Haines His Way

Archives => Archive 9 => Topic started by: bk on March 10, 2007, 12:17:01 AM

Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 12:17:01 AM
Well, you've read the notes, as Nuff said the notes were short and sweet, and now it is time for you to post until the cows come home - 'nuff said.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 12:18:57 AM
And the word of the day is: SENTENTIOUS!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: George on March 10, 2007, 12:29:31 AM
The three one-act shows that I went to last night (put on by a local theater group called The Audition Is Dead (http://www.TheAuditionIsDead.org)) were...interesting.  I don't even know how to describe them, other to say that the actors were all very good. ::)

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 12:32:19 AM
I think it is well known that I do love my coconut creme pie.  But I also love my cherry pie with ice cream.  And I've also been known to love my pecan pie with whipped cream.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: George on March 10, 2007, 12:38:10 AM
I like pies. :)
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: George on March 10, 2007, 12:40:09 AM
Generally, my top favorites are (in alphabetical order) banana creme, blueberry, cherry, coconut cream, chocolate cream and pecan.  Also apple (especially a la mode), peach...ah, heck, almost any kind of pie.  But not key lime, lemon meringue or meat pies. :P No shepherd's pie peppered with actual shepherd on top for me. ;)
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 12:51:29 AM
Of course, I am still waiting to have peanut butter pie.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 12:52:15 AM
I am getting very sleepy.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 12:52:26 AM
Will we never get to page two?  
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 12:52:35 AM
'Nuff said.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 12:52:53 AM
I am my own frenzy.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 12:53:09 AM
I was the only one who didn't have pie last night.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 12:53:37 AM
And with that I bid you a fond farewell until morning.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: George on March 10, 2007, 12:54:02 AM
In the morning, my niece and I are going to see a movie in Seattle (I don't know which).  She and a friend went to see a movie and the first part of it had technical difficulties, so they gave everyone a free ticket for another movie.  Her friend doesn't want to go, so I'll go and drive.  It's supposed to be over by 1:30 pm, which it'd better be because I have to be back in town to work concessions at 6:00 pm for The Northwest Harmony Sweepstakes A Cappella Festival (http://www.washingtoncenter.org/calendar/calendar_detail.asp?event_id=842).  It's the Northwest division of an annual a cappella contest and they rarely have performers that aren't very good...they have, but it's rare. :) Whoever wins this goes on to the national competition.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: George on March 10, 2007, 12:54:32 AM
Of course, I am still waiting to have peanut butter pie.

Ooo...that's good, too! :D
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: George on March 10, 2007, 12:55:01 AM
Good night, BK.  Have a good day!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: singdaw on March 10, 2007, 03:28:33 AM
Strawberry-Rhubarb pie for me, hands down.  Something about that wonderful sweet/tart combination.

I don't make my own pies, though.  My mother sort of scared me off of that, when she told me that her crusts never came out until  the salt water of her tears [with the fussing over the gosh-durned thing] rendered the proper consistency.   :)

Non-sequitors are fun.  'Nuff said.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Michael on March 10, 2007, 04:24:49 AM

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 04:53:29 AM
Make him eat his plate, DR SANDRA.  'nuff said.

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 04:54:00 AM
DR EDISAURUS if you were surprised to see the seagull - WELL, you can just imagine how surprised HE was to find himself in Atlanta!!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 04:54:41 AM
Lemon meringue pie - a bit tart with HIGH meringue - and additional whipped cream!!!

Second - Butterscotch creme pie!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 04:55:05 AM
Now I have to go to work and I'm hungry for PIE.

But not the same pi as DR MS.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jennifer on March 10, 2007, 05:13:57 AM
Okay all this talk about pies is making me hungry! I love pies!

I love cheese pies (cheesecake pies). Cherry is my favorite. I like these better than cheesecakes cause the cream cheese is whipped.

I also love key lime pie!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jennifer on March 10, 2007, 05:15:31 AM
I just checked out my local tv guide and see that they are finally doing one thing right on GREASE tomorrow. They are pairing all the final contestants together in 2s to see if they have any chemistry. Um, why didn't they do this from the start???

The only thing left that they need big time is TO LET US SEE THE ACTING. Or they will be left with people who cannot act.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 05:52:31 AM
Read O Rama today....but I will go to work anyway. :(
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Ginny on March 10, 2007, 05:56:49 AM
Saturday morning greetings!  We are having the first of what feels like spring rain here in SW Ohio.  Today is an information-waitressing day for me.

TOD - Ohio's Dale of Glen (a northern Cincinnati suburb) is home to one of my favorite restaurants, The Grand Finale.  When they discontinued my very fav of their desserts, Banana Walnut Torte, their Chocolate Cordial Pie became my new fav.  It's about 6 inches high:
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 05:57:17 AM
I only have this to say about GREASE YOU'RE THE ONE THAT I WANT...or rather...someone is speaking for me.

http://datacore.sciflicks.com/2001/sounds/2001_human_error.wav (http://datacore.sciflicks.com/2001/sounds/2001_human_error.wav)
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 05:57:44 AM
Looks dee-leesh, DR GINNY!!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 05:58:19 AM
See ya later, alligator!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 06:00:30 AM
Who wanted to see Fritz?

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: elmore3003 on March 10, 2007, 06:00:53 AM
Good morning, all!  I dreamed I was at Goodspeed, and I also dreamed I was in white trailor trash hell.  It was all peculiar, since the two dreams seem one long one now, and I remember a kid flying to the ceiling of a gymnasium on a handful of balloons, and cutting apple slices while someone talked about a death.  Perhaps this all refers to the fact I was too stupid to get a ticket to MY FAIR LADY, which everyone tells me was wonderful?

I have no plans today.  I like that.

PIE? My favorite restaurant, the late lamented Barrymore's, had an asolutely wonderful chicken pot pie.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 06:02:49 AM
I'm going to head towards the ATL and see if I run into Jose tickling the ivories in some hotel...
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: FJL on March 10, 2007, 06:15:07 AM
Speaking on Fritz in a towel:  A group of BMI Workshop people were having dinner, and one of the group was Jon Tenney's brother David.  The talk somehow turned to Jon Tenney's rear nude scene in a recent TV show, and someone said "David probably doesn't want to hear his brother talked about this way."  Someone else said, "Oh, i'm sure David seen his brother's rear end when they were growing up."  And the erudite James Harris said, "I'm sure he has, but never beautifully made up and impeccably lit."
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: singdaw on March 10, 2007, 06:35:11 AM
I loved Jon Tenney in Get Real, a prematurely cancelled television series in 1999 which also featured Anne Hathaway.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 07:01:01 AM
DR EDISAURUS if you were surprised to see the seagull - WELL, you can just imagine how surprised HE was to find himself in Atlanta!!

I have no doubt that it was Al Gore who sent the sea gull to Atlanta as a warning of things to come!

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 07:13:04 AM
I loved Jon Tenney in Get Real, a prematurely cancelled television series in 1999 which also featured Anne Hathaway.

Well, if you want to play The Closer trivia:

Which Closer star has an important role in a BK produced musical cast album?

der Brucer

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 07:17:44 AM
Last night DR Sandra lamented:

Dominick said the A-word today, and I have it on pretty good authority that he said the S-word yesterday. I told him that if he said either of those words again, he would be in VERY BIG TROUBLE.

Now I suspect your day-care is Protestant Church sposored, but banning references to Atheists and Scientologists is a bit extreme.

For an extreme punishment I suggest Gerber's Strained Peas.

der Brucer

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: FJL on March 10, 2007, 07:18:13 AM
DerBrucer - Wasn't J.K. Simmons on Das Barbecu?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 07:30:05 AM
DerBrucer - Wasn't J.K. Simmons on Das Barbecu?


He later starred as the singing voice of the yellow M&M
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 07:33:58 AM

The Forcer (http://www.theforce.net/latestnews/story/R2D2_Mailboxes_Confirm_Rumors_104142.asp)
R2-D2 Mailboxes Confirm Rumors
Posted By Dustin on March 8, 2007

The rumors are no more! Feast your eyes on what will soon be popping up at local United States Post Offices!

As reported here earlier, the USPS will be helping Star Wars celebrate its 30th anniversary. Stay tuned for more as we get it, right here at TheForce.net.

Special thanks to the Nuclear Ferret for the images.

Look like Daleks dressed for the prom!

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Sandra on March 10, 2007, 07:36:44 AM
My favorite pie is the chocolate cookie dough peanut butter cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory. Yum!!

My mom also makes a tasty apple pie.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Sandra on March 10, 2007, 07:38:22 AM
I'm off to buy plastic dinosaurs and bury them in the sand. Good bye!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 07:42:38 AM

Apple-Mince in which the raisins have been soaked in Grand Marnier

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 08:03:54 AM

Dixie Update (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,258102,00.html)

2 Georgia Men Survive Suicide Attempt After Cutting Own Arms Off With SawFriday , March 09, 2007

Two Georgia men survived a gruesome suicide attempt Friday after cutting their own arms off with a saw, reported Atlanta's Journal Constitution.

The 40 and 41-year-old men managed to remove three of their four arms, cutting them about six inches above their wrists, Atlanta Police Major Lane Hagin told the Journal.


der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 08:13:20 AM

County to Spring Forward Two Hours (http://news.aol.com/topnews/articles/_a/county-to-spring-forward-two-hours/20070309143509990001?ncid=NWS00010000000001)

Time-Zone Change, Daylight-Saving Switch Coincide

FRANCESVILLE, Ind. (March 9) - While most U.S. clocks spring forward one hour on Sunday, Pulaski County will do double time when it moves the courthouse clock ahead not one, but two hours for daylight-saving time.

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 08:15:19 AM
Will we never get to page two?  

I say yes.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 08:17:27 AM
Good morning!

Another gorgeous day here with highs returning to the mid 60s. Can't have enough of these spring days prior to spring. I just love this weather.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 08:17:54 AM
DerBrucer - Wasn't J.K. Simmons on Das Barbecu?

Ah, you beat me to it. COngratulations!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 08:20:37 AM
I've spent the morning watching THE NAKED CITY, Criterion's beautiful new transfer of this groundbreaking film. Wonderful film, and it was so much fun watching famous character actors get seconds on film in small little cameos early in their careers: Kathleen Freeman, John Randolph, James Gregory.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 08:22:44 AM
I started on the special features, first a video lecture on the film by an NYU film professor which was entertaining enough (once). The next one is an interview of an architect who's going to talk about the architecture of NYC in the post war period, but since I wanted to get on-line before the morning was over, I saved it until after lunch.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 08:23:40 AM
Tonight will definitely be given over to the Blu-ray version of THE PRESTIGE. Really looking forward to seeing the film again, this time in high def.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 08:34:43 AM
I'm up, I'm up - she of the Evil Eye will be here all too soon.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: elmore3003 on March 10, 2007, 08:35:58 AM

Dixie Update (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,258102,00.html)der Brucer

Don't they know about pills? Electrocution?  It seems an awfully messy way to go.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 08:36:21 AM
Something is apparently awry with the haineshisway.com "views" master.  According to it, we've already had over 8000 views since midnight.  Since the most views we've ever had in a single day was this past Oscar bash and that was 7000, somehow I feel that something has erred somewhere.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 08:38:35 AM
Yep, in our stats this day has already become our highest "views" AND hits day.  Say what?  And with only fifty-five posts.  'Nuff said.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 08:38:51 AM
Will we never get to page three?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 08:39:22 AM
Maybe there was a tour bus of "viewers" that came through.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: singdaw on March 10, 2007, 08:39:39 AM
Perhaps someone is taking the refresh that pauses?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 08:40:47 AM
I do hope all the clocks reset properly.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 08:41:26 AM
The views, the views...
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 08:41:48 AM
So it is spoken, so it shall be done - page three.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Dan (the Man) on March 10, 2007, 08:48:45 AM

I love lemon meringue pie.  And pizza pie.

Does anyone still call it "pizza pie"?

The oddest pie I've ever had was apple/raisin/jalapeno.  It was pretty good, as I recall.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Dan (the Man) on March 10, 2007, 08:54:27 AM
DR Jane, something I ommited in my discription of the Tivo/Amazon service yesterday--you need to have your Tivo connected to the internet through broadband in order to download videos.

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 08:54:48 AM
Will we never get to page three?

We'll make it.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 08:56:02 AM
I'll be very curious about how computer operating systems handle the new daylight savings time. I mean, I don't mind manually resetting my computer clock if I have to. This time tomorrow, I'll see if I need to.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 08:56:40 AM
Off now to fix some lunch and get back to the special features on THE NAKED CITY DVD.

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 08:56:43 AM
Banana Cream Pie!! - - Nuff Said!!  
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Angela on March 10, 2007, 08:58:02 AM
Don't everyone fall out of your seats -- yes, it's me the lurker!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 09:00:10 AM
Well, not really nuff said cause a close second is pumpkin pie with lots and lots of whipped cream...I think the key to a good pie is whipped cream, lots and lots of whipped cream...

speaking of key, another pie I wouldn't pass up is a good Key Lime Pie..
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Angela on March 10, 2007, 09:01:06 AM
Guess it has been a while since I've chatted.  Just saw a message from Jennifer that was over two years old.  Sorry Jennifer!  I have since gone back to Montreal four times to visit the family.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Charles Pogue on March 10, 2007, 09:01:12 AM
Well, there's House of Pies' (corner of Franklin and Vermont in LA) COCONUT CREAM PIE with whipped cream topping, not meringue...and then there's everything else and nothing comes close.

The strangest pie I ever had, which was very good, was at the Antlers Motel and Restaurant in Odessa, Texas, on Second Street, I believe.  It was something called Texas pecan pie.  Oddly enough, I remember no pecans in it,unless there was one on top for decoration.  The bottom layer was a gooey creamy brown (made this was the pecan, though it tasted more chocolate) and the top layer a yellow vanilly custard.  Very scrumptious.

I'm also fond of a good Shepherd's Pie.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: MBarnum on March 10, 2007, 09:01:42 AM
Who wanted to see Fritz?


Thanks Edisaurus! Now I know....he is Jon Tenney...who I know I have seen in something before...I just don't know what.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 09:01:44 AM
and a good coconut cream pie... or a chocolate cream pie...
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 09:03:22 AM
I can't say nuff about pies -- I love pies -- good topic bk -- except now I want some pie...

...banana cream with lots and lots and lots of whipped cream...
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 09:03:57 AM
... and a piece of some good ol' Texas pecan pie....
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 09:04:10 AM
It is very hard to find good Shepherd's Pie.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 09:04:26 AM
Welcome back, Angela the Lurker.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 09:06:12 AM
I don't know nothin' 'bout settin' clocks manually, so if my VCR clock doesn't reset (as it normally does) I don't know WHAT I shall do.  I can do all the others as I always have to do, and I can probably figure out how to do the computer clock.

Whose brilliantly brainy and completely idiotic idea WAS this early change?  When did it usually happen and will clocks try to reset on THAT day?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 09:06:37 AM
What am I, doing a monologue?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 09:07:01 AM
She of the Evil Eye will be knockin' on the door in about a minute.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 09:08:12 AM
Well, there's House of Pies' (corner of Franklin and Vermont in LA) COCONUT CREAM PIE with whipped cream topping, not meringue...and then there's everything else and nothing comes close.

The strangest pie I ever had, which was very good, was at the Antlers Motel and Restaurant in Odessa, Texas, on Second Street, I believe.  It was something called Texas pecan pie.  Oddly enough, I remember no pecans in it,unless there was one on top for decoration.  The bottom layer was a gooey creamy brown (made this was the pecan, though it tasted more chocolate) and the top layer a yellow vanilly custard.  Very scrumptious.

I'm also fond of a good Shepherd's Pie.

House of Pies!!  Been there!! Wish I was there right now (thanks alot bk -- now I have pie on the brain...)  Right around the corner from Cases's place...
..  Yeah, that's some fancy version of pecan pie, but a real Texas pecan pie doesn't have all that stuff -- just lots and lots of pecans and lots of molasses is the key to a good piece of pecan pie...
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: MBarnum on March 10, 2007, 09:11:16 AM
I love pies, and like DR Singdaw Strawberry-Rhubarb pie is my favorite, followed by any type of berry pie and cherry pie.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: MBarnum on March 10, 2007, 09:12:05 AM
Welcome back Dear Lurker Angela!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: MBarnum on March 10, 2007, 09:13:15 AM
I shall spend the day transferring assorted VHS tapes to DVD so as to get closer to my goal of making room in my home environment's only closet (other then the tiny bedroom closet).

But first I must shower and shave and then take Dog Bosco for a walk.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 09:16:40 AM
Welcome five GUESTS.  Who are you people?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 09:17:37 AM
..yes, fruit pies aren't bad either -- the berry family...a good homemade apple or peach ain't bad either...

Is there a type of pie that isn't good?   -- they're all delectable - - just every once in a while you'll find a pie maker who doesn't do the recipe justice -- but it's not the pie's fault...
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 09:17:37 AM
Thanks Edisaurus! Now I know....he is Jon Tenney...who I know I have seen in something before...I just don't know what.

The Astronaut Farmer (2007) .... Jacobson
"Kim Possible" (1 episode, 2007)
... aka Disney's Kim Possible (USA: complete title)
    - The Big Job (2007) TV Episode (voice)
"The Closer" .... Asst. Police Chief Will Pope (28 episodes, 2005-2006)
    -"The Simpsons" .... J. Jonah Jameson (1 episode, 2006)
    - Moe'N'A Lisa (2006) TV Episode (voice) .... J. Jonah Jameson
First Snow (2006/I) .... Vacaro
"Justice League" .... General Wade Eiling (4 episodes, 2004-2006)
    - Patriot Act (2006) TV Episode (voice) .... General Wade Eiling
    - Question Authority (2005) TV Episode (voice) .... General Wade Eiling
    - The Doomsday Sanction (2005) TV Episode (voice) .... General Wade Eiling
    - Dark Heart (2004) TV Episode (voice) .... General Wade Eiling
"The West Wing" .... Harry Ravitch (1 episode, 2006)
    - Duck and Cover (2006) TV Episode .... Harry Ravitch
Harsh Times (2005) .... Agent Richards
Thank You for Smoking (2005) .... Budd 'BR' Rohrabacher
"Numb3rs" .... Dr. Clarence Weaver (1 episode, 2005)
    - Vector (2005) TV Episode .... Dr. Clarence Weaver
"Jack & Bobby" .... Cyrus Miller (1 episode, 2005)
    - Running Scared (2005) TV Episode .... Cyrus Miller
"Arrested Development" .... General Garvey (1 episode, 2005)
    - Switch Hitter (2005) TV Episode .... General Garvey
"Timeless" (2005) TV Series .... Narrator
3: The Dale Earnhardt Story (2004) (TV) .... Ralph Earnhardt
... aka 3 (USA: short title)
"Law & Order" .... Dr. Emil Skoda / ... (43 episodes, 1994-2004)
"Nip/Tuck" .... Ike Connors (1 episode, 2004)
    - Kimber Henry (2004) TV Episode .... Ike Connors
Spider-Man 2 (2004) .... J. Jonah Jameson
"The Jury" .... Ron Stalsukilis (1 episode, 2004)
    - Last Rites (2004) TV Episode .... Ron Stalsukilis
"Without a Trace" .... Mark Wilson (1 episode, 2004)
... aka W.A.T (USA: short title)
    - Two Families (2004) TV Episode .... Mark Wilson
"The D.A." .... Dep. Dist. Atty. Joe Carter (2 episodes, 2004)
    - The People vs. Achmed Abbas (2004) TV Episode .... Dep. Dist. Atty. Joe Carter
    - The People vs. Sergius Kovinsky (2004) TV Episode .... Dep. Dist. Atty. Joe Carter
The Ladykillers (2004) .... Garth Pancake
Hidalgo (2004) .... Buffalo Bill Cody
... aka Dash (Philippines: English title: review title)
"ER" .... Gus Loomer (1 episode, 2004)
    - Impulse Control (2004) TV Episode .... Gus Loomer
"Everwood" .... Phil Drebbles (1 episode, 2003)
    - Burden of Truth (2003) TV Episode .... Phil Drebbles
"John Doe" .... Lucas Doya (1 episode, 2003)
    - The Rising (2003) TV Episode .... Lucas Doya
"Oz" .... Vernon 'Vern' Schillinger (38 episodes, 1997-2003)
    Off the Map (2003) .... George
"Queens Supreme" .... Ernest Fingerman (1 episode)
    - Let's Make a Deal (????) TV Episode .... Ernest Fingerman
Disposal (2003) .... Older Hunter
Path to War (2002) (TV) .... CIA Briefer
Spider-Man (2002) .... J. Jonah Jameson
"Law & Order: Criminal Intent" .... Dr. Emil Skoda (1 episode, 2002)
... aka Law & Order: CI (USA: promotional abbreviation)
    - Crazy (2002) TV Episode .... Dr. Emil Skoda
Homeward Bound (2002) (TV) .... Jim Ashton
"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" .... Dr. Emil Skoda (6 episodes, 2000-2001)
... aka Law & Order: SVU (USA: promotional abbreviation)
The Mexican (2001) .... Ted Slocum
... aka Mexicana, La (Mexico)
The Gift (2000) .... Sheriff Pearl Johnson
Autumn in New York (2000) .... Dr. Tom Grandy
Beautiful Joe (2000) (uncredited)
"Third Watch" .... Frank Hagonon (1 episode, 2000)
    - Demolition Derby (2000) TV Episode .... Frank Hagonon

"Saturday Night Live" .... Vern Schillinger (1 episode, 1999)
I Lost My M in Vegas (1999) (voice) .... Yellow
For Love of the Game (1999) (as JK Simmons) .... Frank Perry
The Cider House Rules (1999) .... Ray Kendall
Hit and Runway (1999) .... Ray Tilman
Above Freezing (1998) .... Hoyd
"Remember WENN" .... Captain Amazon (1 episode, 1998)
    - All's Noisy on the Pittsburgh Front (1998) TV Episode .... Captain Amazon
Celebrity (1998) .... Souvenir Hawker
"New York Undercover" .... Psycholigist / ... (2 episodes, 1996-1998)
... aka Uptown Undercover
    - Mob Street (1998) TV Episode .... Psycholigist
    - Unis (1996) TV Episode .... Sergeant Treadway
Face Down (1997) (TV) .... Herb Aames
The Jackal (1997) .... FBI Agent T. I. Witherspoon
Anastasia (1997) .... Ensemble Vocals
Crossing Fields (1997) .... Guy
"Spin City" .... Kevin Travis (1 episode, 1997)
    - Hot in the City (1997) TV Episode .... Kevin Travis
Love Walked In (1997) .... Mr. Shulman
Extreme Measures (1996) .... Dr. Mingus
The First Wives Club (1996) .... Federal Marshal
"Swift Justice" .... Mel Turman (1 episode, 1996)
  "Homicide: Life on the Street" .... Col. Alexander Rausch (1 episode, 1996)
"The Adventures of Pete & Pete" .... Barber Dan (1 episode, 1995)
... aka Pete and Pete (USA: short title)
    - Saturday (1995) TV Episode .... Barber Dan
"New York News" (1 episode, 1995)
    - Welcome Back Cotter (1995) TV Episode
The Scout (1994) .... Assistant Coach
Heisei tanuki gassen pompoko (1994) (voice: English version) .... Seizaemon (Disney Dub 2004)
... aka Pom poko (USA: dubbed version)
... aka The Raccoon War (International: English title)
The Ref (1994) .... Siskel
... aka Hostile Hostages
Popeye Doyle (1986) (TV) (as Jonathan Simmons) .... Patrolman in Park

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 09:18:34 AM
Does anyone still call it "pizza pie"?

I suspect anyone from Philly!

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 09:19:22 AM
The Astronaut Farmer (2007) .... Jacobson
"Kim Possible" (1 episode, 2007)
... aka Disney's Kim Possible (USA: complete title)
    - The Big Job (2007) TV Episode (voice)
"The Closer" .... Asst. Police Chief Will Pope (28 episodes, 2005-2006)
    -"The Simpsons" .... J. Jonah Jameson (1 episode, 2006)
    - Moe'N'A Lisa (2006) TV Episode (voice) .... J. Jonah Jameson
First Snow (2006/I) .... Vacaro
"Justice League" .... General Wade Eiling (4 episodes, 2004-2006)
    - Patriot Act (2006) TV Episode (voice) .... General Wade Eiling
    - Question Authority (2005) TV Episode (voice) .... General Wade Eiling
    - The Doomsday Sanction (2005) TV Episode (voice) .... General Wade Eiling
    - Dark Heart (2004) TV Episode (voice) .... General Wade Eiling
"The West Wing" .... Harry Ravitch (1 episode, 2006)
    - Duck and Cover (2006) TV Episode .... Harry Ravitch
Harsh Times (2005) .... Agent Richards
Thank You for Smoking (2005) .... Budd 'BR' Rohrabacher
"Numb3rs" .... Dr. Clarence Weaver (1 episode, 2005)
    - Vector (2005) TV Episode .... Dr. Clarence Weaver
"Jack & Bobby" .... Cyrus Miller (1 episode, 2005)
    - Running Scared (2005) TV Episode .... Cyrus Miller
"Arrested Development" .... General Garvey (1 episode, 2005)
    - Switch Hitter (2005) TV Episode .... General Garvey
"Timeless" (2005) TV Series .... Narrator
3: The Dale Earnhardt Story (2004) (TV) .... Ralph Earnhardt
... aka 3 (USA: short title)
"Law & Order" .... Dr. Emil Skoda / ... (43 episodes, 1994-2004)
"Nip/Tuck" .... Ike Connors (1 episode, 2004)
    - Kimber Henry (2004) TV Episode .... Ike Connors
Spider-Man 2 (2004) .... J. Jonah Jameson
"The Jury" .... Ron Stalsukilis (1 episode, 2004)
    - Last Rites (2004) TV Episode .... Ron Stalsukilis
"Without a Trace" .... Mark Wilson (1 episode, 2004)
... aka W.A.T (USA: short title)
    - Two Families (2004) TV Episode .... Mark Wilson
"The D.A." .... Dep. Dist. Atty. Joe Carter (2 episodes, 2004)
    - The People vs. Achmed Abbas (2004) TV Episode .... Dep. Dist. Atty. Joe Carter
    - The People vs. Sergius Kovinsky (2004) TV Episode .... Dep. Dist. Atty. Joe Carter
The Ladykillers (2004) .... Garth Pancake
Hidalgo (2004) .... Buffalo Bill Cody
... aka Dash (Philippines: English title: review title)
"ER" .... Gus Loomer (1 episode, 2004)
    - Impulse Control (2004) TV Episode .... Gus Loomer
"Everwood" .... Phil Drebbles (1 episode, 2003)
    - Burden of Truth (2003) TV Episode .... Phil Drebbles
"John Doe" .... Lucas Doya (1 episode, 2003)
    - The Rising (2003) TV Episode .... Lucas Doya
"Oz" .... Vernon 'Vern' Schillinger (38 episodes, 1997-2003)
    Off the Map (2003) .... George
"Queens Supreme" .... Ernest Fingerman (1 episode)
    - Let's Make a Deal (????) TV Episode .... Ernest Fingerman
Disposal (2003) .... Older Hunter
Path to War (2002) (TV) .... CIA Briefer
Spider-Man (2002) .... J. Jonah Jameson
"Law & Order: Criminal Intent" .... Dr. Emil Skoda (1 episode, 2002)
... aka Law & Order: CI (USA: promotional abbreviation)
    - Crazy (2002) TV Episode .... Dr. Emil Skoda
Homeward Bound (2002) (TV) .... Jim Ashton
"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" .... Dr. Emil Skoda (6 episodes, 2000-2001)
... aka Law & Order: SVU (USA: promotional abbreviation)
The Mexican (2001) .... Ted Slocum
... aka Mexicana, La (Mexico)
The Gift (2000) .... Sheriff Pearl Johnson
Autumn in New York (2000) .... Dr. Tom Grandy
Beautiful Joe (2000) (uncredited)
"Third Watch" .... Frank Hagonon (1 episode, 2000)
    - Demolition Derby (2000) TV Episode .... Frank Hagonon

"Saturday Night Live" .... Vern Schillinger (1 episode, 1999)
I Lost My M in Vegas (1999) (voice) .... Yellow
For Love of the Game (1999) (as JK Simmons) .... Frank Perry
The Cider House Rules (1999) .... Ray Kendall
Hit and Runway (1999) .... Ray Tilman
Above Freezing (1998) .... Hoyd
"Remember WENN" .... Captain Amazon (1 episode, 1998)
    - All's Noisy on the Pittsburgh Front (1998) TV Episode .... Captain Amazon
Celebrity (1998) .... Souvenir Hawker
"New York Undercover" .... Psycholigist / ... (2 episodes, 1996-1998)
... aka Uptown Undercover
    - Mob Street (1998) TV Episode .... Psycholigist
    - Unis (1996) TV Episode .... Sergeant Treadway
Face Down (1997) (TV) .... Herb Aames
The Jackal (1997) .... FBI Agent T. I. Witherspoon
Anastasia (1997) .... Ensemble Vocals
Crossing Fields (1997) .... Guy
"Spin City" .... Kevin Travis (1 episode, 1997)
    - Hot in the City (1997) TV Episode .... Kevin Travis
Love Walked In (1997) .... Mr. Shulman
Extreme Measures (1996) .... Dr. Mingus
The First Wives Club (1996) .... Federal Marshal
"Swift Justice" .... Mel Turman (1 episode, 1996)
  "Homicide: Life on the Street" .... Col. Alexander Rausch (1 episode, 1996)
"The Adventures of Pete & Pete" .... Barber Dan (1 episode, 1995)
... aka Pete and Pete (USA: short title)
    - Saturday (1995) TV Episode .... Barber Dan
"New York News" (1 episode, 1995)
    - Welcome Back Cotter (1995) TV Episode
The Scout (1994) .... Assistant Coach
Heisei tanuki gassen pompoko (1994) (voice: English version) .... Seizaemon (Disney Dub 2004)
... aka Pom poko (USA: dubbed version)
... aka The Raccoon War (International: English title)
The Ref (1994) .... Siskel
... aka Hostile Hostages
Popeye Doyle (1986) (TV) (as Jonathan Simmons) .... Patrolman in Park

der Brucer

Holy Molely!  How long did it take you to type that post?!  
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 09:21:30 AM
Don't they know about pills? Electrocution?  It seems an awfully messy way to go.

A. Southern Girls are such Drama Queens
B. Inbreeding

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 09:22:52 AM
Holy Molely!  How long did it take you to type that post?!  

Cut and Paste and Edit  from IMDB!

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 09:24:35 AM
Good morning, all!  I dreamed I was at Goodspeed, and I also dreamed I was in white trailor trash hell.  It was all peculiar, since the two dreams seem one long one now, and I remember a kid flying to the ceiling of a gymnasium on a handful of balloons, and cutting apple slices while someone talked about a death.  

I wonder what Dr JRand will have to say about that one....gee, DR ELmo, you have some wild ones..
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 09:26:37 AM
I shall spend the day transferring assorted VHS tapes to DVD so as to get closer to my goal of making room in my home environment's only closet (other then the tiny bedroom closet).

Are those the ones for DR ELmo?   ;) ;)  or should that be  :o
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Ginny on March 10, 2007, 09:31:03 AM
TOD (cont'd) - Last night was the bi-weekly fish fry at the American Legion post where DH Richard's honor guard is based.  The auxiliary serves homemade pie slices, which we got "to go" and had after Richard got home from his clean-up duties.  He had lemon meringue and I had chocolate cream.  I've promised them a pecan pie for the event in 2 weeks.

One of my favorite pies to make is blueberry:  Bake a graham cracker crust, cool and fill with rinsed fresh blueberries.  In a small saucepan, heat 10-12 oz. red currant jelly until clear and smooth.  Drizzle over blueberries and chill.  Serve topped with sour (yes, sour) cream.

My father found that recipe in Gourmet magazine about 40 years ago and I've been using it ever since (but only in summer, when fresh blueberries are available here and affordable).
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: TCB on March 10, 2007, 09:32:13 AM
Generally, my top favorites are (in alphabetical order) banana creme, blueberry, cherry, coconut cream, chocolate cream and pecan.  Also apple (especially a la mode), peach...ah, heck, almost any kind of pie.  But not key lime, lemon meringue or meat pies. :P No shepherd's pie peppered with actual shepherd on top for me. ;)

Ahhh, George, check your spelling.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: elmore3003 on March 10, 2007, 09:34:03 AM
Are those the ones for DR ELmo?   ;) ;)  or should that be  :o

At least one of them better be for me!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 09:37:46 AM
At least one of them better be for me!

Cheap, cheap, cheap....
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: TCB on March 10, 2007, 09:37:59 AM

Pumpkin pie.

I have never seen a chocolate or peanut butter pie that I didn't like.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: TCB on March 10, 2007, 09:39:15 AM
Don't everyone fall out of your seats -- yes, it's me the lurker!

Welcome, Angela!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: elmore3003 on March 10, 2007, 09:39:35 AM
Cheap, cheap, cheap....

You betcha!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 09:43:33 AM
Speaking of dreams, DR ELmo, here's another for Dr JRand ---- or it might be in answer to der Brucer's question from the other day about how you might know you're a HHWer addict:

I woke up this morning having just dreamed about a posting frenzy on HHW...

Can't you people leave me alone?!!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jeanne on March 10, 2007, 09:45:33 AM
Hello, HHW!
Marvelous Matt is here, putting another coat of paint on the 3rd floor hall/stairs, so I am stuck here in my office, catching up on posts, of course!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 09:45:44 AM
Wait a minute, that's what I'm doing now...once again, it's not a dream, just a premonition...man, I'm a psychic or what?!  I need to open a hotline....
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 09:46:23 AM
You betcha!

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: TCB on March 10, 2007, 09:46:57 AM
Speaking of dreams, DR ELmo, here's another for Dr JRand ---- or it might be in answer to der Brucer's question from the other day about how you might know you're a HHWer addict:

I woke up this morning having just dreamed about a posting frenzy on HHW...

Can't you people leave me alone?!!

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jeanne on March 10, 2007, 09:48:57 AM

Dixie Update (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,258102,00.html)der Brucer

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 09:49:12 AM

Good!  Every addict needs enablers...
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jeanne on March 10, 2007, 09:49:48 AM
Oh, I'm supposed to submit my pie votes, am I? I'm not really a pie lover, but I will say that the coconut cream at House of Pies is to die for.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jeanne on March 10, 2007, 09:50:23 AM
Loved your little song about DEAR READER LAURA yesterday.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jeanne on March 10, 2007, 09:51:17 AM
And I agree with DR JANE that LA and subways are an oxymoron. Like you, Jane, I'll have to see it to really believe it.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: TCB on March 10, 2007, 09:52:51 AM
Tonight, we in the Pacific Northwet are expecting the Pineapple Express to arrive.  No, that is not a new discount airline, but, rather, a torrential rain and wind storm.  It is supposed to hit here this evening and last until Monday morning.  Areas of the Washington coast are expecting up to nine inches of rain, but inland we are only supposed to get a few inches of rain this time.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 09:52:53 AM
Cut and Paste and Edit  from IMDB!

der Brucer

Well, okay..but it still took some foreplay, I mean forethought on your part....so you still get a Holy Moley from this Cro-Magnon...
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 10:01:45 AM
Nuff said...for now...
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 10:02:41 AM
I don't know nothin' 'bout settin' clocks manually, so if my VCR clock doesn't reset (as it normally does) I don't know WHAT I shall do.  I can do all the others as I always have to do, and I can probably figure out how to do the computer clock.

Whose brilliantly brainy and completely idiotic idea WAS this early change?  When did it usually happen and will clocks try to reset on THAT day?

Energy conservationista have been arguing for this change for decades.

INFO PLEASE (http://www.infoplease.com/spot/daylight1.html)
In Aug. 2005, Congress passed an energy bill that included extending Daylight Saving Time by about a month.

From 1986 to 2006 this has been the first Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October, but starting in 2007, it will be observed from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November, adding about a month to daylight saving time.

Computer software issued prior to 2006 will probably not handle time correctly unless it has been patched.

If your computer software is programed to do automatic time updates, but has not been fixed for the new times, you must change your time manually on four occasions:
Second Sunday in March, First Sunday in April, last Sunday in October and First Sunday in Novenber. (Two changes to adjust for the new time changes, two change to undo the old auto-changes).

Most of Canada and Mesixo will be with us.
Arizona, as usual, we bill "special".
No one dare guesses what will happen in Indiana.

Australia also has various systems in play.

Things of concern:

Automatic banking update systems might miss a day!

People relying on PDAs and various Schedulers like Outlook might have screwed up meeting times.

The good news:

Kids have more daylight for Halloween.

Sun Dials will remain unaffected!

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 10:05:59 AM

  Drizzle over blueberries and chill.  Serve topped with sour (yes, sour) cream.

I wonder how Yogurt would work?

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 10:07:49 AM

Can't you people leave me alone?!!

Not in your wildest dreams!

Actually, particularly in your wildest dreams ;D

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 10:14:04 AM
I have never seen a chocolate or peanut butter pie that I didn't like.

Overheard in Tacoma:

Good Evening.
My name is Tom, and I'm an Empty Calorie addict

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 10:15:01 AM
Loved your little song about DEAR READER LAURA yesterday.

Thank you

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 10:22:59 AM
And I agree with DR JANE that LA and subways are an oxymoron. Like you, Jane, I'll have to see it to really believe it.

Actually, the LA subways (and light rail) are quite impressive. Unlike some places (NYC, DC), the system designers sunk some planning and dollars into providing attractive terminal facilities. Union Station provides a wonderful terminus where AMTRAK, MetroRail, Light Rail, and Subway all converge.

Woody is the LA mass transit maven. His daily commute included the Blue Line Light Rail, Red Line Subway, and MTA bus.

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 10, 2007, 10:54:10 AM
Loved your little song about DEAR READER LAURA yesterday.

Me too!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 10, 2007, 10:55:09 AM
We are building light rail in Phoenix. Near as I can tell, it is not particularly convenient for anyone.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 10:55:31 AM

For help with Daylight Savings Time 20007 changes:

MICROSOFT (http://support.microsoft.com/gp/dst_topissues#A5)

Users of any operating system prior to VISTA should be concerned

APPLE (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=305056)

Users of sytems older than  OS 10.4.5 should be concerned

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Ron Pulliam on March 10, 2007, 10:56:27 AM
I'll be very curious about how computer operating systems handle the new daylight savings time. I mean, I don't mind manually resetting my computer clock if I have to. This time tomorrow, I'll see if I need to.

Will it really be "this" time tomorrow, or an hour later?

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 10, 2007, 11:02:17 AM
The new piano was delivered this morning. Our pianist played practiced on it for a while. Oh, my. It is so smooth and beautiful sounding.

A good pianist is even better when playing a really nice musical instrument.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Ron Pulliam on March 10, 2007, 11:04:27 AM
A. Southern Girls are such Drama Queens

Oh, please!  They are obviously "carpetbaggers"!

Southerners don't do insufficient suicides!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Ron Pulliam on March 10, 2007, 11:05:25 AM
A good pianist is even better when playing a really nice musical instrument.

Like a violin? Or a French horn?


(Sorry....I couldn't resist).
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 11:08:39 AM
Will it really be "this" time tomorrow, or an hour later?


Can CPO Pulliam use a sextant?

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 11:10:26 AM
Oh, please!  They are obviously "carpetbaggers"!

Southerners don't do insufficient suicides!

You're right.
I stand corrected.
They probably migrated from Gary!

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 11:11:59 AM
It is so smooth and beautiful...

Like a 25 year old single malt Scotch!

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 11:44:50 AM
We are building light rail in Phoenix. Near as I can tell, it is not particularly convenient for anyone.

Mass transit planning considerations are often at odds with what some of the public perceives as "convenient".

In most areas, mass transit's prime objective is to reduce vehicular flow during peak hours; therefore, the routing is dictated by worker-flow: home-job-home. Recreational and tourist use is secondary; therefore, mass transit often by passes airports, sports venues, and recreational sites.

LA, New York, and Phoenix have Mass Transit that goes near Airports to connect to a separate system for the final leg; some cities (London, Philadelphia) have Mass Transit that actually enters the airport (Philly has the best I've ever seen). Washington DC has a subway stop for Washington National (but it's a passenger's nightmare to lug baggage from the elevated train to the ticket areas) and Dulles International is still Bus/Cab only.

The "it's for the workers" syndrome results in other strange consequences. In the LA Metro area (including Long Beach) it results in trains stopping about midnight. So, if you want to go to the Music Center and see Les Miz, best leave before the curtain call. And in LB, if you want to go to a show and stop for a drink afterward, you need to drink and drive!

Our older US cities had a very different take on mass transit in that commercial destinations were considered important. All of Philadelphia's major department stores had show windows and entrances right in the subway stations. Even today, Philly 30th Street Station (AMTRACK) and Reading Terminal (Commuter Light Rail) have large very nice shopping areas as part of the terminal complex. Commuters can buy a fresh rack of lamb, fresh rosemary, just picked carrots, and fresh baked French bread (and some fresh cut flowers) to take home for dinner.

Washington tried a large commercial venue underneath Du Pont Circle, adjoining the subway station, but poor management and lack of good policing let it fall into disfavor, and it is now boarded up. A sad loss.

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jeanne on March 10, 2007, 11:45:44 AM

Southerners don't do insufficient suicides!

LOL. Great line, DR RON.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jeanne on March 10, 2007, 11:47:29 AM
Like a 25 year old single malt Scotch!

der Brucer

Oh. I was expecting "like a 25-year-old" something else.

You fooled me, DER B!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jeanne on March 10, 2007, 11:53:23 AM
Mass transit planning considerations are often at odds with what some of the public perceives as "convenient".

In most areas, mass transit's prime objective is to reduce vehicular flow during peak hours; therefore, the routing is dictated by worker-flow: home-job-home. Recreational and tourist use is secondary; therefore, mass transit often by passes airports, sports venues, and recreational sites.

LA, New York, and Phoenix have Mass Transit that goes near Airports to connect to a separate system for the final leg; some cities (London, Philadelphia) have Mass Transit that actually enters the airport (Philly has the best I've ever seen). Washington DC has a subway stop for Washington National (but it's a passenger's nightmare to lug baggage from the elevated train to the ticket areas) and Dulles International is still Bus/Cab only.

The "it's for the workers" syndrome results in other strange consequences. In the LA Metro area (including Long Beach) it results in trains stopping about midnight. So, if you want to go to the Music Center and see Les Miz, best leave before the curtain call. And in LB, if you want to go to a show and stop for a drink afterward, you need to drink and drive!

Our older US cities had a very different take on mass transit in that commercial destinations were considered important. All of Philadelphia's major department stores had show windows and entrances right in the subway stations. Even today, Philly 30th Street Station (AMTRACK) and Reading Terminal (Commuter Light Rail) have large very nice shopping areas as part of the terminal complex. Commuters can buy a fresh rack of lamb, fresh rosemary, just picked carrots, and fresh baked French bread (and some fresh cut flowers) to take home for dinner.

Washington tried a large commercial venue underneath Du Pont Circle, adjoining the subway station, but poor management and lack of good policing let it fall into disfavor, and it is now boarded up. A sad loss.

der Brucer

I've not as well-versed as you, Der B, on comparative mass transit systems, but it seems to me that a great deal of money is spent, while missing major opportunities. I'm a fan of mass transit, but think that we're not doing all we can. Which, of course, is one of the points you make.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 12:01:53 PM

He later starred as the singing voice of the yellow M&M

WOW! He was Yellow?   Yellow is my favorite M&M followed by a tie of Red and Green.....OK, maybe I spent a little too much time at M&Ms world...
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: singdaw on March 10, 2007, 12:05:50 PM
Our pianist practiced on it for a while.
While Cook, Driver, and Gardner looked on?   :)

Sorry, couldn't resist...

Glad it arrived safely, and hoping it gives you and your family years of pleasure!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 12:06:47 PM
We are building light rail in Phoenix. Near as I can tell, it is not particularly convenient for anyone.

They're finally getting around to that? They were trying to get that going when I lived there around 20 years ago
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: singdaw on March 10, 2007, 12:06:57 PM
Welcome to Angela the Lurker.

So if you leave and then come back, you have to start all over?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 12:09:48 PM
I had many strange dreams last night.  I think some of it is the cold medication I'm still taking...but I dreamed that people were throwing all kinds of percussion instruments at me ;)
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 12:11:03 PM
Seriously, I did have strange dreams last night. Nothing I still remember, I do remember waking up thinking.."That was strange"
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: singdaw on March 10, 2007, 12:12:22 PM
I dreamed that people were throwing all kinds of percussion instruments at me
;D ;D ;D

And may those brickbats help you feel better all the sooner!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 12:13:29 PM
I wouldn't say pie is my first choice of dessert, I'm more of a cake kind of girl, but I do enjoy pie.  My favorite are fruit pies, especially strawberry rhubarb, but almost any fruit pie, pumpkin pie is tasty and right now I'm hungry for banana cream pie.  

I loved the pie at House of Pies where I had a slice of Dutch Apple ala mode with our wonderful host BK
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 12:15:51 PM
DR Jane, something I ommited in my discription of the Tivo/Amazon service yesterday--you need to have your Tivo connected to the internet through broadband in order to download videos.

 ;D I doubt we will be doing that just to get a movie, at least for now.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 12:18:44 PM
It's beautiful here, in the 50s and the sun is brightly shining.  I have several windows open and the girls are running from window to window sniffing the air and generally having a grand old time. Much of the snow is gone here.  

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 12:19:22 PM
Good!  Every addict needs enablers...

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 12:19:25 PM
I went to the new "improved" version of the local foods restaurant at the firehouse.  It's now called Fiona's Firehouse Bistro.  They've done a lot with the decor and put in a good kitchen, but the service is lousy.   As Paul said "A New York Minute is 30 seconds. A Sioux City Minute is 15-20 minutes. Your eggs will be here in a minute..."  Make that 2 minutes...
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 10, 2007, 12:20:33 PM
Oh -- welcome back, DR Angela!! I hope you stick around. We are nice folks (as you know).
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 12:21:42 PM
I will say it's only the first day and I was asked by one of the board members what I really thought, so I told her.  I do want to see it succeed.  It would have been nice if the potatoes were warm. I think they plated them and then waited "a couple minutes" until everything else was done
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 12:22:36 PM
The coffee was actually wonderful. Locally roasted coffee beans.  No pie on the menu
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 12:24:12 PM
The Blob is on TCM. That movie scared the bejesus our of me when I was a little kids.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 12:25:46 PM
Hi Angela.  WELCOME BACK!  :D
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 12:27:28 PM
Welcome back Angela!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Ginny on March 10, 2007, 12:27:52 PM
It's a busy Saturday here, with all the usual weirdos, and our building is extremely warm.  The thermostat by my desk in the cube farm reads about 84o.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 12:28:20 PM
I wouldn't watch The Blob until Keith forced me too when we were 18.  I made him hold me through most of the picture & he kept laughing at me.  Now I'm shocked at the movies I watch, all because of Keith. ;D
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 10, 2007, 12:28:56 PM
TOD: I like pie. Especially pecan. I make a pretty good apple pie.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 10, 2007, 12:29:59 PM
Anyone heard from Danise lately?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 12:33:45 PM
I sent her an email this morning.  I will give her a call now & let you know.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 12:35:42 PM
That movie scared the bejesus our of me when I was a little kids.

When did you do-in your co-joined twin?

der Brucer

Daisy and Violet
Priscllia and 'lizabeth?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Ginny on March 10, 2007, 12:35:58 PM
I sent her an email this morning.  I will give her a call now & let you know.

Thanks, Jane, for checking on her.  I'd been wondering, too.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 12:37:18 PM
I make a pretty good apple pie.

If you serve it with a nice slab of sharp cheddar, I'll be right over!

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 12:39:18 PM
Now I'm shocked at the movies I watch, all because of Keith. ;D

Any excuse to be held ;)

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 12:40:54 PM
I'm on the phone with Danise.  She is fine.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Ginny on March 10, 2007, 12:41:49 PM
I'm on the phone with Danise.  She is fine.

Tell her HI from me!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 12:45:47 PM
The thermostat by my desk in the cube farm reads about 84o.

Get the humidity up and you can have a mold-farm in the old books stacks!

Or get the humiidity really low, and you can dry out the glue in the bindings and the pages all fall out!

der Brucer

I guess we have no standards for the proper storage of books! (or the proper storage of Librarians)
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 12:46:39 PM
I'm on the phone with Danise.  She is fine.

More important- how are the dogs!

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 12:49:18 PM
Even though I'm sure the daylight savings time update software was installed automatically during one of the updates, I took the precaution of downloading it again from the apple site, so I'm sure I'll be fine now.  
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 12:50:39 PM
Had a very good research field trip.  I was having to find a location for something in the book, and I'd been finding it difficult.  This morning, my research assistant took me to a place she thought would work and boy does it.  It's absolute perfection.  I took lots of notes and drew diagrams and I'm very happy.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 12:54:00 PM
More important- how are the dogs!

der Brucer

She says they are both little monkeys. ;D  Bear is doing good for almost 11.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 10, 2007, 12:57:30 PM
Tell her HI for me, too!

How is Mom?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: PennyO on March 10, 2007, 12:58:39 PM
Hi, y'all!

What a lovely day - this is the first real breather I've had in almost two weeks. Whew - just finished two of the four papers due on Monday, got two more to finish today, and a project/paper due on Tuesday, which I'll work on tomorrow. Ah, schooldaze.

I had a wonderful walk this morning - instead of taking the car to do my errands, i walked to the bank, the post office and the library. About seven miles, I think, all told. Glad to have gotten it done early - it's gonna be 90 degrees here in a little while.

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 10, 2007, 12:59:40 PM
Hi, Miss Penny!!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: PennyO on March 10, 2007, 01:00:12 PM
I love apple pah. Made with tart apples, like granny smiths. For Pie in the Face, any kind of custard with whipped cream.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: PennyO on March 10, 2007, 01:00:34 PM
Hello, DearReaderLaura!!!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: PennyO on March 10, 2007, 01:02:35 PM
Enough lollygaggin' - scribbling awaits. Have fun, kidz!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 10, 2007, 01:02:44 PM
Glad to hear you are well, Penny.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Adriana Patti on March 10, 2007, 01:07:59 PM
Hello and Good morning!

I am not a big pie fan with the fruit and cream stuff, but anything chocolate is good for my tummy.

The best cheescake I have ever had in my entire existance was at Roxie's in times square...mmmmmm.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Ginny on March 10, 2007, 01:31:20 PM
If you're in greater Columbus, Ohio, and want directions to another location in greater Columbus, why would you call the public library in Dayton (100 miles away) for assistance?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Dan (the Man) on March 10, 2007, 01:37:38 PM

The good news:

Kids have more daylight for Halloween.

I don't know about that one.  When I was a kid, we couldn't wait for it to get dark on Halloween.  
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Dan (the Man) on March 10, 2007, 02:01:36 PM
Well, you know it's the 21st century when your neighbor lady asks you to come over and check out her robot.

This morning my neighbor asked me to take a look at her new Roomba to see if I could figure out why it was acting peculiar.  It didn't take long to see that at some point it had attempted to sweep up one of those furniture gliders that one puts under a sofa or chair leg.  The thing had gotten lodged underneath the Roomba's bumper.  Once removed, Roomba went on it's merry way, cleaning up the entire downstairs floor.

Now I want one!

Incidentally, I was treated to a slice of homemade cherry pie for my efforts.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 02:12:05 PM
Ginny & DRLaura I passed along your HI's.  Danise will try & post after dinner.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 02:13:58 PM
I've written two pages - there are probably another two to three pages in the current chapter, then the next chapter I get to incorporate all the research location stuff from today.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 02:27:27 PM
Continued to be simply glorious outside. I sat on the side porch for a bit while my potato was baking for lunch, and it was just so beautiful.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 02:29:44 PM
Page Seven Harry and Uncle Vernon Dance!!!

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 02:32:24 PM
I'm not a big pie eater either, and my favorite is actually a cake: Boston Cream Pie.

However, I do like apple pie a la mode and really like strawberry pie with whipped cream, too.

But, I'd rather have cake.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 02:33:29 PM
While I was eating lunch, I put in the Blu-ray of CHICAGO and watched "CEll Block Tango" and "All I Care About," both of which look amazing in high def.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 02:36:32 PM
Then I put the NAKED CITY DVD back on and continuing watching special features on it. In one, an architect talks about the New York City of 1947 (when the movie was filmed). Enjoyed his points of view on the city of that period plus views of the lower East Side which is where the United Nations would be built.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Sandra on March 10, 2007, 02:37:45 PM
I'm liking your new page dance theme, Dear Reader Matt H. Do you happen to have a shot of the barfing-up-slugs scene?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 02:39:54 PM
Director Jules Dassin's interview at the LA Museum of Art in 2004 was captured on video (after a screening of RIFFIFI) and presented as a special feature on the disc. Still pretty with it at age 93, it was an entertaining walk down memory lane though he stubbornly didn't want to talk about his MGM years.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Sandra on March 10, 2007, 02:40:35 PM
I have returned from burying things in the playground. Dear Bloog and I went to the 99 cent store and bought a bunch of toys. We couldn't find any dinosaurs, but we got a bunch of other good stuff.

We also got this little fella.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 02:40:42 PM
I'm liking your new page dance theme, Dear Reader Matt H. Do you happen to have a shot of the barfing-up-slugs scene?

Hasn't come up yet, but I'll keep an eye out for it and post it if it shows up.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Sandra on March 10, 2007, 02:41:35 PM
Give him a squeeze, and...

**Cue vomiting noises**
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 02:41:55 PM
I have a little more on the NAKED CITY DVD to watch (and some comentary to listen to) and then I'll move on to THE PRESTIGE tonight.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Sandra on March 10, 2007, 02:43:24 PM
And with that lovely vomiting clown image...

Welcome back Dear Lurker Angela! Have a Cherry Coke and some pudding.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 02:45:11 PM
The children will love that clown ;D
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: singdaw on March 10, 2007, 02:45:25 PM
Incidentally, I was treated to a slice of homemade cherry pie for my efforts.

insert Twin Peaks theme music here.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Sandra on March 10, 2007, 02:47:46 PM
The only thing I can remember about the dream I had last night is that I was wearing a toga.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 02:48:05 PM
Give him a squeeze, and...

**Cue vomiting noises**

Now, isn't that just special!

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 02:49:52 PM
The children will love that clown ;D

I wonder what other bodily-function clowns are in the set :(

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Sandra on March 10, 2007, 02:50:57 PM
Hasn't come up yet, but I'll keep an eye out for it and post it if it shows up.

Thank you.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DERBRUCER on March 10, 2007, 02:56:29 PM
For Edisaurus:


Goat Love: Three Nigerian dwarf milk goats put their heads together on a farm near Rogue River, Ore.

der Brucer
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 03:23:52 PM
Soooo cute.  
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 03:28:56 PM
OK, off to finish up one DVD and start another.

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: TCB on March 10, 2007, 03:29:50 PM
Hasn't come up yet, but I'll keep an eye out for it and post it if it shows up.

Please, don't!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: TCB on March 10, 2007, 03:38:05 PM
I had a very strange dream last night.  I was on a program (I think I was on it) like THE APPRENTICE, but instead of Donald Trump; it was hosted by BK.  At first, I was thinking how wonderful it would be to learn so much about, theater, writing, producing, and acting.  But instead of dealing with any of that, we were stuck doing logic problems and setting up photo displays.  I was very displeased.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: TCB on March 10, 2007, 03:39:16 PM
I don't think we are going to get to 400 posts.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 03:40:05 PM

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: TCB on March 10, 2007, 03:40:31 PM
A frivolous frenzy
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 03:41:20 PM
I was laughing at the dream, not the 400 posts, or lack of 400 posts.

I'm off to the grocery store.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: TCB on March 10, 2007, 03:41:45 PM
Jane!  How good to see you.  How are you?  How is Keith?  How is my nephew, Sherlock?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: FJL on March 10, 2007, 03:41:55 PM
Back from work, caught up on the posts, and now it's time for dinner guests to arrive.  But that's OK, I have nothing to say today anyway.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: FJL on March 10, 2007, 03:43:11 PM
Are we at page 8 yet?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: FJL on March 10, 2007, 03:43:27 PM
How about now?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: FJL on March 10, 2007, 03:43:46 PM
8 is 'nuff, I always say.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: MusicGuy on March 10, 2007, 03:45:42 PM
Good afternoon dear Esteemed, centered, well-timed, and sultry BK --

I'm glad that the location research by DR Adrianna paid off;  one of the things that makes your L.A. based books work so well (for me, anyway) is that you are careful about small details and locations.  I'm looking forward to this new one, and I already have my breath baited....my loins girded, and my sinews glistened!

My God, I sound like one of DR MB's dates!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: TCB on March 10, 2007, 03:47:00 PM
Back from work, caught up on the posts, and now it's time for dinner guests to arrive.  But that's OK, I have nothing to say today anyway.

Why not?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: MusicGuy on March 10, 2007, 03:48:53 PM


Coconut cream

Cherry (and I hate almost all commercially made cherry.... mine has a secret twist)


Peach (best made from my own trees ! )

And a VERY BIG caveat to anyone who sees the word "topping" on a menu..... be afraid -- be very afraid!  Real whipped cream doesn't have to be labelled as "topping."
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: MusicGuy on March 10, 2007, 03:49:35 PM

Hi TCB.... go have some pie !  :)
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: MusicGuy on March 10, 2007, 03:51:09 PM

Hi dear Jose, you swarthy temptress ! .... A package was dipatched today with your name on it...... should be there around the latter part of this coming week.

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: MusicGuy on March 10, 2007, 03:53:02 PM

Hello Cason, you impish pixie !  When is your next "in-person" audition for the San Diego gig ?  We all hold good thoughts for you. :)
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 03:53:57 PM
Well, you know it's the 21st century when your neighbor lady asks you to come over and check out her robot.

This morning my neighbor asked me to take a look at her new Roomba to see if I could figure out why it was acting peculiar.  It didn't take long to see that at some point it had attempted to sweep up one of those furniture gliders that one puts under a sofa or chair leg.  The thing had gotten lodged underneath the Roomba's bumper.  Once removed, Roomba went on it's merry way, cleaning up the entire downstairs floor.

Now I want one!

Incidentally, I was treated to a slice of homemade cherry pie for my efforts.

They are fun to watch, but don't pick up pet hair well enough for my needs
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: MusicGuy on March 10, 2007, 03:54:34 PM

I'm off to do some evening things soon, so I must take my leave.

where should one put one's leave?  A question for the Grande Mensch to consider mayhaps....
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: FJL on March 10, 2007, 04:06:38 PM
Signed on again because the dinner guests were late, but now - here they are!!!!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: TCB on March 10, 2007, 04:08:20 PM
Cason, I am very impressed with your work on BRAIN.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:12:00 PM
Good Evening!

...And "Scene"![/i]

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:14:07 PM

And the 2007 Spring SETC Auditions have come to a close.  I have a little bit of an "epilogue" tonight playing some callbacks, but it's truly just "some" callbacks - I think the theatre only called back four or five people today.  -It was actually a pretty good day talent-wise, they're just looking for specific people for specific roles at this time, so... That means I'll be down at the bar sooner rather than later for the closing night festivities.  :)
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 04:15:21 PM
Good evening all.  Well, it's about evening here anyway.  I'm supposed to go to the final round of the Iowa Piano Competition tonight. Last year it was fabulous, but I have just started to feel better this afternoon, so I am going to stay home, make myself a yummy dinner and relax this evening.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:16:50 PM
Hmm... And it looks like I beat DR edisaurus "home".  She actually popped in before the lunch break to observe two groups, and then stayed for the whole afternoon session.  I'm guessing she sat through about 200 auditions.  -Which is more than some of the company reps can do at times!

I shall let her describe her experience this past afternoon once she's back at a computer.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:17:30 PM
DR edisaurus - Thank you for the almond croissant!  YUM!!!!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 04:17:41 PM
In a shocking development, the state of Iowa may increse jury duty pay to $30 a day.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:19:18 PM
In other news...

As for "Who's Line Is It Anyway?" - One of my favorite shows - and I actually prefer the original English version.  -The American one was/is OK, but some of it is a bit too planned out in advanced some times.  -And those musical parodies/improv have had me laughing out loud many times.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 04:21:59 PM
Hey, they are doing a news story on the local foods restaurant where I ate this morning...this guys potatoes look warm...wonder how he managed that!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:23:23 PM
RE: Fritz on "The Closer" - Ah, I forgot Jon Tenney was on that show.

And tie this in with something DR FJL mentioned - When I was at New York Stage & Film last summer, the project I worked on was "What's Appropriate For A First Date With An Earthing?" by the Tenney brothers themselves, David and Steven.

*And it just so happens that Jon Tenney is married to one of NYS&F's former higher-ups.  And, for those who may not remember, he was married to Teri Hatcher of "Lois & Clark" and "Desperate Housewives" fame.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:23:51 PM
Hey, they are doing a news story on the local foods restaurant where I ate this morning...this guys potatoes look warm...wonder how he managed that!

It's all that TV lighting.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cason on March 10, 2007, 04:26:43 PM

Oh dear, well, I guess since we are all pretty chummy around here, I can tell you all about the "Boysenberry Pie" incident.  I was in 7th grade, I suppose it was -- and my church youth group had this annual trip to Disneyland.  In addition to going to Disneyland, this particular trip, we also made a dinner outing to Mrs. Knott's Chicken Dinner Restaurant at Knott's Berry Farm.  If you haven't been there, basically it is a homestyle dinner sort of 7 course meal.  

Bread, salad, soup, entree, sides, dessert, etc.  Tons of food, all in all.  You order everything at the beginning, so they just keep bringing things out -- you've forgotten what all you've gotten, so it's a constant surprise.

Well, I gorged my way through all of the food - totally forgetting that dessert was on its way.  I was right at that "good amount of full," where you are happily content, but can't stomach (pun!) another round.  Then came the pie.

I had ordered the Boysenberry pie -- one of their "specialties" there...and they bring out this big slice of pie with ice cream and set it in front of me.  So, I obviously can't rationalize not having at least a bite, so I take one bite of the pie - very good - and decide that's it for the evening.  Now, unfortunately I had been seated by one of our chaperones, Todd, who was just like one of the kids.  He sees me not finishing my pie, and utters the now-infamous phrase, "C'mon Cason - eat the pie!"

And before you know it, he starts chanting "Eat the pie!  Eat the pie!  Eat the pie!"  And this chanting spreads like wildfire - first, our section of this huge table where all of our group was sitting; then down the whole table; and to some of the tables of the other patrons.  The whole room is sitting there chanting, "EAT THE PIE!  EAT THE PIE!  EAT THE PIE!"  

So, naturally, I couldn't defy the crowd, so I gobbled down the rest of the pie to cheers and catcalls from everyone.  And that point, I was over-stuffed, but the pride outweighed the bloat.  

When we got back to the church we were spending the night at, I was pretty miserable and uncomfortable, but tried to will myself to sleep.  I kept tossing and turning and knew I wasn't getting to sleep anytime soon...and then I felt it.  I jumped up and ran outside and revisited Mrs. Knott's Chicken Dinner on the sidewalk...

But the best part was one of the girls on the trip came out to see what all the fuss was about as some of the chaperones helped diffuse the situation and she was highly amused by the hue of the expectorated dinner and affectionately called me "Pinky" for several years thereafter...
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 04:26:49 PM
It's all that TV lighting.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:26:52 PM
As for the Topic of the Day...

Hmm.... I'd have to say my current favorite is Chocolate Fudge Pecan.  *You know you're in trouble when the number of fat grams per serving is listed as "continued on back flap".  ;)

Otherwise, I don't think I've ever met a pie I didn't like.  Yes, I've had less than ideal ones, but whether it's fruit, meringue, custard, chess, chocolate, etc... It's all good eatin' to me.

When we lived in Seattle, my mom would regularly make Strawberry-Rhubarb Pies - we grew rhubarb in the backyard.  Those were some good pies!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cason on March 10, 2007, 04:27:37 PM
Cason, I am very impressed with your work on BRAIN.

Thank you, sir!  
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: TCB on March 10, 2007, 04:28:04 PM

*And it just so happens that Jon Tenney is married to one of NYS&F's former higher-ups.  And, for those who may not remember, he was married to Teri Hatcher of "Lois & Clark" and "Desperate Housewives" fame.

Well, there goes my chance in Hell.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:28:12 PM
DR Cason - Love the Pie story!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:28:53 PM

Well, there goes my chance in Hell.

Well... He still is an actor, so...

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cason on March 10, 2007, 04:29:00 PM

Hello Cason, you impish pixie !  When is your next "in-person" audition for the San Diego gig ?  We all hold good thoughts for you. :)

Hello, hello, MusicGuy!  I head down there on the 21st for the callback...so, I've got several more days of patient waiting... ::)
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:29:45 PM
Hello, hello, MusicGuy!  I head down there on the 21st for the callback...so, I've got several more days of patient waiting... ::)

Are you working on your "hee-hah"?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:30:09 PM
-It had to be asked by someone.. sometime.  ;D
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:31:06 PM


*I shall refrain from posting a pic of said dance.   That is unless DR Cason has one to post of his own.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Adriana Patti on March 10, 2007, 04:32:22 PM
callback...why would they need callbacks...who can say no to Cason?!?!?!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:33:11 PM
Back to Pies for a bit...

When I was in L.A. for What if? I was staying just a few blocks from The House of Pies.  Thankfully, I did a lot of walking while I was in L.A.

*And those Punk Tarts at Fred 62 were also quite tempting at times too.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:33:37 PM
callback...why would they need callbacks...who can say no to Cason?!?!?!

Well, no one on this board at least.

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cason on March 10, 2007, 04:34:20 PM
DR Cason - Love the Pie story!

It's one of my favorites in the Cason's Make You Shake Your Head vault.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:34:46 PM

And the Sour Cream Apple Walnut Pie from The Little Pie Shop in New York City...  I actually lived off one for a day... just because I wanted to... and could... and did.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:36:22 PM
If you serve it with a nice slab of sharp cheddar, I'll be right over!

der Brucer

When I go to Johnny Rockets for a burger, I will usually ended up getting a slice of their Apple Pie (which is OK, but great), topped with a slice of Tillamook Cheddar (which makes up for any deficiencies in the pie).
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: singdaw on March 10, 2007, 04:40:07 PM
the final round of the Iowa Piano Competitionis evening.

Who is the resident orchestra for that event?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:40:45 PM
Well... I think I'm gonna head back to the hotel and get ready for the couple of callbacks I have to play tonight, and then I'm gonna get my luggage packed before I head down for the closing night festivities.  *The loss of the hour tonight will most undoubtedly be felt come morning.

And speaking of the morning, DR edisaurus and I will be brunching before I head back to NYC since my flight does not head out until 2:15.

I'll see about checking in back here in the morning, but I suspect I probably won't be logging back on until I get back to NYC tomorrow night.  So.. I hope everyone has a good evening - even with the "stolen" hour.

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: JoseSPiano on March 10, 2007, 04:42:42 PM
Oh.. DR Francois - Thanks for posting that article about Dawn Upshaw - truly one of my favorite singers.  Unfortunately, she just cancelled her upcoming performances due to a cold and fatigue.  -She was to appear at Carnegie Hall.  -Hopefully, she make a return to the New York stage sooner than later.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: singdaw on March 10, 2007, 04:51:45 PM
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 04:53:22 PM
Who is the resident orchestra for that event?

The Sioux City Symphony. It's a good orchestra.  Our conductor is Xian Zhang. She's also an Associate Conductor of the New York Philharmonic. Here's the website for the orchestra  http://www.siouxcitysymphony.org/main.aspx
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 04:55:00 PM
Are you working on your "hee-hah"?

You naughty nymph (I'm pulling that from DR MusicGuy's word book)....

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 04:59:58 PM
DR JOSE on his way to the bar....I should have known he would know where to find the boys AND the booze!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 05:00:26 PM
The Pacific Northwet?

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 05:00:48 PM
I got my back issues of FilmScore Monthly which I shall peruse later this evening.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 05:01:26 PM
Boysenberry Pie + DR CASON = danger!!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 05:01:29 PM
Hey DR Dingdaw ~  How does it feel to be a full member?  ;)

(I hate to be the one to break the news, but there is no member packet, no HHWer decoder ring, no funny hat with antlers, nadda, zip, zero...not even balloons and colorful streamers.. just a new title and an added star at each level, but you take delight in what you can...and what other site can you attain Godliness, humm?)...
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: singdaw on March 10, 2007, 05:01:33 PM
Related to DR der Brucer's "Amazon" lament from several days ago: I am going to have to add years to my life to keep up with all the viewing, listening, and reading recommendations from the generous and wonderful people on this board.   :)  Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 05:05:19 PM
-It had to be asked by someone.. sometime.  ;D

and that someone had to be you  (...why am I not the least bit surprised... you are a naughty nymph!!)
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Dan (the Man) on March 10, 2007, 05:06:35 PM
The children will love that clown ;D

I love that clown.  I want one!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: singdaw on March 10, 2007, 05:08:24 PM
How does it feel to be a full member?

Well, DR Miss Karen, thank you -

I don't see how I can answer that question without things sinking into the lurid...  which is par for the course around here, as you well know!   :)
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 05:08:25 PM
Related to DR der Brucer's "Amazon" lament from several days ago: I am going to have to add years to my life to keep up with all the viewing, listening, and reading recommendations from the generous and wonderful people on this board.   :)  Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

 :-* + up
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: singdaw on March 10, 2007, 05:09:45 PM
Thanks for the link, DR Cillaliz - hope you enjoy the concert.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 05:12:40 PM
I love that clown.  I want one!

Me, too!  
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 05:15:06 PM
Well, DR Miss Karen, thank you -

You're welcomed ...(just looking out for the new guy, you know me... ;))
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 05:18:21 PM
The Astronaut Farmer (2007) .... Jacobson
"Kim Possible" (1 episode, 2007)
... aka Disney's Kim Possible (USA: complete title)
    - The Big Job (2007) TV Episode (voice)
"The Closer" .... Asst. Police Chief Will Pope (28 episodes, 2005-2006)
    -"The Simpsons" .... J. Jonah Jameson (1 episode, 2006)

Which is good, except this is J.K. Simmons' imdb entry, not Jon Tenney's!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 05:20:32 PM
I did indeed find DR Jose---ooops, just missed him here at HHW! I stopped off at Whole Foods to pick up some salmon and salad for dinner. Fortunately, I didn't see any pies, so I wasn't tempted!

However, when we're in LA, we may have to stop by the House o' Pies. I haven't been there in years.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Miss Karen on March 10, 2007, 05:23:03 PM
Page 10, I presume...
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 05:30:31 PM
I had also caculated that I had heard over 200 auditions. Jose is a piano-playing MACHINE! I am utterly in awe of him!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 05:40:02 PM
Gosh, I ran everybody out of the room!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 05:46:45 PM
While I was eating lunch, I put in the Blu-ray of CHICAGO and watched "CEll Block Tango" and "All I Care About,"

I heard "All I Care About" twice today in the auditions.

One thing I realized after attending the auditions was how limited is my knowledge of musical theatre.

The other thing I realize is how vast DR Jose's knowledge is.

This was the first time I've attended an audition like this. Wow---so many talented people!

There were also tons of seminars going on. I didn't make it to one I considered going to  this morning---a group of artistic directors for Atlanta theatres. 3 of them were friends of mine, so I thought about going but decided I'd rather hear the music.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 05:47:07 PM
I have been feeding the dreams of DRs ELMORE and TCB into the


The only response so far is a suggestion to pay more than $4.00 gallon for the alcoholic beverages.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 05:47:10 PM
Ah, JRand's here. Hello!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 05:48:43 PM
I saw that DR CP was here earlier today.

Did I miss the TARTUFFE report?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 05:49:02 PM
What's cooking, DR EDISAURUS?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 05:49:19 PM
I want some pie.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 05:50:29 PM
One of the things that was cool to see, besides the fact that Jose is a wonderful player, is how much care he put into trying to make each audition the best it could be. He never slacked off. I am amazed that someone could be so focused for so long----4 hours at a time. Wow! At the end of it, he did a big glissando. But he didn't shout "Shipoopi"!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 05:52:43 PM
DR edisaurus - Thank you for the almond croissant!  YUM!!!!

You're most welcome! That's from our French friends' bakery, near my house; one of the few things to miss when we move.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 05:54:54 PM
What's cooking, DR EDISAURUS?

Certainly not ME!

I have been growing grass on the top of my refridgerator for my plant-loving cat. She has been devouring the freesia that Greg gave me for Valentine's Day.

I served her the grass when I came home today and she seemed very appreciative.

Does that count as cooking?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 05:57:50 PM
For Edisaurus:
Goat Love: Three Nigerian dwarf milk goats put their heads together on a farm near Rogue River, Ore.

Thanks, Der B! It's funny you should post that, because we've been talking for several years about getting a couple of goats when we move into town. (No KIDding!)

I have big plans...too elaborate to go into now, because there are too many variables.

But if it happens, you can be sure I'll be looking for a goat with polkadotted boxer shots!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 05:59:38 PM
A freesia would please Merlin the Cat at the World of Wisdom!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 06:00:08 PM
One of the things that was cool to see, besides the fact that Jose is a wonderful player, is how much care he put into trying to make each audition the best it could be. He never slacked off. I am amazed that someone could be so focused for so long----4 hours at a time. Wow! At the end of it, he did a big glissando. But he didn't shout "Shipoopi"!

Not at those prices!  ;D
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 06:00:57 PM
Today Trish told me that when she was in grade school in Louisiana that they didn't attend classes in an actual building.

She went to school in a series of quantum huts.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 06:08:52 PM
Today Trish told me that when she was in grade school in Louisiana that they didn't attend classes in an actual building.
She went to school in a series of quantum huts.

Is that where she studied physics?

Or psychics?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 06:12:07 PM
LOL....I asked her if it was just math class...and she said no, she learned everything there...
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 06:14:15 PM
Hi, DR Elmore! There was an exhibitor at the conference who had some little midi-keyboard system that Jose recognized as something you were familiar with. He talked to the representative and they seemed to know you and said nice things bout you. But I can't remember the name of the company. I'm sure Jose could tell you...
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 06:16:43 PM
Hi, DR Elmore! There was an exhibitor at the conference who had some little midi-keyboard system that Jose recognized as something you were familiar with. He talked to the representative and they seemed to know you and said nice things bout you. But I can't remember the name of the company. I'm sure Jose could tell you...

Maybe it was the Ronco - Orches-Matic!  ;D
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 06:16:43 PM
I think I've found my Nigerian Dwarf Goat!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 06:17:06 PM

That looks like one of those little fainting goats.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 06:20:24 PM
Lar: would it have been Realtime Music Solutions?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 06:21:09 PM

The sun has gone to bed and so must I!!!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 06:21:34 PM

That looks like one of those little fainting goats.

I love the fainting goats! I'd like to have some, just to keep them out of the hands of people who would want to scare them all the time for laughs.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 06:22:27 PM
Although goatseeker.com sounds somewhat lurid...
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 06:24:48 PM
Hi Danise. :D

TCB-I’m sorry I left before I saw your post. ;D
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 06:25:33 PM
For anyone who hasn't seen a fainting goat:
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: elmore3003 on March 10, 2007, 06:27:55 PM
One of the things that was cool to see, besides the fact that Jose is a wonderful player, is how much care he put into trying to make each audition the best it could be. He never slacked off. I am amazed that someone could be so focused for so long----4 hours at a time. Wow! At the end of it, he did a big glissando. But he didn't shout "Shipoopi"!

This is why our DR Jose is so special!  He puts the same energy and enthusiasm into his friendships and every aspect of his life I've seen.  And that's why I never say a mean thing about the old ho.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Danise on March 10, 2007, 06:28:28 PM
HI everyone!  I know it's been awhile but I'm still here.  I've missed you all!

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: elmore3003 on March 10, 2007, 06:29:33 PM
Hi, DR Elmore! There was an exhibitor at the conference who had some little midi-keyboard system that Jose recognized as something you were familiar with. He talked to the representative and they seemed to know you and said nice things bout you. But I can't remember the name of the company. I'm sure Jose could tell you...

I'd guess it was either Rodgers & Hammerstein, Tams-Witmark, or Music Theatre International.  I've done work for all three and I'm fond of all of them.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Danise on March 10, 2007, 06:30:15 PM

The sun has gone to bed and so must I!!!

Hi DR JRand!  How are you doing?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: elmore3003 on March 10, 2007, 06:30:47 PM
Hi, DR Elmore! There was an exhibitor at the conference who had some little midi-keyboard system that Jose recognized as something you were familiar with. He talked to the representative and they seemed to know you and said nice things bout you. But I can't remember the name of the company. I'm sure Jose could tell you...

It might have been Jeff Lazarus with Realtime Music Solutions as well.  I learned on Friday that he was also there.  
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: elmore3003 on March 10, 2007, 06:31:25 PM
Hi DR JRand!  How are you doing?

Danise!  It's so good to see you online with us.  How's everything going?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Sandra on March 10, 2007, 06:32:02 PM
Hi Danise!!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Danise on March 10, 2007, 06:32:13 PM
Hi Danise. :D

TCB-I’m sorry I left before I saw your post. ;D

Hi DR Jane!  Thank you for the phone call.   :)
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Danise on March 10, 2007, 06:33:38 PM
Danise!  It's so good to see you online with us.  How's everything going?

Hi DR Elmore!  Everything is going about as good as it can.   How about YOU?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Danise on March 10, 2007, 06:34:30 PM
Hi Danise!!

Hi DR Sandra, It's good to "see" you again.   :D
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 06:35:45 PM
In other news...

As for "Who's Line Is It Anyway?" - One of my favorite shows - and I actually prefer the original English version.  -The American one was/is OK, but some of it is a bit too planned out in advanced some times.  -And those musical parodies/improv have had me laughing out loud many times.

Last night we watched a little of the American show & switched back to the English one.  The English host of the show is funnier, in our opinion, & does a wonderful job of setting up the skits and working the audience.  
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: elmore3003 on March 10, 2007, 06:39:31 PM
Hi DR Elmore!  Everything is going about as good as it can.   How about YOU?

I cope, dear.  And I go on.  I'm sending you lots of love and good wishes.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 06:40:29 PM
Danise is back!  She's only got about 20,000 posts to catch up on.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 06:41:09 PM
Hi DR Jane!  Thank you for the phone call.   :)

It was fun talking :D
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 06:41:39 PM
I somehow managed to write six count them six pages today - the most I've done on this here book in one day - and I also had to rewrite and smooth out other stuff, so it's really more than six pages.  Now, to eat or not to eat.  I had matzo brei early this morning and I don't want to have too much more.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Danise on March 10, 2007, 06:43:54 PM
A Big HELLO to DR Ginny and DearReaderLaura!  

Thank you all for asking after Mom and I.

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 06:44:50 PM
You're most welcome! That's from our French friends' bakery, near my house; one of the few things to miss when we move.

Are they filled with loads of almond paste?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Danise on March 10, 2007, 06:46:13 PM
I cope, dear.  And I go on.  I'm sending you lots of love and good wishes.

And it's being sent your way as well.   :)
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Danise on March 10, 2007, 06:48:19 PM
Danise is back!  She's only got about 20,000 posts to catch up on.

Gee, ONLY 20,000?   You guys have been slacking!   ;D
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 06:48:32 PM
Cason you do have some “interesting” stories.   ;D

Next time you go to Knott’s Berry Farm, begin with dessert.  
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 06:50:38 PM
Danise you chose a quiet time to visit.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Danise on March 10, 2007, 06:51:26 PM
I've heard about Knott's Berry Farm but I'm not sure what it's like.  Is it like a theme park?  Roller Coasters and such?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 10, 2007, 06:53:19 PM
Hi Danise!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 06:55:10 PM
I need to try and find a Doggie Day care place in Pittsburgh.  Craig's dog can't stay home all day while he is in school, if the poor thing survives the long trip home.

In case you are wondering, Yogi, the crazy dog, is bilingual.  
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Danise on March 10, 2007, 06:56:35 PM
Hi Danise!

Hi DearReaderLaura!   It's nice to see you again!

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: DearReaderLaura on March 10, 2007, 07:00:02 PM
We've missed you around here!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 07:02:48 PM
Danise-When we were young Knott’s Berry Farm was a gold mining town, not for real.  For me the best fun was mining for gold.  

In the seventies, in order to keep out the hippies, there was a small entrance fee.  The eating area & gift shops were outside the paid entrance area, they weren’t total idiots.

If people had to pay to get in they wanted something more exciting.  Most of the original rides were fairly tame.  Eventually the park added more exciting rides.

One of the original rides was the log ride, a fairly tame log ride with a fun drop at the end.  I remember I had to sneak on it when I was pregnant with Bryan.  I was sick that day, nothing new, so I didn’t mind I wasn’t permitted on many of the rides, except my favorite log ride..
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 07:06:35 PM
I forgot the name of the roller coaster that goes forward, with at least one loop.  Then is just stops mid-air and leaves you hanging for a bit and then goes backwards.  Something like that.  It is one of the few roller coasters I will never ride again.  I avoided it for years until the boys were old enough to ride it, and of course had to go with them.  Craig asked why I didn’t scream, like I usually do on the big roller coasters.  I WAS TOO SCARED!  I didn’t like the hanging sensation or the backward drop
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Danise on March 10, 2007, 07:11:20 PM
We've missed you around here!

I miss you all also!  

Jane, Knox Berry Farm sound a bit like some of the places we had here in Florida.  
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 07:13:55 PM
Are they filled with loads of almond paste?

Not loads...juuuuust right. We couldn't find any in Paris that we liked as much as Luc's in Marietta!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 07:14:39 PM
I want one!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 07:15:52 PM
Danise, when I think of Florida I don't think gold mining camps.   ;D

Loads of rides and rollar coasters-yes. :)
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 07:16:56 PM
I've heard about Knott's Berry Farm but I'm not sure what it's like.  Is it like a theme park?  Roller Coasters and such?

We went there when I was about 5 or 6. My parents were talking about it a lot before we went (this was during our move from New Orleans to Seattle.) and I assumed that there was a type of berry called a knottsberry, just like a blueberry or strawberry. It never occurred to me that it was someone's name!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 07:17:15 PM
Welcome back Danise! We've missed you!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Danise on March 10, 2007, 07:17:48 PM
Well folks, I hate to cut this short but it's been a long day.  I did a lot today.  Have a good evening!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Danise on March 10, 2007, 07:18:59 PM
Welcome back Danise! We've missed you!

Hello DR Edisaurus!  Thank you very much.  I will try to post at least every couple of days from now on--if not more.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 07:19:02 PM
Page 12 Knottsberry Dance!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 07:19:25 PM
Hello DR Edisaurus!  Thank you very much.  I will try to post at least every couple of days from now on--if not more.

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 07:21:04 PM
Have showered and feel CLEAN.  'Nuff said.

Now I shall go out and think about food - I want something CRAZY and INTERESTING.

I think we can make four hundred - it would be unseemly given the huge number of views.

And I do hope the daylight savings transition is smooth.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 07:21:58 PM
My Mac guy e-mailed all his clients reminding them to check and make sure they have the DST update.  I once again went to the update manager and there's nothing there, so I'd have to think I'll be fine.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Danise on March 10, 2007, 07:22:28 PM

Awwww.  I don't know what I would do without you guys.  
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Danise on March 10, 2007, 07:26:15 PM
BTW--Don't forget to Spring Forward!  I like the results of DLST but hate losing an hour of my weekend--they're to short as it is!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 07:29:38 PM
Page 12 Knottsberry Dance!

hmmm...I think that ride on the far left is the one I was talking about.  I don't know if they have the log, or flume ride, anymore.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 07:30:15 PM
And it doesn't look much like a gold mining camp anymore-LOL
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 07:30:45 PM
I somehow managed to write six count them six pages today - the most I've done on this here book in one day - and I also had to rewrite and smooth out other stuff, so it's really more than six pages.  Now, to eat or not to eat.  I had matzo brei early this morning and I don't want to have too much more.

I had matzo brei at the Cafe Edison. I'd never had it before and enjoyed it with applesauce
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 07:33:38 PM
Oh, I missed Danise.  Well....Hi Danise ...just in case you come back or read the posts later
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Sandra on March 10, 2007, 07:36:03 PM
I am eating pudding.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 07:36:04 PM
I am watching what is a sacred thing in the state of Iowa. More important than almost anything you can think of....the High School Girls Basketball Tournament.  I've been half-heartedly following it, but a school that is about 10 blocks from my house, Sioux City North (Stars) is in the championship game for 4-A (the biggest schools).  They are ahead...GO STARS!  
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 07:38:05 PM
I actually spent 8 hours on a bus about 9-10 years ago with my brother and niece to go see the Estherville Midgettes (bet you didn't know a female Midget is a Midgette - yes that's really the mascot) compete at state.  It was a lot of fun. So much emotion, and the girls can really play.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 07:39:00 PM
Estherville is my home town - we didn't just pick a town at random to follow to state :)
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 07:46:51 PM
It's almost obscene to have a girls team called the (Des Moines Roosevelt) Rough Riders.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jane on March 10, 2007, 07:48:42 PM
Cilla-Boy, the things I learn here.:)

I must go-'night.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 07:51:16 PM
Night Jane.  I'm hungry for ice cream...hey, I must be feeling better. I haven't been hungry for anything in days!  
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 07:52:18 PM
DR Edi - Sounds like you had a really fun day. I am jealous. I would love to see and hear DR Jose play.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 08:02:55 PM
Didn't mean to stop the conversation with sports talk.....
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 08:06:44 PM
Night Jane.  I'm hungry for ice cream...hey, I must be feeling better. I haven't been hungry for anything in days!  

I just had some sugar-free Starbuck's ice cream. We never buy ice cream, but it's pretty good. I put Hershey's dark chocolate syrup on it...I'd never tried the dark version. I bought the syrup as a potential method to draw a labyrinth on the flan. It's quite yummy!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 08:07:45 PM
I channel-surfed to a show called PANTS-OFF DANCE-OFF. This is one of the weirdest concepts for a show I've ever seen.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Edisaurus on March 10, 2007, 08:10:00 PM
Hmmm...now there's a woman dressed as a man doing a pants-off. People are supposed to call in and vote for a winner.

This is very disturbing.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Sandra on March 10, 2007, 08:12:48 PM
Dear Bloog and I both said, "I don't like Spam!" at exactly the same time.

The pudding is all gone and I am going to futon.

That is all.

Good night!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 08:16:07 PM
Hmmm...now there's a woman dressed as a man doing a pants-off. People are supposed to call in and vote for a winner.

This is very disturbing.

What channel are you watching???
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 08:16:31 PM
Are they dancing with pants on or pants off?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 08:16:52 PM
I may have to look for this.....well, it is half time
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: FJL on March 10, 2007, 08:28:41 PM
I took a step towards prpearing for Passover.  Someone here mentioned Kosher for Passover Tam-Tams (I think),  so it inspired me to buy a box of them.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: FJL on March 10, 2007, 08:29:07 PM
A Passover post for the Bar Mitzvah page #13.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: TCB on March 10, 2007, 08:31:33 PM
The Pacific Northwet?

That is what we natives call it.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: TCB on March 10, 2007, 08:58:28 PM
We went there when I was about 5 or 6. My parents were talking about it a lot before we went (this was during our move from New Orleans to Seattle.) and I assumed that there was a type of berry called a knottsberry, just like a blueberry or strawberry. It never occurred to me that it was someone's name!

I have probably told this story before, but it is a slow evening, so what the heck!  When I was just 21, my best friend and co-worker at the shoe store where I worked decided that we had spent almost our entire lives working at that Mall (maybe 8 months), so one day we quit our jobs and moved to So. California to find fame and fortune.  We found neither (or even found jobs) so three months later we moved back to Oregon.

Anyway, times were tough during those three months that we were there.  One day my friend's mom wired us some money, so after paying rent, etc., we decided to live it up for a day.  So we drove up to Knott's Berry Farm.  After enjoying ourselves all day, we decided to have the famous chicken dinner before we went home.  The place was packed, and the hostess told us that is was going to be a very long wait - unless we didn't mind sharing a table with an older couple.  We said sure, that was fine. The older couple was very nice and we had a wonderful time sitting with them  It was only after the couple had gotten up and left the restaurant; that the hostess told us that we had just shared a table with the Mr. and Mrs. Knott.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: MBarnum on March 10, 2007, 09:11:48 PM
What a nice story DR TCB!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: MBarnum on March 10, 2007, 09:12:24 PM
And nice to see Danise around these here parts! We miss you when you are away Danise!!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:16:20 PM
I was convinced I was going to win the Powerball tonight....I am shocked that I was wrong.  That $140 million would have come in handy
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: FJL on March 10, 2007, 09:18:36 PM
Great seeing you, Danise!  Hope you're back for good.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: MBarnum on March 10, 2007, 09:18:37 PM
Time for the start my weekend Bollywood movie...THE BOXER (1965) starring Dara Singh, Mumtaz, and Azad.

It is something about a guy who becomes a boxer to raise money to fix his sister's eyes, but on his way to Australia for a boxing match his plane crashes and he and the stewardess become stranded in the jungle.

Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: TCB on March 10, 2007, 09:21:24 PM
Time for the start my weekend Bollywood movie...THE BOXER (1965) starring Dara Singh, Mumtaz, and Azad.

It is something about a guy who becomes a boxer to raise money to fix his sister's eyes, but on his way to Australia for a boxing match his plane crashes and he and the stewardess become stranded in the jungle.

And they do big song and dance numbers in the jungle?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: TCB on March 10, 2007, 09:22:18 PM
What a nice story DR TCB!

Thank you, DR MBarnum!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 09:24:48 PM
Love the story, DR TCB!!

Of course Knott's Berry Farm is where the Everly Bros. got their singing start, if I am not mistaken.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Jrand74 on March 10, 2007, 09:25:32 PM
TAR tomorrow night....hopefully sports won't delay it!  But then I may be late, so I will be taping....
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 09:26:32 PM
Are we at page 8 yet?

About to get there and are now past it.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:32:30 PM
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 09:35:16 PM
Whew! I've had a full night of viewing.

I began by completing all of the special features on THE NAKED CITY DVD. What a grand and glorious film. And at 96 minutes, not a wasted moment. I loved it.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 09:38:26 PM
Next came the Blu-ray edition of THE PRESTIGE. Isaw the film in the theater, so I knew the surprises already (guessed many of them when I watched the film), but it was terrific fun seeing just how many clues to the solutions the Nolen brothers planted in the screenplay throughout.

The Blu-ray is another reference quality disc in both picture and sound. Couldn't be sharper or more three dimensional, and the sound was superb.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 09:39:33 PM
I also looked at the special features on the Blu-ray. The "making of" feature was likewise presented in high def, and that was a nice "extra": not only the feature but also the extras in high definition.

Lots of interesting stills, too.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 09:40:22 PM
Then, I finished the evening watching the conclusion of REAR WINDOW which I had begun last night. Ah, that Alfred Hitchcock! He never lets you down. Well, almost never.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 09:40:25 PM
Back from Mo's where I had a bacon cheeseburger that was ever so yummilicious.  
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: bk on March 10, 2007, 09:40:40 PM
Will we never get to page fourteen?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:43:00 PM
Mmmmm a bacon cheeseburger sounds good too..  I am pleased to say I haven't taken any meds all day and I think I have beaten this cold.  It's about time
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:43:39 PM
Well I'm here, I'll help you get to page 14
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:44:48 PM
I've decided my last day at the office is July 20. Have I mentioned that?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:45:33 PM
Did you have any pie, BK?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 09:45:51 PM
Will we never get to page fourteen?

I'm sure it will occur.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Matt H. on March 10, 2007, 09:46:17 PM
But it's past my bedtime, so I'm heading downstairs now.

Good night!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:48:49 PM
It's way past my bedtime, but page 14 is  so close
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:49:08 PM
Is there no one who will help me get us there?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:49:43 PM
FJL, I'd like the recipe for the steak marinade...have you found out if Skip can share it?
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:50:06 PM
Actually the quiche was fabulous too, I would love that recipe as well
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:50:43 PM
I know I didn't have the steak, but you know what I meant and we are here on page 14!
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:51:04 PM
Just a few more posts and we'll be at 400
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:51:22 PM
Then my work will be done here
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:51:40 PM
And I can take the cats and go upstairs to to get some sleep
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:56:12 PM
I'm watching Spanish television.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:56:46 PM
I have to pay attention to know what they are saying, but I'm getting most of it
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:57:51 PM
Un Power Juicer de Jack La Lanne (They spell it that way)
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:58:08 PM
Ok, just a couple more
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:58:22 PM
We're almost there
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Cillaliz on March 10, 2007, 09:58:38 PM
400    'nuff said
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: MBarnum on March 10, 2007, 10:54:24 PM
And they do big song and dance numbers in the jungle?

Yes, quite elaborate ones! LOL!

In fact this BOXER movie is loads of fun!

They even borrowed Ted Lyons and his Band from GUMNAAM for the nightclub scene where the stewardess inexplicably does a big number on stage.
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: Tomovoz on March 10, 2007, 11:03:47 PM
The Pie - The Sutherland Brothers
American Pie - Don McLean
Apple Peaches Pumpkin Pie - Jay & the Techniques
Porcupine Pie - Neil Diamond
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: George on March 11, 2007, 12:04:39 AM
14 Pages!  I have a lot of ketchuping to do. ;)

The movie that my niece and I went to see was called Gray Matters (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0375785/) and it's a romantic comedy about a girl (Heather Graham) who lives with her brother (Tom Cavanagh) and they meet the girl of their dreams (Bridget Moynahan). ::) Heather's character realizes that she's gay and is in love with the girl that her brother marries.  It does have a happy ending and the brother and his wife stay together.  It was actually very cute.  Molly Shannon and Alan Cumming are in it and have some of the funniest lines.  Their characters never meet, but should have!  Jane Krakowski sings a great arrangement of the song "Cheek to Cheek" at the very beginning of the movie with some guy who I'd never heard of.  It sounded like James Naughton, but it wasn't him...Tom someone.  Anyway, I liked it, but I wouldn't drive all the way to Seattle to see it again.  My niece got free tickets to see it, so we saved $19.50. :)
Title: Re:'NUFF SAID
Post by: George on March 11, 2007, 12:12:27 AM
As for the a cappella contest, that was very good.  The winning act, Realtime (http://www.realtimequartet.com) were very much the deserving winners.  I really enjoyed The Baudboys (http://www.baudboys.com) this year (they've been in it before and weren't as good last year).  I just read their website (more closely) and it still has the announcement that they won second place last year.  I don't know how they placed this year.