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May 27, 2024:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, I am sitting here like so much fish, listening to Malcolm Arnold’s fifth symphony, generally considered his best and I would agree with that assessment. It’s a wonderful piece, very much in his film music mode and very him in terms of style and harmony. This is a beautiful performance of it by Vernon Handley, who did this complete cycle. Excellent sound. There are other recommended sets, but this one suits me just fine. After I finish the symphonies, I’ll begin with all his concertos and other music, starting with the Sarabande from his ballet, Solitaire. It’s become one of my favorite short pieces, a perfect miniature that I am frankly obsessed with. I first heard it on KUSC because they use it for one of their station ID bits. I can’t remember how I found out what it was, but once found out, I happily had two versions of it here. Additionally, I found the entire Solitaire ballet on the Tube of You. Prior to that, I’d watched some food videos on YouTube – they made me VERY hungry – lots of interesting-sounding pasta dishes that are easy to make. I’m trying NOT to go down that rabbit hole, because there are thousands of these videos. I didn’t even attempt to watch a motion picture – just not in the mood right now, I guess. Earlier, I got seven hours of sleep, was up at eleven, had a long telephonic call that was very nice, answered a ton of texts and e-mails about you-know-what, and then around one I ordered the chopped Eyetalian salad from CPK. It arrived about thirty minutes later and again there was only one dressing instead of the two it was supposed to have. And I have to say, while it was great the first few times, the last couple of orders have not been as good, so I’ll just take a break from it for a bit. My goodness, these here notes are putting me to sleep. This is like a list, not notes. Where’s the fun, where’s the life, where’s the beef? Not here. In absentia. Gone with the wind. Let’s just perk these here notes up right now. Perhaps I should recount the tale of The Randy Vicar and the Fish Stick. That’s a good one. Oy and vey. Vey and oy. And lest we forget, oy is yo spelled backwards and vey is yev spelled backwards – that is important information that can be found on no other website on all the Internet. Now playing, Maloolm Arnold’s sixth symphony – so far, it’s very dramatic, as am I. Where was I? Oh yes, yesterday. After the salad, I had to go to the Catalina Jazz Club for our check, which was more than I expected, so that was very nice. I also booked the date for the fourteenth anniversary show in September, so that’s settled. Then we don’t do a show until our annual holiday show.

Then I came back home, did a few things on the computer, wasn’t in the mood to do a telephone meeting with David Wechter and he was very understanding about it – we pushed it to Tuesday. I think that’s about it and here we are.

Today, I’ll be up when I’m up, I’ll do whatever needs doing, I’ll putter around the house in my smoking jacket and pyjamas, whilst saying a few esoteric things – it is a holiday, after all, and after all, it’s a holiday, Memorial Day to be exact. Then I’ll mosey on over the hill to have a birthday lunch with dear reader Jeanne and I’ll bring her a copy of Directed by. Haven’t quite decided on a place yet. Then I’ll come right home and watch, listen, and relax.

Tomorrow, she of the Evil Eye comes to clean and rather than breakfast, I’ll be going to the storage place to look for a few things I need to find that the helper can’t seem to locate that have to be there. Then I’ll come home, have the telephonic meeting with David Wechter, and do whatever needs doing. The rest of the week is more of the same. Friday is certainly going to be a day, which I’ll talk more about after the fact, and I also will be casting and planning the Kritzerland show for June.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, be up when I’m up, do whatever needs doing, putter, have a birthday lunch with dear reader Jeanne, come home, and watch, listen, and relax. Today’s topic of discussion: What are your favorite Sherman Brothers songs? It seems only right. Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, having written these here sleep-inducing notes.

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