losing your postmark feels sort of like the scene in Branded when they rip all the buttons off his uniform
I used to love that part of the opening titles! I still remember the song...
We had a big hailstorm here but I missed it. I watched the storm roll by the VA hospital but managed to dodge it all the way home.
I should pack tonight but I'm too tired, so I will just get up VERY early!
We have just added 2 new theatres: Seattle and Albuquerque!
When I went downstairs, the mail HAD come, and included was a box of DVDs I had been expecting. The one from the box that was at the top of my list was the Ultimate Edition of THUNDERBALL. I have not seen any of the new digitally cleaned and remastered versions of the james Bond movies. I was not actually planning on replacing all 20 that I have in their Special Edition DVDs, but I had decided I'd wait until high def Blu-ray versions of the Connerys and a few others were made available whenever that might be.
However, Amazon placed the one disc movie editions of the remasters on sale last week, and I decided to try one - THUNDERBALL, probably my least favorite Connery/Bond film.
ANyway, I watched about 100 minutes of it tonight before prime time started. Lowry has cleaned every possible dirt, speck, hair, and scratch from previous editions of the films, and the films are definitely cleaner than I have ever seen them on home video (and I've owned the tapes, the laserdiscs, and those Special Edition DVDs). However, the images are not consistently saturated and lush looking. Much of it does look solid and colorful, but sometimes, flesh tones are paler than at other moments, and contrast also seems perfect most of the time but not ALL of the time.
The new DTS surround track is AWESOME. Sounds like a brand new movie and eons ahead of the surround track that has been on previous editions.
Some thoughts on AMERICAN IDOL tonight:
Get it out of the way first: Sanjaya was just as bad as always, maybe worse since he was trying to sing a standard ("Cheek to Cheek") and off key about 60% of the time including the flattest opening note I've ever heard anyone sing in six years of watching the show.
The people whose voices didn't really adapt well to the standards: Chris whose "Don't Get Around Much Any More" had notes too low for hium to hit comfortably and he looked ill-at-ease.
Gina who had her worst rendition with "Smile." She just didn't seem to get the song at all.
Phil had a lackadaisical rendition of "Night and Day."
The best: Melinda, as always a pro with "I Got Rhythm"
Jordin hit all the notes in "On a Clear Day" with power and infinite control.
In the middle: LaKisha disregarded Tony Bennett's advice about ending her song on a big note and ruined its impact when she didn't do as he suggested.
Blake had a clear version of "Mack the Knife" but he did sing some flat notes.
Haley had a terrible arrangement of "Ain't Misbehavin'" to maneuver through, and she was only partially successful.
I think the bottom three tomorrow night will be Phil, Haley, and Gina with Gina going home.
HOUSE had one of its strongest episodes in quite a while while giving Dr. Cuddy some real camera moments participating more directly in a case for a change. I loved this episode.
THE SHIELD had a riveting hour tonight as Kavanaugh (Forest Whitaker) tries to frame Vic (Michael Chiklis) for the murder of one of his team. Other things going on during the hour as well, but the face off between these two immense presences on the show was stunning. A great season opener!
They have desaturated ALL the Bonds and it's shameful.
Cillaliz - I have the delivery confirmation tracking number if you want it.
Thanks for the vibes, DR George and SWW (see, no 'Mornin Woody' for me)
Thank you to Dr Jose, Jane, singdaw, and Cillaliz. I can definately see where the nice people hang out.
Back from a day at the office and in lieu of a second seder seeing LEGALLY BLONDE.
The portrayal of law school in the musical of LEGALLY BLONDE, even with all its glorious broad humor, is even more true to the law school experience I went through. Much to sing about the role of the law in society. I suspect that Spring awakening or Grey Gardens will still get the Score Tony, but LEGALLY BLONDE may be the one to beat for Best Musical. (And only one scenic mishap, despite its being the first preview.) And no, we know no one involved behind the scenes, so this is an objective rave.
Are you sure you don't mean this weather underground?
Yes, I'm sure, but I loved the doc and it doesn't take a weather man to know which way the wind blows
Cillaliz - I have the delivery confirmation tracking number if you want it.
Sure, why don't you IM or PM or what ever M it is to me
While I loved the show, I didn't like the professor's big number in the first act (thought it was TOO villainous) and found the title song awkward lyrically (the title "Legally Blonde" is a joke and shouldn't have had seriousness attached to it), though.
I don't know what kind of cologne my dad wears, but it's been 2 days and when you walk in the guest room it's all you can smell!
On that happy note, I think it's really time for me to go to bed. Night all
Vibes of all kinds to dear DR TCB
Thanks to DR Ginny, edisauras, Dan the Man, and Matt H. All of you are awesome.
I used to love that part of the opening titles! I still remember the song...
I still remember his chest!
We have just added 2 new theatres: Seattle and Albuquerque!
Seattle! When??????????
Vibes of all kinds to dear DR TCB
Thanks, FJL!
I hope I didn't miss anyone. Your good thoughts certainly improved my mood.
Tomovoz - don't tell anyone, but I think Eddie Hodges is heading to the bedroom with me.
For $85.00, this is the smallest bottle of eye drops I have ever seen.
Good night, all. Thanks again.
I'm heading downstairs to bed now.
Good night.
A copy of a "rare" Mr Hodges recording will soon be on its way Mr TCB. I don't think those stories about blindness in your youth meant Glaucoma!
Enjoy your time with Eddie.
I went to go see The namesake at the Arclight theater, but they had a bomb scare so they shut the theater down and made us go home...le sigh
Siince I am still in the movie watching mood I shall put on Breakfast at Tiffanys...
page 17 Audrey Hepburn Dance
I went to go see The namesake at the Arclight theater, but they had a bomb scare so they shut the theater down and made us go home...le sigh
Yikes! Were you there when they got the threat?
Hi dear DR Laura...... don't stay up all night reading! You get you some good sleep, and just let your mind relax and drift off.
Are into the midst of the "re-plumbing job" now?? If so, how many days do they estimate it will take to completely finish the job?
I'm off to sleep for now...........nightey night everyone.
Happy Passover ! Oy !
Are into the midst of the "re-plumbing job" now?? If so, how many days do they estimate it will take to completely finish the job?
Three days, starting tomorrow at 8 a.m.
I'm through with my viewing. I ended up writing eight-and-a-half pages today, because tomorrow who knows how many I'll get to write - it's wall to wall appointments all day and into the evening. I'll try to get up early and at least get three pages done and maybe finish the chapter I'm on - I have to decide if I'll make this chapter longer than the others, or if I should end it and make the next chapter a little shorter than the others. I suppose it doesn't really matter.
There is only one post office in your city? Amazing.
No...there are several post offices in addition to the downtown Olympia branch (West side Olympia, Tumwater, Lacey, East Lacey), but the mail all used to go from the other local post offices, through the main downtown Olympia branch and then be routed directly to each other. The mail stayed local and you could send a letter from one place to another by the next day. Now all the mail goes to the downtown Olympia post office, then up north to Tacoma, then back down to the other places. :P
And speaking of the mail: in my mailbox today were three CDs!! Thanks, BK! I will enjoy these tomorrow at work. :D
We have just added 2 new theatres: Seattle and Albuquerque!
Seattle?? When?? Are you coming up here with the movie?? Inquiring minds want to know!! ;D
Oh, and about the HHW clock being off by an hour and 15 minutes or so...I went into my profile and under Preferences, then Time Offset, I changed it to -1.25 (since I'm on the West coast) and it displays for me the time very close to the correct real time. I'll leave it like that until Mr. Mark Bakalor (or whoever, if he's not the one to do it) can reset the HHW clock, then I'll change that setting back to zero. :)