Well, dear readers, my personal proofing is done and the proof that my personal proofing is done is in the pudding, but the pudding with the proof has gone poof, and so you’ll have to rely on my personal promise that the proofing is proofed. I removed a couple of things that didn’t work anymore, removed quite a few em dashes – I overdo them and don’t need all of them, fixed some typos – not as many as usual – fixed missing quote marks, and the only thing I didn’t really do was put accent marks on a few foreign words and names. After I finished, just for fun, I mocked up the front matter and the first three pages in the proper fonts and it looks very cool. That was basically most of the day. I did get almost eight hours of sleep, was up at eleven, answered e-mails, and then began proofing the final seventy-two pages. I had four slices of pizza at noon-thirty, then went back to proofing. I finished around three, had a telephonic conversation with Muse Margaret, just to make sure she was okay with a couple of lifts I wanted to make, and she was – very minor. Then I sent the book to the proper proofers for proper proofing. I caught up on a few things, I think we have our bass player for the show, we still need three or four ensemble men, then we need to hire a drummer, reed, and trumpet player. I sent the score and script to Cheryl Baxter, our choreographer, and we’ll hopefully see some set sketches soon. Waiting to hear on our lighting designer and sound designer. So, chugging right along. I did manage to finally watch a motion picture last night – one that was just released on Prime, a brand-new German film from Germany. It’s a thriller called The Calendar Killer, which is a rather inane title – the original German title translates to The Way Home. It’s about a domestic abuse victim who gets a message from a serial killer that if she doesn’t kill her abusive husband the serial killer will kill her. She calls a help line, gets a sympathetic person who tries to help her through the crisis. It’s less than ninety minutes sans end credits, and while it’s nothing special, it has its interesting moments. If watching, the default audio will be English, I think. You must switch to the original German and enable the English subtitles. And here we are.
Today, I’ll be up by ten-thirty or thereabouts, I’ll get ready for my blood test, and I’ll leave here around noon-fifteen and hope there’s not too much traffic on Laurel Canyon. I purposely chose the one-thirty appointment to avoid traffic both coming and going. After I’m done, I’ll stop at the mail place and see what’s what, maybe stop at Gelson’s to get something to cook, come home, have a brief visit from someone picking something up, eat, and then at some point I can watch, listen, and relax.
Tomorrow, I’m hoping can be a ME day, and then I begin a lot of prep work for Drat! The Cat!
Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, be up by ten-thirty or thereabouts, get ready for a blood test, have a blood test, stop at the mail place and Gelson’s, come home, have a brief visit, eat, then watch, listen, and relax. Today’s topic of discussion: It’s Friday – what is currently in your CD player and your DVD/Blu and Ray/streaming player? I’ll start – CD, Drat! The Cat! Blu-ray, Hatari. Your turn. Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, happy that the personal proofing is done.