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December 14, 2019:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, we’ve survived Friday the thirteenth without any real horrors or scary stuff, other than the huge number of morons in cars being blithely unaware of how to actually operate their motor cars.  Another observation: Considering this month is almost halfway done, shouldn’t it feel and look like Christmas or the holiday season?  I see very little that would lead me to believe it was Christmas or the holiday season, save for the 100 e-mails for Christmas gifts I seem to get daily.  Well, damn them, damn them all to HELL – it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, and everyone needs to get with the program.

Yesterday wasn’t a scary day and there were no real horrors, so that was good.  I got about seven hours of sleep, got up, did the usual things, although I did completely miss the morning hours.  I answered e-mails, and then did some work on the computer.  Because I knew I’d be eating at around five-fifteen, I didn’t eat and since I knew all the mail from the mail place wouldn’t be there all at once, I decided to wait until I drove to the theater.  So, mostly I relaxed, listened to music, and, truth be told, I actually got back in bed and slept another hour.  Then I had to get ready and so I did.

I then went to the bank and deposited a smallish check, drove to the mail place and picked up all but one package, said package being delivered by DHL, who like to arrive ten seconds before the mail jernt closes.  I’ll get that one today, with hopefully some others.

May I pause for a brief moment to say that the harpsichord is a very interesting instrument?  I like it in short doses and it’s very unique sounding in more modern compositions, and I always enjoy when it’s been used in film scores.  I say this, because as I type these here notes I am listening to a harpsichord concerto by Boris Papandopulo, a wonderful composer I’ve recently discovered.  And I love it.  We now return you to our regularly scheduled notes.

After the mail place, I went directly to the theater, had a call back for one actress.  I had her read two monologues from Doug’s play, gave her some direction, which she took very well, and then she left, and I told Doug to go ahead and give her the role.  I really like her quality and suspect she’ll give a wonderful performance as the older version of Peyton’s character.  Then Kay Cole arrived and she, Doug, and I walked down to the nearby Chinese jernt.  I’d been craving the wor wonton soup, so I ordered the big bowl of that, which we all shared.  It’s really good there. I also ordered some chicken and noodles with a light teriyaki sauce on it – that was very good.  We all had fun yakking away.  Then we walked back to the theater.

Last night’s show was pretty typical for being away for a few days.  Fumfered or forgotten lines aplenty and a very low energy act two – so I’ll be sending out a few reminder notes to those who need them, just about the vocal energy and stuff like that, and a couple of blocking positions that aren’t right.  We had a small but very good audience, including two old pals from the old days – director Joel Zwick (who I met when he was directing Laverne and Shirley), and actor Danny Goldman, who I haven’t seen in over forty years.  We came up together as young actors, and I always liked his work very much.  After that, I came right home and made a toasted bagel with cream cheese for a snack, and then it was time to listen to a harpsichord concerto and write these here notes.

Today, I’ll be up by ten at the latest, and then two of our performers arrive at eleven-thirty to run a last-minute duet we’re adding to the show – a same-sex Baby, It’s Cold Outside – I don’t know that anyone’s ever done it that way, and I think it will be fun.  Then we do our stumble-through at noon.  After, I’m sure some of us will go grab a bite to eat.  Then I’m listening to music, I’ll hopefully pick up some packages, and then I’ll watch two or three DGA screeners.

Tomorrow, I can sleep in, then I’ll relax until it’s time to mosey on over to Vitello’s for sound check, and then we do our show.  I’m sure some of us will eat afterwards.  That night, we’ll hopefully announce our three new releases.  Next week are some call backs, but other than those, I am now officially having ME weeks until the first of January.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, be up by ten, have a stumble-through, eat, hopefully pick up packages, and then listen to music and watch screeners.  Today’s topic of discussion: What is your favorite instrument and why is it your favorite?  Of course, mine is piano, since that’s what I play and how I compose.  But I’m very partial to French horn, too – just love that sound.  Your turn.  Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, waiting for it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas to actually begin.

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