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February 22, 2014:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, I must write these here notes in a hurry for she of the Evil Eye will be here all too soon and I must get a good night’s beauty sleep.  So, let me just tell you that I was up at six-thirty, seven-thirty, and eight-thirty then finally again at eleven.  The first two times I woke up I must have dreamt the doorbell was ringing – of course it wasn’t, it was just a phantom doorbell. Wacky.  Once I was up, I had a long telephonic call with Muse Margaret, who was, as always, her positive and supportive self.  I discussed what I had to discuss and she simply reiterated to me that this book is very special to her and that she feels it’s my best.  And let me tell you, if she didn’t feel that she would not say it.  It was a fun and good conversation.  As soon as it was done, I went and had a ham and Swiss on rye and nothing else.  Jerry’s was surprisingly crowded for reasons no one seemed to understand.  Wacky.  Then I came home, did some work on the computer and then got ready to go to LACC.

Once there, I had our wonderful stage manager bring everyone in the theater.  It was almost all of the people who’d done the workshop, but not more than one or two of the folks who hadn’t been there.  I told them what was what and then we began our auditions.  This group has such a good and fun energy and at the end of it all I was confident I could fill all the roles just fine, save for the handful of people I’m bringing in.  Then the stage manager and I came up with a tentative rehearsal schedule.

Then I decided to brave the freeway – I got on it about 5:50 and was at my off-ramp thirty minutes later, which is not bad at all for Friday rush hour traffic.  I was able to get to the mail place before they closed and picked up two count them two packages.  Then I came home.  I answered e-mails, caught up with things, and ate some of my glazed nuts for my snack.  Then I sat on my couch like so much fish.

Last night, I watched no motion pictures, just a little sort of documentary about the Golden Age of Adult Films – the early 1970s.  It was such a fascinating time and I found it all very interesting.  Obviously I was never in that world but we did spoof that world in The First Nudie Musical, so I have an affinity for that period.  This thing was about one specific filmmaker and so it was not a negative or dark thing.

Then I did more work on the computer, then had two extremely long telephonic conversations, conversations I really shouldn’t be needing to have, but have them I did.  It all has to do with the our show and its final performance – it’s gotten to the surreal point and tomorrow Lloyd Cooper and I will both do what we need to do to make everyone understand how we feel.  More I cannot say at this time.

Today, I shall be up early and maybe try to do a jog (I am so not in that place right now, but to get there I’m just going to have to start whether I like it or not), then I’ll have something very light to tide me over till the big Ruth’s Chris meal after our show.  I’ll do some errands and whatnot, hopefully pick up some packages, and then I’ll mosey on down to the theater.  After the show, Sami and her mom, Barry Pearl and his ever-lovin’ Cindy, and I will go to Ruth’s Chris.  Sami’s sister had a bad cold a week ago, and poor Sami has been fighting it and is winning, but doesn’t feel quite to rights, so if she’s not up to going then we’ll cancel and I’ll just go somewhere with Barry and Cindy.  I do hope we can do the Ruth’s Chris, though.

Tomorrow, I’m hoping to relax most of the day – I do have to finish liner notes, and I’ll finesse my Kritzerland commentary and we do have to get our new release prepped and ready to announce.  Monday we announce our new release, then we have our first Kritzerland rehearsal.  Tuesday, an out-of-town book dealer is coming by to look at my duplicates and stuff I don’t care about anymore and I’ll probably end up with some decent credit.  Then the rest of the week is meetings and meals, I have to get a haircut for sure, then we have our second Kritzerland rehearsal, then I’ll see our show on Saturday, then Sunday is our stumble-through and then our Annual Oscar Bash, and let me tell you this is the only place you’ll want to be during the Oscars.  Then Monday is sound check and show.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, do a jog, eat something very light to tide me over, hopefully pick up some packages, write, see our show, then hopefully go to Ruth’s Chris.  Today’s topic of discussion: What is the wackiest thing you’ve ever done – something that was totally unpredictable and out of the blue?  Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland where I shall hopefully not dream of doorbells ringing.

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