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December 8, 2019:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, it is late and I must write these here notes in a hurry for in two minutes it will be midnight and at midnight I will turn a new age.  Seventy-two to be exact.  Seventy-two.  I can’t even process that, since I don’t feel a day over seventy-one.  I feel younger than springtime, chipper, spry, filled with elan, ready to dance a jig, ready to cut a rug, ready to prance about like a gazelle in heat.  Yes, it is my birthday and I don’t care who knows it.  I am now eight minutes into my seventy-second year on this planet I like to call Earth.

Yesterday, was my final day of being seventy-one.  I only got five-and-a-half hours of sleep due to she of the Evil Eye arriving early.  I went and had a light breakfast of bacon and eggs and fruit, then did a run to Amoeba to check out stuff in the classical section.  And, as usual, I found a few CDs of the $2.99 variety, so that’s always a cheap way to discover some new composers.  After that, I went to the mail place and picked up one package, put gas in the motor car, and then came home.  I relaxed, listened to music, dealt with Kritzerland scheduling issues, and then sat on my couch like so much fish, watching a little of an opera by Mieczyslaw Weinberg – very interesting, but I fell asleep for an hour.  Then it was time to get ready, after which I moseyed on over to a little Chinese jernt not far from the theater.  Barry Pearl was having dinner with all his friends who were coming to see the show.  And, amusingly, then Jim Beaver and his wife showed up out of the blue.  I had some Wor Wonton soup and a little fried rice with chicken.

Then I walked back to the theater.  And then we played our second performance, which, for me, was a perfect example of a classic second performance, where the cast was on such a high from opening night and that incredible reaction, that they mostly went to a different land because it was a different audience.  So, the energy was off, some of the show was what I call a molasses show, there were fumfers – it still played okay and I think the audience enjoyed it, but I did write some folks a few notes and hopefully it will be back to normal for the matinee.  After the show, I hung out and chatted with folks, then headed home to await the arrival of my seventy-second year.

Today, I’ll sleep until eleven, get up, shave and shower, and then attend our matinee performance.  Afterwards, I believe I’m being taken to Dino’s Pizza, which will be a fine birthday meal.  Then I’ll come home and watch at least two DGA screeners.

Tomorrow, at some point we have our Kritzerland rehearsal, and then a casting session for the show I’m directing starting in early January.  And that continues for the rest of the week – meetings and meals, casting, Kritzerland rehearsals, a put-in for the week two Banjo, an early stumble-through, and then our show.  I’ll probably only see one performance of the show next weekend, for obvious reasons.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, sleep until eleven, get up, do things, shave and shower, see our matinee, and then have a birthday dinner at Dino’s.  Today’s topic of discussion: It’s free-for-all day, the day in which you dear readers get to make with the topics and we all get to post about them.  So, let’s have loads of lovely topics and loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, hoping to have a wonderful seventy-second birthday as I enter my seventy-second year – and it is my fervent hope and prayer that my seventy-second year will be filled with health, wealth, happiness, creativity, and all things bright and beautiful.

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