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December 18, 2014:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, it is late because I have lost track of time.  Time eluded me and so did the track.  And now I have no time to think of time and how I have lost track of it.  I must emit no further meanderings about time because after all emit is time spelled backwards and, conversely, time is emit spelled forwards.  Time – the bitch goddess.  That was rude, but I heard it somewhere.  Where?  That is the question and yet I have no time to emit an answer.

Well, that was a waste of a perfectly good paragraph.  And now I suppose I should write some notes even though I don’t feel like it.  I mean, I don’t even remember yesterday.  Well, let me try.  I got nine hours of sleep – that was good.  I remember that.  Then I had a telephonic conversation.  I remember that.  Then I did some work on the computer and then I went and had a patty melt and no fries or onion rings.  Then I picked up one teeny-tiny package.  Then I came home.  Isn’t this fascinating.  Doesn’t this just have you on the edge of your seat?  I do believe that exciting entries such as these will soon make us the most popular site on all the Internet.

Once home, I decided to buckle down, Winsocki and re-type the original liner notes for a CD I produced way back in 1992, just prior to my becoming a real record producer.  I was originally going to have someone else to the typing of them, but as I read them I saw typos and also realized I wanted to edit them down a bit.  So, I spent two count them two hours re-typing those liner notes.  Then I wrote a preamble about the CD, from today’s perspective.  I uploaded the tracks to Dropbox because we’re giving it a whole new and fresh mastering, as I found the recording itself to be very clean sounding, but the original mastering not much to my liking.  Then I typed up the track list and the credits and we should have that package all done by today.  The helper came by at some point, and then I sat on my couch like so much fish.

Yesterday, I finished watching the new German Blu and Ray of Adrian Lyne’s film of Lolita, starring Mr. Jeremy Irons.  Since I watched the DVD not that long ago and wrote about it, I won’t rehash all that nor will I even hash all that.  Suffice it to say, this version of the film is much more frank than the Kubrick version, but has none of the sly wit of the Kubrick version.  Still, there are things I like in this version.  I will say that the transfer is spectacular and it is also a tiny bit longer than the US version, with several short missing seconds from several scenes, all involving a body double for its young star, Dominique Swain, who is very good as the titular Lolita.  She was only fifteen at the time of filming.

After that, I listened again to the new sequence of our next soundtrack release and it works very well.  I then got the track listing for it done and all that’s left is the credits page and my portion of the liner notes about the music itself.  I’ll do all that today and be done with it.  After that, I relaxed and listened to some music, most notably the soundtrack for The Imitation Game.

Today, I shall have a spot of lunch to tide me over to dinner – just a cup or bowl of my beloved creamy tomato soup over at Jerry’s Deli.  Weather permitting, I may try a short jog.  Then I’ll hopefully pick up some packages and I’ll write my portion of some liner notes and do the credits page.  After that, I’m supping with a friend at The Smoke House.  I will be very good and do my usual thing of either shrimp cocktail, artichoke and lettuce wedge, or just an artichoke and lettuce wedge, or just a shrimp Louis and an artichoke, all diet friendly combo platters.

Tomorrow I have no real plans until I go to the home of Barry Pearl.  Once there, he, his ever-lovin’ Cindy, Kay Cole and I will all go out, first to dine and then to see the show Barry directed, a musical of The Gift of the Magi.  Saturday I relax, and then Doug Haverty, Adryan Russ and I are all going to see a small theater production of Putting It Together.  I really don’t care for the show, which I first saw with Julie Andrews and then with Carol Burnett, but see it I must.  We’ll dine prior to seeing the show.  Sunday I’m relaxing and then supping with a friend I haven’t seen in over a decade.  And that is the last of the supping with people until the Christmas Eve Do.  After Sunday, I am through with work until the first of the New Year.  The ONLY thing I’ll be doing is making notes on the new novel.  That is IT.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, perhaps have a cup or bowl of soup, perhaps jog, hopefully pick up packages, write, and then sup.  Today’s topic of discussion: It’s Thursday not Friday.  How many here get confused when overtired and say it’s the wrong day of the week, and what comical results happen when you do?   Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland in just no time at all.

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