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November 21, 2007:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, here I sit with nary a thing on my mind. Yes, you heard it here, dear readers, here I sit with nary a thing on my mind other than that there’s nary a thing on my mind. I’m listening to a wonderful orchestral jazz CD I took a chance on with some Amoeba credit. I liked the cover, and since it was orchestral I took a flyer and after taking the flyer I got the CD. Have you ever taken a flyer? Did you take the last one or did you leave some for other people? Just asking. In any case, here I sit with nary a thing on my mind – just prettily pretty music wafting its way to my eardrums from the other room. I’m actually quite mellow (wollem, spelled backwards) right now. Yes, Virginia, I, BK, am quite mellow right now. If I were in a marsh, I’d be marsh mellow. We don’t allow groaning here at haineshisway.com. This beautiful orchestral jazz CD sounds like a soundtrack, although most soundtracks these days should only be this good. Am I vamping? I do believe I’m vamping. Speaking of vamping, yesterday was a fine day. For example, I got up. That was fine. I then got the good news that the final funding check was ready, so I got in my motor car and motored down to LACC and picked up said check. I then drove directly to my bank and deposited said check. As you can imagine, that was a big load off my mind. I then did some errands and made some telephonic calls, then ate some lunch (I was a very good boy, food-wise). I did some work at the piano, wrote a little, and then toddled off to Amoeba to do a little trading so I could have some new DVDs and CDs to play during the long holiday weekend. I was there for two hours looking at this and that and also that and this. I then came home and sat on my couch like so much fish.

Last night, I watched a motion picture on DVD entitled The Valet, un film de Francis Veber, starring Daniel Autuiel, Kristin Scott Thomas and a bunch of other wonderful French actors. It’s a slight film, but it’s also extremely funny (many times laugh-out-loud funny) and the players do a great job. Mr. Veber has been likened to being a French Billy Wilder, but I’d say it’s more of a French Blake Edwards. He is an expert in this sort of film, and the film runs exactly what it should, about eighty-five minutes. It has a lovely score by Alexandre Desplat, who is a gifted composer when not being asked to ape temp tracks here in America. The transfer, while not exceptional, is fine. And, naturally an American version of the film is in pre-production. Be afraid – be very afraid. Of course, if we were talking about A Little Night Music, the line would be, be a Frid, be very a Frid.

Well, why don’t we all click on the Unseemly Button below because here I sit with nary a thing on my mind.

Today I must write some checks, and do some errands, and try to get everything else that needs doing done so that I will have four gloriously glorious days to myself in which to do whatever I wish. The big Thanksgiving meal is actually taking place at the Wechter residence on Friday, but I’ll probably have a Thanksgiving dinner on Thanksgiving, too.

The composer and pianist on this pretty orchestral jazz CD is Jean-Pierre Como. I shall have to look him up and see if he has any other albums. I do love looking through each and every section at Amoeba, and you do occasionally find some pretty interesting things there, and some of them at fairly decent prices. This particular CD reminds me a little of the Stan Getz/Eddie Sauter CD entitled Focus, one of my favorites.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, write checks, do errands, and finish what needs finishing so that I can have a completely stress-free four days. I shall like that very much indeed. Today’s topic of discussion: It’s Ask BK Day, the day in which you get to ask me or any dear reader any old question you like and we get to give any old answer we like. So, let’s have loads of lovely questions and loads of lovely answers and loads of lovely postings, whilst I continue to sit here with nary a thing on my mind.

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