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May 1, 2007:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, just when you thought it was April, it’s May. April is a thing of the past and May is here to stay, at least for the next four weeks. I ask you, where else on all the Internet can you get such information? Nowhere, that’s where. Let us all put excellent vibes and xylophones into the ether for a happy, healthy, prosperous, and all around exciting and fun May. May we? We May. And let us all eat a yam in honor of May because yam is May spelled backwards. As George Hearn sang in La Cage Aux Folles, I Yam What I Yam, and I May What I May. Speaking of May, yesterday it was April. For example, I got up. And it was April. I went to an early breakfast meeting. It was still April. I went to a work session with Miss Joan Ryan, Mr. John Boswell, and Mr. Kirby Tepper. Yes, you guessed it – it was still April. I then came home, did some errands and finally toddled off to a dinner meeting. Still April. By that point I was saying, April come what May. I ate a lot of excellent food, and we had a very productive and fun meeting. We’re in the throes of planning a big benefit for our alumni association, which will occur on the final Monday in October at the Alex Theatre in Glendale, if all goes according to Hoyle. I have decided on what the show will be (a tribute to two composers I’m very fond of, and who I think will sell tickets), and I’ve already booked our first performer, Miss Susan Egan. I’ll be hiring a musical director within the next week, and starting to figure out the initial long list of songs, which will then get cut down to a manageable evening’s worth (I will not allow the show to run longer than two hours). I will also start gathering some fun and interesting items for a big silent auction. I’ll be directing the evening, which I’m very much looking forward to. The president of the college will be helping us find the money to produce the benefit, and that will happen in the next couple of weeks. It’s all tax-deductible and he feels confident we’ll find it quickly and easily from a variety of sources. I’ll keep you posted on the progress, but I think a major hainsies/kimlets pilgrimage may be in order come end of October. I then came home and sat on my couch like so much fish.

Last night, I finished watching a motion picture on DVDR entitled The Pumpkin Eater, a film of Jack Clayton, written by Harold Pinter from the novel by Penelope Mortimer. I’d never seen the film before, and I must say I found it quite excellent in every department. It took a little while to get used to the flashback structure (something Mr. Pinter likes), but once you’re with the film, the film is compelling and dramatic throughout. The film is loaded with excellent performances, led by the Oscar-nominated turn of Anne Bancroft, who is wonderful. Peter Finch is fine, and James Mason does so much with his three brief scenes that it’s like watching a master class in great screen acting. Maggie Smith is terrific in a small role. It’s beautifully shot in black-and-white, and the score by Georges Delerue is one of his best. The transfer on the DVDR is exquisitely exquisite.

Well, why don’t we all click on the Unseemly Button below because it’s May and I must dance the Hula and prance about like a gazelle with a hernia.

Today, I must catch up on many things. Just what up is doing on many things is anyone’s guess. In any case, I must catch up on many things. I must ship several packages, I must pick up a package, I must print out a copy of the book for the proofer, and I must write a letter of welcome to all the members of the alumni association. I also intend to have a little ME time, since the rest of the week is crazy busy.

After a busy day tomorrow, tomorrow evening I get to go see the marvelously marvelous Jacques Tati film, Playtime, at the Aero Theater – they’re screening it in 70mm. Then on Thursday evening, I’ll be dining with Mr. Cason Murphy and his ever-lovin’ Heather. I feel like May is already speeding by, like a gazelle on a boogie board.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, jog, ship, pick up a package or three, write a letter, relax and also have something fun and low calorie to eat. Today’s topic of discussion: What’s the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to you in the lusty month of May? I’ll start – on May 5th of 1975, I began shooting my first motion picture, The First Nudie Musical. I cannot tell you the feeling of walking on that set and acting and directing that first day. It was really exciting. And six years later, to the day, I began shooting The Creature Wasn’t Nice, which was one of the most fun experiences I’ve ever had. Your turn. Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we, as we welcome May with open arms, closed ankles, and a big kiss hello. In fact, let us all shout – HOO AND RAY, IT’S MAY!

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