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February 14, 2019:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, I got waylaid writing the Kritzerland commentary, so I’m getting to these here notes late but never fear, I shall get them done in a timely fashion (black jeans, plaid shirt, and go-go boots).  I did get almost half the commentary done, so that’s a good thing.  And whilst I am writing these here notes I am listening to some violin concertos, currently the concerto by Andrzej Panufnik, which is an authentic Jerry Lewis name – just imagine him saying Panufnik.

Yesterday was a Panufnik kind of day.  I got about seven hours of sleep, got up, answered e-mails, had telephonic calls, and continued making a show order.  At some point I went and picked up some packages and got a Subway foot-long Eyetalian to bring home, since I didn’t want to waste an hour or more sitting in a restaurant.  Panufnik. Then I came home and continued making the show order and I wrote the opening patter for the commentary and got that out of the way.  I must say, this Panufnik concerto’s final movement is like music to cut off all your hair by. After all that and listening to some music, I finally sat on my couch like so much fish.

Last night, I watched a motion picture on Blu and Ray entitled L’amant Double or Double Lover, un film de Francois Ozon.  This is his latest and I enjoyed it, despite it being completely wacky. It’s kind of a thriller but not, it’s kind of a psychosexual thing, and in the end nothing is what it seemed to be, which can be maddening when you’re tired.  The film looks great, though, and the pace is fast.  The actors all do well, too, and it has a wonderful score by Philippe Rombi.  It’s not for everyone, but if you like off-the-beaten-path films you might enjoy it. Interestingly, the film is very loosely based on a book called The Lives of Twins by Rosamund Smith – a pseudonym for Joyce Carol Oates.

After that, I went over to Rite Aid to get a few things – it was crazy there – a checkout line a mile long – and why?  Because all these Sherman Oaks types had to buy Valentine’s Day stuff at the last minute.  Thankfully, the line moved along and I got out of there in ten minutes.  Oh, and by the way, it’s Valentine’s Day, but since I have no Valentine, funny or otherwise, and haven’t for years, I see no reason to make a big deal out of it in these here notes.

Back home, I began writing the commentary and got almost halfway through, and I may do more after posting these here notes, since I’m on a roll.

Today, I will finish up the commentary, do some cleaning up and organizing, I’ll eat, write some liner notes, listen to more music, and then watch something.

Tomorrow is more of the same, and I’m not sure what all is happening on the weekend, save for maybe having a dinner somewhere with someone at some time. Then next week I have a bunch of meetings and meals, a work session for Kritzerland, and hopefully getting the book designed and printed out for my final proofing, at which point we can get it to the publishers.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, finish writing the commentary, clean and organize, eat, write some liner notes, listen to music, and then relax.  Today’s topic of discussion: What are your favorite Valentine’s Day memories and what will you be doing today or tonight, presuming you have a Valentine?  Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, watching you Valentines from afar and thinking Panufnik.

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