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September 12, 2023:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, this week is flying by, like a gazelle wearing a dinner jacket whilst eating breakfast. The gazelle never really learned what is and isn’t done, and one really must learn about what is and isn’t done. Speaking of what is or isn’t done, I watched no motion picture last evening. Just wasn’t in the mood and I was doing other stuff that needed doing. I also fell asleep for almost two hours. Of course, I watched some irritating YouTube videos. They’re good sleep inducers. I had to write a long e-mail to the book guy, because they use an actual design program that will adjust things differently than I have them, so I pointed out the three or four spots where they had to be VERY careful about how those sections needed to be laid out in terms of if they had to split over to a new page. I think I was pretty clear about it. I also said I didn’t really want the page count to go down, IF it’s going down, more than a handful of pages and I’m being adamant about that. Anyway, they’ll start work on it today, so that’s excitingly exciting. I ended up having Jack in the Box for food – nothing sounded appealing to me, so I just got a Breakfast Jack, their weird tacos and some onion rings. It was all okay.

Yesterday was not much fun. I slept very badly. Fell asleep at three-thirty and then was up pretty much every hour on the hour, feeling disgusting, and I’m sure a lot of this is emanating from stress and pressure, two things that I surely do not need in my life at this time with so much going on. Therefore, we are in serious need of a modern major miracle and pronto because irritating texts are getting more irritating with each passing moment. I sometimes feel like shouting to the wind or the high heavens or the low hells – I’M DANCING AS FAST AS I CAN.

I finally got about four or five hours of sleep and got up around eleven-thirty, I think. I answered a LOT of e-mails, sent the book to the design company, had many telephonic conversations on the telephonic device, mostly about 70, Girls, 70, auditions-wise. Those are set for a week from this Thursday. I then spent several hours doing prep work on 70, Girls, 70, but that’s all done now and off my plate.

Then I showered and then moseyed on over to the mail place where I picked up no mail but did re-ship a package that had foolishly been returned to us. Then I moseyed on over to the theater. We finally had the actress who’s doing one of the leads back from vacation, so we blocked her in and she’ll be very good. The actress who’s been doing it up until today, is actually filling in for her just for one performance. We ran it three times and that was that.

From there, I picked up food and the rest you know because you are diligent dear readers of these here notes.

Today, I’ll try to be up by eleven, but I really need a good night’s sleep right about now. Once up, I’ll do whatever needs doing, I’ll eat something mild and hopefully healthy, then we have another one-hour rehearsal. After that, I have a Zoom thing with David Wechter and then he leaves town for two weeks. At some point, I can watch, listen, and relax.

The rest of the week is more of the same, I’ll keep a lookout for any blurbs, I’ll have a meeting and meal at some point, I think I may be seeing a show on the weekend, and we begin run-throughs tomorrow evening, have a cue-to-cue on Thursday, and then the following week we have two previews and the thing opens and we begin auditioning for the musical.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, try to be up by eleven after what will hopefully be a good night’s sleep, do whatever needs doing, eat, have a rehearsal, have a Zoom thing, and then watch, listen, and relax. Today’s topic of discussion: What’s the fanciest affair you’ve ever been to – you know, dressed to the nines or at least the eights, interesting guests, elegant surroundings. Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, where I’ll be dancing as fast as I can.

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