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December 13, 2017:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, some days are just plain irritating and yesterday was such a day – not completely irritating, mind you, but irritating enough to be irritating, which, as you know, can be irritatingly irritating. First of all, I only got about five hours of sleep, so that was irritating. I had to be up at eight-fifteen for an early visitor who didn’t arrive until ten, so that was irritating. Then I had some irritating news that caused me much worry for a while, so that was irritating and maddening, actually.

But I had some pinwheels for lunch and those were yummilicious and not irritating. That was my main meal o’ the day. I answered e-mails and printed out more orders but I cannot tell you how disappointed I am in the number of orders for Levi. It’s certainly doing well, but I though begin a brand new cast album and all that it would sell three or four hundred instantly, and we have not done that – I mean, where are the Sherman Brothers fans, where are the cast album FANatics? Hopefully we’ll have an uptick soon, otherwise I may change it to 500 units (still have time to do that) at which point I’m sure it will sell out instantly and then all the people who missed it will write and say, “But I didn’t know about it.” Uh huh. I’m pondering, let me just say that, because I find it – irritating.

Then I went and picked up one package and some mail, did some banking, saw that a Paypal transfer I made on Monday night still hasn’t come through (it’s supposed to take one day, but I think I got it in after-hours), so that was irritating. The package contained a screener I have no intention of watching, due to its violent content and that it stars Christian Bale, who I really can’t stomach – it’s called Hostiles. Then I spent ninety minutes of truly irritating time on the phone with AT&T because when I moved and got the new landline number, it canceled my autopay and my combined billing. They don’t do combined billing anymore, so I had to set up autopay on both landline and cell again, and of course because I didn’t know they’d done this, I was behind one payment and so I had to play catch up. Then I had to do the same damn thing with Spectrum – autopay cancelled when I moved – so irritating.  I unboxed four boxes of Blu-rays and CDs and got them shelved, so that was a good thing. Then I tried to watch First They Killed My Father, a film by Angelina Jolie, but I really didn’t like it and shut it off. I tried to watch some Netflix stuff but fell asleep. I had a few telephonic conversations, an irritating text, and then, mercifully, I had some pleasant things.

The first pleasant thing was seeing the first pass at the Levi CD booklet and tray card. Doug Haverty has done a beautiful job with it – the photos are amazing, the design is beautiful – all color, gorgeous layout. I proofed it, made some fixes, added one track I’d forgotten to list, and I believe we’re good to go.

I had some popcorn for my evening snack – that was pleasant. And I chose a bunch of songs and assigned a few of them – still looking for my final gal/guy.

Today, I am hoping for a non-irritating day. I need a few miracles so send some excellent vibes and xylophones for said miracles my way. Otherwise, I’ll eat, hopefully pick up some packages, unbox stuff, finish choosing and assigning songs and get music to everyone, eat, and watch something and relax.

Tomorrow I’m having an early birthday lunch with dear reader Jeanne, then I may have a belated birthday dinner with David Wechter, although I’m trying to push that to Friday night. Friday is more of the same, then Saturday we convene at LACC to do some fixes to the Levi recording, mostly replacing some pitchy violin and flute stuff. I haven’t heard everything yet, so I don’t know if I need any actors to come in yet, but I’m hoping not. I think it will take less than two hours, then I’m sure we’ll go grab a bite to eat somewhere. Sunday is a Christmas partay at the Haverty house.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, hopefully have a non-irritating day, hopefully have some miracles, hopefully pick up some packages, unbox more boxes, finish choosing and assigning songs, eat, and relax. Today’s topic of discussion: It’s Ask BK Day, the day in which you get to ask me or any dear reader any old question you like and we get to give any old answer we like. So, let’s have loads of lovely questions and loads of lovely answers and loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, where I shall forget all about the irritating part of the day and focus on the pleasant.

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