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July 1, 2024:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, I have breaking bombshell news – it is July. Yes, you heard it here, dear readers, it is July, a festively festive month of festively festive fireworks and barbecues and various and sundried festivities, a yankee doodle dandy month, if ever there was one and there was and is, every year like clockwork. And it is my fervent hope and prayer that July will be a month filled with health, wealth, happiness, creativity, and all things bright and beautiful. And how was the last day of June? Not exactly busting out all over but not bad. I did get eight hours of sleep, so that was nice. Once up, I answered e-mails and then ascertained that one of the two important envelopes had shown up on Saturday and it was the more important of the two. I moseyed on over to the mail place and retrieved it and then got some Popeye’s to go and then returned home and ate my two chicken breasts – very good. After that, I sat on my couch like so much fish and watched a motion picture entitled 13 West Street from 1962, starring Alan Ladd, Michael Callan, Rod Steiger, and others. Surprisingly, it played the bottom half of a double bill (The Notorious Landlady) was the top-half) – surprising because Alan Ladd was still a pretty big name. It’s another bad teen movie – five of ‘em attack Alan Ladd one night and he wants revenge because the police (Steiger) don’t seem to be able to do anything about it. It’s based on a novel by Leigh Brackett, who called the film “dull, dull, dull.” And that about sums it up. It’s dull, the script is horrible, Dolores Dorn, who plays Ladd’s wife, is almost comatose, a performance that looks like she’s taken fifteen sedatives before each take. I’ve only seen one other movie she was in – Samuel Fuller’s Underworld USA but have no memory of her in that movie. She had a pretty brief career and ended up teaching acting at both AFI and Lee Strasberg. She was married first to Franchot Tone and then to Ben Piazza. Anyway, a hearty non-recommendation for this movie from the likes of me. The best thing about it is the George Duning score and a couple of LA location shots, only one of which I could identify. After that, I had a cherry Eyetalian ice that was kind of weird, with some kind of weird after-taste. I do not care for weird after-tastes, do you? I listened to some music and here we are.

Today, I’ll be up by ten-thirty at the latest, I’ll go do some banking, then I’ll come home, do whatever needs doing, eat something amusing and July-like, have a phone meeting with David Wechter, and then at some point I can watch, listen, and relax.

The rest of the week is more of the same, but shouldn’t be TOO hectic, then we have the fourth of July and I encourage everyone to stay safe and then we have the long July fourth weekend to recuperate, revitalize, and rejuvenate, not necessarily in that order.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, be up by ten-thirty at the latest, do some banking, come home, do whatever else needs doing, eat something amusing and July-like, have a phone meeting, and then watch, listen, and relax. Today’s topic of discussion: If you could choose one musical pre-1980s to either see or take part in, which would it be? Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, as we welcome in that festively festive month known as July and it is my fervent hope and prayer that July will be a month filled with health, wealth, happiness, creativity, and all things bright and beautiful.

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