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January 25, 2007:


Bruce Kimmel Photograph bk's notes

Well, dear readers, for some reason I am thinking of link sausages. I don’t know why, really, but just as I was typing “Well, dear readers,” I began to think of link sausages. Have you ever thought about link sausages, just like that, out of nowhere? Have link sausages ever just popped into your head for no reason whatsoever? I’ve now got link sausages on the brain and I see them dancing before me like Lili St. Cyr or Miss Beverly Hills. I do believe I have no clew as to what the HELL I’m going on about. Remember the good old days of Miss Beverly Hills? She was a stripper at the Sunset Strip club, The Body Shop. I wish I’d gone there before they closed. I also remember Peeler Lawford. Strippers and link sausages – is there something odd going on in my psyche? Speaking of my psyche, yesterday was one odd day. It began by my getting up in the morning. I then had to package up three heavy boxes of CDs in priority boxes and one heavy box of CDs in a box box. I then went to Fed Ex to ship one box, and then the postal office to ship all the others. I am once again caught up, order and shipping-wise. I had several terse conversations with the people at my mail place, and will be speaking to the manager tomorrow about the behavior of one employee in particular. I did get some DVDs, including the Robert Mitchum box set, and the rock-and-roll double bills from Columbia. I had to cut and paste and format all the Brain lyrics for the Kritzerland site – that took quite a while. And then I got the Brain mastered CD and I took it over to Vinnie’s and we were both fine with it. However, there were some track anomalies, so I called the mastering engineer and we fixed those. Plus, I realized I’d left one track of the track listing on the Brain inlay card – thank goodness I caught that and it is now fixed, as well. So, the website gal has everything she needs (mp3s coming later today) to get the Brain and Joan Ryan up for preorder on Friday. The Brain and Joan Ryan – that sounds like a 60s sitcom, doesn’t it? And the booklet and mastered CD will be going to the plant on Friday, so I’ll have CDs well in advance of the street date of 2/27.

Last night, I supped with the lovelier than lovely Miss Julieanne Pogue, the ever-lovin’ of dear reader Pogue. We had a marvelously marvelous time and we ate lots of good foodstuffs.

After I came home, I watched a motion picture on DVD entitled The Yakuza, which is part of the Robert Mitchum box set. I really like The Yakuza – it’s not quite a great movie, but it’s a very good one, with uniformly terrific performances by a great cast. Sidney Pollack really made some good movies back in the late 60s and throughout the early 80s. The film takes its sweet time telling its story – they would never make a film like this today – well, they tried years ago and it was everything you’d expect it to be – it was called Black Rain, and it was the polar opposite of The Yakuza in every way (Black Rain even starred the Japanese star of The Yakuza), and in every way it was inferior for all the reasons of modern filmmaking. The score by Dave Grusin is fantastic and happily available on CD. The transfer was pretty excellent – could have been a smidgeon sharper, but the color was perfect.

Well, why don’t we all click on the Unseemly Button below whilst we dream of link sausages and the gyrating machinations of Miss Beverly Hills and Miss Peeler Lawford.

Today, I shall be writing. If I have my druthers (and I do) I will be writing most of the day. I also have some errands to do, but most of all I will be writing. And that’s a good thing. I’ll also call our very own edisaurus to discuss the cutting of the Brain. I’m glad to hear the footage looks good – I haven’t seen any of it, not one frame.

I may have to have some link sausages today. Although now that I think about it, I do not like link sausages all that much. I do like them sometimes, but only if they are cooked to within an inch of their sordid lives. My goodness these here notes are going up late, aren’t they? That is because I was sitting on the couch like so much fish having a nice telephonic conversation, not about link sausages.

Well, dear readers, I must take the day, I must do the things I do, I must, for example, write, jog, write, drive about in my motor car, write, sup, and write, not necessarily in that order. Today’s topic of discussion: Breakfast, obviously. What are your favorite breakfast foods? And what are the most memorable breakfasts you’ve ever had. Spare us no details in describing the foodstuffs. I’ll start by saying I once had the most extraordinary biscuits and gravy along with eggs, and I cannot for the life of me remember where. If I could, I’d go back there this very minute to have them again. I love biscuits and gravy and eggs. I love Du-Par’s pancakes. I love good matzo brei. Your turn. Let’s have loads of lovely postings, shall we?

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