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August 9, 2007:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, shortly I will be on my way to Newark and shouting, “Hey, LA, I’m comin’ your way!” I must say I will be very glad to get away from this heat and humidity for two weeks, before returning to it for a little over five weeks. I did have a marvelously marvelous time here in New York, New York, and always enjoy seeing all my NY pals. I must write these here notes in a hurry so I can try to at least get four hours of sleep, before my wakeup call at three-forty-five in the morning. My car should be here at four-fifteen sharp (I was very strong about the sharp part), and I’m hoping it will be smooth sailing to the airport. I should be able to post from there prior to the flight. Speaking of the flight, yesterday was a busier than busy day. I got up early, got ready, and then toddled off to the Acorn Theater to see our space. The theater itself is lovely. The stage will be a challenge – not necessarily staging-wise (the stage is much wider than deep) because I basically staged the LA production in Cinemascope and didn’t use a lot of the depth of the LACC stage. The challenge is, no wings at all. We saw the backstage area, the dressing rooms, and then I had to run to the dance callbacks. Adam, our choreographer, taught The Brain Tap routine, and it was just terrific to watch these amazing dancers learn it and then do it. We had about twenty-five people there, so the noise of the taps was ear shattering. We narrowed things down, danced some more, and then we had to go to the next rehearsal studio to read and sing more actors. The first actor who came in to read Rod was excellent, so I knew we were safe. We ultimately offered him the role, and I’m quite certain he’ll take it. We had a couple of other Rods who were good, but none who had the physicality of our choice. We read two Freds, who were not right for the part, and one other General Mills, who was fine, but not as good as the fellow we’d offered it to. At that point, the actress situation was still in limbo – they were supposed to let us know by noon, then asked if we could wait until five, and then five turned into the evening, so I have no idea how the conversation she had to have with her husband went, although we were told she wanted to do the show, which is why we agreed to wait a little longer. But, I’ve told the casting guy that if we don’t have an answer first thing in the morning, the offer goes out to the next actress immediately, no more waiting. We also have another offer out to a potential Fred, and I’m really, really hoping he’ll take it. Meanwhile, we got the news that our General Mills had accepted our offer, so if Rod accepts, it’s only Fred and Joyce left, presuming all of our ensemble accepts. I will say, the boys and girls of the ensemble are VERY pleasing to the eye.

After all that, I had a production meeting with my design team. We just talked in generalities, and then the set designer dropped her idea on me – it was very radical, I must say, and I had to bite my tongue to not just say no, but as the meeting went along and I listened to the reasons and the way things would be done, I began to like it and I think if it’s done well it could be a lot of fun. We discussed costumes, lights, then they left, and my general manager and I discussed our budget and cash flow. After that, I had to hie myself to Joe Allen for dinner with dear readers, FJL, elmore, Jose, Julie, and Noel. We had a lovelier than lovely time, talking of many things, and we laughed and laughed and just when we thought we could laugh no more, we laughed again. After that, I came home and peeled off my sweat-drenched clothing and got ready for bed.

My goodness, these notes are factual and dry and boring, aren’t they? Well, tomorrow – tomorrow I’ll write scintillating and amusing notes, but for now why don’t we all click on the Unseemly Button below and all sing like Momma Rose – Hey, LA, I’m comin’ your way!”

Today, I shall be flying back to Los Angeles, California, USA. Once there, I have so many things to do and to catch up on, including all these downloads I haven’t been able to do, plus a bunch of telephonic calls, and obviously a lot of errands. Friday will be equally busy but I hope to get at least a couple of good nights of sleep. Friday will hopefully be the day that the funding of the fundraiser gets worked out, so lots of excellent vibes and xylophones, and for one of the two actresses accepting the role (and the actor, too).

Saturday, I’ve been invited to see some cabaret singer, so I may go or, if I’m too tired, I may not go. She of the Evil Eye comes on Saturday, so there’ll be no sleeping in that day, but Sunday is mine all mine and I will do nothing whatsoever, because starting Monday I have long, long days and evenings ahead – I have to book all the talent for the fundraiser, set keys and any arrangements, get music choices final, cast our ensemble and have everything ready to go so that when I return on October 1st I can go right into rehearsals. I also have to work with the author of the show I’m mentoring. It’s going to be crazy, but you know me, the crazier the better or, at the very least, the better the crazier.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, fly home to LA, LA, I must do errands, I must send e-mails, I must find out about actresses and actors, and I must also find time to rest these weary bones and appendages. Today’s topic of discussion: Yesterday, I had the best mac and cheese ever – what is your favorite mac and cheese and where did you have it. Also, do you make mac and cheese at home, homemade, and if so, share your recipe. Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, whilst we all sing, Hey, LA, I’m comin’ your way!”

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