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August 17, 2019:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, I have had Chinese food and Swedish Fish and I’m feeling a little culturally ambivalent, oh, yes, I’m feeling a little culturally ambivalent.  Not only that, I’m listening to Handel and trying to get a handle on Handel – the Messiah – as conducted by Stokowski in Phase 4 stereo.  I have no idea what any of the above means, but one has to start the notes with something or other, and I think we’ve definitely covered the other part.

Yesterday was quite a fascinating day, but not as fascinating as Handel’s Messiah in Phase 4 stereo – some man just started singing at me, “And every Valley shall be exalted,” so I definitely determined that the San Fernando Valley is exalted, and that’s a good thing.  Where was I?  Oh, yes, yesterday was quite a fascinating day, but not as fascinating as this guy singing the same damn lyric twenty times in a row – I get it – every valley shall be exalted – give me some new information already.  Where was I?  Oh, yes, yesterday was quite a fascinating day and when I started writing this paragraph I knew why but I’m afraid it’s gone out of my head.  I only got a bit over six hours, got up, answered e-mails, saw we were at 162%, which was great, and then I had to get ready for my noon o’clock luncheon with Lloyd Cooper, a musical director I’ve worked with many times. But we haven’t seen each other in several years, so it was really fun to catch up.  Lloyd did Pure Imagination, the musical revue I did for the Pacific Resident Theatre, and he did several Kritzerlands, too.  We met at Jerry’s Deli.  I had a bacon and cheese omelet and a little side Caesar salad.  Anyway, a good time was had by all, and then I went and picked up a package, then came home.

Once home, I listened to music, chose the final two of three songs, so it’s just one more song and we’re all set, finally.  I did a few things in the garage, too.  I had a few telephonic calls, then Laura Wolfe and Richard Allen arrived for our work session.  This was just to sing and play through songs we’re considering for her new act.  We worked for about ninety minutes.  It was obvious that a lot of stuff will work as long as we can figure out the way they fit in, and it was equally obvious that a few songs weren’t going to cut the mustard or even the ketchup, mostly because they were too similar to stuff we liked better.

Then Laura and I moseyed on over to the Green Apple Bistro from some Chinese food and discussion about the songs.  That was quite fun, too.  Then I came home, so full I thought I was going to explode.  But that didn’t stop me from having a few Swedish fish and listening to excerpts from Handel’s Messiah, conducted by Stokowski in Phase 4 stereo, where I learned the rather astonishing information that every valley shall be exalted, especially the San Fernando Valley.  I reek of garlic, if you must know.  We had garlic chicken, we had orange chicken (extra crispy), we had fried rice – all pretty good.  Thankfully, Laura took all the leftovers home with her.

Today, I will definitely sleep in, I’ll hopefully pick up some packages, I’ll eat at some point, then I’ll choose the final song, make a show order, start writing commentary, and then relax.

Tomorrow, I’ll write some liner notes, and I’ll prep the new perks as we go into week three of our Indiegogo campaign.  I have some fun stuff at all price ranges.  Of course, you dear readers will get the first head’s up. Then we go into the third week of our Indiegogo campaign and I’ll do a big push the first two days of that, hoping our percentage goes up even higher so we get ever closer to my dream number. Then there are meetings and meals, going and doing, a show to see, and then doing whatever else needs doing.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, sleep in, hopefully pick up packages, eat, choose the final song, make a show order, start writing the commentary, and then I’ll relax and perhaps watch something.  Today’s topic of discussion: Who of the older composers are your favorites, say anything from 1840 back, but especially the eras of Mozart, Bach, Handel and others.  Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, thrilled to know that every valley shall be exalted.

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