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September 15, 2017:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, this week has flown by, like a gazelle eating a corn dog made of actual corn. That gazelle is a caution, I tell you. So, here I sit like so much fish, listening to some Igor Stravinsky, which is making me feel JAGGED. I think I must turn off Stravinsky and put on something that doesn’t make me feel JAGGED. I need music to feel CALM and COLLECTED. There’s nothing CALM and COLLECTED about Mr. Stravinsky, but there is plenty that is JAGGED about him. There – now I’m listening to Heitor Villa-Lobos – the Bachianas. Now I’m feeling CALM and COLLECTED and not only that but EXOTIC, too. I have no idea what the HELL I’m talking about, do you?

Yesterday was a day, at least I think it was a day. I mean, if it wasn’t a day then what was it? I must have been a day. I got a little over eight hours of sleep, so that was nice. Once up, I answered e-mails and had a telephonic call, then I want and had a chili, cheese, and onion hot dog and a few fries for my meal o’ the day. Then I picked up no packages or mail, then came home. I had a very positive telephonic call that will help keep the cloven hoof of negativity from the door and relieve tension and stress so that I don’t feel JAGGED but CALM and COLLECTED. So that was a very good thing. I did some work on the computer, then heard that the guy I’d asked for Kritzerland will be out of town, so I e-mailed another guy and am waiting for him to respond. And I’m still shy one gal and am trying to figure out who to ask – it has to be someone who can do those show/pop kind of vocals. I did choose a few more songs, so that part is almost done.

I then did some organizing and such, a bit more work on the computer, then I sat on my couch like so much fish.

Last night, I watched a motion picture entitled Vantage Point on the Flix of Net. It didn’t sound familiar to me and I liked the cast – Dennis Quaid, William Hurt, Sigourney Weaver. But five minutes in and I became convinced I’d seen it before and not all that long ago. So, I checked our archives but I never wrote about it, which I find odd. Still, I definitely saw it. The film has an interesting conceit – the same incident is replayed from different people’s vantage points, but these filmmakers aren’t really talented enough to pull it off and then the final third of the film just devolves into one long, crushing car chase. And then it just becomes unrelentingly idiotic. The direction is strictly from the Paul Haggis/Tony Scott school and, for me, that isn’t a good thing. All in all, some interesting bits in the first third, then a complete waste of time. However, the film itself, sans credits, only actually runs eighty-four minutes, so you know there was probably a horrible screening with bad audience reaction and they probably pulled twenty minutes out of it.

Whilst watching, I made about three ounces of some pasta I had left, put a little butter and cheese on it and voila – my evening snack. I also had a bit of low-calorie low-fat ice cream from Thrifty. I bought three kinds – two pre-packaged: Rocky Road and Coconut Pineapple. And then one from the ice cream counter, cherry chip naturally. I sampled all three and all three were yummilicious. After that, I had some e-mail volleys, including one with an actor who’s been playing cagey with me for a little too long, so I gave said actor a little ultimatum. Sometimes I, BK, am baffled by people, oh, yes, sometimes I, BK, am baffled by people. Then I relaxed and listened to music – JAGGED music that was making me feel JAGGED but I am now listening to music that is making me CALM and COLLECTED and EXOTIC, oh my.

Today, I shall do a few things, hopefully pick up some packages, then I’ll mosey on over to LACC at three to set up for the two-hour workshop. Then I shall be on my way to the Music Center where I’ll meet up with Kay Cole and we’ll probably go to the nearby California Pizza Kitchen for a bite to eat. Then we attend the opening night of the Matthew Bourne version of The Red Shoes, featuring the music of Bernard Herrmann. I will, of course, have a complete report for you.

I’m still not sure what’s happening on the weekend but if nothing else I’ll have the Kritzerland show cast and songs chosen, and I’m hoping to see Richard and Elizabeth Sherman on Sunday. Then the following week is very busy, of course and we’ll be shipping out Fuller at Fox.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, do a few things, hopefully pick up packages, do a workshop, sup, and attend an opening night. Today’s topic of discussion: It’s Friday – what is currently in your CD player and your DVD/Blu and Ray player? I’ll start – I have no idea. Your turn. Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland where I shall be CALM and COLLECTED but maybe not EXOTIC.

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