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September 11, 2023:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, it was lovelier than lovely to have a ME day and it was an authentically authentic ME day in every way a ME day can be. ME got eight hours of sleep, arising at two o’clock because ME did not get to sleep until four-thirty and then ME woke up at six-thirty for a bit. What am I, Tonto all of a sudden? Once up, ME did nothing. Oh, I had some telephonic conversations, but mostly I did my impression of a lazy loafer. Sometimes I do my impression of a lazy Oxford or brogue, maybe even a sneaker. I’m basically the Rich Little of shoes. The Rich Little of Shoes – that’s the title of my next novel. I fear these are going to be VERY short notes because I’m doing in the first paragraph what I normally do in the second paragraph. Oh, I did watch a movie before going to bed on Saturday night, a 1955 Republic production of a bottom-of-the-bill programmer entitled Double Jeopardy. It’s short, it moves along, it’s rather silly, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The star is Rod Cameron. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him in a movie or if I have, perhaps I took no notice. He’s what I’d call a stick actor, i.e. expressive as a piece of wood. Jack Kelly pre-Maverick is a louse, Gale Robbins is a loose woman who only cares about money and cheating on her alcoholic hubby with the louse. The hubby is played by Robert Armstrong, best known as Carl Denham, the lead in King Kong. Mr. Cameron’s love interest is fetching Allison Hayes before she grew to 50-feet tall. There were only a handful of location shots as most of it was shot on the Republic lot in the City of Studio. There was one scene where they mention a meeting somewhere in a canyon. I thought maybe it would be Laurel or Coldwater Canyon, since those are nearby, but it looked like neither. But then the pass a street sign and I was able to freeze frame it so I could read it. The left part of it was easy – Knobhill Drive. The other part was blurry but I finally got it – Beverly Glen, which is located not a half-mile from the home environment. It would take me all of five minutes to drive to Knobhill Drive, located near Mulholland. There were only a handful of houses there in 1955. The empty lot where the meeting takes place is now a huge tract of houses – my Uncle Saul lived there. So, that was fun. The only other major location was a jernt called Happy Harry’s Used Cars. Obviously, that wasn’t the real name of the lot, but I could see the address numbers, which were 301. Toward the end of the film, someone says the lot is on Vermont. So, I did a quick search of Third Street and Vermont and you can see exactly where this place was. I love that kind of thing, don’t you? Anyway, the movie is free on Prime.

For food, I had two chicken breasts from the California Chicken Café, and they were very good, but a little tiresome after a while. No bread, no chicken pasta salad. For a sweet, I had some chocolate covered raisins because I’d only eaten about 700 calories, if that. I had three fish sticks in the evening hours – that’s only 100 calories, so a nice 1000 calorie day. I watched a few idiot videos and that was about it.

Today, I’ll be up by eleven and I’ll prepare my rough designed book to go to the company who’ll be finishing the design, adding the headers and putting the page numbers in the proper font. I’ve laid it out exactly as I want it, so as long as the text block conforms to that, it’ll be fine. I’ll send them the Word document and a PDF. Once they do it – last time it took about a week or so – then I’ll give it a final look-see, fix anything that’s weird, and then that will be done, and they do the eBook at the same time. I have a one-hour rehearsal at five and will come home right after, unless I go stop somewhere for a sandwich or something. Once home, I may have a Zoom with David Wechter, but that might also happen tomorrow. Then I can watch, listen, and relax and pray for a modern major miracle, just because.

Tomorrow is also a one-hour rehearsal, and the rest of the week is run-throughs of the entire evening of shows. I have some meetings and meals, too, and I think I’m seeing a show over the weekend.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, be up by eleven, prepare to send the book in, have a rehearsal, eat, pray very hard for a modern major miracle, and then watch, listen, and relax. Today’s topic of discussion: What are your favorite wacky song titles? I’ll start – Yes, We Have No Bananas and Dinner for One, Please, James and Flip Top Box. Your turn. Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, happy to be the Rich Little of shoes.

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