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August 9, 2014:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, I must write these here notes in a hurry for she of the Evil Eye will be here all too soon and not only that but I have to be at the recording studio at nine-thirty, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, not necessarily in that order.  Meanwhile, the sound of Brahms is wafting its way through the speakers, specifically Mr. Ormandy conducting Mr. Brahms’s first symphony.  Of this sort of music, I rather enjoy Mr. Brahms, who could certainly write a tune, and his writing for strings is rather exquisitely exquisite.

Yesterday was another day.  I did finally get a great night’s beauty sleep of ten full hours.  I did my usual morning routine and then I had lunch with the Staitmans, specifically Sami and her mom.  It was quite a fun lunch – I’ve been slowly and methodically thinking about a project for Sami – I had the idea two years ago and she’s now the right age for it, so we’re trying to meet once a week so we can just all converse – I take mental notes at these sessions.  Today’s mental notes, for example, were Ab Eb G and A.  Those were quite good notes, I thought, and actually I think these here notes are quite good, too, although frankly they are boring me to tears.  We ate at one of their favorite jernts, Gyu-Kaku.  After that, I picked up a few packages, one of which contained our very own John G’s new barbecue book.  I then had several telephonic conversations, then sat on my couch like so much fish.

Last night, I watched two documentaries – well, one and a half documentaries.  The half documentary was about the cult phenomenon of a terrible film called Troll 2.  Well, what people take to their hearts is something others occasionally cannot fathom, and when there’s a wretched film like Troll 2 one just scratches one’s head in bafflement.  Perhaps people love it in the same way they love the films of Ed Wood.  I enjoy Plan Nine, but Troll 2?  I don’t think so, and frankly I don’t even enjoy it on a camp level.  It’s completely odd to me, and I finally just shot off the documentary.  Then I watched a wonderful documentary about Ricky Jay, the musician and occasional actor.  I love magic, so this was very interesting and very entertaining.  I would highly recommend it to those who are fascinated by magic and magicians.  I also watched a documentary from a bunch of years ago about Bruce Vilanch – that was fun, too, with many hilarious moments.

Then I had to have yet more telephonic conversations that I really didn’t want to have and we’ll see how I want to deal with things after tomorrow’s session and yes it involves our recording.  I had a few snacks during the evening and really wanted to relax more than I was actually able to.

Today, I shall be up early, and then be on my way to the studio.  We will do our two hours of recording and hopefully wrap right at noon or before.  Luckily, it’s the same three players we had on the previous pick-up date, and they’re the best in town, so hopefully it will all go as smoothly as the last session.  Then I’ll hopefully pick up some packages, then at five I’ll be on my way to Redondo Beach, where I shall sup and then see Damn Yankees.

Tomorrow, I think the plan is to finish inserting fixes into mixes, but if the engineer is too tired, then that could happen on Monday night.  Next week is very busy with meetings and meals the entire week.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, have a recording session, hopefully pick up some packages, relax, eat and see a show.  Today’s topic of discussion: Why do you think certain terrible films become cult phenomenons against all logic?  Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, after which I shall have a second pick-up session.

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