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June 24, 2024:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, it is the end of a ME day in which I mostly dozed off due to only four hours of sleep due to tummy trouble due to a weird muffin top due to my purchasing said muffin top. My tummy is not happy with sugar and yet I keep eating sweets. This seems the height of folly or perhaps the lowt of folly or even the folly of folly. So, I’m going to have to go on a sugar sabbatical during which I shall eat no sweet treats. It must be done. In fact, I’m going to change my eating habits for the rest of the year. I’ll eat salads with protein like chicken, I’ll eat chicken dishes of low calories, I’ll eat what is it, fish, I’ll lay off the french fries and onion rings, try to curb the beef input to maybe once a week or even two weeks. I must lose weight and I’m tired of feeling logy and I must get out and walk at least once a day from now on. It’s such a pleasant neighborhood and Ventura Boulevard is loaded with interesting shops that I’ve never been to. It’s silly to drive three blocks and park to go to a store to browse. I have a lot to do between now and the end of the year and then next year is already shaping up to be interesting and busy, at least the first three months. So, you heard it here, dear readers, and I am damn well going to hang tough on this until my bad eating habits of the past four years abate. Right now, as I hang tough, I’m listening to some pretty stunning and gorgeous music of Yngve Skold, a Swedish composer from Sweden, where the Swedes live. I discovered him, as I’ve discovered so many, on the Tube of You when a symphony of his showed up in my suggestions. I bought the one and only album of his music – shameful – that includes his second symphony and violin concerto, both absolutely beautiful works filled with lovely melodies, haunting orchestrations, and my kind of music. Thankfully, there are two other symphonies on YouTube, a string quartet, a horn concerto for horn, and a violin and cello concerto for violin and cello. I haven’t given a second listen since discovering him, which was back in 2020, probably. Oh, I just searched and apparently I re-listened last year in May. Anyway, if you like wonderful music, you can check him out on the YouTube. In fact, here’s a very short piece by him that will give you an idea.


Earlier, I watched a motion picture classic, David Lean’s wonderfully moving film of Brief Encounter by Noel Coward, starring Celia Johnson, Trevor Howard, and co-starring the music of Rachmaninoff, which plays an essential role in why the movie works so well.

Earlier, I got about four hours of lousy sleep due to tummy trouble, got up, answered e-mails, made two count them two tuna sandwiches, ate two count them two tuna sandwiches, which were excellent, and then I was just lazy, doing not much of anything. I didn’t leave the house and that was good since it was broiling hot outside. Then I watched the movie and then began my listening.

Today, I’ll be up when I’m up, I’ll do whatever needs doing, I’ll put the word out about the young people show, I have some telephonic calls to make, I can start choosing songs for the young people who’ve confirmed, I’ll take a walk, I’ll probably have one tuna sandwich for food, and maybe some low-fat cottage cheese for a snack or a small salad later for the evening snack. Then I can watch, listen, and relax.

Tomorrow, she of the Evil Eye will be here bright and early, then I have a lot of stuff to do, mostly organizing. The rest of the week is meetings and meals and writing, then on Friday I’ll attend the reading of a screenplay, for which I provided four actors, so that will be fun and fun is the key to life, after all.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, be up when I’m up, do whatever needs doing, put the word out about the young people show, have some telephonic calls, start choosing songs, take a walk, have a tuna sandwich and later probably a small salad, then watch, listen, and relax. Today’s topic of discussion: What are your favorite books and movies with love stories that don’t have happy endings? Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, hoping my new eating habits will result in feeling better.

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