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April 8, 2007:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, are you up early and looking for your gaily-colored Easter eggs? I know I will be. And why should we be looking for our gaily-colored Easter eggs? Because, quite simply, it is Easter, a time of yellow marshmallows in the shape of bunnies, a time of gaily-colored Easter eggs, and a time to make bunny faces at your loved ones. For a complete story of Easter, one need look nor further than the novel entitled Benjamin Kritzer. Speaking of a novel, yesterday was quite a novel day. For example, I got up. That was novel. I then had to leave the home environment, for she of the Evil Eye had arrived. I went to my storage facility and pulled forty-something new titles for our once in a lifetime CD sale here at haineshisway.com. I kept five copies of each title of our first batch, so if anyone missed ordering those, we still have those copies available, but when those are gone they’re gone. The new list went up in yesterday’s posts, but I’ll be posting it this morning, and then tomorrow morning, for those who enjoy being errant and truant on the weekend. There are many wonderful titles, so do check it out – several of the titles have extremely low quantities. After she of the Evil Eye had left, I did a bunch of small additions and fixes to the twenty or so pages I wrote in the last two days. Then I had to toddle off to a rehearsal with Miss Merissa Haddad. The rehearsal went very well, and we did a note session after and ran a couple of things, as well as smoothing out some patter. We resume rehearsals tomorrow. After that, I came home and finished the new novel. I sort of had an arbitrary number of manuscript pages that I thought it would be, and I actually came within five pages of that number. It still may end up a page or so longer, if I end up doing any more little additions today when I read through the last sixty-something pages I’ve written in the last nine days. And I’m still futzing with the last paragraph of the book, which isn’t quite right yet, although I rewrote it for the eighth time before bed last night, so we’ll see how I feel about that this morning when I look at it. After I’ve done my smoothing out (which I’ve actually been doing a lot as I’ve gone), then I’ll print out the final batch of pages, Xerox them, and deliver them to my muse Margaret. It’s always a mixture of elation and ruefulness when I finish a book, especially because it’s so intense doing the last twenty or thirty pages. Hopefully, Margaret will like this last batch of pages, and then I’ll begin the proofing process.

After finishing the novel, I toddled off to sup with our very own edisaurus, her ever-lovin’ Greg, and their friend Susan. I brought along our very own haineshisway.com dear reader Miss Adriana Patti. We went to our very own Genghis Cohen, and it was, as always, superb. We loaded the table with goodies such as Orange Chicken (the best anywhere), garlic chicken, cold sesame noodles, Schezuan green beans, fried rice, white rice, and filet of sole in soy and ginger. The company was sparkling, and we laughed and laughed and just when we thought we could laugh no more, we laughed again.

Well, why don’t we all click on the Unseemly Button below because I must find a fershluganah gaily-colored Easter egg.

Last night, I did manage to watch a motion picture on DVD entitled The Queen, which was not a story about musical theater fans. I liked the film very much – not much drama, but excellent performances all around, especially from Helen Mirren. It was directed by Mr. Stephen Frears without any of the usual tiresome “now” flourishes. The film has a very nice score by Mr. Alexandre Desplat, and it looks very good. I didn’t know all that much about Princess Diana or the whole dynamic with the royal family, so I found it very interesting. The transfer is excellent.

Today, I have the entire day and evening to myself. I shall use the day for smoothing out, fixing, and additions and deletions, then shall deliver pages. Other than that, I’m watching DVDs, eating lightly, and resting and relaxing, which I both need and deserve.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, smooth and fix, Xerox, deliver, eat, and watch DVDs. Today’s topic of discussion: It’s free-for-all day, the day in which you dear readers get to make with the topics and we all get to post about them. So, let’s have loads of lovely topics and loads of lovely postings, as we all go on the hunt for gaily-colored Easter eggs.

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