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March 13, 2007:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, I hate to beat a dead horse, but my internal clock hasn’t made the switch yet and I am still dazed and confused, and also confused and dazed. I assume it will all right itself at some point – perhaps sometime in April when this was supposed to happen. I find myself constantly singing I Didn’t Know What Time It Was. As if that wasn’t bad enough, two nights ago I ate some extra hot barbecue potato chips. I don’t know why they make such things (my store was out of regular barbecue potato chips), but hot, hot, hot (that is three hots) has become the thing. So, I ate these extra hot barbecue potato chips and I swear they burned off some of the skin on my lower lip. How creepy is that? I don’t know if it really did, I only know my lower lip is completely dry and I have to use twice as much Chapstick as I normally do. Damn them, damn them all to hell. I’m finding it hard to concentrate, because of being dazed and confused, so I have to try extra hard. Speaking of extra hard, yesterday was a dazed and confused day. For example, I woke up and was dazed and confused. I went jogging, then began writing, mostly smoothing out yesterday’s work. I did manage to write one new page. Then I did some errands and shopping. Then I addressed ninety percent of the packages for the Shire CD (I’ll finish the rest this morning), and then I wrote another page, then finally sat on my couch like so much fish.

Last night, because of being dazed and confused, I simply could not concentrate on a film. I did try to watch The Return Of Mr. Moto, a 1965 try to revive the popular detective. Mr. Henry Silva played Moto, and the thirty minutes I lasted through was so inept on every level that I finally just gave up the ghost. I did listen to a little of Mr. Silva’s commentary track – the first thing out of Mr. Silva’ mouth alerts you to what you’re in store for. He introduces himself – that’s fine. Then there’s a shot of a fire in an oil tank, and he says, “There’s a shot of a fire in an oil tank.” Then the credits begin and his name comes on screen. His comment? “There’s my name on the screen.” Then he makes his first entrance and he says, “There, I’m coming through a door.” That was it for me, baby. I also checked out the new transfer of Godzilla vs. Mothra. I had the import that came out a few months ago, but this is superior to that – it’s really quite nice, with excellent color – not totally sharp, but better than it’s ever looked on home video.

Well, why don’t we all click on the Unseemly Button below because this whole section is making me even more dazed and confused than I already am.

Have I mentioned that I’m dazed and confused? Have I mentioned that I’ve been beating a dead horse? Today, in addition to beating a dead horse and being dazed and confused, I must write, I must finish addressing packages, and I must attend to several important things that need attending to. I was going to have a rehearsal with Miss Merissa Haddad, but it’s been pushed, as has my work session with Miss Joan Ryan, who is very under the weather.

Tomorrow evening I’ll be attending an opening night at the Pasadena Playhouse. I have no clew as to what the play is about, but I shall, of course, have a full report for you afterwards. I’m still hoping the Shire discs will arrive, as scheduled, on Wednesday, although I have not had confirmation of that.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, jog, write, address, drive about in my motor car, sup, and maybe even watch a motion picture on DVD. Today’s topic of discussion: What was the first home video equipment you owned? VHS? Beta? When did you buy it, and what were the first movies or tapes you bought to own? Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we? And perhaps by the day’s end I shall no longer be dazed and confused.

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