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September 3, 2014:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, we finished the first of Sandy’s two final vocal sessions and it went very smoothly and effortlessly.  In fact, in terms of ease it was one of the best final vocal sessions I’ve had and I’ve had a lot of them.  She was in great voice, and I had to do not nearly the kind of work that we did on her first two albums – this time she was very studio oriented and we’re also very much in shorthand mode at this point in our artistic relationship.  I had to only give tiny little notes here and there.  We did two or three takes of each song and that was that.  We had a few visitors with us and I think they were really enjoying what they heard.  And the tracks sound absolutely amazing and we’re not even mixing them – the Capitol Records Studio A sound right off the mixing console is just fantastic.  We got eight songs done and the evening flew by, like a gazelle eating a wisteria bush.  I personally have never eaten a wisteria bush and I’ll just leave it at that.  In any case, we all had a great time.

Prior to that I’d gotten a good nine hours of blessed sleep, did some work on the computer, then went to my noon lunch meeting at The Smoke House.  It was fun and I had two count them two pieces of garlic cheese bread, one tiny cup of clam chowder, and their yummilicious cheeseburger with no fries.  After the meeting I picked up one package, then came home.

Then I buckled down, Winsocki and wrote my portion of the Sandy liner notes.  They’re long because they include a tiny bit about each song.  Our booklet designer, Doug Haverty, also would like to include the lyrics and feels he’ll be able to without making the booklet too unwieldy.  I’m not convinced but we’ll see what it looks like.  So, that’s done and now I have to write two sets of other liner notes.  I didn’t really have time for a jog, and then I moseyed on over to the studio.

After I came home, I did some more work on the computer and that was my day and that was my night. Oh, and after seeing the initials NSFW about ten thousand times on Facebook, I finally learned what it meant: Not Safe for Work.  Yet another form of Internet shorthand for me to loathe.  But I have my own meaning for NSFW – Nine Serious Facebook Wankers.  And if they continue to bug me, I’ll just post their names right here in these here notes and don’t think I won’t because I will.  And I may also eat a wisteria bush and I’ll just leave it at that.

Today, I shall do things.  I have to do some banking, I have to jog, I will hopefully pick up some packages, I have an appointment to look at a theater for a potential project and then we have Sandy’s second final vocal session – and we WILL have Astroburger, so I won’t be eating during the day.

Tomorrow is our second Kritzerland rehearsal, another long one.  Then I’ll relax in the evening.  Friday I’m hoping I can just stay in and relax and write.  Saturday is our stumble-through, and then it’s sound check and our matinee and evening performances.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, do banking, jog, hopefully pick up some packages, see a theater, and do our second vocal session with Sandy.  Today’s topic of discussion: It’s Ask BK Day, the day in which you get to ask me or any dear reader any old question you like and we get to give any old answer we like.  So, let’s have loads of lovely questions and loads of lovely answers and loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland where I shall ascribe other meanings to NSFW and ponder the wisteria bush and I’ll just leave it at that.

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