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January 22, 2014:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, we had our first day of the little musical theatre workshop at LACC.  We had about twenty-five of the kids there – the rest didn’t get the e-mail at all or until it was too late – school doesn’t actually even go back into session until February 10, so I may have to do one additional day at that time just to see the folks I missed.  We should have a few more people over the next couple of days.  Yesterday was a kind of meet and greet – I asked everyone what musicals they’d done and only three hadn’t done any.  They seem like a great group to me, with good attitudes and energy.  We discussed musicals then and now, songs, singers, the differences between acting a straight play and a musical, the audition process, rejection and lots more – all very positive, which is always my thrust when I work with folks who are just starting on their path.  Unlike some of the students in the past, these kids were all ears, no one was texting or talking and I’m thinking most of them will be in our production of Li’l Abner.  There was one six-foot-five fellow who, if he can sing it, I would be happy to use in the title role.  But out of even just this group I saw that most of the major roles could be cast and that I might get away with only bringing in the Daisy Mae (who I’ve already cast) and Barry Pearl, who’ll either play Marryin’ Sam or General Bullmoose.  The three hours flew by, really.  Now I’m really looking forward to the next three sessions, especially Thursday and Friday, when the kids get up and sing.

Prior to that, I was up at nine and out of bed at ten and futzing and finessing at ten-fifteen.  That took a little while, then I wrote about a page-and-a-half, after which I went and had my new favorite lunch – meatless Cobb Salad, which I’m just loving every time I have it.  I had a bagel with it.  After that, I came back home and wrote another two pages, then it was time to mosey on over to LACC.

After the workshop, I hurried back to the Valley and got to the mail place and picked up two packages just before they closed.  I also got a Subway Club for the evening repast.  I came home, ate the sandwich, and wrote another page, then wrote the first half of the commentary for the February Kritzerland show.  Then I took a hot shower, then wrote three more pages, for a total of over seven pages.  I’m having fun in this chapter and just trying to keep everything moving along handily.

Today, I shall be up by nine, I’ll futz and finesse then print out the latest batch of pages, somewhere between forty-eight and fifty depending on if I finish two pages before printing, which I may try to do.  Then I’ll get them Xeroxed and over to Muse Margaret, then I’ll have some lunch.  Then it’s the second day of the workshop, then I’ll hopefully pick up some packages, hopefully have a nice conversation with Muse Margaret, and then write at least four or five pages in the evening, as well as finish the commentary.

Tomorrow is writing, day three of the workshop, and then a short rehearsal in the evening.  Friday is the final day of the workshop and more writing, and I’m hoping the weekend will be strictly writing.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, write, deliver pages, eat, have a workshop, hopefully pick up packages and write.  Today’s topic of discussion: It’s Ask BK Day, the day in which you get to ask me or any dear reader any old question you like and we get to give any old answer we like.  So, let’s have loads of lovely questions and loads of lovely answers and loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst I hit the road to dreamland, after which I shall get up and greet the new writing day and the new workshop day.

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