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June 19, 2014:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, I have heard the words sippy cup one too many times.  Hearing the words sippy cup one too many times is potentially harmful to one’s sanity and could turn anyone at a moment’s notice into a serial killer or, at the very least, a cereal killer.  I mean, I understand the damn thing was invented for toddlers and that the inventor made a boatload of money.  But it’s way beyond the toddler thing now and I regularly hear adults say, “I need my sippy cup.”  When I hear this I just want to do something vicious, like perhaps splash the person with pickle juice or the living head of a fish.  I mean, are we all toddlers now?  I would not even have a thing called a sippy cup within ten miles of my person.  It’s like these things are designed for people with oral fixations or kids who would still like to nursed.  I’m sure some of our dear readers don’t mind sippy cups and will think I’m a mean old curmudgeon, and I’m sure the actual THING, the actual cup is okay – it’s the damn name.  That would be like calling a new-fangled diaper a peepee rag or a pooper pad.  I say down with the name sippy cup. The name sippy cup makes me want to vomit on the ground.  There, I’ve said it and I’m glad.

Well, then – that was a paragraph about the words sippy cup.  I thought it was a rather zippy sippy cup paragraph, though.  Yesterday was a day of things.  I had eight hours of sleep, answered e-mails, finished making the show order, and then I had a cup of soup and a sandwich, did some banking, and then came back home.  I wrote the first third of the Kritzerland commentary, did some other work and then Sandy and Lanny arrived.

We did a full run-through of the Ira Gershwin show.  We stopped a few times so I could give some little staging stuff or cut down some patter by a few words.  It’s a really fun show and we’re just polishing it constantly and getting it to performance level.  Then they left, and I sat on my couch like so much fish.

Last night I finished watching a motion picture on Blu and Ray entitled Judex, a film of Georges Franju.  It’s an homage to the silent film serials directed by Louis Feuillade, who made Fantomas and Judex.  I love the film and have since the day I saw it when it first came out.  Like Franju’s Eyes Without a Face, the visuals are just beautiful and poetic.  After all those nauseating thrillers I’ve been watching, it’s so nice to see a movie that takes its time, achieves what it wants to achieve and doesn’t beat you over the head doing it.  I also love the score by Maurice Jarre.  The performances are wonderful, especially the stunning Edith Scob, who is so hauntingly beautiful it makes my teeth hurt.  I’m not sure the film is for everyone, but it is extremely highly recommended by the likes of me.  And the transfer is heavenly.

After that, I finished writing the commentary, with only the final few lines about the August show left to write.  So, that’s out of the way now.

Today, I shall write some liner notes, then Sandy and Lanny will be here at twelve-thirty and we’ll go out for our first meal on this trip.  Not sure where we’ll go, but probably Jerry’s Deli, unless I get inspired.  I’m having an attorney conversation, too, as we did not have a response to our two e-mailed letters and, as I warned them, the next letter comes from the attorney.  We gave them such an easy way out of their problems and the fact that they haven’t taken it just shows how wrong this whole thing has been.  So, they can now deal with the attorney and if he doesn’t get a response, then we have to decide if we’ll go ahead and actually file a lawsuit – my instinct is to do exactly that, but it’s not completely up to me.  Then we’ll rehearse, after which I’ll relax.

Tomorrow is another rehearsal, and then later in the evening, Sandy is going to see Doug Haverty’s play and then we’re all going to have a bite after the show.  Saturday is a relaxing day for me, then Sunday is sound check and show.  We should have a nice crowd.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, write, eat, rehearse, hopefully pick up some packages, and relax.  Today’s topic of discussion: What are your least favorite names of items?  I’ll start – Sippy Cup.  Your turn.  Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland after which I hope I don’t hear anyone using the words sippy cup anywhere near my person.

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