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February 22, 2017:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, I woke up after nine hours of sleep to some lovely news, which was lovely. I was informed that I’ll be directing a new musical, this iteration not being for public consumption but a two-night run for backers and industry folks. That said, the producer is doing a full production – sets, costumes, lights, band, the whole thing. It’s all union, so we can pretty much cast the way we want, which is also lovely. I first knew of the possibility on Sunday, when Kay Cole told me she was choreographing a new show and that the director had just stepped out of the picture. She called the general manager, who I know very well, and suggested me strongly. When I got home that night I had a message from him and I called him. He quite honestly and refreshingly told me I hadn’t even entered his mind, but once Kay had planted the thought he kept thinking it might just be a good thing. But he did tell me he’d talked to a bunch of other directors, all of whom I know.

We talked for a long time and he asked me to send him a bio, which I did. He also had the authors send me the script and some mp3s of the songs, and I read and listened to that before I went to bed. The next day, we talked again and I told him some of my thoughts about how I thought the material had to be approached (the show is pretty dark) so that the audience would come along on the ride, and he very much liked what I had to say. He told the authors what I’d said and they apparently really liked it, too, and that is what apparently sealed the deal. I knew he was pushing for me, as he knows I’m positive and fun and very collaborative. So, I’m going to have an even busier next three months than the already busy next three months I was already going to have. But I like that and I certainly like a good challenge and to occasionally drift from my comfort zone.

Since my ear wasn’t any better, I booked an appointment to see the ENT. The guy who’d been recommended to me during the L.A. Now and Then run, couldn’t have seen me for another week, and I really don’t need another week of this, so I’m seeing his partner, who the receptionist told me is really good. So, that’s happening this morning at eleven over in the Bank of Bur.

The rest of the day was setting the actual deal for directing the show, hearing about the creative team – since I’m replacing the original director, I kind of inherited the entire creative team, the only one of whom I’ve worked with is Kay. I do know the musical director – we haven’t worked together, but he knows who I am and I know who he is, so hopefully that will be a happy collaboration. I got the casting dates, the show dates, and all that stuff. For lunch, I had two no-cal hot dogs on low-cal buns, and one tiny tortilla with some cheese – oh, and a few pieces of See’s candy, but I can’t imagine all of that came to 1000 calories. I did a lot of work on the computer, had several long telephonic conversations, and then finally sat on my couch like so much fish, just to relax.

Last night, I watched a very brief and not very interesting puff-documentary on a very interesting subject – the Ashley Madison website and its hacking. I’m sure there’s a good movie or documentary to be done, but this wasn’t it. But it was only forty-six minutes long, so that was nice.

I went out very briefly to pick something up, and came right back home – not even a ten-minute outing. Then I just did more work on the computer, took a hot shower, some Ny-Quil and that was that. I’m in my preventative mode right now – everyone in LA is sick, so I’m taking my Sambucol, my Cold-eez, my Airborne, and I thought the Ny-Quil would be better than taking a Claritin D.

Today, I’ll be up by nine-thirty or ten and I’ll go to my ENT appointment at eleven. Hopefully it will be nothing horrible and he’ll be able to either do what need be done himself and quickly or prescribe whatever medication will take care of it. Do send your most excellent vibes and xylophones for a simple fix and cure. After that, I’ll hopefully pick up some packages, I’ll come home and eat (I made a batch of tuna pasta salad for today and tomorrow’s meals), then at four the piano tuna is coming to tuna the piano, which is in desperate need of tunaing. After that, I’ll read through my commentary to make sure I like it, and then I can relax.

Tomorrow will be more of the same. Friday I have a work session for the Kritzerland show, and then I’m seeing Sandy Bainum’s show with Doug and Adryan. Hoping the weekend remains fairly free so I can relax, and them Monday we begin the Kritzerland rehearsals and a very busy week. I do not ever enjoy February being such a damn short month.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, see an ENT, hopefully pick up packages, eat, have my piano tuned, and then relax. Today’s topic of discussion: It’s Ask BK Day, the day in which you get to ask me or any dear reader any old question you like and we get to give any old answer we like. So, let’s have loads of lovely questions and loads of lovely answers and loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, happy to have been hired to direct a new musical.

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